Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 207: Don't know how to lift


In the largest teahouse "Yangliuju" in Raging Waves City, Gao Guanyu took a sip of tea and couldn't help frowning slightly.

The environment on the Great Wilderness is too harsh, even the best tea has a smell of wind and sand, and tastes a bit sour.

Gao Guanyu is a personable, very elegant middle-aged man, with a round face that makes people feel good at first glance, and his chubby face seems to have no scheming, even a little clumsy.

But in Fei Lingzong, everyone called him "Fat Fox", known for his insidious and cunning smiles.

Gao Guanyu is a senior manager of Feilingzong Patent Center.

Fei Lingzong is a large class of refining equipment, and the new patents used every year are as vast as the sea.

Of course, hundreds of thousands of patents cannot all be developed by Fei Lingzong's own craftsmen, and many patents have to be purchased from outsiders.

Gao Guanyu's job is to find potential patents on the market and buy them back at very low prices before the inventors realize their value.

Then whether you use it yourself or resell it using Feilingzong's huge network, you can make a lot of money.

Having been in this circle for decades, Gao Guanyu was keenly aware of the value behind the patent of "monster detector" with his rich experience.

Once commercialized, maybe there will be a wave.

What's more terrible is that this kind of magic weapon overlaps with the various magic weapons currently produced by Feilingzong in terms of usage.

In Gao Guanyu's opinion, many designs of the monster detector are better than the hunting watches and other magic weapons of Feilingzong.

Once listed, it will definitely have an impact on Feilingzong's magic weapon.

Therefore, Gao Guanyu is very important to the monster detector. Determined to win.

"This mission should not be difficult."

"The other party is just a freshman who is less than twenty years old, and the Artifact Refining Department of the Great Desolation War Academy is even the third-rate among the third-rate. I have never heard of it before. They refine this type of magic weapon."

"It is estimated that this kid just came up with a sudden whim, and by chance, he designed the monster detector. I am afraid that even he himself did not realize the value contained in it."

"For a small fee, the patent can be fully bought..."

Gao Guanyu smiled slightly, closed his eyes and meditated. Spend the last few minutes thinking about what to say later.

Suddenly, two waitresses chattered in my ears:

"Have you watched the video, the nickname Vulture is really correct, it is too insidious and cunning!"

"Of course I read it. It is said that this vulture is a new generation of ruthless people in our Great Desolation War Institute. It is better to provoke the Iron Fist and Chaos Blade Hall at the same time than to provoke the vulture!"

Raging Waves City is a university town, and in the teahouses and restaurants in Raging Waves City, many students work part-time, not for money, but also to cultivate the spirit of self-reliance among the students.

These two waitresses are both students of the Great Desolation War Academy.


Gao Guanyu was startled. Then he laughed dumbfounded, laughing at himself for being nervous.

The Great Wilderness Battlefield is most famous for its martial arts department, what kind of vulture is this. Just by the name, you can tell that he is a ruthless man of the martial arts department, no matter how insidious or fierce, it has nothing to do with him.

Still think about it, how to deal with that stupid freshman!

A moment later, a man was wearing a school uniform. Except for his bright eyes, the ordinary-looking young man walked into the teahouse. After looking around, he went straight to Gao Guanyu.

Gao Guanyu put on the most friendly pose. With the most cordial expression, he smiled and said:

"Student Li Yao, hello."

"I'm Gao Guanyu from the Flying Spirit Sect. I'm here this time to discuss with you about the transfer of the monster detector patent."

"We have studied your patent carefully. Although it is a little out of touch with reality and not easy to be commercialized, it still has certain novelties in structure. It can be seen that your genius has refined some magic weapons of our Fei Lingzong. It can also play a certain auxiliary role.”

"So, we want to buy it to enrich Feilingzong's patent library."

"Here are some terms I drafted. You can take a look at them first. Our Flying Spirit Sect purchases hundreds of patents from the outside world every year, and we basically operate according to these terms."

"Don't worry, the Flying Spirit Sect is a famous sect with a long history. These terms are absolutely fair and won't let you suffer."

Gao Guanyu transferred a contract to Li Yao's crystal brain.

When Gao Guanyu said that the monster detector was impractical and difficult to commercialize, Li Yao frowned slightly.

And when his eyes scanned the contract and saw a series of numbers, he couldn't help showing a hint of sarcasm in his eyes.

"five million?"

"You want to buy out all the rights and interests of the Monster Beast Detector for five million?"

Li Yao glanced at Gao Guanyu with a half-smile.

With his current strength of the sixth level of Qi refining stage, which is about to break through to the seventh level, it's only five million, how can he not make money

Don't say anything else, let's just say that he hunted monsters wildly in the wasteland. If he didn't take it back to school to exchange for credits, but sold it in the market, it wouldn't take long for him to get five million.

And the reason why he was able to hunt and kill monsters so efficiently was that the monster detector played a key role.

Just 5 million yuan, and you want to buy out the patent right of the monster detector. Do you really think he is a fool who has never seen money

And one of the clauses below made Li Yao shake his head and cut off the idea of cooperating with Fei Lingzong on the spot.

According to this clause, what Feilingzong wanted to buy out was not only the patent right of the monster detector, but also the subsequent improvement and research and development rights of this patent.

In other words, once Li Yao agrees, he will not be able to carry out any research and refining work related to the monster detector in the future.

This is absolutely unacceptable to Li Yao.

In Li Yao's conception, the current monster detector is only the first generation, not even a real "detector".

Because it does not have the ability to detect itself, it only has the ability to scan. The principle is to compare the shape features obtained by scanning with the data in the database.

If it is an unknown type of monster, or some kind of rare mutant monster, if there is no relevant data in the database, then it cannot be detected.

And even if it is the same kind of monster. There are also strong and weak strengths, and high-level monster races can also cultivate, and the true strength after cultivation cannot be judged solely by race.

Therefore, Li Yao will continue to develop it. The second generation, third generation, fourth generation of monster detectors...

Until the end, he hopes to develop a magic weapon that does not rely on the database at all, but has a real detection function, and can see through the general strength of the enemy as long as the Xuanguang sweeps it.

This kind of magic weapon can not only detect the combat power of monsters. It can also detect the combat power of practitioners and demon practitioners.

This is the ultimate magic weapon in his mind, the combat power detector!

So, how could he hand over all the subsequent research and development power to others

Li Yao shook his head. Rejected in one gulp:

"Sorry, Mr. Gao, there is still a gap between the conditions of your faction and my psychological expectations. Let's cooperate again when we have a chance."


Gao Guanyu raised her eyebrows, slightly surprised in her heart, her smile became brighter, and she said calmly:

"Student Li Yao, it doesn't matter if there is a gap. Let's talk slowly. If you are not satisfied with the price, I also have a small authority. I can help you fight again."

Li Yao smiled:

"I'm really not satisfied with the price, and the gap between the two parties may not be bridged by a 'little authority', but the most unacceptable thing for me is the transfer of patent development and improvement rights."

"I can accept it. It is the model of authorized production."

"With my authorization, Feilingzong can mass-produce monster detectors. The profits will be shared by both parties in proportion, and I can lower this proportion."

"But the patent right of the monster detector is still in my own hands, and I can carry out follow-up research and development and refining work as I like."

Gao Guanyu's smile was a little stiff:

"Student Li Yao, it's not necessary, is it?"

"The market prospect of the monster detector is not clear. Even if it is successfully commercialized, who knows how much it will be sold?"

"If you divide it proportionally, your risk is very high!"

"If you think five million is too little, I can apply to the headquarters for permission, and the final transfer price can be increased to eight million!"

"But we must obtain complete patent rights, including subsequent research and development and improvement rights."

"Our Flying Spirit Sect is not an ordinary small sect. Authorized production, which is almost the same as OEM, we never do. The magic weapon we refine must have all the patent rights."

"Well, if you are willing to give up the right to follow-up research and development and improvement, I can add another two million on top of the previous one, and the final patent transfer price is ten million!"


Seeing that Li Yao was silent, Gao Guanyu thought he was hesitating, and added another fire:

"Student Li Yao, let's tell the truth."

"The monster detector is indeed a good magic weapon."

"But no matter how good the magic weapon is, it will encounter many problems in the process of commercialization, such as channels, marketing, quality control of mass refining, after-sales service, etc. If you are not careful, you will not be able to make a lot of money. You may even lose everything!"

"Our Flying Spirit Sect really sincerely obtained the patent of the Monster Beast Detector. The price of 10 million is already the limit. I believe no one will offer a higher price."

"The protection period of the utility patent is only three years. After three years, everyone can imitate the structure of the monster detector and produce the same type of magic weapon!"

"You only have one chance, you must seize it!"

Gao Guanyu's words are not completely deceiving.

Ten million, the purchase of a utility patent developed by a college student is indeed a sky-high price.

However, in Li Yao's mind, he had other plans.

He stood up and bowed slightly:

"I'm really sorry, Mr. Gao, I'm afraid we can't reach an agreement on this issue. Let's cooperate next time we have a chance."

Li Yao turned around and left.

Since the two sides can't agree on the core issues, it's meaningless to continue to entangle the details.

His time is precious, and there is still a lot of research and practice to be done.

Seeing his back disappearing at the door of the tea house, Gao Guanyu's smiling face suddenly became extremely gloomy.

This fat fox squeezed out four words from between his teeth:

"I don't know how to flatter you!" ( )
