Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 201: Ambush on all sides


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Among the 2,000 contestants, most of them were a little wary of the sudden screams, felt something was wrong, and did not act rashly.

But the terrible thing about Li Yao's trap is that as long as there are a very small number of people, even if only a few dozen people fall into the trap, once the fire starts, it will cause a chain reaction, like a snowball, it will grow bigger and bigger, and finally become impossible. Contain the avalanche!

On the west side of the jungle, two members of the Iron Fist and two members of the Chaos Blade are facing off.

On a big bluestone in the middle, there is a jade slip, and a paper crane dances in mid-air.

The four of them had a big fight over a training ground last month, and the Chaos Blade Hall even suffered a small loss.

As the saying goes, enemies are extremely jealous when they meet, and the four of them stare at each other fiercely like a mad bull.

There was a scream, and the four of them shivered at the same time, their pupils shrinking into needlepoints.

The members of Chaos Blade Hall attacked first, with two sharp knives out of their sheaths, and their swords piercing like poisonous snakes.

"My boy, you really teamed up with Li Yao!"

The members of the Iron Fist Association roared, and their fists hit their chests fiercely. The spiritual patterns were activated to the limit, and a layer of faint flames suddenly surged around their bodies, and the iron fists blasted straight at the sword light.

The south side of the jungle, the north side of the jungle, the east side of the jungle...

The flames of war broke out everywhere, and the jungle instantly turned into a violent sea of flames.

Even though many people knew that the initial scream was a trap set by Li Yao.

But since both sides have already started fighting, they have no choice but to strike first!

Under the towering tree, just as a member of the Iron Fist Club picked up the jade slip, a sword light pierced through the tree right in the center of his mouth, and the soft armor on his body suddenly burst into a dazzling blood. , also blasted a current that was not fatal but extremely painful into his chest, causing him to foam at the mouth and his limbs to twitch. Passed out on the spot.

The member of Chaos Blade Hall smiled slightly, turned out from behind the tree, bent down and was about to pick up the jade slip in the opponent's hand, when suddenly a gust of wind blasted from above his head.

A member of the Tekken Society exuding a metallic luster pressed down hard. A fierce and unparalleled knee bump hit him right on the spine.

A light red light burst out from the soft armor of the member of Chaos Blade Hall, and an electric current rushed into the spine instantly, which meant that his spine was interrupted by this attack, although he was not dead yet. However, he suffered "irreversible and persistent damage" and was unable to move, so he could only lie on the ground sprawled and wait for rescue.

The Iron Fist member who fell from the tree had no time to catch his breath, and two more murderous members of the Chaos Blade Hall emerged from the mist on the opposite side...

Intense small-scale encounters unfolded in all directions at the same time. The sound of screams, fighting, bombardment and explosions enveloped the entire jungle.

because of terrain constraints. Coupled with the fog that obscures the line of sight, when the two contestants find each other, they are often very close at hand.

From now on, it will be life and death, and there will be no third result.

Therefore, the killing efficiency of this year's competition is much higher than in previous years.

In just 30 minutes, more than 300 people were "killed", and 400 people suffered "irreversible and persistent damage", completely losing their combat effectiveness.

Even the 100 members of Random Blade Church who stayed in the base camp couldn't bear it anymore.

The overall strength of Chaos Blade Hall was not as good as that of Tekken Club, if there were a hundred less people. It was simply a one-sided massacre.

In the end, only thirty people remained to defend the base camp.

The remaining 70 people threw themselves into the bloody battle in the jungle without hesitation, and many of them were "killed" after a few minutes.

The battle plan carefully designed by Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan before the game was completely disrupted.

Neither side had the slightest bit of tactics to speak of, and it turned into the ugliest and most clumsy chaos in decades.

And the maker of this disaster is Li Yao. At this moment, it is walking unhurriedly between the branches, like a python.

He was wearing a double-sided camouflage cloth.

One side can simulate the mottled patterns of trees, shrubs and grass, and the other side can simulate the patterns of various rocks.

Coupled with the dormant technique he cultivated in hunting in the wilderness, hiding in the branches or rocks, it is almost possible to confuse the real one.

Through the monster detector, Li Yao concentrated on observing the battles.

And messages kept appearing on the Monster Beast Detector.

"Zhou Zhongping. Iron Fist will be born again, the third level of Qi Refining Stage, good at Golden Thread Fist, Xuanshuang Jin, take the route of wide opening and closing, head-on collision, the disadvantage is that the base is not stable, and the left leg and knee have been seriously injured."

"Ji Mingyuan, a freshman in the Chaos Blade Hall, third-level Qi Refining Stage, good at the Red Dragon Spear, the spear is divided into sections, and has a built-in chain, which can be extended to more than ten meters in an instant. The attack range is very wide. The disadvantage is that the defense is slightly weaker."

"Fang Xinghui..."

"Zhao Junzhi..."

Information fell from the monster detector like a waterfall.

This is the reason why Li Yao wanted to obtain information about the battle of two thousand freshmen.

Since the monster detector can distinguish two very similar monsters, of course it can also identify a person's identity based on the facial features.

The latter is actually simpler. Face recognition technology is a very mature supernatural power in the Federation of Stars, and it is widely used in public places. Li Yao just made a small modification to the monster detector, and then re-entered the data. It becomes a "combat force detector".

And his purpose is to use the combat power detector to find out the key figures on both sides.

"You are the one!"

When the monster detector found a freshman from the fourth level of the Iron Fist Association's Qi Refining Stage, Li Yao's eyes lit up, and he quietly crouched on the canopy behind him.

Until the opponent killed two members of the Chaos Blade Hall in succession, he was panting for breath, and he swam down the tree trunk without a sound, tiptoeing towards the opponent.

In the dark mist, Li Yao was like the other party's shadow, clinging to him tightly.

It wasn't until the two sides were less than one meter apart that the other party suddenly became alert.

Just as he was about to turn around, his neck hurt, and an electric current pierced his throat hard, making him unable to scream, his eyes widened, and he clutched his neck. First he knelt on the ground, and then his whole body was limp in the mud. middle.

And Li Yao had disappeared long before he knelt down on the ground, and merged with the jungle again.

"Okay, let's silently kill a fourth-level cultivator in the Qi refining period, and the other party didn't see him until his death. This kid is really good at it!"

In the VIP room, Bai Mushen, the elder of the Demon Fist Sect who had dismissed Li Yao just now, was a little moved and sat up slightly.

Long Wenhui, deputy leader of the Baizhan Sword League, smiled slightly:

"This is the third fourth-level freshman in the Qi Refining Period that he killed. It seems that he wants to use this method to maintain the balance of combat power between the two sides, so that the Iron Fist and the Chaos Blade Hall will last longer. Yes. Both sides were hit hard."

"Look, he made another move. This time, he killed a fourth-level freshman in the Qi Refining Stage of Chaos Blade Hall. This freshman still looked surprised."

"Hey, why are you surprised? He has already killed three Tekken masters, and of course he has to kill one or two Chaos Blade Hall masters to maintain balance! Don't you really believe in an 'evil way'?" Master', do you think he will sincerely cooperate with Chaos Blade Hall?"

Long Wenhui shook his head and said disapprovingly.

With a dignified expression, Bai Mushen said slowly:

"If things go on like this, the conflict between the two sides will become more and more intense. The master will either die in the fire or be assassinated by Li Yao. In the end, he may really kill him. It depends on how Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan deal with it!"

Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan are the few sober ones.

The moment the shouts of killing sounded, they realized Li Yao's plot.

Lu Tieshan shouted violently:

"Zhao Tianchong, think about it clearly, Li Yao will never join hands with you sincerely, and will definitely try to weaken our strength, so that both of us can maintain a delicate balance, so that we can kill each other as much as possible!"

"If you team up with him, you will definitely be eaten by him until there is not even a scum left!"

Zhao Tianchong pondered for a moment, two blade-like lights shot out from his eyes, and he said decisively:

"For today's plan, only strong men cut off their wrists!"

"The fire has already happened. After all, we are not army commanders, and our classmates are not well-trained soldiers. We don't have such a strong commanding force to calm everyone down!"

"The ones who follow us are all the most powerful core members. Let's join forces and head north. When encountering conflicts, try to calm them down. If you can't calm down, go around and buy time!"

"If you find jade slips along the way, all of them will be distributed equally, half for each person!"

"In short, we must race against time, rush to the canyon area, and stop Li Yao!"

"No matter what tricks he plays, in the end, he will pass through the canyon area!"

"Let's set a trap in the canyon area, let Li Yao taste the taste of ambush!"

Both sides deeply felt Li Yao's fearfulness, and without a moment's hesitation, they immediately started to act.

Along the way, when the battles were not too intense and neither side was seriously injured, Zhao Tianchong and Lu Tieshan joined hands to stop them and gather their respective players.

When the two sides were already fighting, and the ground was full of wounded people, they didn't even look at it, and just went around.

As for the fighting in the distance, there is no time to stop it.

In only forty-two minutes, the two organized a mixed force of 185 people and returned to the canyon area.

Although there are not many people, they are the strongest and most capable core members of both sides.

Moreover, most of those who survived the chaotic war had calmer personalities and quicker minds, and would not easily fall into the trap.

The fewer the number of people, the stronger the control of the two, and the less likely it is to cause confusion.

Moreover, there is no heavy fog in the canyon area, and the line of sight is very good, and everything within two kilometers can be seen clearly.

"Li Yao, now more than 200 of us have blocked the canyon area, let's see what else you can do to sneak past us!" (.) xh118

Remember for a second, wonderful anytime, please visit. Wucuo quickly released the latest chapter of 40,000 Years of Comprehension. This chapter is Chapter 200 Ambush from Ten Sides, and the address is html. If you think this chapter is not bad, please don’t forget to recommend it to your friends in QQ groups and Weibo. !
