Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 218: Is it too cruel?


When Jiang Shaoyang's wolf king whizzed out as a cyan streamer, everyone's hearts were captured by it.

At the beginning, the wolf king was not fast.

It seems to be a proud royal family. Facing the acid, spikes and black light, it swayed slightly and dodged the attack lightly.

At the same time, other phantom wolves were hit one after another on several detection lanes nearby, making ear-piercing wailing.

As the frequency of attacks increased, the speed of the wolf king gradually increased.

But even if the speed is 30% faster than other phantom wolves, he still maintains an elegant and light posture, with impeccable balance, and with a series of dazzling and graceful movements, he escaped the attack of the storm!

"This is impossible!"

"The speed is too fast, it is like a blue lightning!"

"With such a fast speed, the balance and controllability are still maintained so well. In one second, it actually made twelve emergency stops and changes of direction within a small range, avoiding all attacks!"

"This, is this really a phantom wolf?"

Everyone was amazed.

After seeing the wolf king's performance, they couldn't even bear to look at their phantom wolf.

Because compared to the wolf king, their phantom wolf seemed to be drunk and rolling all over the floor!


The wolf king lightly tapped his four feet, and easily crossed the swamp area in half a second.


In a second, the wolf king crossed the rocky rocky area, showing a strong passability.

"Crack clack clack clack!"

The wolf king ran at super high speed without stopping at all, the magneto cannon fired directly, piercing through ten silver target balls floating in mid-air hundreds of meters away, all hitting the red hearts!

When everyone thought that the wolf king's speed had reached the limit. The wind-type talisman array engraved on the body emitted a blue flame, and the speed soared again, appearing in front of the last target in an instant!

This target was shaped into the shape of a liger-like monster. The inside is a skeleton made of alloy steel, and the outside is covered with thick gel. There are also a large number of force sensors embedded in the gel.


With a light pounce of the wolf king, a large piece of gel on Target's right shoulder was torn off.

Pulling and pulling, the scapula made of alloy steel broke.

Taking advantage of the momentum, the wolf king rolled to the bottom of the target, leaped from bottom to top, bit the target's throat fiercely, and spewed out a scorching stream of flames from his mouth, burning most of the target's neck off.

Pull hard again, and the head the size of a millstone will be torn off. Rolling all over the place.

At this time, many phantom wolves were still struggling desperately between the swamp and the rocks.

The test crystal brain seemed to be overwhelmed by the magnificent performance of the wolf king, and stopped for a moment before projecting a series of data onto the light curtain.

"Extreme speed, increased to 135%!"

"Balance, increased to 129%!"

"The shooting accuracy under high-speed movement has increased to 121%!"

"Melee fighting ability, increased to 141%!"


"The overall combat effectiveness has increased to 133%!"

Even though they were in the monitoring room just now, the three examiners already knew that Jiang Shaoyang was in maintenance. All components have been greatly enhanced, and performance has definitely improved.

But such dazzling data still set off a storm in their hearts. Can't be calm for a long time.

This battle beast is truly worthy of the title of "Wolf King", its performance has completely surpassed the brand new mass-produced phantom wolf.

Even if the masters of the Valley of Wolves personally opened the furnace to refine, without using natural materials and earth treasures, the combat effectiveness of the refined phantom wolf is no more than that.

"The nickname Tenth Star is really too modest!"

Even Dong Liuqi, who had some complaints about Shenhai University, sighed from the bottom of his heart, "At the age of less than 20 years old, he can have such strength within ten years. Even if he is called 'No. It is worthy of the name!"

When the news of "133% overall combat effectiveness" was made public. There was an uproar in the huge weapons testing ground at first, and then fell into a strange silence.

Everyone is staring at one person.

Not Jiang Shaoyang.

It was Li Yao.

And his tyrant!

Even Jiang Shaoyang didn't care about his grades, his eyes stared at Li Yao as if they were going to burn through the steel plate, his teeth were deeply embedded in his lips, and he was about to bite blood.

Li Yao was very familiar with the substantive fighting spirit contained in his vision.

Because his eyes were also gushing out with the same scorching fighting intent.

Just now everyone has been tied, so let's use the last test to decide the winner!

The fourth round of testing begins!

This time, regardless of whether it is a candidate who has just completed the test or has not yet completed the test.

Whether it is passing the test smoothly and being ecstatic, or being eliminated tragically, the candidates are extremely frustrated.

Whether it's the three chief examiners or the staff at the weapons testing ground.

Everyone stared their eyeballs to the limit, fixedly staring at the wolf spider among the thirty-three phantom wolves, which stands out from the crowd like a chicken.

"Tell me, how powerful will this tarantula be, will it surpass the wolf king?"

"Shh, don't talk, it's moving!"

The tarantula waved its eight legs and crawled forward domineeringly.

Under the sunlight, the iron nails inlaid on the steps shone like eight slender maces, which made everyone gasp, and their spine felt faintly chilled.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

Acid, Stinger, and Dark Light ensue.

On the other test track, the phantom wolves dodged one after another.

The tarantula also lazily made some dodging movements, with a slightly perfunctory taste.

After installing the shell of the refining furnace, its weight has increased several times, and its chubby figure cannot move around like a phantom wolf.

A large amount of acid, poisonous stingers and mysterious light hit the tarantula head-to-head!

"Boom! Wave!"

The defensive array on the tarantula's carapace flashed suddenly, releasing a solid spiritual energy shield, blocking most of the attacks.

After penetrating through the spiritual shield with difficulty, the remaining attacks were exhausted, not enough to pierce through the thick carapace.

Except for a few unsightly marks left by the acid on the carapace, the stinger was simply bounced away by the arc-shaped carapace, and the mysterious light turned into wisps of green smoke without even piercing a single hole.

"The defense is so strong!"

"Of course. This is the shell of the refining furnace. It can withstand high temperature and high pressure, and it also has strong corrosion resistance. Of course it is strong!"

"The wolf king has raised his dodge ability to the limit, but the tarantula doesn't even bother to dodge. Just hold it!"

"How do you compare? Who is more powerful?"

Amidst the exclamation of hundreds of people, the wolf spider braved the attack of the wind and rain, and swaggered through the swamp and rocky areas. Its slender legs also showed strong passability, not inferior to wolves. Wang, the stability is even better.

Next, is the firing zone.

A few hundred meters away in mid-air, there were ten silver target balls floating.

The wolf king just now hit the bullseye. Didn't know tarantulas would...

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

Under the aim of Jingyan, the turret behind the tarantula turned flexibly, and the twin-mounted small-caliber magneto cannon unexpectedly blasted a more violent movement than the triple-mounted large-caliber magneto.

The ten targets in the distance were instantly shrouded in smoke and dust.

"No way!"

"He even modified the magnetic cannon, re-engraved the attack array, and enhanced the power of the magnetic cannon!"

"This is unreasonable. The more powerful the magneto cannon, the more crystals it consumes. The phantom wolf is a light beast. How can it carry so many crystals? One round of artillery fire will consume all the crystals. Continue The combat ability is not good!"

"Idiot, look at this tarantula, where does it look like a light war beast? At least it is a medium war beast!"

"The center of gravity is low and the balance is good. It is very convenient to design an additional ammunition compartment. Maybe the abdomen modified by the coolant is the ammunition compartment!"

"Wow, isn't that firepower three to five times higher than that of ordinary phantom wolves! I don't know how accurate it is?"

After the smoke cleared, everyone looked at the target ball impatiently.

They didn't see anything.

The ten target balls were completely blown up by the powerful firepower of the tarantula.

There is only a cloud of silver debris left, like a celestial maiden scattered flowers. Shivering in the wind.


The weapons testing ground was silent.

No one knew what words to use to describe their complicated moods.

The last hurdle. Close combat.

It only took 12 seconds for the wolf king to solve the battle just now, an absolute instant kill.

Not sure how long a tarantula takes

The tarantula lowered its center of gravity again. The belly is almost touching the ground, like an assassin stalking in the dark.

When it sneaked within three meters of the prey, it suddenly jumped into the air, and the sharp blades at the end of the eight legs all popped out with a "swish", piercing deeply into the target's body!

The gel was immediately pierced with eight transparent holes.

The iron nails inlaid on the feet each caught a large piece of gel, and when the feet were pulled out forcefully, a large piece of flesh was torn off, leaving eight shocking wounds.

The sharp movement made the corners of many people's eyes twitch.

What happened next was absolutely shocking.

The wolf spider did not follow the most orthodox attack mode like the wolf king, directly biting off its throat and killing it with one blow.

Instead, it adopted a method almost "massacre", first tearing the flesh, then breaking the limbs, then disembowelling, smashing the spine, dismembering the body into eight pieces, and breaking the corpse into thousands of pieces!

The incomparably ferocious attack pattern made everyone's scalp tingle, as if they smelled a strong smell of blood, and even the eyes they cast on Li Yao were mixed with a sense of strangeness.

Even Jiang Shaoyang looked at Li Yao with very strange eyes, and couldn't help asking: "Is it necessary?"

"The vitality of monsters is very tenacious. Many monsters can continue to bite even if their heads are twisted off."

Li Yao scratched his disheveled hair, and explained, "I modified the phantom wolf a lot. Its fighting style is completely different from the past, so the fighting style has to be reset."

"In a hurry, I didn't have time to set up all the combat modes with my divine sense. I only set a 'total destruction' mode."

"The so-called 'total destruction' means that all the rune arrays are activated to the limit. Once encountering an enemy, regardless of the spar consumption, the maximum attack power will be output instantly, killing the enemy to pieces!"

Jiang Shaoyang was speechless.

His wolf king also has a "total destruction" mode.

But after watching Li Yao's "Total Destruction", he realized that his own "Total Destruction" was simply his grandma's "mercy" mode!

Fifteen seconds later.

The target turned into fist-sized fragments, and the alloy steel bones were twisted into twists, and they could no longer see their true colors.

The tarantula finally stopped attacking, let out a "chi" sound, bursts of white mist came out, and sat down to rest contentedly.

Looking at the messy test field, everyone was speechless and sweating profusely.

Many people looked at each other in blank dismay, and a question emerged from the bottom of their hearts at the same time:

"The wolf king and the tarantula, two war beasts with completely different combat styles but equally powerful, which one is stronger and which one is weaker, how do we compare?" ()
