Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 188: The lone hunter


a month later.

Northwest of the Great Wilderness, Gaozhuoyan District.

Looking around, you can see the boundless Gobi Zhongshan Rock standing upright, with jagged rocks and crisscrossed teeth, like a jungle carved out of rocks.

Every rock is riddled with holes, and the interior is full of holes extending in all directions, spreading into a labyrinth of caves.

Coupled with the underground river hidden hundreds of meters underground, this seemingly lifeless stone forest has become a paradise for wilderness creatures.

It is also the best hiding place for monsters.

Li Yao curled up under a gray-brown camouflage sunscreen, like a dull rock.

A venomous sand scorpion climbed from his ass to the top of his head, and then crawled down slowly, its tail twisting and turning, searching for prey among the rocks.

"I can't live through this day!"

Li Yao took a sip of water carefully with a straw.

Due to the severe exposure to the sun, the water sac made from monster leather was boiling hot, and it tasted sour.

But he was reluctant to waste it, took a small mouthful, and slowly moistened his burning throat.

Recalling that a month ago, he slaughtered all directions in Qingze City, swept the points crazily, and personally beheaded a demon king as an executioner, how high-spirited and energetic he was!

However, this battle seems to have exhausted all luck, and the progress of the next month is not very smooth.

Since the Battle of Qingze City, the demon clan has suddenly become more honest. Perhaps because of the loss of a demon king, the high-ranking demon clan in the blood demon world did not dare to act rashly and are readjusting their strategies.

In short, in the next month, the southern part of the wilderness was calm, and there were only two small-scale outbreaks of beasts, and all the wormholes opened in the wilderness.

When Li Yao heard the news, the military had already dispatched a large number of spar warships, blasting the beast tide until there was not even a scum left.

And the northern part of the Great Wilderness. In the vast area that humans have not yet fully controlled, there are several monster lairs hidden, and even a few small wormholes, which open up irregularly several times a year, and a large number of monsters enter the Tianyuan Realm from there.

However, only high-level cultivators and large military forces dare to penetrate into these dangerous areas. No matter how daring Li Yao was, he knew that courting death and taking risks were not the same thing.

He also teamed up with a few senior students who had reached the seventh floor of the Qi Refining Stage and performed an extremely difficult task, hunting down a high-level demon soldier, the Red Eagle Lion.

It took seven days and seven nights, experienced several storms, ate a mouth full of yellow sand, and finally killed the red eagle lion, but because he was the weakest, he contributed the least. The credits that are assigned are just a bit of leftovers. After conversion, it is better to take classes honestly in school!

After suffering such a dark loss, Li Yao was not very willing to form a team with senior students.

But the problem came again, Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan did not have such an urgent need for credits like him, they still wanted to practice step by step and step by step, and they were not willing to go out to take risks every now and then.

Anyway, he earned a lot of credits in Qingze City. Enough to consume them for a while.

After thinking about it, Li Yao gritted his teeth. Made a decision that seemed insane to others.

He applied for a large number of hunting missions, and prepared to hunt monsters freely in the wilderness alone.

Being a lone ranger is not so easy. Although he can move freely and can take all the credits by himself after killing monsters, he has no support. No supplies, no intelligence, everything depends on oneself.

In the wilderness full of murderous threats, it is definitely the most dangerous occupation.

Of course Li Yao didn't seek his own death, he also had a secret weapon.

That is the magic weapon that can cultivate on its own—the Black Wing Sword!

Although Xiao Hei is a magic weapon. But his cultivation was even crazier than Li Yao's. A large part of the credits he consumed were exchanged for high-purity crystals for Xiao Hei to devour.

After this guy devoured the spar, more and more black spirit threads gushed out from his body, getting thicker and thicker, and could clearly condense into the appearance of black wings.

The black wings spread out, and its speed became faster and faster.

Li Yao has tested that Xiao Hei's limit speed has easily exceeded the speed of sound, reaching more than twice the speed of sound.

Later, Xiao Hei was able to increase his speed further, but Li Yao's body couldn't bear it.

If it continues to accelerate, it might be torn into pieces by the air.

This speed has surpassed many battle shuttles.

And as an extremely flexible flying sword, Xiao Hei's small-scale maneuvers are far superior to big guys like Xuanniao Battle Shuttle and Red Flame Battle Shuttle, and can make countless intricate and fancy moves.

With Xiao Hei's secret weapon, Li Yao dared to venture into the wilderness alone.

He specially chose some relatively safe areas not far from the military base, hunting and killing monsters that were not strong but had precious materials in their bodies.

Once a strong enemy above a high-level demon soldier appeared, he immediately ran away holding the black wing sword without saying a word.

He also imagined that the speed of the Black Wing Sword was so fast, even if he didn't have any other magical powers, if he flew directly to stab the monster with his sword, he was afraid that the monster would stab a transparent hole in his body.

However, Xiao Hei's previous owner didn't know what tampered with it, and it seemed that some kind of restriction was placed on it, sealing its attack ability.

Whenever Li Yao used the Black Wing Sword to attack the monster, this guy would keep circling around his head, looking very confused.

Li Yao studied for a long time but couldn't figure out why, and finally he could only give up and regard the Black Wing Sword as a simple escape tool.

On the vast wasteland, the fighting mode between humans and monsters is completely different from that of urban street fighting.

There are no stupid monsters gathering in a tide here for Li Yao to kill. Heavy weapons such as six-barreled bombardment cannons and heavy-duty concussion knives are cumbersome, and there are too many places to escape. The beast shrank into the ground, so what if the firepower was mighty

Without the assistance of heavy-duty magic weapons, in order to strengthen his attack power and hunt down more powerful monsters, Li Yao could only take the risk of taking a risky training course in the martial arts department with great power and difficulty.

He chose "Knives in the Sand"!

This sword technique, which sounds extremely domineering, originated from the sandstorms that often occur in the wilderness. When it is practiced to the extreme, the light of the sword will spin, as if a hurricane is coming, flying sand and rolling stones. It can set off ten thousand zhang sand waves, gather into a giant sand knife, and slash the enemy fiercely.

Among all the courses in the Department of Martial Arts, "Kuangsha Knife Technique" belongs to a rather difficult level, and usually only senior students above the seventh floor of the Qi refining period can practice it.

In order to improve his combat power as soon as possible, Li Yao didn't care about so many things. He took out nearly 2,000 credits in one breath, and chose "Knife of Kuangsha".

As a result, the reality taught him a deep lesson—he died!

Although college life is incomplete without failing a course, Li Yao was so depressed that he was about to vomit blood.

Losing one or two thousand credits is the next best thing. The key is that he doesn't have much time left.

Li Yao found himself caught in a strange circle.

To get a lot of credits in a short time, you have to venture to more dangerous areas and hunt higher-level monsters.

If you want to hunt higher-level monsters, you must increase your strength as soon as possible.

If you want to improve your strength, you have to risk a lot of credits. To practice difficult and powerful miraculous skills.

Once you fail a subject, a lot of credits will be wasted in vain.

And when he was spinning around in this strange circle, time was passing by every minute and every second.

It's not far from the deadline for registering as a registered refiner!

Fortunately, it seems that luck has returned to him gradually since last week.

The first is that he went crazy under the stimulation of failing the exam. When he frantically practiced the "Knives of Sand Knife Technique" on a thunderstorm night, the more he thought about it, the more angry he became. The more he practiced, the more crazy he became, and he even rushed to the sixth floor of the Qi Refining Period, becoming a middle-level practitioner of the Qi Refining Period!

With this strength, even among the top 500 cultivating sects in the Federation, they can still hold grassroots positions.

Then, he dropped a lot of credits. Re-applied for "Knife of the Kuangsha", relying on the comprehension of the thunderstorm night, finally successfully passed the test, not only made up for the credits lost twice, but also made a small profit.

Taking advantage of the recent limelight. Li Yao controlled the Black Wing Sword, flew thousands of miles in one breath, and ventured to the Gaozhuoyan area in the northwest of the Great Wilderness.

This is usually the range of activities of high-level monster soldiers and high-level practitioners in the refining period, but there are also priceless prey dormant.

Li Yao quickly set his sights on a triangular lancehead viper.

The strength of an adult Viper's venom can reach that of a mid-level demon soldier. Its venom contains a very rare ingredient. After refining, it is an indispensable raw material for many advanced strengthening potions, and it cannot be synthesized artificially.

Therefore, the value of the triangular lancehead viper is extremely high. If the poisonous glands are intact, the credits that can be exchanged are more than many high-level demon soldiers.

However, the Viper's vigilance is extremely high, usually dormant in the intricate lairs underground, avoiding the attacks of strong humans and spar warships, and rarely appear on the ground.


The sand scorpion that had just disappeared among the gravel reappeared again, crawling around under Li Yao's nose.

Li Yao ran the "Concentration of God Technique" to the limit, and the pores were tightly closed.

Not only did it not emit a trace of aura, but even the breathing was reduced to the minimum.

And the camouflage sunscreen camouflage cloth covering his body can completely lock in the heat, allowing him to blend in with the surrounding rocks.

Sand scorpions are the favorite food of Agkistrodon.

Since the appearance of this sand scorpion, the triangular lancehead that Li Yao has been staring at has been dormant tightly in the darkness for four hours.


Seeing the sand scorpion swaggering and crawling towards the distance, the triangular lancehead could no longer hold back.

With a flash of his figure, he shot out like a javelin, and stabbed fiercely at the sand scorpion.

Just as it swallowed the sand scorpion into its belly, the "rock" that was close at hand suddenly burst!

Li Yao growled, stepped forward, and turned around!

When the huge centrifugal force danced the body into a whirlwind, the sword came out of its sheath. With a "swish", the blade swept across the flying sand, and the fist-sized head shot up into the sky. The snake-eyed expression was frozen in the instant satisfaction of enjoying the delicious food. Didn't react until death.

In half a second, a perfect hunt ended.

In this contest of dormancy and endurance, Li Yao was the final winner. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!
