Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 167: Fierce battle against Qingze City


Three days before school starts. ↑

Under the setting sun, Li Yao stretched his muscles and bones, sat on the base of the black bone battle armor, let the bloody setting sun dye him and the crystal armor red, the shadows of the two merged into one, dragging long, like a black sword.

I don't know when, Li Yao developed a habit, no matter how busy he was every day, he would spend half an hour at dusk to sit under the mysterious bone battle armor for a while.

Because once he was too exhausted, he occasionally rested for a few minutes on the black bone battle armor, and suddenly felt that his mind was very open and his thinking was very clear. Many theories and structural diagrams that he could not understand at ordinary times were all suddenly clear.

This feeling is somewhat like entering a super-awake state, but without the side effects of a super-awake state, it can last for a long time.

It was as if someone in the dark was thinking with him and solving problems together.

Li Yao was puzzled. He thought about it for several days but couldn't come up with a reason. He could only think that the brothers and teachers of the Artifact Refining Department were blessing him in the dark, and hoped that he could score 40,000 points smoothly and pass the exam. Registered as a refiner, brought the Great Desolate War Academy's refinement system to glory.

From that day on, he has developed this habit.

The half hour spent with the black bone battle armor turned into a rare relaxing moment in his day.

It seems that the senior brothers and teachers of the entire Artifact Refining Department are dormant in the depths of the mysterious bone battle armor, cheering for him, so that he can always grit his teeth and persevere in the crazy cultivation beyond the limit!

With his current strength, if he wants to refine a magic weapon completely created by himself from scratch, he still has more than enough heart but not enough energy.

However, relying on solid basic skills, powerful forging techniques from 40,000 years ago, and unconstrained style of "Magic Reform", Li Yao has crazily strengthened dozens of classic magic weapons, many of which have greatly improved their performance. Beyond the prototype, it even became two completely different things.

until today. He has already completed 18 main battle magic weapons and dozens of auxiliary magic weapons, showing his skills to the fullest.

It's just, whether my idea of modification is feasible, and whether these magic weapons can show great power on the battlefield as I imagined. Will it be welcomed by the students, in exchange for a lot of credits...

All of this will have to wait for the start of the new semester to find the answer in actual combat!

"It's decided. When the new semester starts, I will take all the magic weapons and go to the depths of the wilderness to hunt monsters. On the one hand, I will use actual combat to test the magic weapons I have created from the 'magic reform', and further fine-tune the details; on the other hand, I can also Take a video of the actual combat. Put it on the Dahuang Zhanwang, and use it as a live advertisement!"

More importantly, Li Yao also really wanted to hone his fighting skills.

In Fuge City, Yaodao Peng Hai once told him that in order to become an excellent craftsman, it is best to become an excellent fighter first.

He didn't take this sentence to heart at the time.

But when he really opened the furnace to refine the weapon, even if it was only a small modification, Li Yao suddenly realized that there was a certain truth in this sentence.

If you don't know how to wield a knife and a gun. How would you know how to refine an excellent sword

Only in actual combat can one deeply understand the characteristics of each magic weapon. Only then can you comprehend the essence of the refining technique and become a superb refining master.

Thinking of this, Li Yao turned his head and stared deeply at the Xuangu Battle Armor, feeling inexplicably sad in his heart.

One day, he will successfully refine the mysterious bone battle armor. Let this majestic skeletal god of war go straight to the sky, roaring wind and thunder!

But I don't know that on that day, who will be wearing the mysterious bone battle armor and laughing proudly at the world

The corners of Li Yao's eyes twitched, and suddenly appeared in the depths of his pupils that he was wearing black bone battle armor. The all-powerful appearance.

As soon as this image appeared, it could never be erased. It pierced deeply into my heart, like a barb growing out, and I couldn't pull it out no matter how hard I tried.

"If one day, I can wear the mysterious bone battle armor, break through the nine layers of clouds, and ride the wind and waves in the sea of stars, that would be great!"

Li Yao was dreaming, "ha ha" smirked.

At this moment, loud and clear horns suddenly sounded from all directions in Raging Waves City.

It was as if countless giants stood up straight from every corner of the city, pounding their chests fiercely, and roaring that resounded throughout the world.




Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, he jumped up, and looked around in surprise.

Although not a single person could be seen, strange changes took place in the entire Raging Waves City as the horn sounded.

The air is full of strong blood and metal smell, as if the cold winter has not yet passed, but the hot summer is coming in an instant!


"Swoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh"

Dozens of colorful streamers rose slowly from all directions, intertwined together, and shot towards the northeast.

Those are dozens of masters who are at least in the Foundation Establishment Stage!

Li Yao's wrist crystal brain vibrated crazily, and Dahuang Zhanwang sent a reminder that there was a very important news.

This is an unprecedented event, Li Yao hastily activated the crystal brain.

A piece of golden light mixed with bloody news jumped out, but it was an urgent temporary task.

"Urgent military situation!"

"Qingze City, which is 478 kilometers away from Raging Waves City, has encountered a beast horde of level eight or higher. The beast horde has broken through the outer defenses and rushed into the urban area!"

"There are still a large number of civilians stranded in Qingze City, waiting for help in the stronghold. The whole city has fallen into a mixed situation of humans and monsters. It is impossible to use super-heavy magic weapons to destroy the beast tide at once."

"We can only mobilize a large number of federal troops and practitioners to enter the urban area and start fighting street by street!"

"The federal army officially appeals to all sects and schools around Qingze City for help, and asks practitioners to enter the battlefield!"

"Our school is a local school rooted in the wilderness. Facing the crisis of our neighbors, we are duty-bound!"

"Issuing a temporary mission now - a fierce battle against Qingze City!"

"Students with a total credit of more than 8,000 can sign up!"

"If you are interested, please sign up on, and gather at the No. 2 playground within an hour, no waiting after the deadline!"

"I repeat, this mission is extremely dangerous and may cause severe disability or even death. If you don't have confidence in your own strength, don't sign up!"

"Because of the urgency of the battle, the number and types of monsters are unknown. The credit reward standard for this mission is still being calculated. The school promises to reward the students who participated in the battle according to the highest standard!"

"Cultivators are the swords of human civilization. Now is the time to unsheath the swords. One hour later, we will go to the No. 2 playground to slay demons!"

"Slay demons and eliminate demons!"

The last four words made Li Yao's mouth dry and his blood boil.

When the beast tide broke out last time, he was just an ordinary person, and he had to rely on Ding Yin, Wei Qingqing, red-eyed officer...these comprehension practitioners to protect him.

But today, he has become a fifth-level cultivator in the Qi refining period, and he has also refined dozens of magical weapons that can cut iron like mud.

It's his turn to ride a thousand horses and kill the Quartet!

"That's great. Forty thousand years ago in the world of Guxiu, when a magical weapon was released, you would have to kill several demons and goblins to sacrifice the sword!"

"Qingze City, beast tide, I will use you to sacrifice my first batch of magic weapons!"

The second playground of the Great Desolation War Academy.

A "Thunderbird" class light transport ship docked at a corner of the playground.

This is a transport ship specially used for quick response. It can carry more than 800 passengers at a time, and it can also add ten medium-sized spar tanks. It is a model specially refined to deal with the beast tide.

Generally, cultivators below the foundation establishment stage would take this kind of transport ship in addition to taking the crystal rail train if they wanted to enter a dangerous battlefield.

Walking with a sword by yourself is tantamount to death, and the monsters dormant in the dark will shoot out the monster's aura and venom every minute, killing you instantly!

Below the Thunderbird transport ship, Xiong Baili, the principal of the Great Wilderness War Academy, and the management team all assembled.

Many teachers and staff put on their battle armor, fully armed, ready to go into battle.

Xiong Baili had a serious face and frowned, and asked a young officer with the rank of major:

"A Chao, how did it happen like this? Qingze City is a major mining town, surrounded by dozens of military camps, and three intersecting lines of defense. Solve the problem, to the point of street fighting?"

The major's name is Xiong Zongchao. Not only is he a graduate of the Great Desolation War Institute, but he is also a distant relative with Xiong Baili. He is Xiong Baili's nephew and nephew.

So Xiong Baili asked directly.

Xiong Zongchao gave a wry smile:

"Fourth uncle, the outer defenses of Qingze City have not been destroyed. This time, the wormhole happened to appear inside the city. The horde of beasts rushed directly into the urban area and started street fighting. What can Da Luo Jinxian do?"

Xiong Baili was taken aback:

"So unlucky?"

For a long time, the Federation of Stars and Beasts has been implementing a fortress strategy in the wilderness of monsters, building every town into an impenetrable fortress, eating away at the wasteland inch by inch, and compressing the living space of monsters.

And the monsters can only break through the wormhole from the Blood Demon Realm to the Tianyuan Realm to carry out a surprise attack.

The places where the wormholes appear are random. If the wormholes appear in the wilderness, the beast horde can only gnaw at the city's outer defenses.

It may take as little as three to five hours, or as long as a day or so, and it may not be enough to chew on it.

The human spar warships can fly over the beast horde with ease, Hunyuan True Cannon, Taiyi Thunder Magnetic Cannon, Broken Star Bombard... all kinds of powerful super-heavy magic weapons are fully fired, and the head is full of madness. Bombing indiscriminately, no matter how arrogant the beast tide is, it will turn into a roast duck!

But this time it was unlucky, the wormhole appeared directly inside the city, and the beast horde flooded into the urban area all of a sudden, mixing with humans.

No matter how powerful the spar warship is, it can't blast the entire Qingze City into the sky, right

Then we can only use the federal army and practitioners to start street fighting!

Xiong Baili snorted coldly, his eyes became extremely sharp:

"What about street fighting? We humans are the strongest fighting race in the endless star sea. No matter what environment we fight in, we must be the ultimate victors! Chao, come, let you see the demeanor of the new generation of the Great Desolate War Institute!" (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!