Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 197: Get rid of Li Yao first!


Regarding Li Yao's request to use the Monster Beast Detector in the contest and to obtain the information of 2,000 students, the school finally agreed after careful consideration.

The Thunder Cup is played under the banner of actual combat. In the real world, if there is such a dangerous spy, it is indeed impossible for him to be ignorant of his opponent.

What's more, the school also hopes that Li Yao can persevere for a longer period of time, so as to cause more troubles for the Iron Fist Club and Chaos Blade Hall, and bring some small changes to the confrontation that has been repeated for decades.

Given these conveniences to Li Yao, maybe he can last... thirty minutes

As for the fourth point, it cannot be completely achieved.

After all, the Thunder Cup is just one of a series of competitions in the martial arts department, and it's just a contest between freshmen.

After the Thunder Cup is over, the Iron Fist Club and the senior students of the Random Blade Hall will have a more intense competition, which is the highlight of resource allocation.

However, after careful consideration, the school made a public commitment:

If Li Yao can break through the encirclement and win the Thunder Cup, not only will he personally get a reward of 10,000 credits, but next year the school's resource investment in the Artifact Refining Department will increase tenfold!

You know, the school's investment in the Artifact Refining Department this year is calculated based on the scale of nearly a thousand students. Even if the Artifact Refining Department is retained next year, it is impossible to recruit hundreds of students. It must take a small but refined route, saying Maybe just one or two classes, up to a hundred students.

That is to say, as long as Li Yao can take away the Thunder Cup, next year, the training resources that the students of the refining department can enjoy will be ten or twenty times more than the students of the martial arts department on average!

This is definitely the highest treatment that is unique among all universities in the Federation.

And the foundation of all this is built on one point.

That is, Li Yao had to cross tens of miles and fight his way out of the sky under the siege and interception of two thousand burly men!


Jingnao issued a reminder. Seven o'clock in the morning.

In the faint morning light, Li Yao suddenly got up, and slowly walked out from the depths of the steel forest.

Although his face was a little tired, his eyes were as sharp as two flaming sabers, capable of melting and cutting off everything that stood in front of him!

last night. He has prepared all the magic weapons.

For the next twelve hours, he sat quietly cross-legged in the depths of the steel forest, trying to figure out the state of mind of an evil master in the dark.

He was thinking hard, feeling...

If there were really three cultivating sects, Starfire Alliance, Iron Fist Society, and Chaos Blade Hall, and if he was really a spy who had been undercover for ten years, what would he do when his life was hanging by a thread

The plan that had been lingering in my mind for several days gradually became clear.

As for whether it works. After four hours, we will see the result!

Eight in the morning.

There are still three full hours before the match begins.

The newcomer competition section of Dahuang has been lively since a few days ago, and it is already extremely popular at the moment.

In previous years, the Thunder Cup was just a civil war between freshmen of the martial arts department, and students from other departments didn't pay much attention to it.

This year is different, with Li Yao as a variable. The one-thousand against one-thousand contest that was the same year after year has become a contest between two-thousand against one. The words "1 pair 2000" appeared directly at the top of the special area!

Whether it is the fighting department or other departments, the curiosity of all the students has been stimulated to the peak.

Everyone wanted to know how Li Yao would deal with two thousand burly, heavily armed, and murderous opponents in the confrontation match

The competition has not started yet. Tactic prediction posts in the forum have been flying all over the sky, and students have speculated about Li Yao's tactics:

"Li Yao will definitely seize the time to escape into the jungle area, relying on the complicated terrain to deal with two thousand opponents!"

"Huangfeng Ridge is very large and filled with light mist. It is the best guerrilla battlefield. Even if two thousand people all enter the jungle area, it is not enough to carry out a blanket search. If Li Yao is lucky enough, he can find it from the middle of the search network. Get out!"

"And his strength is obviously above everyone else, as long as he doesn't meet Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan's level of masters, he can completely kill others in seconds!"

Within two minutes of posting this post, it was immediately overwhelmed by a flood of rebuttal posts:

"Even you can think of it, but Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan can't think of it?"

"The main battlefield of this competition is set in the jungle area, but if Li Yao wants to win, he must pass through a two-kilometer-long canyon area. There are towering rock walls on both sides of the canyon area, and a narrow path in the middle. The base camp is stuck in the middle of the trail, as long as there are dozens of people blocking it, no matter how strong Li Yao is? Can he kill dozens of people at once?"

"And as long as he reveals a trace, the remaining 1,900 people will desperately chase and intercept him. The encirclement circle is getting smaller and smaller, and in the end it's just catching a turtle in a urn, with no chance at all!"

In just half a day, hundreds of tactical analysis posts like this were posted, and tens of thousands of students discussed hundreds of thousands of words eloquently. Kill Li Yao first, and then start a full-scale confrontation after getting the jade slip, then Li Yao will definitely lose, and there is no possibility of winning the Thunder Cup.

And no matter from the setting of the rules of the game, the setting of the identities of the two sides, and the pre-match speeches of the leaders of both sides, how could they lose their minds and give Li Yao a chance to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight

So, two and a half hours before the match started, the topic of discussion changed from Li Yao's tactics to how long he could last.

Because in the eyes of everyone, it is meaningless to continue discussing Li Yao's tactics, no matter what tactics he adopts, he will definitely lose!

In a survey post with the largest number of participants, 57% of the participants believed that Li Yao would surrender within half an hour; 22% of the participants believed that Li Yao would last for an hour before being captured alive; 15% of the participants believed I believe Li Yao can last for 90 minutes.

As for the number of people who believed that Li Yao could win, it was zero, none at all.

Nine in the morning.

There are still two hours before the start of the match.

At the headquarters of the Chaos Blade Hall, the cold light was shining, and the swords were like a forest, and a thousand freshmen had assembled. The murderous aura soared to the sky, making people breathless.

On the surrounding light curtain in front, a series of battle videos were played repeatedly, and the protagonists were all Li Yao!

Not only his battle scene in Qingze City, but also his shocking performance on Mojiao Island in the Extreme Challenge a year ago!

Zhao Tianchong stood in front of the wrap-around light curtain. With pursed lips, a stern expression, and red eyes, he made the final mobilization to the best of the nine hundred and ninety-nine freshmen in Chaos Blade Hall:

"Everyone, everyone knows that the Thunder Cup is the highest honor a freshman can get, and it is also related to the amount of resources everyone can get next year, so. Needless to say, everyone will definitely go all out in the competition. For the glory of the church, and for my own future, I will fight to the end!"

"However, this year's Thunder Cup is different from previous years. Not only is there an old opponent, the Iron Fist, but also a new enemy, the Starfire League. Although there is only one student from the Starfire League, I definitely don't want anyone to underestimate this student. Because, he is Li Yao, the vulture Li Yao!"

"Everyone has studied Li Yao's battle video over and over again in the past few days, and everyone knows that his strength is definitely not inferior to mine. Moreover, he is a guerrilla expert who is proficient in jungle warfare. In the jungle area with intricate terrain, he may be able to perform well Unleash a more ferocious combat power than me, and more likely to use all kinds of strange magic weapons!"

"Therefore, let me reiterate for the last time. The Iron Fist Club is certainly our formidable enemy, but Li Yao is also the most dangerous opponent. In the confrontation, we must take Li Yao as the priority target and get rid of this variable first. Grab the jade slips, and then fight against the Iron Fist!"

"Believe in the wisdom of Lu Tieshan, he must have confessed in the same way at the Iron Fist Association. This is a tacit understanding between the two parties. It must not be broken. Do you understand?"


Nine hundred and ninety-nine young sword cultivators roared hoarsely, their blood boiling.

"Very good, kill Li Yao, snatch the Jade Slip, and then face the Iron Fist Club head-on to win the final victory!"

Zhao Tianchong carried the battle flag of Chaos Blade Hall on his shoulders, waved it vigorously, and the battle flag rattled:

"Members of Chaos Blade Hall, let's go!"

Almost at the same time, Lu Tieshan, who was at the headquarters of the Iron Fist Association, also walked out with the banner of the Iron Fist Association on his shoulders.

Behind him were nine hundred and ninety-nine burly and muscular men, each of whom had lifelike spirit patterns drawn on their bodies, exuding a powerful aura that was not angry and majestic.

"First destroy Li Yao, snatch the jade slip, and then crush the Chaos Blade Hall. The final victory must belong to us!"

"Brothers of the Tekken Society, follow me!"

ten o'clock in the morning.

There is still one hour before the match begins.

More than a dozen luxury shuttle cars with smooth lines slid into the Great Desolation Waryard without a sound.

The people sitting in the car are all high-level officials from various fighting sects in the Great Wilderness, and they are the specially invited guests for this Thunder Cup.

A large part of the education funds of the Great Desolate War Institute comes from the sponsorship of these sects. For these sects, the Great Desolate War Institute is equivalent to a youth training center.

It's the end of the year, of course we have to see what good seedlings the youth training center has cultivated this year.

If it is a newcomer with great potential, he will invest heavily in him, and maybe sign a contract with him on the spot to recruit him to join in advance.

It seems that the interest was aroused by the news that three student unions participated in the competition for the first time in 27 years. This year's guest list is luxurious, and many sects have sent senior elders to participate.

The Baizhan Daomeng sent the deputy leader Long Wenhui.

The Demon Fist Sect also sent the elder Bai Mushen.

These two are super fierce men who have traversed the wilderness for decades, and have made a name for themselves in the mountains of corpses and seas of blood.

In this way, together with Xiong Baili, the principal of the Great Wilderness War Academy, and Xia Yanyan, the head of the Department of Martial Arts, there are a total of four alchemy experts, and dozens of high-level and above experts in the foundation building stage. In the VIP hall, Follow the game in real time.

Ten fifty-five in the morning.

There are still five minutes left before the Thunder Cup freshman competition begins!


Class reunions are held during the day, one chapter will be updated first, and the other chapter will be revised again, and the whole chapter will be published at nine o'clock. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!