Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 209: The most special test room


a month later.

Among the mountains in the central and western part of the Federation of Stars.

A "Killer Whale"-class transport ship emitted colorful streamers, dragged a long tail flame, and slowly swept across the blue sky, heading towards the depths of Shiwanda Mountain.

Inside the transport ship, Li Yao happily flipped through the contract, and whistled with relief.

It's finally finalized!

Large-scale refining of magic weapons is not a trivial matter. Although both parties sincerely want to cooperate, there are still many tedious tasks to deal with when it comes to specific matters.

In the past half a month, Li Yao made minor changes to the structure and rune array of the Monster Beast Detector, mainly from the perspective of reducing costs.

Because many algorithms and runes were invented in the last ten or twenty years, and they are still under patent protection.

It’s nothing to use for learning and research, but if you want to make a profit from large-scale refining, you have to negotiate with the inventor and pay a certain patent royalty.

The solution is to find a way to use the talisman and algorithm invented 30 to 50 years ago to replace it.

These character arrays and algorithms have passed the patent protection period, and anyone can use them.

Of course, not all rune arrays and algorithms can be replaced. For some irreplaceable keys, it is necessary to rely on the business people sent by Shanhai to negotiate with the inventors.

In addition, Jingyan is an indispensable part for large-scale refining of monster detectors≧↗ detectors. It is too uneconomical to buy them at retail prices from the market.

Although the Shanhai faction cannot refine crystal eyes by themselves, there are also some partners who are from the refining sect and have the ability to refine high-performance crystal eyes.

They have reached a strategic cooperation agreement with one of them, and they can purchase Jingyan at a relatively low cost price.

What Li Yao has to do is to fine-tune the refining process. Use this new type of crystal eye to replace the "Super Falcon" grade crystal eye of the Holy Light Gate he originally used.

After finishing this work, he also went to Shanhaipai himself.

On the one hand, it is to inspect the refining technology and production scale of the Shanhai School, and on the other hand, together with Jiang Wenbo, it is to transform the assembly line that was originally used to refine Lingzi watches.

Through the transformation project of Tai'a-type smelting furnace, Jiang Wenbo was completely assured of Li Yao's "magic transformation" technology. Many key parts have been handed over to him to be responsible.

Those from the Shanhai faction who had some complaints about Li Yao were also speechless after seeing his crazy refining technology and transformation ideas, and they were full of confidence in the monster detector project!

After being busy for almost a month, the obstacles in refining were finally smashed to pieces, and after a series of bargaining, the two parties also finalized the final contract. The key points are:

One, Li Yao exclusively authorized the Shanhai faction. The power to refine monster detectors in large quantities, and promised not to authorize it to a second sect within three years.

Second, Li Yao still owns the patent right of the Monster Beast Detector, and can be refined on a small scale for research or sale, as long as the output does not exceed one per day, and a clear mark is engraved on the Monster Beast Detector. It is distinguished from the monster detector refined by the Shanhai school.

three. Shanhai Pai promises that within the next three years. No less than 50,000 Monster Beast Detectors have been refined, and for every Monster Beast Detector sold, the profits will be split between 30% and 70% for Li Yao and Shanhai Pai.

Fourth, Li Yao provides technical support. Once a follow-up model is developed, Shanhaipai will enjoy the priority cooperation right under the same conditions.

Li Yao was very satisfied with this contract.

He also went to the market to learn about this kind of model that does not transfer patent rights, but only authorizes exclusive production. Generally, the share ratio given to the patent owner is at most 20%.

Although the technology belongs to him, the sect of cultivation needs to pay for money, production equipment, and marketing network. Hundreds of people are busy working on this project, and there is a risk of losing money. Cheng, not too much.

But in Li Yao's plan, his ambition is more than just a little bit, what's the point of sharing one or two points with the Shanhai faction

The first generation of monster detectors is just the beginning, and he will develop more detectors with advanced functions and great powers in the future.

If the first generation sells well, we can talk about it later.

His eyes fell to the bottom of the contract, under his flamboyant signature, was a very strange mark.

A small five-pointed star has a grinning mouth, and the corners of the mouth are curled up, as if it is smirking.

This is the exclusive imprint designed by Li Yao for himself.

Each refiner has a very unique mark, which is engraved on the magic weapon they refine, which is not only a kind of identity mark, but also a special advertisement.

A magic weapon with very ordinary functions, as long as it is forged by a master craftsman himself and engraved with the exclusive mark of the master craftsman, it will be worth a hundred times and become a treasure that is sought after.

This smirking little star, Li Yao named it "Demon Star".

He decides—

From now on, if you are on a bloody battlefield, you will use the nickname "Vulture" to roam around.

On the battlefield, the competition is about who is stronger, more ferocious, and more fearless than death.

The nickname Vulture is a ruthless person. One day, even the demon king and demon king of the blood demon world will feel trembling when they hear it.

And in the circle of craftsmen, it is inappropriate to use such a cruel nickname as "Vulture", it doesn't sound like a kind person at first sight!

Therefore, in the circle of craftsmen, his nickname is "Demon Star", haha, "Master Demon Star", this name is not bad!


The killer whale transport ship trembled slightly, and its speed began to slow down.

Among the surrounding passengers, there were slightly nervous discussions.

Li Yao withdrew his smile, put away the light curtain, and instantly forgot about the monster detector.

Now he has more important things to deal with - to register for the refiner exam!

Li Yao looked out through the crystal porthole.

But there are lush and lush mountains surrounding several large basins.

In the basin, there are countless silver-white towns, shining brightly under the sunlight.

These towns located in the 100,000 mountains in the central and western part of the Federation are all military cities, consisting of a series of arsenals, military bases, and war magic research institutes. They are the last line of defense for mankind.

At the beginning of the Xingyao Federation, the situation was far from as stable as it is now. The eastern part of the federation was ravaged by the demon kingdom of the East Pole, and the wilderness in the north was a paradise for monsters. At that time, the beast tide was really overwhelming and destroyed everything. Beast tide!

Many people are worried that the tide of beasts on the Great Desolation will gather into a sea of monsters, breaking through the defenses of human beings in a destructive manner, and heading south, sweeping across the fertile land in the southeast.

And the mountains in the central and western regions of the Federation are the final counterattack bases.

Therefore, the Federation of Stars has spent hundreds of years constantly building in the 100,000 mountains in the Midwest.

Countless mountains have been hollowed out and turned into large-scale arsenals; tens of thousands of underground caves have been continuously developed, deepened, and communicated, turning into intricate underground shelters; countless soldiers and their families live here, generation after generation, Evolved into a military family, waiting for the final battle!

Registered weapon refiners are divided into more than a dozen different categories. Li Yao applied for category C, which is the direction of small military use.

The refiners in this direction mainly refine swords, firearms and auxiliary magic weapons for individual soldiers. The pinnacle of their profession is the "armor craftsman" who can refine crystal armor!

Because it involves a lot of weapon design and testing, the exams for registered weapon refiners in the small military direction are arranged in major military bases every year.

After drawing lots, Li Yao was drawn to the No. 19 examination room set up in the 8734 military base.

"Oh, what a spectacle!"

The transport ship climbed over a mountain, and the 8734 military base was in sight.

This is a very large-scale military base, surrounded by a large number of super-heavy weapons, many of which are as tall as several floors, and the psychic rails are thicker than Li Yao's waist.

One shot down, the power can be imagined.

Before landing, Li Yao was dazzled by hundreds of spar chariots lined up neatly on the ground.

Although they are all relatively old models, once the number increases, they launch an overwhelming group charge, still appearing majestic and majestic, and even Li Yao, who is thousands of meters away, can feel the killing intent.

The transport ship landed slowly, and candidates from several towns in the wilderness filed out. Escorted by a group of soldiers, they arrived in front of a huge silver-white building that looked like an upside-down dome.

After checking their identities, their personal crystal brains were handed over to the military for temporary storage, and they were replaced with a special crystal brain for the examination of registered craftsmen.

Li Yao walked into the silver-white "Big Egg".

Inside the metal eggshell that shrouded the sky like a dome, there was an imposing hall that could hold tens of thousands of people.

Draw a red frame in the center and block it with a defensive array.

This is the examination room of the first test.

The exam for registering a craftsman is divided into a preliminary exam, a re-examination and a final exam.

The first test is a written test, and the test is based on theory, which is extremely difficult, and more than half of the students will be rejected in the first test.

Thousands of candidates from dozens of towns gathered in the hall.

There are still many candidates coming in one after another.

Because it is a national exam, it is not easy to allocate time, and many candidates have been waiting here a few hours ago.

Therefore, a lot of rest areas are specially set up around the hall to provide exquisite food.

And in the crystal computer dedicated to the exam, there are also mock exam papers.

Candidates can eat and drink enough in the rest area to recharge their batteries; they can also hold their feet temporarily for the final sprint.

Looking at the time, there was still an hour and a half before the start of the first test.

Li Yao strolled towards a rest area, ready to relieve the fatigue of the journey.

Unexpectedly, before he could sit down, he heard his name from two whispering examinees behind him.

"Did you know? Our examination room No. 19 is the most special one among all the examination rooms. There are two unique candidates who will take the test here."

"One is Jiang Shaoyang, a talented rookie from Shenhai University who has the title of 'Tenth Star'."

"The other one is Li Yao!" (...)
