Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 162: The duel of the forgers


"The defect of the Xuanling Seven Changes is nothing more than the compact layout, which requires a special talisman to control the flow of coolant, and this special talisman requires a suitable algorithm to exert its maximum power."±"

"Really Chiyue gave up this delicate layout precisely because he didn't have a suitable algorithm."

"And I accidentally saw several ingenious algorithms in an ancient book, and combined them with the modern Mustard Algorithm, Corona Nine Algorithm and other four algorithms to form a calculation group consisting of seven algorithms, which barely solved this problem. A question."

"Look, Mr. Lei!"

With a hook of his finger, Li Yao pulled the structure diagram of No. 109 over, and kept clicking to enlarge it.

Immediately, a series of dense calculation formulas appeared in the void.

"A calculation group containing seven different algorithms?"

Every age spot on Lei Yongming's face was shining brightly, his eyes became clear all of a sudden, he looked ten years younger, he concentrated on watching for a minute, and waved to Li Yao, "Come on, young man, I'll come ask you-"

For all the top students in Tianji No. 1 Middle School, the next ten minutes may be the most memorable ten minutes of their entire senior year.

The old man Lei Yongming and Li Yao were fighting each other, talking faster and faster, and kept throwing out professional terms that they had never heard of. Quarreling in dialect and dialect.

Not only were they covered in clouds and mist, like falling into a dream, but even the most powerful craftsman in their hearts, Mr. Jin Quan, stood aside a little dullly, finally inserting a topic, and soon the two of them were spitting. It was solved casually, and a question or an algorithm that the two of them occasionally raised made Jinquan speechless, and he might not be able to answer it even after rolling his eyes for a long time.

"What's going on. I think this weirdo knows more than Teacher Jin?"

"Grandpa Lei is the oldest craftsman in our Tianji Sect. Even he chatted happily with this strange man. Could it be that this strange man's theoretical level is as good as Grandpa Lei's?"

"That's impossible. This weirdo will still be stopped by Grandpa Lei. You see, Grandpa Lei asked him about the slight changes in the seven-stage fire control. He couldn't answer it!"

"That's just a question that can't be answered. Teacher Jin can't even get into the topic!"

Although the teenagers kept their voices to a minimum, how could they escape Jin Quan's ears

Jin Quan was extremely ashamed, as if he had been slapped dozens of times in a row by a pair of invisible giant hands, his whole face was burning and painful.

If there was a crack in the ground, he would plunge in and never come out again!

"Yuan Manqiu must have taught it well in advance, and let him memorize it by rote, just to show in front of me, a graduate of the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University. To show the strength of their Artifact Refining Department in the Great Desolate War Academy!"

The more Jin Quan thought about it, the more reliable he felt, and he was so angry that his back molars were about to shatter.

Old man Lei Yongming was only interested in the Seven Changes of the Xuanling at first. He never thought that this ancient game that was abandoned more than a hundred years ago would be used in practice. He is still such a young college student, so he couldn't help but ask. Li Yao said a word.

Unexpectedly, it was out of control, and the two jumped from one problem to another, from one structural change to another structural adjustment.

The old man Lei Yongming has a deep affection for the Tai'a-type refining furnace. Otherwise, he wouldn't have come all the way to visit it. He never thought that the Tai'a-1 refining furnace could be modified so whimsically. I was fascinated for a while, but I forgot that I was still in the process of testing.

Ten minutes later, he woke up like a dream, stroked his silver hair, and said with some embarrassment:

"I'm sorry, Jin Quan. The old man hasn't seen the modification plan of the Tai'a-type for some years. He was happy to see Lie Xin for a while, and chatted with Li Yao for a few more words, interrupting your test. Come on. Go on, if there are any problems with these structural diagrams and psionic operation diagrams, just say it!"

Jin Quan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and said to himself, old man, you pointed out all the key points just now, this kid said so much, if I pick a bone in an egg, don't I bring shame on myself

Jin Quan became more and more convinced that the entire modification plan must have come from Yuan Manqiu.

Maybe Li Yao, a lunatic, has some theoretical talent, but that's not enough to complete such a complicated and delicate modification!

In front of so many students, Jin Quan couldn't get angry, so he reluctantly said:

"There is no big problem with the structure and spiritual energy operation. Let's actually operate it and see if the operation process is stable."

Li Yao nodded and walked to the console.

"Shua Shua Shua Shua", seven translucent light curtains suddenly flashed, completely surrounding him.

Thousands of control runes emerged from the light curtain, forming a super complicated circular refining interface.

Cultivators refining magic weapons are fundamentally different from ordinary people making steel and iron.

There are at most dozens of steps in steelmaking and iron making, and the temperature in the steelmaking furnace is usually kept constant.

However, to refine magic weapons, practitioners have to mix dozens or even hundreds of raw materials together, and the furnace temperature changes more than three to five times every second, and even drop the high temperature of thousands of degrees to below zero in an instant.

When to put in hundreds of raw materials, how to switch the furnace temperature every second, and the timing of quenching... Even the simplest flying sword has to go through hundreds of processes before it can be initially refined.

Therefore, the control interface of the refining furnace is comparable to the main control interface of the spar warship, which is extremely complicated.

For refiners, this is the stage for them to display their talents!

Li Yao unhurriedly shook his fingers.

The movement range is small, but there is a series of "cracking" sounds, as if firecrackers are exploding, and the momentum is quite frightening.

"Guess, what kind of magic weapon will he refine?"

"Flying sword? War knife?"

Several high school students couldn't help talking in low voices.

Li Yao's series of gorgeous performances just now made them a little shaken, and inexplicable expectations arose in their hearts.

"Don't be silly, the most common swords can be formed in one time in the refining furnace. I guess he will refine a very complicated magic weapon component, the kind with more than a dozen curved surfaces."

At this moment, Li Yao suddenly moved.

Like a poisonous snake dormant in the depths of the grass, it went from extremely quiet to extremely moving within 0.1 second, and its hands suddenly turned into two hurricanes, frantically tapping the control runes on the translucent light curtain!

"Crack clack clack clack!"

The high school students couldn't see Li Yao's hands at all, and could only hear the faint sound of the control rune being activated. In the end, the voices were connected into a line, and they could not be heard clearly.



Li Yao's operation style is just like his nickname "Vulture", extremely wild and tyrannical, one can't help but worry whether these translucent light curtains will be completely torn apart by his crazy hand speed!

With his super high hand speed, the entire steel forest was awakened.

The Tai'a-type refining furnace is like a hungry monster that has found its prey. Every joint and every bundle of flesh and blood in his body was put into the craziest operation.


In an instant, the ear-piercing sound from the steam was ten times sharper than before, and the large group of steam completely enveloped the steel forest. The high school students could only see countless spars flickering in the depths of the mist, like countless beasts blinking Close your eyes!

"Is this a weapon refining, or a murder?"

The high school students were all shocked.

They have also seen their parents forging weapons, they are all gentle and methodical, but they have never seen Li Yao's refining style, it is extremely cruel!

Surrounded by white mist. Li Yao's hands danced wildly for five minutes, and the roar of the giant steel beast finally became weaker.

Li Yao's figure disappeared into the depths of the white mist, and reappeared a moment later, holding something cautiously towards the crowd.

"It's only been refined in five minutes?"

"What could it be? Could it be a very small unique hidden weapon?"

The students were so curious that they scrambled to stick their heads out.

When they saw what Li Yao was holding in both hands, they all gave a "wow", each of them could fit seven or eight big duck eggs in their mouths.

Li Yao is so crazy, ferocious, brutal, terrifying... made by refining. It turned out to be a nail.

A finger is long and short, and the whole body is pitch black. Ordinary, nails without any change!

Although nails can barely be regarded as a kind of magic weapon component, but compared with his ostentatious refining style just now, it is too shabby!

Even among these high school students, there are quite a few who can manipulate the refining furnace to forge magic components that are more complicated than nails!

Only old man Lei Yongming's eyes flashed with brilliance. Grab the nail solemnly, hold it in the palm of your hand, throw it up, and weigh it.

There was a hint of surprise in the eyes of the old man, but he didn't speak. Silently handed the nail to Jin Quan.

Jin Quan twirled his two fingers, shook them casually, sneered in his heart, and strengthened his opinion even more.

This Li Yao is at most a nerd with a theoretical talent, maybe he will memorize some unorthodox theories by rote to bluff people, and when it comes to the actual operation, he will reveal his truth.

However, he didn't come here today to test Li Yao's refining skills.

No matter how bad his skills are, it has nothing to do with him to forge a square lump of steel.

"How do you make this kid ashamed?"

Jin Quan rolled his eyes, threw the iron nail to Li Yao, and said with a smirk: "Next, it's my turn, right?"

According to the inspection procedure, firstly, the refiner of the modifying party will operate it once, and then the refiner of Tianjimen will operate it again.

If no problems are found after the actual operation by both parties, the modification is basically successful.

Jin Quan appeared in front of the console with his toes high and high, surrounded by the refining interface.

His refining style is completely different from Li Yao's.

Although the hand speed is not so fast, it looks simple, elegant, and noble. It makes people think of mountains and rivers at a glance, and it is indescribably elegant.

Coupled with a rather handsome face, this looks like a cultivator refining magic weapons.

Five minutes later, he also finished refining, and came to the crowd with a workpiece in his hand.

Everyone craned their necks to see it, and they were all dumbfounded.

What Jinquan refined was actually a nail.

But if you look closely, it is different from the ordinary black nails refined by Li Yao, but Jin Quan's nails have a lot of meaning.


The third one is here!

Everyone is really awesome, as soon as you call for a monthly pass, the monthly pass will go up!

The old cow couldn't help but want to scream up to the sky, it's so interesting, brothers!

In the past two days, there has been a water leak in the house, and I have to go downstairs to look for it every day, and I have to solve it for others, so I have to pry off the floor tiles in the bathroom, do waterproofing again, and buy floor tiles. There are a lot of troubles.

But seeing everyone is so cute, no matter how bad the mood is, it suddenly cheers up!

I'm going to buy floor tiles tomorrow, the first update is probably a little late, but the update will definitely be updated, and it will explode if there is a chance.

Let's work together with Lao Niu! (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!