Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 189: hunting efficiency


With a slight shake of the wrist, the slightly curved blade trembled at high speed, and the stench of snake blood disappeared immediately.

Putting the saber back into its sheath, Li Yao was very satisfied with the saber.

In order to bring out the maximum power of the "Knight of the Kuangsha" and adapt to short and direct sneak attacks in the wilderness, Li Yao optimized the design of the Zhanfeng Saber and forged it again to reduce the counterweight. The blade has a slightly curved shape, like a straight knife and A hybrid of machetes.

What satisfies him most is the eight air guide grooves on both sides of the blade. This is precisely calculated and forged by him through countless aerodynamic tests. It can guide the wind to the back of the blade and create a squeeze at the rear. and driving force, further increasing the speed of the sword slashing.

I tried it today, and it was really good. While maintaining the lethality, the speed has been raised to another level, and the essence of "Kuangsha Knife Technique" has been brought into full play.

A smile curled up on the corner of Li Yao's mouth, and he walked towards the corpse of the Viper.

When he squatted down and was about to reach out to pick it up, his smile suddenly froze.

His eyes were wide open, he examined it carefully, and turned the snake's head over and over again with the scabbard. Li Yao's smile became more and more stiff, his face became more and more ugly, and finally he couldn't help but cursed hard.

He fell for it!

This monstrous beast is not the triangular lancehead Agkistrodon, but its close relative, the Tumorhead Agkistrodon.

The two are very similar, but the former has three very sharp small horns on his forehead, while the latter has three pointed sarcoids on his forehead.

They were more than ten or twenty meters apart, and there were flying sand and rocks flying on the wasteland. Even with the keen vision of a cultivator, it was easy to confuse them.

Just now, Li Yao used his peripheral vision to scan the prey because he was afraid of scaring the snake. He didn't dare to stare at the prey until now.

Although the two are close relatives, the tumor-headed viper is only a low-level demon soldier, and its venom is also very common. It can be synthesized completely.

Compared with the triangular spearhead viper, the value is very different, and it can't be exchanged for a few credits.

When he thought that he lay on the burning Gobi desert for four hours, and he almost didn't get roasted, and it was such a guy who was ambushing him, Li Yao couldn't help but get angry. Shout out bad luck.

The Gaucho Rocks are a haven for wasteland creatures, where countless hunters and prey slumber and hide in the darkness.

The short sneak attack just now has attracted the attention of many people, and the faint bloody smell of the tumor-headed viper has gradually permeated the air, and it has been sensed by many powerful hunters.


Not far away, three lumps suddenly bulged out of the gravel, and three round heads poked out.

Three fleshy, fat, very cute little animals got out from the ground.

Like an overweight groundhog, carefully sniffing out the breath of blood. Arching awkwardly, twisting his fat buttocks, he slowly crawled towards Li Yao.

"what is this?"

Although it does not appear to be dangerous, you must not let your guard down at any time in the wasteland.

Li Yao held the handle of the knife in one hand, bowed his waist, and slowly backed away, while searching for information about this creature in his mind.

Three seconds later, a name popped into my mind. Li Yao's face turned pale immediately.

"The spiny rock dolphin, a high-level demon soldier. Good at long-range attacks!"

"Little black!"

Li Yao screamed.

Three high-level demon soldiers who are good at long-range attacks are not something he can handle.

The moment he screamed, the three spiny rock porpoises also tore through the camouflage. Like an inflated ball, it suddenly swelled and expanded ten times in size. The naive face became extremely ferocious, and the soft hair stood up one by one like a steel needle, and under the sunlight, it exuded a strange blue luster.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

The spiny rockfish swelled to its limit. With a sudden contraction, dozens of poisonous thorns shot towards Li Yao's head like dense bullets.

Li Yao screamed strangely, stomping heavily with both feet, splashing countless gravels, forming a thin barrier in front of him, flying backwards for more than ten meters, and wiped his waist.

A black and shiny pistol was held in the palm of his hand, and he didn't even look at it. "Papapapapapapapapapapapapapapapa" was six shots, and six blood lights blasted out from the muzzle of the gun almost at the same time, mixed with piercing screams, piercing the three heads. Spiny Rockfish.

Blood bomb!

This is a special bullet refined by Li Yao using the secret method of the Hundred Refining School, Blood Dropping Festival!

Not only is it powerful, but it also has a mysterious and mysterious connection with his spirit. After it is released, it can be controlled simply with the mind and hits a hundred shots.

"Puff puff puff puff!"

The three spiny rock dolphins shot out a large number of poisonous stingers again, and they were impartial, hitting six blood bullets in the middle.

Six puffs of blood mist burst out in midair.

Li Yao didn't even look at it. After retreating more than 50 meters in one breath, his feet exerted strength again, and his whole body shot into the sky like a firecracker. A black light shot from not far away, and he caught it , hugged tightly in his arms.

How can the spiny rockfish be content to see a cooked duck fly away? After three roars, his figure swelled to two meters away, his gray-brown skin turned crimson, and he shot out hundreds of poisonous stingers in one breath, faster than bullets!


The black winged sword soared to the limit, and the hilt seemed to have eyes, constantly rotating, changing directions, and dodging. Among the dense poisonous thorns, it staged a wonderful dodging performance.

Because the speeds of the two sides were almost the same, Li Yao literally watched countless blue venomous thorns "slowly" fly past him. At the last moment, with a gap of a hair, it narrowly flashed by.

Li Yao suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

After the ghost gate was closed for a full second, the Black Wing Sword carried Li Yao out of the torrential thorn bush!

The three spiny rock porpoises roared plaintively, but Li Yao turned a deaf ear to them. He lay on the black-winged sword, buttocks pouted, clinging to the ground, and flew hundreds of miles in one breath.

It was not until near a military base that he dared to slow down.

Spread the spirit silk to the limit first, and make sure there are no powerful monsters around.

Then he carefully jumped off the Black Wing Sword, leaned against a big rock, sat down on his buttocks, and let out a long sigh of relief.

"Xiao Hei, you saved me again!"

Recalling the thrilling scene just now, Li Yao's chest still heaved.

On the dangerous wilderness, the identities of the prey and the hunter change instantly. No matter how powerful the hunter is, he may become the prey after a second.

If it wasn't for Xiao Hei's secret weapon, Li Yao wouldn't have dared to go hunting alone.

"These monsters are too cunning!"

Li Yao wasted half a day in vain, and almost died under the thorny rockfish's stinger, so angry that he had nowhere to vent his anger, he punched the rock hard. The huge rocks were smashed to pieces.

Zhiduo is close to a monster, and the monsters are extremely smart, especially the monsters in the wilderness.

Natural selection, survival of the fittest, under the repeated cleaning of the strong human beings and spar warships, all the monsters that are not smart enough have long been wiped out, without a place to die.

The monsters that can survive under the eyes of humans are all cunning and cunning.

And those who just rushed out from the blood demon world. It's different from the monsters that can't wait to pounce on human towns. These monsters that have survived in the wilderness for decades or hundreds of years may not have such tyrannical strength, but they all have strange ways to save their lives.

It is more difficult to hunt such monsters than to extinguish a large wave of beasts.

"It won't work like this. The efficiency of hunting monsters is too low. In the remaining two months, it is impossible to accumulate 40,000 credits."

"Is there any way to improve hunting efficiency?"

Li Yao rested his cheeks and began to think very intently.

Carefully recall the hunting career of these days. Li Yao discovered that there were two main factors that led to his low hunting efficiency.

First, pretend to be a tiger to scare a pig.

Second, pretend to be a pig and eat a tiger.

The so-called pretending to be tigers to scare pigs refers to the fact that there are many low-level monsters and low-level monster soldiers in order to survive. In the long process of evolution, it gradually looks more and more like some powerful monsters.

This is a special kind of mimicry.

For example, the wart-headed viper just now was a low-level demon soldier, but it gradually evolved into a shape very similar to the triangular spear-headed viper. Disguised as an intermediate demon soldier.

In the monster beast world where the jungle preys on the weak, many mid-level monster soldiers may not dare to attack it when they see it from a distance.

In nature, this is a very common phenomenon.

The wings of many butterflies are colorful and extremely gorgeous, imitating the markings of beasts, so that other carnivorous insects dare not approach.

And the so-called pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger is just like the spiny rock porpoise just now. It is obviously a powerful high-level demon soldier, but it pretends to be a low-level demon soldier or even a low-level monster beast. kill!

These two situations were often encountered by Li Yao in hunting, which caused him great trouble.

In the final analysis, it was all because he was not familiar with the types of monsters, and he couldn't recognize the species, value and characteristics of monsters at a glance.

This problem is extremely difficult to solve.

After tens of thousands of years of evolution, there are more than ten million types of monsters. The most common monsters in the Tianyuan world alone have several million species, and each monster has a certain probability of mutating.

There are millions of monsters, each with different characteristics, and there may be only slight differences in appearance.

Even if a cultivator has powerful computing power, it is impossible to remember them all.

And memory is a very wonderful thing, even if you remember it, you may not be able to remember it in time on a dangerous battlefield.

Take the spiny rock dolphin as an example, Li Yao has clearly seen information about this kind of monster in the database, and it is imprinted deep in his brain together with tens of thousands of monster information.

At first glance, it took three seconds to retrieve the information of the spiny rock dolphin from the sea-deep memory bank.

In a war between a cultivator and a monster, life and death can be decided in a tenth of a second, and three seconds is really too long.

"What should I do? There are too many and complicated information about monsters. It is impossible to remember all of them in a short period of time. Even if I remember them, they may not be able to retrieve them instantly at critical moments."

"The miniature crystal brain can store a lot of monster information, but when life and death are at stake, it's too stupid to look down at the crystal brain!"

"Besides, if you don't know the name of the monster, even if you have a huge database, it is difficult to find the specific information of the monster."

"If you use the 'fuzzy search' function, dozens of information similar to monsters pop up at once. Which one is the correct one?"

"Is there a magic weapon that can accurately display the information of monsters at a glance, and is easy to look up, without affecting the battle?"

Li Yao thought quietly, if there really is such a magic weapon that can identify the type, value, and danger of monsters at a glance, it will definitely greatly improve the efficiency and safety of hunting! (… )

Chapter 188 Hunting Efficiency:
