Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 181: Thunder palm


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Seeing his expression, Ma Jiao knew that he was dreaming, so he couldn't help but smiled and said:

"Although the principle is just a sentence, it is not easy to practice it. It requires a thorough understanding of various algorithms, as well as strong computing power and hand-brain coordination. An amateur shooter like you does not need to be skilled in this area. Too much time wasted, anyway, you are just a cameo as a heavy fireman, and the firepower suppression task does not require high accuracy."

Li Yao's heart was pounding.

As a craftsman, he is no stranger to various mysterious and complicated algorithms, and his computing power is higher than that of ordinary melee monks. As for hand-brain coordination...

In the ultra-awake state, he once had a serious hand-brain incoordination problem, and he gritted his teeth and practiced hard at that time.

His hand-brain coordination is definitely outstanding among his peers!

After pondering for a while, Li Yao asked again:

"Student Ma Jiao, just now you said that there are two other supernatural powers?"

"Yes, the other two supernatural powers are sacrifice and distraction."

Ma Jiao quickly replied:

"The so-called sacrificial refining is to use various secret methods to refine ordinary bullets for the second time, so that the bullets can communicate with one's own soul. The most common one is blood-dropping refining, which means using the gunner's blood to refine the bullets and improve the bullet's quality." Spirituality can naturally be like an arm and a finger, pointing and hitting."

After a pause, he explained, "However, the blood sacrifice refining has great limitations, because too much blood essence needs to be consumed, so it is impossible to refine all the bullets, otherwise we would have to shoot them every day." Hundreds of bullets were poured out one by one, and he lost too much blood and died before going to the battlefield."

"Generally speaking, a sniper like Bei Jingjing is more suitable to use blood drops to enhance the spirituality of bullets. Every sniper bullet they shoot has gone through years of blood drops. It is so strange that they can turn corners." ?”

"As for Chun Yupeng and I, we will slowly refine a few 'blood bombs' with magazine clips, which are usually reluctant to be used. Only in critical situations, when we have to fight to the death, will we take them out and use them."

"As for distraction, when firing, attach a ray of divine soul to the bullet, and shoot it out together with the bullet, enhancing the ability to control the bullet, which is more powerful than ordinary spiritual control."

"Practice to the extreme, the bullet is equivalent to a clone, and the supernatural power is beyond words."

"However, attention should also be paid to distraction. The moment before the bullet hits the target, you must "remove your mind" and take back this ray of spirit, otherwise the bullet explodes, and this ray of spirit will also dissipate. The damage is huge, killing one thousand enemies, and eight hundred self-damages, a situation where both sides suffer."

Ma Jiao's words. There was a turmoil in Li Yao's heart.

After days of bloody battles, he also discovered his weakness in attack power.

Although the absolute power is sufficient, the explosive power is high enough, and the ability to resist blows is strong enough.

But without a set of brilliant exercises, it is impossible to completely transform power into lethality.

The reason why he used the heavy-duty concussion sword and the six-tube rotary bombardment gun was that he had done a lot of calculations. The only way to output maximum lethality under the current circumstances.

And why didn't he know that carrying a six-barreled rotary bombardment gun and a whole large box of submunitions was very cumbersome

Although it's not impossible to carry it with his physical strength, wouldn't the speed be faster if he could carry less ammunition

If he can learn some of the most basic gun fighting techniques, the improvement in combat effectiveness will be obvious. Whether it is to carry less ammunition, or to change to a lighter firearm, the room for tactical choice is much greater!

"The calculation of the shooting route can be honed slowly in actual combat; separating out a ray of divine soul to control the bullets, this kind of supernatural power is extremely difficult, it can't be learned in a while, and there is nowhere to learn it. !"

"As for the blood drop sacrifice, the blood drop sacrifice?"

Li Yao's heart skipped a beat, he was ecstatic.

In Bailianzong, there are countless methods of dripping blood to sacrifice for refining!

The ancient craftsmen were best at blending their own essence and blood into magic weapons. There are even legends about ancient swordsmiths jumping into sword-forging furnaces to forge swords with their own bodies in order to forge swords.

On the first floor of the Sky Refining Pagoda, there are many low-level blood-sacrificing alchemy techniques. Although they are not enough to sacrifice powerful magic weapons, it should be more than enough to sacrifice some small bullets to slightly increase their power, right

"It's decided. In the next training, I will focus on the sword technique, shooting technique and blood sacrifice technique!"

Li Yao is a craftsman, and in battle, of course he has to follow the path of "Duobaonan" and use all kinds of powerful magic weapons to fight.

Regardless of the melee magic weapon or the long-range magic weapon, you must use it proficiently, so that you can maximize your advantages.

"Let's go, continue to kill monsters!"

After resting for half an hour, the hunting team continued to move forward after reporting the current position and situation to the command center!


"Boom boom boom boom!"

Jinfeng Avenue is not just a street, but a bustling area full of high-rise buildings, with the sound of explosions and fighting coming from all directions from time to time.

That is another hunting team is fighting bloody.

Everyone knows that this is the last chance, and they are seizing every second to practice, score points, and gain military exploits!


On the ground, there are not many monsters with the ability to attack the air. Human armed shuttles and small warships can fly over the city swaggeringly, dropping large shiny iron boxes one by one, and a few huge parachutes appear above them , danglingly fell to the ground.


A big iron box happened to fall not far from Li Yao and the others.

Li Yao strode forward, stretched his five fingers, and pressed on a slightly blue talisman array on the front of the big iron box.


The talisman array turned green, and with a sound of "chi", the big iron box spouted air around it and slowly opened it.

Inside are full of high-energy nutrients, water, ammunition and melee weapons.

"Everyone, hurry up and replenish your equipment. This supply box is really good. It also sent us a hundred palm mines refined by Longhumen!"

Li Yao's eyes lit up, and he hung twenty palm mines on his battle vest in one go, and stuffed the ammunition box to the brim.

The rest of the people also replenished their ammunition and drinking water. The original body armor was about to run out of spiritual energy, so they all replaced it with new ones.

A moment later, the six of them took on a new look and headed deep into the financial district.

After repelling two more beast tides, they finally arrived at the core area of Jinfeng Street.

This is the headquarters of many financial companies. At a glance, the tall buildings on both sides are hung with billboards of banks, financial companies, and insurance companies, which can vaguely see the prosperity of the past.

In the past, the bustling city center with people coming and going has turned into a windy and spooky monster realm, where the roaring of monsters can be heard one after another.

Everyone's eyes gradually swept across the buildings with a demonic aura.

In some of the buildings, there were explosions, roars, wailing, and powerful spiritual energy fluctuations, and it was obvious that someone was there first.

"The most powerful monsters must be hiding in these buildings!"

"Which one shall we choose?"

"A bank or an insurance company?"

"Hey, this is—"

The sights of the six people shot at a tall building in front at the same time, and they all sensed the powerful evil spirit coming from inside.

"It turned out to be a stock trading center!"

"No wonder the demonic aura is so strong!"

"Wow, the green evil spirit surged out from the broken window, condensed into a layer of green miasma, and firmly enveloped the entire stock exchange center!"

"There must be a lot of monsters that kill without blood, eat people without spitting out their bones, and are dormant in the stock exchange center!"

The six people looked at each other, nodded at the same time, let out a low growl, and rushed into the stock trading center.

The first floor of the stock trading center is an empty hall, where countless green-skinned sword beetles and other low-level monsters gather.

These monsters are low in strength, and they dare not go out to seek death at all, so they can only lie dormant in the building.

Because of lack of food, they even killed each other.

When Li Yao and others came in, they happened to see a relatively weak green-skinned knife beetle being killed by its own kind. Seven or eight green-skinned knife beetles were lying on the corpse, eating with gusto.

Discovering the intruder, these hungry green-skinned knife beetles refused to let go, and tore off two pieces of meat from the corpse of their companions, screaming and rushing towards the crowd.

Li Yao and the others opened fire together, and the crossfire was like three waves of red waves, instantly devouring the green-skinned knife mantis completely, leaving no scum left.

Hearing the gunshot, hundreds of green-skinned saber beetles poured down from the second floor like a tide, among which were dozens of black-armored saber beetles, and five golden-armored saber beetles were at the end of the formation.

"Well done!"

Everyone looked at each other, without hesitation, took out the palm thunder, and threw it at the beast tide.

Palm Thunder is the secret treasure of the Dragon and Tiger Gate. At first glance, the black and inconspicuous iron shell contains highly condensed thunder crystals and a miniature five-thunder heart-killing array.

Once triggered, it seems like a small thunder disaster descends.

For monsters, it is no less than five thunderbolts!

The green-skinned saber beetles were all blown to pieces, and the black-armored saber-beetles were also torn apart, with blood and flesh flying everywhere. Even the golden-armored saber-beetles were a little dizzy and staggered under the serial explosions of dozens of palm mines.

"Kill kill kill kill kill kill!"

The six of them rushed into the flock like six hungry tigers, charging straight at the Golden Armored Saber Mantis like a ripped bamboo!

Li Yao firmly remembered what Ma Jiao said just now, and simply relaxed the control on the six-barreled bombardment cannon. As the firepower increased, the bouncing range of the muzzle became larger and larger.

But Li Yao was concentrating on carefully analyzing his trajectory.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

In his eyes, the whole world seems to have become a translucent structural map, and the distance between himself and the monster, the relative speed, and the shooting angle are all turned into a series of data, such as a torrential rain, smashing his head and brain. down.

In an instant, countless data collided wildly together, condensing into a very clear ballistic trajectory, extending straight from the muzzle of the gun to the center of the head of a golden armored saber beetle! (… )r1292

The fastest update, please.
