Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 194: One against two thousand?


Popular recommendation: "Only the last 10,000 points!"

Inside the cave, Li Yao carefully roasted a hare with a flame talisman, and at the same time spread a breeze talisman around it to gather all the breath in one place so that it would not be sniffed by monsters outside the cave.

A knowing smile appeared on the somewhat thin face, and the deep black eyes appeared even bigger.

After walking alone in the wilderness for a month, Li Yao's appearance changed drastically. Not only did his figure become thinner and thinner, but the metallic luster on his skin also disappeared into his body.

At first glance, it looks like rocks everywhere in the wasteland.

Only when he finds the prey and suddenly erupts, will he soar to the extreme in speed and strength, instantly transforming into the most ferocious hunter.

In one month, not only credits were accumulated, but also hunting skills.

The monsters on the wasteland are the most treacherous, cunning, most vigilant, and best at dormant and sneak attacks.

If you want to hunt such monsters, you must be more treacherous, cunning, and better at dormant and sneak attacks than them.

While hunting, learning at the same time, all monsters are Li Yao's teachers.

He learned the dormancy of poisonous snakes, the swimming of centipedes, the one-hit killing of scorpions, the gliding posture of flying lizards, and the skills of spiders in setting traps and placing bait.

Then, he integrated these skills with the way of survival that he had honed for more than ten years in the tomb of the magic weapon ⊙长风⊙⊙literature, and ↗cf xvt penetrated into a more powerful hunting technique, making him a An expert in wild survival and hunting, a real guerrilla master!

"One month, ten thousand points."

"Even if the utility patent can be passed, it will only have 3,000 points, which is 7,000 credits short."

"The monsters in the southern part of the Great Wilderness are too weak. Just hunting in this area, you can't get 7000 points in a month."

"What's more, utility patents are not 100% passable. It will be embarrassing if it is rejected at a critical moment."

"It seems that we must take a risk and head further north!"

The sphere of influence of the Star Federation is mainly concentrated in the central and southern parts of the Great Wilderness. The further north, the fewer towns there are. The thinner the population, the more likely powerful monsters will appear.

In order to score 10,000 points within a month, Li Yao went all out, ready to risk his life.

He planned to roam the southern part of the moor for another fifteen days.

If you can't collect enough credits, or fail to apply for a utility patent, then go to the northern part of the Great Wilderness, a more dangerous area!

"Go back to school first, and settle the prey for this trip."

After weighing the heavy backpack, Li Yao smiled with satisfaction.

This trip has gained a lot. It should be able to exchange hundreds of credits.

Back at school, he exchanged the spoils for credits, and went to the medical room to have some minor injuries treated. Before he could catch his breath, he received an invitation from Ding Lingdang, saying that he wanted to celebrate his breaking through the 30,000-point mark.

"Li Yao is here! Li Yao is here!"

In front of the bamboo sea hut, colorful parrots croaked and the door opened automatically.

Li Yao just entered the door. A gust of wind came blowing.

Caught off guard, Ding Lingdang caught him all at once.

The latter also twisted his arm hard. He grinned in pain.

"What's the situation? Didn't you say that you want to invite me to dinner to celebrate my breakthrough of 30,000 points?"

"Of course we have to eat, but first of all."

Ding Lingdang twisted it again, and said angrily, "Let my sister twist you twice to relieve your anger, you brat. You broke through the 30,000-point barrier so quickly without making a sound, keeping Peng Hai the fastest breakthrough The record of 30,000 points has been broken!"

Li Yao was taken aback: "What does that have to do with you?"

Ding Lingdang's beautiful eyes were bigger than bull's eyes, and she said angrily:

"Originally I was the second fastest, but now you have squeezed me to the third place. Do you think it matters? You are really a monster. Maybe one day you will be stronger than me. Wouldn't it be you Bullying to death? No, now that I am stronger than you, I will trample you hard first, and then I will talk after earning enough money!"

She twisted it twice more and exclaimed:

"What's the matter, I haven't seen you for a month, your muscles have become more solid, twisting, like twisting a stone, it's meaningless at all, forget it, stop playing, come and eat!"

Li Yao was speechless, walked into the living room, and was dumbfounded by the dinner on the table:

"You said that you want to have a meal to celebrate, but you just treat me to instant noodles?"

Ding Lingdang was holding a bowl of instant noodles and sat down on the ground, "huluhulu" to eat, and while eating, he was still processing work on Jingnao, and said vaguely:

"Recently, I've been too busy with work, so I don't have time to make big fish and meat, so I'll just let it go. I even added two marinated eggs for you!"

After a pause, he said again:

"I've seen all your hunting results, and you've done a good job. Judging from the wound, your "Knives and Swordsmanship" has been perfected. Even if I hunted in the southern part of the Great Wilderness, I can't do better than you. outstanding!"

"However, there are not many high-value monsters in the south. If you want to get 10,000 points within a month, you have to hunt in the north, where high-level monsters gather."

"I know you're crazy and adventurous, and you might sneak up to the north one day and kill your life, so I'm here to tell you not to worry."

"Recently, I've been so busy that I can't spare time, but after the ten days and a half month of work, I will have a few days off. Then I will go to the north with you and help you fight!"

Li Yao's heart warmed up.

It turned out that this was the real purpose of Ding Lingdang calling him here.

With Ding Lingdang, one of the youngest foundation builders in the Federation, in charge, the danger will be greatly reduced, and he will be able to hunt and kill monsters more calmly.

Holding instant noodles, Li Yao didn't know what to say for a moment.

Ding Lingdang laughed, with a noodle in his mouth, waved and said:

"You have been a human sandbag for me for so long, why can't I help you a little bit? Besides, you'Vulture Li Yao' is now in the limelight, a man of the moment among freshmen in our Great Desolate War Academy Ah, for a talent like you, it is normal for the school to give some special care to accelerate your growth! If it wasn't for being too busy recently, I wish I could go north with you right now!"

"Miss Xiaoling, thank you!"

Li Yao held back for a long time. Hold back such a sentence.

He also sat down beside Ding Lingdang, munching on the delicious marinated eggs.


Ding Lingdang responded, concentrating on his work.

Li Yao was sucking on the noodles, his gaze accidentally passed Ding Lingdang's side face, and he suddenly noticed it. As long as this humanoid tyrannosaurus does not speak and concentrates on work, it is still quite beautiful.

That kind of quiet and indifferent temperament is completely different from the rush when he speaks.

It's like a pair of twins who look alike but have diametrically opposite personalities, it's so weird.

"What are you looking at?"

Ding Lingdang glared at him with some dissatisfaction, feeling that Li Yao's eyes were a little weird.


Li Yao's face turned red "shua", his eyes flashed to the light curtain in an instant, and he changed the subject in a panic. "I'm looking at your work. I've been so busy recently. Are there many new courses? Hey, 'Thunder Cup Freshmen Competition', what is this? The winner will be rewarded... 10,000 credits!"

Li Yao jumped up all of a sudden, half a bowl of noodles poured down on his chest, but he didn't care to wipe it off, wishing he could poke his head into the light curtain.

"Freshman competition. The winner will be rewarded with 10,000 credits? Great, I want to sign up. I want to sign up now!"

Li Yao danced excitedly.

Ding Lingdang dragged him back abruptly, angry and funny, said:

"Don't get excited, first look clearly, this is a college-department competition, a team battle with the student union as the unit. It's not an individual battle, no matter how strong you are, the student union of the refining department is just you, how can you participate?"

"Based on the student union? No personal battles?"

Li Yao was suddenly discouraged.

"That's right, according to the usual practice in previous years. This is the freshman confrontation between the two student unions of the martial arts department, the Chaos Blade Hall and the Iron Fist Association. Each side selects 1,000 strongest freshmen to compete."

"Because I'm a new teacher, I'm mainly in charge of chores for freshmen, and I'm familiar with the situation, so I'm one of the staff members for this year's match, and I've been busy with it recently."

The Thunder Cup freshman college-department competition is a traditional event of the Great Desolation War Academy, which has been held for decades.

Its purpose, on the one hand, is to show the achievements of the new students after one year of cultivation, so as to facilitate the selection of talents by major sects.

On the other hand, it is also to compete for the next year's resource allocation.

Most of the sponsors behind the Great Wilderness War Academy are martial arts sects who respect martial arts. The large amount of resources they provide must of course be used by the most powerful schools.

From the very beginning, the Thunder Cup has been sponsored by more than a dozen well-known martial arts sects in the Great Wilderness, such as the Demon Fist Sect and the Hundred Fighters Sword League. It simulates actual combat, and the winner is king!

In a word, this is a tailor-made competition for the two martial arts college students to compete for resources.

In terms of rules, other departments can also participate, as long as they are strong enough, they can get sponsorship from many martial arts sects.

However, in actual combat, which department can fight against the Tekken Club or the Chaos Blade Hall

It was crushed cleanly in minutes!

Therefore, apart from the fact that in the first decade or so there were still some colleges and departments competing with the mentality of taking advantage of the cheapness, but after being bombarded with bruises, in the past 30 years, very few colleges and departments have signed up for the Thunder Cup.

Over time, the Thunder Cup turned into a civil war between the two student unions of the martial arts department.

Li Yao was immersed in the magic weapon all day long, and he didn't have any free time at all. He didn't know much about the details of the Thunder Cup, which was normal.

Seeing this, Li Yao fell into deep thought.

Slowly tapping his head, he asked thoughtfully:

"According to the rules, the student unions of all departments can sign up for the Thunder Cup. The upper limit of the number of participants is 1,000, and there is no lower limit."

"As long as you win, you can get 10,000 credits, which will be shared equally by the participants."

"That is to say, as the president of the Refining Department's student union, I am fully qualified to sign up for the competition, and as long as I win, since I am the only contestant in the Refining Department, I can enjoy 10,000 credits exclusively?"

"In theory, yes!"

Ding Lingdang said angrily, "The problem is, Iron Fist will have a thousand contestants, and Chaos Blade Hall will have a thousand contestants. Smart little brother, please tell me, how are you going to blow up two contestants in the competition?" A thousand opponents?" (… )

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