Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 21: four percent


Just half a thought came into my mind, my chest felt as if I was hit hard by a super high-speed crystal rail train, I flew seven or eight meters away, hit the wall with a "slap", and sent seven or eight straw mats flying , Suddenly the straw flies!

Li Yao fell heavily to the ground, his eyes, nostrils, and mouth all spewed out various liquids, and he completely lost consciousness in his entire chest. The numbness felt like a virus spreading rapidly, and his whole body was about to suffocate!

"Too, too fast. I didn't even see clearly whether it was a fist or a foot. Who is this guy? With such strength, he is still practicing in this kind of amateur club. No wonder he can earn a fortune by playing for three minutes. Ten thousand yuan!" Li Yao's mind went blank, and he gasped for a long time before standing up with his hands on the wall.

Li Yao's legs were trembling, he glanced at the clock hanging on the opposite wall - only five seconds had passed, how did it seem like a full five minutes had passed!

The smiling clown stood quietly ten meters away, a little surprised, frowned and said, "Your ability to resist blows doesn't seem to be that strong. If you can't persist, it's better to forget it. There's no need to force it."

"Who says I can't hold on? I wasn't ready just now. Come again!" Li Yao took a deep breath and swallowed a ball of bitter liquid back into his throat. His eyes gradually turned red, and he was full of calculations It is "three minutes, ten thousand yuan"!

For 10,000 yuan, you can buy more than a dozen strengthening potions; or 3,500 cans of canned starry sky monster meat; or a full set of training charms made of special materials with strong ductility; or go to the hidden lake to eat ten large meals. meal!

In the tomb of the magic weapon, he was known as "the vulture who wants money and life". Faced with such a huge sum of money, how could he give up so easily? Just kidding!

"Come on, come on!" Li Yao stood firm, put on a defensive posture, stared at the opponent's feet, hooked his fingers at the smiling clown, and the opponent nodded unceremoniously.

"Shua!" The smiling clown disappeared again!

"How is it possible? I still can't see clearly, and I can't see his trajectory at all!" Li Yao stared wide-eyed, trying to search for the trace of the smiling clown, but found nothing. His eyeballs couldn't keep up with the opponent's speed. Instinctive reaction to resist.

"Crack!" As if a giant python had slammed hard on the right side of his body, this time he was prepared and reluctantly turned sideways. The reinforced ceramic insert on his right shoulder shattered, and even the iron plate inside was shattered. He was beaten with a "bang bang" sound.

"This power is too terrifying!" Li Yao's head was covered in cold sweat. The opponent smashed the armor on his shoulders with one move, but he didn't show any intention of stopping. He looms!

Immediately, from Li Yao's body, came the crackling sound of reinforced ceramic inserts and the twisting sound of iron plates.

"I can't see it, I can't see it, I can't see it at all! If I fight like this, within a minute, the armor on my body will be smashed. Without the protective gear, this monster can make me lie flat in half a second!" A scene of 10,000 quack new bills flying away with its wings floated out, and a hint of ferocity gradually appeared on Li Yao's face.

"Quickly think of a way, we must see through his attack route!"

Li Yao felt that he was being crushed back and forth by a crystal rail train, and he couldn't bear the pain.

What surprised him was that this painful feeling turned out to be somewhat familiar and "kind", and the memory fragments buried in the depths of his mind appeared a few residues again.

Memory fragments collided, shattered, integrated, and reorganized in my mind, and finally turned into distorted pictures.

He suddenly remembered that in Nankey Yimeng, when he was still a low-level handyman of Bailianzong, he was tortured day and night with a big hammer by the giant spirit god, but he was still unable to see through the attack. A companion who had been in the rivers and lakes for a long time told him :

"Ou Yeming, do you feel that the hammer of the 'Giant Spirit God' came so fast that you couldn't even see it clearly? Come on, I will eat all the fish fins for the next month, and I will teach you a unique skill! What unique skill? It's very simple—if If you can't see clearly with your straight eyes, try to turn your head away and look with your peripheral vision, which can capture a clearer picture than your straight eyes!"

With peripheral vision

Li Yao's mind was spinning, he didn't care about thinking, he narrowed his eyes, and glanced at it casually from the corner of his eye.

He saw it!

The smiling clown curled up into a ball, like a lazy cat, hiding behind him on the right, then suddenly exploded, and the lazy cat instantly turned into a ferocious python, sweeping him with a simple whip kick The tibia of the right leg!

If this blow is real, not only will the reinforced ceramic insert on his right leg burst completely, but the right leg bone will also be seriously affected, the speed will be reduced by at least half, and the possibility of sustaining will be completely lost!

"10,000 yuan, I'm determined!" Li Yao bit his lip, and almost mobilized all the motor cells in his body. His right calf was like a jackknife, and it was "swish" to the inner thigh!

The smiling clown's attack fell through immediately, and he lost his balance instantly. He couldn't help but took half a step forward, and was forced to reveal his figure for the first time.

The offensive of the mercury pouring down the ground was abruptly stopped, as if a super fast-paced music stopped abruptly at the moment it was about to explode.

Li Yao twisted his waist, he wanted to take advantage of the situation and kick his legs, and kicked the other side.

The smiling clown seemed to be able to predict the foresight. He missed the hit, and instantly flashed seven or eight meters away. He looked at him with a half-smile, with surprise and approval in his eyes: "In just fifty-seven seconds, I saw through my attack route. ? The underground ghost city is really a hidden dragon and a crouching tiger!"

"Well, that goes without saying, do you want to know what method I used to see through your attack? It starts with my teacher, it was a rainy night twenty years ago—" Li Yao was panting like a cow, desperately delaying time.

"In no mood!"

The smiling clown interrupted him very simply, and disappeared from the spot again. This time, Li Yao also captured his attack route. The strange thing was that the smiling clown seemed to be transformed into two people, who were attacking from the left and right sides at the same time. He's coming!

In the tea room, the bald and tattooed man is leisurely drinking Erguotou, gnawing on chicken wings, and humming military ditties.

A man with spider patterns painted on his face suddenly knocked on the door and walked in.

He was short and stocky, as strong as a wall.

"You are?" The bald, tattooed man was stunned, the chicken wings were raised in the air, and the chicken bones trembled.

In the fighting room, two minutes and thirty seconds have passed!

Li Yao was like a small fishing boat tossed up and down in the turbulent waves. It was smashed into the abyss by one overwhelming wave after another, but it was able to surface again after a while!

His body has been cleansed and refined by Ou Yezi's powerful spirit. Every muscle fiber and every cell is extremely tough. Even though every punch hurts his bone marrow, he still persists desperately, crazily. ,only because-

"Mom, I've been beaten by this bastard for two and a half minutes, six hundred and fifty-two punches! If I give up now, wouldn't the beating be for nothing?"

Two minutes and thirty-one seconds, two minutes and thirty-two seconds...

Every second that passed, Li Yao's belief in persevering became stronger, not to mention that he felt that the other party's speed and strength seemed to have slightly decreased after a long period of ultra-high-speed movement, and perhaps his flaws would soon be revealed.

In the past two and a half minutes, he was not patronizing to be beaten, but had been observing his opponent very carefully. He found that although the speed of the smiling clown was extremely fast, he had a very small habitual movement, and every time he moved from the right When attacking, the left leg always bends slightly first.

This redundant movement probably slowed down the speed of the smiling clown by 0.1 second.

Li Yao was waiting for this flaw!

He is not a good man who just takes a beating and does not fight back. Although the strength of the opponent is obviously higher than him by not a star, but even if it is just a punch to relieve the anger!

However, not now, the opponent still has strength, vigilance, and smile.

It doesn't matter, Li Yaoneng and others are like a vulture waiting for the best hunting opportunity. After more than ten years of struggling in the tomb of magic weapons, he has learned how to hide minions and the importance of patience.

While being beaten, running around with his head in his arms, and howling like ghosts and wolves, Li Yao's mind remained cold and calm. Memory fragments were spinning rapidly in the depths of his mind. From blurry to clear.

The first trick... The second trick...

Li Yao quickly searched in the arsenal of memory for the most suitable "weapon" for the current situation.

tea room.

The bald tattooed man stood up suddenly, Erguotou fell on his body: "Are you 'Iron Turtle'?"

"Of course I'm an iron turtle. Didn't we contact you just now? You asked me to wear a spider-print mask. What's the problem?" The short and strong man frowned, puzzled.

"You are the iron turtle, who is that guy in the fighting room?" The bald, tattooed man's expression became extremely strange. open the door.

"A Hai, stop!"

"It's three minutes!" Almost at the same time, Li Yao, whose face was covered in blood, screamed piercingly.

The unanimous yells of the two made the smiling clown's attack flow smoothly, and there was a slight stagnation. He subconsciously looked at the wall, but found that the time had just passed—

Two minutes and fifty-nine seconds!

"It's now!"

Li Yao let out a low growl, rubbed his body forward, stabbed falsely with his right hand, but hid his left fist behind his back, his knuckles cracked, his knuckles protruded like a mass of mace, and then, using his left heel as the axis, his whole body He quickly rotated ninety degrees, and with the help of huge centrifugal force, he threw his left fist hard!

"Papa, papa, papa!" The fist pierced the air and made a series of popping sounds. Li Yao's fist was like a whistling hammer, hitting the face of the smiling clown!

"Cloak Hammer Technique, the ninety-fourth move, whirlwind smash!"

"Be merciful!"

A man with a bald head and a tattoo came screaming at the door, but Li Yao couldn't hold back his fist anymore. His fist was about a hair's length away from the smiling clown's nose.

Then, the smiley clown changed.

The person is still the same person, without even shaking his eyelashes, the 36,000 pores all over his body seem to spew out a strong breath in an instant, with a substantive aura, as if covering him with a solid armor, The whole person "swelled" a circle, from an ordinary warrior to a peerless master!

It was only then that Li Yao realized that the words "be merciful" did not seem to be addressed to himself.

After 0.01 seconds, his fist somehow turned around and slammed on the tip of his nose, sending him flying more than ten meters away. He was still in the air, and before he could even scream, he passed out completely!

The strong aura surrounding the smiling clown only lasted for half a second before disappearing without a trace, turning him into a harmless ordinary person again.

He walked slowly to Li Yao's side, squatted down, and sniffed.

"How is it? Are you okay?" The bald tattooed man hurried over and asked nervously.

"Painted out, it seems that my physical strength is seriously overdrawn, just add some strengthening potion as soon as possible." Peng Hai, the demon knife, touched his nose and said in surprise, "This guy is so powerful that he forced me to break through the bottom line and blast out." 4% power."