Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 206: The world is so big


"A higher-level organization than the Baizhan Daomeng?"

These words caused an uproar in Li Yao's heart.

Among the top 100 federations, the Baizhan Daomeng can be regarded as a top-ranked super sect, ranking in the 30s and 50s all the year round.

Even if the top ten sects of the Federation are at most larger than the Baizhan Daomeng, they dare not say that they are "an organization of a higher level".

What kind of existence was Long Wenhui talking about

Subconsciously accepting the silver-white card, the strange touch surprised Li Yao even more.

At first glance, the card, which is even smaller than the Golden Smart Card, is extremely heavy in the hand, and the touch is neither metal nor wood, but rather like holding a ball of flowing metal.

Twisting it carefully with his fingers, Li Yao found that the card was extremely thin, only a few tenths of a millimeter.

It stands to reason that the edge of such a thin card must be very sharp, but when he carefully wiped it with his thumb, there was a weak force that blocked his fingers.

Li Yao strengthened the strength of his fingers, and ripples appeared on the surface of the card. He bent it, and in the end, it folded together.

Li Yao let go, and the card was like a spring. The ripples spread, and it returned to its original shape, with no trace of being folded at all.

"What material is this?"

Li Yao was extremely shocked.

After studying systematically with Yuan Manqiu, the "Goddess of the Deep Sea" for a year, and with the help of ancient classics in the Tianlian Pagoda, he now has a very solid theoretical foundation and knows all kinds of common materials in the cultivation world like the back of his hand.

And since this material has such weird properties, it is absolutely impossible to be unknown, why has he never heard of it

Long Wenhui laughed and said:

"This card is both an invitation and a test. All the information about this organization is contained in the card. Li Yao, please explore slowly. When you discover all the secrets of this card. New world The door will slowly open before your eyes!"

What Long Wenhui said aroused Li Yao's curiosity to the extreme.

His gaze once again fell on the mirror-smooth surface of the card.

"The seemingly empty card contains a lot of information?"

Li Yao looked at the card over and over for a long time, but saw nothing except his somewhat anxious expression.

The delicate touch of the fingers. However, he felt some strange changes in the friction force.

A starlight flashed in Li Yao's eyes, and his fingertips lightly slid across the surface of the card.

He immediately noticed that the surface of the card was uneven, with a shallow layer of indentations that could not be recognized by the naked eye, which seemed to be a series of flying and phoenix characters. form a sentence.

Closing his eyes, Li Yao carefully sensed the subtle changes in his fingertips, and murmured:

"When the stars shine..."

As soon as the seven words were uttered, the card trembled slightly, and the ripples in the silver mirror spread wildly, and a black hole appeared in the center, constantly eroding the silver-white surface.

Moments later, the card was swallowed by darkness!

Do not. Not darkness, but an incomparably deep night sky dotted with twinkling stars. Converging into a shining vortex, slowly rotating!

Li Yao felt in a trance that what he held between his fingers was the entire universe!

This extremely strange scene lasted for a second, the sky fire went out, and the galaxy shattered. The card changed back to a silver mirror.

What was left to Li Yao was an endless aftertaste.

His spirit. Still immersed in the vast sea of stars, unable to calm down for a long time.

"Such materials. Such supernatural powers!"

"Between a square inch, the infinite mysteries of the star sea are deduced!"

"It has simply surpassed the technical limit of Tianyuan Realm!"

"When the stars shine? What does this sentence mean? Does it represent the purpose of this organization?"

"What kind of organization is this?"

In Li Yao's mind, countless thoughts were spinning wildly.

And Long Wenhui was no less shocked than him. Touching his nose, he murmured:

"It only took 1 minute and 42 seconds to solve the first mystery?"

"Back then, it took me a full 9 minutes!"

When he settled down, Long Wenhui's eyes flashed brightly, and he said with a smile:

"Student Li Yao, put the card away and study it slowly when you have time."

"What you just discovered is only one percent of the secret of this card, and there are infinitely wonderful worlds waiting for you to explore!"

"Remember, this card represents not only the supreme glory, but also the mysterious and unpredictable danger."

"The foundation building period, you must at least enter the foundation building period to be eligible to explore the new world behind the card!"

After a pause, Long Wenhui touched the bulbous nose and said in a deep voice:

"According to the usual practice, freshmen who perform exceptionally well in the Thunder Cup every year are eligible to receive advice from us spectators. I don't have much time, and I don't have time to teach you a complete set of sword techniques, let alone people like you. I am afraid that what is needed is not as simple as one or two sets of knife skills."

"Then, let me give you another gift!"

Long Wenhui looked around, walked towards the rocks by the lake, bent down, and stretched his chubby palm towards a rock the size of a fist.

The seemingly ordinary movements made Li Yao feel like a storm is about to come.

The air seemed to have turned into an extremely sticky glue, sticking him in place, unable to move at all.

He could only desperately open his eyes wide and focus on Long Wenhui's fat hands.


Long Wenhui flicked his sleeves, and the light flickered away. He grabbed the rock and blew it by his mouth.

With a "poof", the dust scattered.

The originally uneven and irregular rock, after the dust dissipated, unexpectedly revealed 18 smooth mirror-like cut surfaces, like a carefully polished gemstone.

Long Wenhui smiled faintly and handed the rock over.

It wasn't until this moment that the air returned to normal, and Li Yao was finally able to breathe easily.

And no matter how concentrated he was just now, he couldn't catch Long Wenhui's movements.

All I know is that he must have made a knife, and more than one knife, to cut the rock like this!

"You can't even capture the trajectory of the knife. Is this the strength of the strong alchemist?"

Li Yao solemnly took the rock with both hands. It's like receiving a priceless magic weapon.

The subtle touch of his fingertips immediately made his pupils shrink.


The eighteen facets seem to be as smooth as a mirror, but there are subtle differences.

The cutting speed, strength and angle of each cutting surface have mysterious and incomparable changes.

Long Wenhui, a strong alchemist who had reached the pinnacle of saber skills, was able to do so in an instant. Eighteen completely different knife techniques were branded on the stone!

Li Yao held his breath, his eyes were slightly closed, his hands were moving like the wind, and he kept groping on the rocks.

Unbelievable lights of swords appeared in his mind, and he was completely immersed in the world of sword techniques.

When he finally opened his eyes, stimulated by the hottest sweat. Only then did I realize that Long Wenhui had already drifted away at some point.

On the artificial lake, a series of straight footprints were impressively left on the turbulent water surface, extending all the way to the other side of the lake.

From the looks of it, Long Wenhui walked all the way across the lake.

And in the footprints he left behind. Contains powerful spiritual energy, even after a long time, it still freezes the surface of the water!

A faint voice rang in Li Yao's ears at this moment:

"Cultivate hard, student Li Yao, the time left for us is running out!"


Li Yao let out a long sigh of relief, and sat down by the lake. Looking at the long-lasting footprints on the water, I was in a daze.

Whether it is the silver-white card that can transform into stars and seas, or Long Wenhui's miraculous skills, he has been exposed to a higher level of the world.

One. A wonderful world that he can't even dream of!

"The cultivation world is really huge!"

"Today, I just caused a small wave in Raging Waves City."

"Cultivate hard, refine the mysterious bone battle armor as soon as possible, rush to the foundation building stage, and then enter the new world that Long Wenhui said!"

"That's the real wonderful life!"

Think here. Li Yao smiled slightly.

In any case, he won the Thunder Cup. Received a reward of 10,000 credits, and the total credits have broken through the 40,000 mark. I was able to get a letter of recommendation from the principal, so I went to take the exam for a registered craftsman!

As long as you pass the exam, you can keep the Artifact Refining Department, and the school will increase investment next year to restart the Xuangu Project.

The future is so beautiful, as long as we work hard, we can achieve it!

"Didididi", Jingnao sent a message.


"The utility patent I applied for has also passed, and I own the patent for the monster detector!"

"Great, hooray!"

Li Yao jumped three feet high and swung his fist fiercely in mid-air.

I was so excited that I didn't grasp the landing point and jumped into the lake directly!

In the next few days, Li Yao has been very busy.

What I received from Principal Xiong Baili was not only a handwritten recommendation letter, but also a cross-lightning "Thunder Cup" carved from amethyst, which will be kept by the Starfire Alliance for one year, and will be handed over to the next winner after the competition next year.

After winning the Thunder Cup, his credits broke through 40,000 points within a year, creating a new record never seen before in the Great Desolate War Academy. He inevitably became the focus of attention again, and he also accepted several interviews with campus reporters.

In addition, the students of Iron Fist Club and Random Blade Hall also warmly invited him to "exchange and exchange ideas, and introduce the experience of winning the competition".

Li Yao refused on the spot, what a joke, isn't this a self-inflicted snare

Even when Ding Lingdang invited him to dinner at home under the pretense of helping him celebrate winning the Thunder Cup, he didn't dare to go.

In addition to hiding in the laboratory to improve the monster detector and preparing for the registered craftsman exam, whenever he has time, Li Yao took out silver-white cards and small stones cut by Long Wenhui to study.

The more you study it, the more mysterious it becomes.

Even if I stare blankly for a day and a night, I still enjoy it and don't feel tired at all.

But three days later, there was an unexpected piece of news that interrupted his concentration on cultivation.

"The Flying Spirit Sect wants to buy the patent of the monster detector from me?" ()
