Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 217: It is a tyrant!


This monster does not look like a wolf-type monster at all. The torso is divided into the head and chest and the abdomen. The bulging head and chest can still recognize a trace of phantom wolf, but it is not the four strong mechanical legs that support the head and chest. , but the eight slender legs arranged on both sides of the body. [

Each of the eight legs is composed of six joints, which can rotate in all directions at 360 degrees, which is more flexible than the original four-joint design of the phantom wolf.

Although the slender legs are definitely not as strong, but the double number is a good share of the pressure.

At the end of each leg, there is a folded sharp blade, which can be ejected when necessary, as a melee weapon to kill the enemy, and there is a piece of "furry" on the leg, very much like the fluff of an insect.

Everyone observed carefully, only to find that the steps were studded with sharp nails.

At the end of the two front legs, the phantom wolf's sharp claws and fangs have been transformed into a sawtooth structure, forming a pair of chelicer feet, just like the sickle of a praying mantis and the iron pincers of a scorpion. It is the most powerful melee weapon.

This monster has no obvious head, and the front of the entire head and chest is covered with a solid arc-shaped armor. This armor is not a standard component of the phantom wolf. After thinking hard for a long time, everyone suddenly realized that this is a refining weapon. part of the furnace!

"Is there any mistake, he actually dismantled the refining furnace and transformed the furnace into armor?"

The smelting furnace has to withstand high temperature and high pressure, and the outer shell is extremely strong, which can be used as armor, which can naturally greatly improve the defense of the war beast.

However, the armor is not monolithic, but divided into four pieces, and there are two gaps between the four pieces of armor, forming a cross.

In the center of the cross, a shining crystal eye moves flexibly, sliding in the word "ten" from time to time.

"This cross-shaped crystal eye track system greatly enhances the scanning range of the crystal eye. Only one crystal eye can basically cover the front vision, which is not much worse than the two crystal eyes of the phantom wolf!"

"There is another crystal eye, where is it?"

Everyone looked up along the monster's arc-shaped carapace, but they saw it behind the monster. Equipped with a turret with a 360-degree turn, the magnetic cannons that were originally placed on both sides of the phantom wolf's torso have been transformed into a dual-mounted magnetic cannon set, and the other crystal eye is installed on the turret. Condescending, monitor all around!

"It was designed like this!"

"It's incredible!"

The most criticized thing about Phantom Wolf is the magnetic cannons on both sides of the torso, because they are too close to the body, resulting in a too small attack range, except for the front. Cannot attack other directions at the same time.

For example, if a monster rushes from the right side, the phantom wolf has to turn its direction a little bit so that the magnetic cannon on the right can launch an attack, and the magnetic cannon on the left is a waste unless the body is completely turned around.

In this way, the firepower is greatly weakened, and it is okay to perform reconnaissance missions, if it is a strong offensive mission. The phantom wolf was a little helpless.

It's not that the craftsmen in the Valley of Wolves haven't thought about this issue.

The turret turned 360 degrees. Undoubtedly the best solution.

But if the crystal magnetic turret is installed on the phantom wolf's back, the center of gravity will be too high, and the speed and flexibility will be lost. When running at high speed, it will fall if you are not careful.

For light beasts like phantom wolves, it is undoubtedly fatal.

therefore. Although the phantom wolf has undergone countless remodeling and upgrading over the past 30 years, the structure of the magnetic cannon on both sides of the body is still retained with its nose pinched.

However, Li Yao's monster was supported by eight legs. The center of gravity is very low, not to mention the double-mounted magnetic cannons, even the large-caliber triple-mounted, or even the frenzied installation of the upper and lower rows of triple-mounted, a total of six magnetic cannons, can withstand it stably, greatly Enhanced firepower and attack range!

Behind the head and chest, which is armed to the teeth, there is also a round abdomen, which is actually modified from the cooling pool of the refining furnace. I don't know what's weird.

The entire monster was engraved with dense runes, emitting a dark red light.

Especially in front of the head and chest, on both sides of the cross-shaped crystal eye structure, hundreds of runes are engraved.

At first glance, it looks like the scarlet compound eyes of an insect, exuding an extremely dangerous aura.

Yes, insects, more precisely, spiders!

The battle beast Li Yao repaired can no longer be called a phantom wolf, but the most ferocious among spiders, the tarantula!


The eight legs were slightly bent, and the center of gravity was lowered. The tarantula jumped onto the big disc very nimbly.

Li Yao followed behind unhurriedly.

The moment the tarantula jumped onto the big disc, everyone's phantom wolves trembled slightly, and their heads made a faint "squeak".

This is because they sensed the arrival of a powerful existence, and the vigilance spirit in the crystal brain was automatically activated, and they were judging the enemy and the enemy.

As for Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king, his crystal eyes became even more dazzling, and every rune on his body shone brightly, and his four paws rubbed against the big disc lightly, becoming restless.

Li Yao's tarantula darted around with crystal eyes, and the dual-mounted crystal magnetic turret also turned slightly, and finally fixed on Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king.

Tarantula vs. Wolf King!

The two battle beasts sensed the strength of the opponent at the same time, and the IFF array also instantly judged the opponent as a friendly army.


The sound of psychic restraint resounded in the two war beasts, like a faint sigh, all the magnetic cannons aimed at each other fell, and the shiny runes also dimmed.

The wolf spider waved its eight legs and crawled to the side of the wolf king.

"These two battle beasts..."

Everyone's heart shuddered, giving birth to an indescribable feeling.

Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king is light, elegant, and full of kingly style. There is no trace of maintenance at all, and he is completely natural and impeccable.

Li Yao's tarantula is just the opposite.

Because in just ten hours, an extremely crazy modification was carried out, and a large number of non-standard components were used.

Therefore, the shell is extremely rough, and many places still retain the traces of manual polishing. The gaps at the joints are scary, and there will be harsh noises when moving.

The ferocious appearance, ferocious shape, and tyrannical style fully display the wildness of the grassroots craftsman, forming a stark contrast with Jiang Shaoyang's phantom wolf.

If we say that Jiang Shaoyang's phantom wolf is a noble royal family.

Li Yao's tarantula is an out-and-out tyrant!

"You say, which of these two war beasts is better?"

"It's hard to say, Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king is definitely better in terms of speed and concealment, but in terms of stability, defense and attack power, I'm still optimistic about Li Yao's wolf spider."

"If we really fight, then God knows!"

While everyone was whispering, Li Yao walked up to Jiang Shaoyang, and looked at the wolf king with admiring eyes.

They are all masters, of course he can see that Jiang Shaoyang, the wolf king, has reached the most perfect form.

There is only one thing that Li Yao doesn't understand:

"Do you have Purple Gold Titanium?"

Li Yao did not believe that Jiang Shaoyang would not be able to see through the two traps.

Since he repaired the wolf king, he must have obtained Zijinti.

Jiang Shaoyang stared at the tarantula intently, observed carefully for a long time, then reluctantly withdrew his gaze, frowned and said:

"I asked the examination team for Zijin Titanium, why, you didn't want it?"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, then said in astonishment:

"Isn't this an actual combat test? In actual combat, where does the test team come from to give us Zijin Titanium?"

This sentence was like a flash of lightning, and Jiang Shaoyang was stunned all of a sudden. He was stunned for a long time, and he even forgot to take a breath.

Immediately, hot flames spewed out from the depths of his eyes.

At this moment, three small light spots floated over from above the cave.

It was the three chief examiners.

According to the normal process, there is no need for them to appear in front of the candidates, as long as they monitor the candidates through the light curtain.

However, Li Yao's unexpected crazy behavior and the extremely ferocious tyrant he transformed forced all three of them out.

The three walked between Li Yao and Jiang Shaoyang, their gazes first turned to the tarantula, and then turned to the wolf king after a while.

Afterwards, the three of them withdrew their gazes at the same time, restrained the horror in their hearts, and said expressionlessly:

"Next, we are going to the weapons testing ground, please put the phantom wolf on alert!"

The big disc rose slowly, leading everyone back to the ground.

Led by a team of heavily armed soldiers, they came to a large-scale weapons testing ground.

This is the largest weapon testing ground among the military bases, with complete facilities that can test a hundred war beasts at the same time.

Various performance parameters such as speed, strength, offensive and defensive capabilities, and maneuverability can be converted into precise values.

"The first batch of tests, start!"

Following the inspector's order, a hundred phantom wolves rushed out like arrows off the string, braving gunfire and acid, at an increasing speed, and rushed towards the target one kilometer away.

"Crack, click!"

While running at high speed, the lumbar vertebrae of many phantom wolves made ear-piercing popping noises, their torsos twisted strangely, and they collapsed to the ground.

"how so?"

Many candidates' faces were distorted, sweat was pouring down like rain, and they seemed to have broken their lumbar spine.

After completing more than ten tests, all the performance parameters of the phantom wolf were converted into data, and after the analysis of the test chip, the overall combat power was calculated.

"Phantom Wolf No. 1 has recovered 91% of its combat power."


A candidate blushed, was so excited, and jumped up happily.

"The No. 2 Phantom Wolf has recovered 88% of its combat power."

"Just a little bit, just a little bit!"

The second candidate wanted to cry, but he gritted his teeth and smashed his fist hard.

"Phantom Wolf No. 3..."

"Phantom Wolf No. 4..."

As the combat power values of each phantom wolf were released, some were happy and some were sad. Excited shouts and frustrated sighs were intertwined, echoing over the empty weapons testing ground.

"Second batch of testing, start!"

"The third batch of testing, start!"

"Look, Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king has started testing!" (Please search for Piaotian Literature, better updates and faster!