Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 200: Raising swords


The pale green thousand paper cranes danced lightly, seemingly harmless to humans and animals, and the sound they made was very flat, but it made everyone shudder. ≤≤,

After shocking everyone into a cold sweat, Li Yao changed the subject and continued:

"However, if the Chaos Blade Church gives up on chasing me and starts a full-scale war with the Iron Fist Society, then before the outcome is decided, I will attack the members of the Iron Fist Society with all my strength!"

"The reason is very simple. Among the three participating parties, Iron Fist Club is the strongest. The remaining two teams have to join forces to eliminate Iron Fist Club first, so as to have a chance of winning!"

"Zhao Tianchong, and friends from Chaos Blade Hall, as long as you think about it calmly from my perspective, you will find that I have no need to lie. This is the only way to increase my winning rate."

"After eliminating the Iron Fist Club, my winning rate may increase from 0% to 10%, but your winning rate will increase from 0% to 90%. It will be more beneficial for Chaos Blade Hall if you join forces!"

"After I finish speaking, the outcome of this competition is in the hands of all friends in the Chaos Blade Hall. It is up to you to decide where to go!"

The Thousand Paper Crane shook slightly and landed lightly on the ground.

In the eyes of everyone, it seemed like a huge boulder hit their hearts heavily, causing an uproar.

And in every corner of the campus, everyone who watched this scene through the light curtain was already stunned.

Before the match, everyone discussed Li Yao's tactics countless times. Many people thought that his only way to win was to sow discord, so that Iron Fist Club and Chaos Blade Hall could fight ahead of time.

But no one could have imagined that even sowing dissension could be so aboveboard!

In the VIP room, Bai Mushen, the elder of the Demon Fist Sect, frowned slightly:

"Such a tactic... is a bit despicable, right?"

Most of the body refiners are straightforward, advocating strength and confrontation, and are against things like conspiracy and tricks. Never very interested.

Long Wenhui, the vice-leader of the Baizhan Daomeng, had bright eyes and said with a smile:

"The character played by Li Yao is originally a master of evil ways. This kind of tactics is very suitable for his identity, not to mention one enemy with two thousand. How can he win if he is not despicable?"

For the contestants in the center of the jungle, Li Yao's tactics were beyond the simple word "despicable".

Before the thousand paper cranes landed, the faces of the members of the Chaos Blade Hall were extremely ugly.

All are whispering:

"He's not playing for real, is he? He's beating people from our Chaos Blade Hall? Isn't that too bullying? What kind of enmity do we have with him?"

"Of course it's for real, two thousand against one, he made it clear that he was dead, so what's so strange about pulling a few backs?"

"And didn't you hear what he said later, as long as we fight Iron Fist, he will stand by our side!"

"If you think about it carefully, our overall strength is weaker than that of the Iron Fist. Even if we catch him at a heavy price, we will not be able to withstand the indiscriminate bombardment of the Iron Fist."

"Why don't we unite first and kill Iron Fist... Even if there are only a hundred of us left, can't we catch one of them?"

"And this jade slip, tell me, is it true?"

"It's hard to say. It's 99% fake, but what if it's real? As the saying goes, when a fake is fake, it's also fake. Li Yao is so treacherous, maybe he put the real jade slips here generously." , Hey, just want us to think it's a fake, and when everyone is over, he will come back to take the jade slips. Doesn't it make us all mentally retarded?"

"Regardless of whether it's true or not, get the jade slips first, then go back to the base camp and try it out. The fake ones will be lost, and the real ones will be earned!"

With the whispers of members of Chaos Blade Hall. The members of the Iron Fist also approached each other unknowingly, rubbing the spirit lines on their bodies, and their muscles tensed into bundles of steel bars, which could activate the spirit lines at any time and enter a fighting state.

"Hey, something is wrong, I feel that the murderous intent on the other side is getting stronger and stronger!"

"Nonsense, didn't you hear what Li Yao said just now? If you were a member of Chaos Blade Hall, you would still cooperate with us when you were sure to lose?"

"It seems that they will kill them at any time, should we act first?"

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

Countless eyes turned to Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan.

Lu Tieshan's face was black and gray, his forehead was sweating like soybeans, and his voice was distorted:

"Zhao Tianchong, don't fall for the trick, it's clearly a trap, I bet ninety percent of the time this jade slip is fake, it's just to stir up our fire!"

The corners of Zhao Tianchong's eyes jumped wildly, and he said word by word:

"Of course I know that this is Li Yao's conspiracy, and the jade slip is very likely to be fake, but what he said is not wrong. If he stares at the Chaos Blade Hall to fight, we will definitely lose. Lu Tieshan, call me How to cooperate with you?"

Lu Tieshan rolled his eyes round and round, and said anxiously:

"Then let the people from our Tekken Association rush to the front, and those who want to die will die first, is this sincere enough?"

Zhao Tianchong sneered:

"Your people rushed to the front, and then Li Yao was caught by you, and the jade slip was also captured by you, so we are still doomed?"

Lu Tieshan was speechless for a moment.

He found that Li Yao's play was so terrific that he was not afraid of being seen through.

This is not a conspiracy, it is a conspiracy!

Zhao Tianchong said coldly:

"Lu Tieshan, I have a solution, it depends on your courage."

"If you want to continue to cooperate, you can, but in order to make up for the loss of Chaos Blade Hall in the pursuit, the Iron Fist Club must select a hundred people, let us 'kill' and withdraw from the competition."

"In this way, the overall combat power of the two sides remains balanced, and it is possible to continue to cooperate."

"In addition, this jade slip must be kept with me first, and taken to the base camp of Chaos Blade Hall to test its authenticity."

Lu Tieshan was stunned:

"Zhao Tianchong, what joke are you kidding? Asking a hundred of us to 'suicide', and handing over this jade slip to you? It's too much, it's impossible!"

Zhao Tianchong was expressionless, and said word by word:

"The request is too much, but Li Yao is very likely to be dormant nearby, and will die with me at any time! If I am finished, the Chaos Blade Hall will definitely lose, you say. How do you want me to cooperate with you?"

"If you don't agree, then I know it's a trick, so I can only hold my nose and cooperate with Li Yao first to get rid of you!"

"At least in this way, my odds of winning will be higher than now!"

Lu Tieshan was speechless, after Zhao Tianchong finished speaking. He also fell silent, holding the hilt of the sword with one hand, and quietly waiting for the final answer.

But the whispered discussion behind the two gradually turned into an unscrupulous uproar.

The hostility between the two sides became more and more intense. The sword cultivators held their weapons in their hands, and the spirit patterns on the body of the body refiner also emitted a strange light. The murderous aura was like two expanding bubbles that were about to collide.

"Calm down, fuck me, calm down!"

The veins on Lu Tieshan's neck exploded. In an instant, his eyes were bloodshot and turned red, his throat was hoarse and he said:

"Zhao Tianchong, although your request is excessive, it is not unreasonable, but I need time to explain to everyone, and it won't be done in a short while! The most important thing right now is to restrain both parties. Don't do anything! Once you do, It's messed up!"

Lu Tieshan is also a decisive person. After pondering for a moment, he gritted his teeth and prepared to accept Zhao Tianchong's conditions.

Zhao Tianchong breathed a sigh of relief, let go of the hilt of his sword, raised his hands high, and said cheerfully:

"Okay, only you can do it. I won't make any more demands. We will work together to find Li Yao and kill him. Even if dozens of experts in the Chaos Blade Hall are defeated, even if I are defeated, I will definitely fight him." Already!"

"Okay. A word—"

Lu Tieshan hadn't finished speaking, but the sound of fighting from far and near came from the surrounding mist.

The expressions of the two changed at the same time, they opened the communication channel, and shouted sharply:

"Who did it?"

"The negotiation here is not over yet, don't do anything, stop!"

Under the interference of the fog, there was a "rustling" noise from the communication channel, mixed with roars and bombardments, intermittently, and no one responded to their calls at all.

The two listened attentively for a while before distinguishing a few words:

"Jade Jane!"

"The jade slip is in his hand, come on, grab it quickly!"

Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan looked at each other:

"Jade Jane?"

Isn't Yujian right in front of them

"not good!"

The two thought of a possibility at the same time, and instantly felt a bone-chilling chill.

Through the monitoring of thousands of crystal eyes, tens of thousands of spectators had an insight into Li Yao's entire plan a few minutes earlier than them.

What Li Yao dropped in the jungle was not one jade slip, but a hundred.

A total of one hundred jade slips, together with a hundred sound-transmitting paper cranes, were evenly distributed in conspicuous positions in the center of the jungle.

Once it senses the wind and grass, the sound transmission crane will dance and tell Li Yao's whole plan in detail.

At this moment, almost all the contestants from both sides who interspersed with each other knew about Li Yao's "conspiracy".

They also understand the dilemma they face.

And the jade slip in front of them...

99% are fake.

But what if Li Yao took advantage of their mentality and mixed up the real jade slips

It is safer to take them all back and try them out. If there is a 1% chance of winning the bet, then you will make a profit!

Thinking in this way, everyone quietly approached the unknown jade slip.

Then they found that not far away, the old opponent who had been entangled for decades was eyeing him, ready to move.

In an instant, all Li Yao's words just now flooded into his mind.

"Will the gang of Random Blade Hall really cooperate with Li Yao and take action against us with an iron fist?"

"The boys from the Iron Fist Society, are they afraid that we will cooperate with Li Yao and prey on us?"

Both of them were thinking this way, and the tense atmosphere became more and more tense. The eyes of both sides collided fiercely in mid-air, as if crackling sparks burst out.

Until now, everyone still gritted their teeth and endured without doing anything.

The nerves of two thousand people are like two thousand bowstrings stretched to the limit, and everyone controls their hands with the last bit of reason.



"They're doing it!"

From the fog in all directions, a very abrupt voice sounded.

It was another hundred sound-transmitting paper cranes, making lifelike screams in the hidden bushes and grass. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better and faster! u
