Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 204: the final winner


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Li Yao's first words gave Lu Tieshan a warning sign, and his physical strength was stimulated to the limit. At this moment, he did not dodge or dodge, but slammed into Zhao Tianchong, who was close at hand, and kicked Zhao Tianchong hard at the same time, who was about to draw his sword. Kicked back with his right hand.

With a sound of "Clang", Zhao Tianchong was in such a state of confusion that the long sword couldn't get out of its sheath.


Zhao Tianchong was hit by Lu Tieshan's forceful and heavy impact, and he flew more than ten meters away in an instant, smashing a huge rock.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

Lu Tieshan was also hit four times behind him, but he didn't hurt his vitals, and he still retained 90% of his combat power.

"Do it!"

"Do it!"

Almost at the same time, regardless of their injuries, the two pulled their necks and screamed.

More than a hundred experts from the Iron Fist Club and Random Blade Hall have long been secretly seizing favorable terrain, while observing their opponents quietly and calculating the best attack angle and direction.

With the sound, the canyon area instantly turned into a sea of furious psychic energy. The colorful psychic energy collided with each other, knocking out shock waves, blasting the boulders and crushing the gravel into ashes.

All of a sudden, sand and rocks flew, and strong winds blew up, like a sandstorm.

In the sandstorm, screams, swords slashing, and psychic explosions could be heard endlessly. It lasted for a full ten minutes before it gradually subsided.

The dust settled, and the scene was horrible. Hundreds of people were lying on the ground among the rocks, most of them passed out, and some of them were so shocked that their limbs twitched, foamed at the mouth, and wailed endlessly. .

In the end, only nine people stood tremblingly.

Nine members of the Tekken Club who were seriously injured!

Lu Tieshan looked at the unconscious Zhao Tianchong under his feet, feeling deeply moved.

Finally, in this competition for the top three rookies, he defeated Li Yao and Zhao Tianchong and became the final winner!

The price he paid was also extremely tragic, and Zhao Tianchong stabbed him severely in the heart. The electric current was only a hair away, and it was about to blast directly into his heart, causing him and Zhao Tianchong to "die together".

"It's dangerous, it's too dangerous!"

"If Li Yao hadn't reminded me at the last moment, maybe I would really be killed by Zhao Tianchong, and the result would be hard to say!"

Lu Tieshan gasped for a moment. Gathering up his mind, he gathered the remaining eight team members, and found that although everyone was seriously injured and their combat power was blocked by electric current, less than 30%, fortunately, there was no serious problem in their actions.

After groping around Zhao Tianchong, he found the remaining two jade slips, and tested them on the crystal brain one by one.

Sure enough, the last jade slip was included. Containing countless mysterious and complicated runes, it is the information entered by the school in advance.

"I found it, this is the real jade slip!"

In an instant, the nine burly men all had the urge to cry loudly.

"Don't get too excited, we have to go through the entire jungle and return to the Iron Fist headquarters."

"Although Zhao Tianchong was killed, there are still many stragglers from both sides in the jungle, fighting in a daze."

"Right now we don't know. Who has the upper hand."

"So, let's just leave them alone. We sneak in from the side, hide all the way, and sneak back to the base camp!"

When Lu Tieshan said this, he thought for a while, grabbed a fake jade slip, and handed the remaining two jade slips to his two companions.

"Ma Feixing. You have the best body skills and the fastest speed. You will keep this real jade slip. If you encounter danger in the jungle, we will protect you. Your task is to run to the base camp as fast as you can!"

"Now, let's go!"

A group of nine people re-entered the jungle, clinging to the edge of the jungle, and bypassed the main battlefield from the flanks.

Along the way, I tiptoed, cautiously, not daring to make a sound.

According to their calculations, Li Yao must have secretly killed many core members of the Tekken Society when the chaos started, in order to maintain the balance of the two sides' combat power.

The two sides fighting in the jungle now, maybe there are more people in Chaos Blade Hall.

So they didn't dare to call for support rashly.

If it attracts a large group of people from Chaos Blade Hall, it will be self-defeating.

Fortunately, luck seems to have been on the side of the Iron Fist Society today. Seeing that they made a big circle and passed through most of the jungle from the flanks, they did not meet a member of the Chaos Blade Hall.

Of course, none of the Iron Fist members saw it. This was the most remote place in the jungle. There were swamps, vines, and mist, and everything three to five meters away was blurry.

"Walk for another half an hour, and we will be able to return to the base camp of the Iron Fist Association. We are sure to win!"

Lu Tieshan tore off the vine blocking the way, and turned around to cheer.

There was a muffled echo in the mist behind him.

For some reason, Lu Tieshan suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable.

It's like a venomous snake has jumped into his collar and walked on his back.

Lu Tieshan stopped suddenly, clenched his fists tightly, and veins appeared on the back of his fists.

In the shadowy thick fog, his team members came out one by one.

"One, two, three... six?"

"Where are the other two?"

"Yan Qi, Wan Zhixing!"

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and the last Iron Fist member involuntarily took two steps back, walked into the thick fog, and wanted to search for the two stragglers.

Then, as if a gust of cool wind passed by, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.


The sound of heavy objects falling to the ground came from the dense fog.

Or maybe it was a person falling straight down.

"Enemy attack!"

In an instant, the remaining six people felt cold all over their bodies, and quickly approached to form a battle formation.

The slightly trembling iron fist aimed at the dense fog in all directions.

Shrouded in thick fog, the jungle looks like a demon realm. Occasionally, the noise of birds can be heard among the surrounding branches, which makes people even more nervous.


A black shadow rushed out from the thick fog!

The three Iron Fist members roared wildly, took four or five steps in a row, and threw their fists at the black shadow.

When they saw clearly that it was their unconscious companion, they abruptly withdrew their hands, but completely deformed their own movements, opening the empty door wide open.

One of them couldn't hold back his strength and staggered and fell out.


From behind the black shadow, a second black shadow sprang out. Dodging among the three, he appeared in front of the remaining four.


Flashing electric arcs emerged from the three of them, and with expressions of astonishment, they rolled all over the ground and twitched.

But the expressions of the remaining four people were even more horrified than them.

appeared in front of them. This is a person who should have died a long time ago, Li Yao!

Li Yao looked at them quietly like a ghost crawling out of the Nine Netherworld.


Not only is each hand holding a scimitar, the elbows, knees, soles of the feet, all parts that can bend and protrude, are all tied with a shining blade.

Every elbow, knee, and kick can cause maximum damage.

The fully armed posture like a steel hedgehog shows that this is not a chance encounter, but a planned interception!

There seemed to be a bottomless hole between Lu Tieshan's internal organs. The heart fell through the hole and fell into the bottomless abyss.

He bravely took a step forward, put his hands behind his back, and signaled his companion who was carrying the real jade slip to play it by ear, while delaying time, he asked loudly:

"Li Yao, why didn't you die!"

Li Yao smiled, stretched out his hand and pressed on his abdomen. Bloody rays of light gushed out of his body suddenly, and dozens of electric arcs shot out.

The blood glow surged. Surrounded by electric arcs, Li Yao didn't feel uncomfortable at all, and explained:

"I refined a very simple device. I'm too embarrassed to call it a magic weapon, and it doesn't have supernatural powers. It can only emit some fake arcs and blood lights. It's just a false impression that I was seriously injured."

Lu Tieshan was speechless, his eyes were almost dripping with blood, he was stunned for a long time, and said dejectedly:

"In the final analysis, it is still our negligence. If you are desperate, you must find your body!"

After a pause, he said again:

"One more thing, I don't quite understand. How did you know that Zhao Tianchong would set up an ambush in the base camp, and why did you remind me?"

Li Yao said:

"I'm not sure that Zhao Tianchong will definitely set up an ambush, but since the main battlefield is the canyon area, the base camp of the Chaos Blade Hall is likely to become an important place for fighting, so if it were me, I would ambush a few swordsmen in advance. it's common!"

"As for reminding you, the reason is very simple, I don't want Chaos Blade Hall to get the jade slip."

"Only if Iron Fist can get the jade slip, it is necessary to go through the entire jungle. I can hunt and kill in the jungle calmly."

"it is good!"

Lu Tieshan laughed loudly, punched his fists, and his expression was extremely fierce, "Li Yao, you are very powerful, you have calculated everything, yes, the jade slip is on my body, if you want it, you can get it yourself!"

"The Jade Slip is not on you, but on the little classmate behind you who is about to move and wants to get away. This classmate is called Ma Feixing. He is a third-level Qi Refining Stage. He is good at lightning steps and has amazing speed. If I and If you entangle for a while, maybe he will really run away."

"But it's useless."

Li Yao knocked on the monster detector, and said calmly, "The real jade slips, soaked in a specially prepared dark phosphorus solution by me, will emit a faint light that cannot be seen by the naked eye, and my detection of monsters The device has also been modified, adding a rune matrix that scans the dark light."

"In my eyes, the real jade slips are like fireflies in the dark night. They are so bright and dazzling that they can be seen dozens of meters away."

"This is also the reason why I was able to lock you in the fog."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yao suddenly flashed into the four of them like a real ghost, his figure spun at high speed and turned into a storm!

"Ma Feixing, let's go!"

Lu Tieshan yelled violently, his huge figure completely blocked Li Yao's way.

Unexpectedly, Li Yao threw the scimitar with his left hand violently, drawing a curved and strange arc, and hit Ma Feixing's right foot.

Ma Feixing staggered and fell forward.

Everything that followed happened within half a second.

Li Yao's right hand flashed the saber light, and easily wiped Lu Tieshan's neck.

At the same time, he soared into the air, stepped on Lu Tieshan's shoulder, and passed over his head, like a goshawk pouncing a rabbit, his knees hit the chests of the remaining two Iron Fist members hard.

The condescending knee bump, coupled with the power of the blade, caused the two of them to fly backwards, and a large ball of lightning exploded from their chests.

Like a giant owl, Li Yao soared into the sky again, and flew in front of Ma Feixing. The moment before he landed, his elbow gently cut along the aorta of Ma Feixing's neck, and his five fingers wiped his waist by the way.

Ma Feixing clutched his throat, glaring electric sparks shot out between his fingers, and he fell down slowly.

The moment before his staring eyes lost their luster, he happened to see Li Yao taking the jade slips into his arms, without even looking at them, he quickly disappeared into the mist and shot towards the north. (… )r1292
