Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 219: Tarantula vs. Wolf King


The detection crystal brain runs rapidly and jumps out a series of performance parameters.

Unlike the wolf king's numerical list, which is all high and high, the tarantula's numerical list is like a mountain with ups and downs.

There are a few values that rise like strange peaks, soaring into the sky, while the other values fall to the bottom, worse than ordinary phantom wolves.

"Extreme speed, increased to 84%!"

"Balance, increased to 192%!"

"The shooting accuracy under high-speed movement has increased to 167%!"

"Concealment, increased to 67%!"

"Defense power increased to 235%!"


"The overall combat power cannot be judged!"

After the detection crystal brain made a harsh noise, it stopped working, and a line of helpless red words jumped out of the light curtain, and there was a line of small words below:

"The difference between the detection body and the phantom wolf is too large to be judged by the phantom wolf's combat effectiveness evaluation system."

The three chief examiners frowned slightly, they didn't expect Li Yao's changes to the phantom wolf to be so big that even Jingnao couldn't evaluate it.

Think about it, after adding a large number of refining furnace components, this tarantula has changed from a light beast to a medium-sized beast. Whether it is firepower, mobility, or combat mode, all have undergone earth-shaking changes. The phantom wolf's evaluation system is indeed not suitable.

Here comes the question, is the fighting power of this tarantula reach 90% of that of ordinary phantom wolves

"I think Li Yao's repair of the phantom wolf was obviously unsuccessful."

After being silent for a long time, Zhu Yueqin was the first to speak, "As a light war beast that mainly performs reconnaissance missions, speed and concealment come first, and student Li Yao disassembled the refining furnace and used it as components. Regardless of whether this kind of behavior complies with the examination norms, at least, he has obliterated the greatest strength of the phantom wolf."

"Not bad. The shell of the refining furnace is strong enough to withstand high temperature and high pressure. It is also corrosion-resistant, and it is a very good armor material."

"But such a good armor material, why hasn't it been used on a large scale for war beasts and crystal armor?"

"Because it has several fatal flaws, too thick, too heavy, too clumsy!"

"Using this material as armor not only improves the defense, but also greatly increases the weight. It's like carrying a tortoise shell made of cast iron."

"What's more terrible is that the phantom wolf was originally a light war beast, and its power arrays are all designed according to the standards of light war beasts. Even if Li Yao can strengthen the rune arrays, the foundation is here, and the power is not enough. It can be multiplied.”

"It is a typical small horse-drawn cart to carry such a tortoise shell with the power array of a light war beast."

"As a result, you have also seen that the noise is loud and the speed is slow. Although the eight-legged design ensures stability, the steering is not flexible."

"Such a war beast is obviously not suitable for reconnaissance missions. I also have serious doubts about its continuous combat capability."

"To sum up, my conclusion is that student Li Yao's maintenance was not successful and should be judged as unqualified."

"What do you two think?"

Zhu Yueqin looked at the other two examiners calmly.

After all, she is an experienced master craftsman and a professor-level person. After a moment of astonishment, she quickly recovered her composure and was not confused by the tarantula's ferocious appearance. The Achilles heel of the tarantula can be seen at a glance.

Her opinion is well-founded. Convincing, not even difficult. At most, it can only be said that he was a little harsh on Li Yao.

After all, Li Yao is not a great Luo Jinxian, it is impossible to transform a perfect war beast with the most common materials within ten hours.

On the one hand, it will be greatly strengthened, and on the other hand, it will definitely be weakened. This is the reason why you can't have both.

The moment Li Yao decided to use the components of the refining furnace to strengthen the Beast, Li Yao gave up speed and concealment, and chose firepower and defense.

In addition, the time was too short, and there was also a problem of incompatibility between the two components, so there were still many hidden dangers under the fierce appearance of the tarantula.

Originally, if Li Yao could use the ancient method of forging to further process the material, there is still a lot of room for improvement in the performance of the tarantula.

But on the one hand, the maintenance workshop did not have the necessary iron felt for performing the ancient forging technique, and he did not bring the Dusky Star Rock with him.

On the other hand, he is also unwilling to fully expose his secrets in full view.

Therefore, he did not use the ancient method of forging, but only the most common forging technique.

The tarantula presented in front of everyone was just a semi-finished product, a lame giant with equally obvious advantages and disadvantages.

"Professor Zhu, I have some disagreements."

Yan Tianhe said:

"In the exam question, the candidate is only required to repair the beast, but there is no requirement. After the repair is completed, the beast is still a light beast and can perform reconnaissance missions."

"Combat power is a comprehensive concept, and we cannot just look at one or two performance parameters."

"After being repaired by classmate Li Yao, this war beast has become a mid-level war beast. Its speed and concealment are not as good as light war beasts. It's normal!"

"But look at its attack power and defense power, especially after adopting the turret structure, the shooting accuracy under high-speed movement, these values have all been greatly improved, breaking through the limit of the phantom wolf."

"And the balance is so strong, it shows that this war beast can carry more offensive magic weapons."

"I think the magnetic cannon can be changed into two sets of triple installations, and four miniature flying sword launch pods can be added next to it, which greatly improves the firepower. It can even perform assault missions, not just reconnaissance missions."

"In my opinion, student Li Yao made the best use of resources and completed a very successful maintenance operation. It should be judged as qualified!"

The gazes of Zhu Yueqin and Yan Tianhe, two senior craftsmen, collided in mid-air, knocking out invisible sparks.

Disagreements among the chief examiners, and completely opposite opinions, are rare in the examinations for registered weapon refiners in recent decades.

In this case, the opinion of the third examiner is particularly important.

Dong Liuqi was rather entangled.

He has been the chief examiner for nearly ten years, and he has never encountered such a scene.

Both Zhu Yueqin's and Yan Tianhe's conclusions were reasonable.

The Tarantula is a complete freak, and "combat power" is a relatively general concept. In addition to the same model of war beasts can be compared with each other, different models, different weight classes. With different uses, it is hard to say which one is stronger or weaker. It is even more impossible to be accurate to the value of 90%.

Looking at the tit-for-tat posture of the two, if he can't come up with a convincing conclusion, the two will definitely not let it go.

While pondering, his eyes accidentally glanced at Jiang Shaoyang and the wolf king who were not far away. Dong Liuqi's eyes suddenly lit up, and he came up with a wonderful idea, and said with a smile:

"Don't be impatient, both of you. What you said is very reasonable. The phantom wolf repaired by Li Yao has changed its weight and combat use. Obviously, the combat effectiveness evaluation system of ordinary phantom wolves cannot be applied."

"I do have a way to judge its approximate combat power within a few minutes."

"Find a phantom wolf and fight with it!"

"Of course, ordinary phantom wolves will definitely not work, because many performance parameters, such as concealment, continuous combat capability, etc., may not be fully reflected in one battle."

"A medium-sized beast can carry more crystals. It has stronger firepower and stronger defense. It is normal to defeat a light-sized beast in a head-to-head confrontation."

"In the battle against ordinary phantom wolves, even if classmate Li Yao wins, I'm afraid the two of you may not be convinced, right?"

Zhu Yueqin sneered, showing a disdainful smile.

Dong Liuqi's next words froze her smile.

"Where's the wolf king?"

"Didn't we happen to have a wolf king with a combat power of 133%?"

"If classmate Li Yao's Beast can defeat the Wolf King in a head-to-head confrontation, there shouldn't be any doubts, right?"

These words made the two examiners ponder for a long time.

"I agree."

Yan Tianhe pondered over and over again, and accepted the proposal.

"I object."

Zhu Yueqin was expressionless. Said indifferently.

The other two examiners looked at her in astonishment.

Zhu Yueqin said lightly:

"Don't think that I'm intentionally making things difficult for classmate Li Yao. In my capacity, it's not enough to make things difficult for such a little guy. I'm just discussing the facts."

"The wolf king is too strong. With Li Yao's modified battle beast, it is impossible to compete with the wolf king. This proposal is obviously bullying him. If it gets out, people will think that we, Shenhai University, are bullying others."

"five minutes!"

"Under the wolf king's fangs and sharp claws, classmate Li Yao's battle beast will definitely not survive five minutes!"

"If he survives five minutes, I'll change my mind and rule him pass!"

"The wolf spider and the wolf king are about to duel, the world is colliding!"

When the news came out, it was as if a bolt of lightning hit the spar warehouse, instantly detonating the audience.

Everyone was very excited and could not wait to go up and hug the three chief examiners tightly, thanking them for their understanding and specially arranging such a long-awaited contest!

After Li Yao and Jiang Shaoyang knew the decision of the examination team, their slightly surprised expressions were instantly replaced by extremely burning excitement.

Looking at each other, the eyes of both of them are as steel as iron, unshakable.

"According to the usual practice, shouldn't we speak harsh words to each other?" Li Yao asked.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up and fill the spar, and adjust the beast, and you must exert the strongest combat power!"

Jiang Shaoyang was so excited that his voice was trembling, and he walked impatiently to the preparation area to carry out the final adjustment and loading of crystals.

Li Yao smiled slightly, and walked to the preparation area on the other side.

The rest of the candidates were clearly divided into two groups.

Candidates from Shenhai University naturally surrounded Jiang Shaoyang.

The rest of the candidates surrounded Li Yao.

Before they knew it, they already had a faint belief that this young man, who was not yet twenty years old, was qualified to challenge the behemoth of the Deep Sea University!

Five minutes later, with the sound of a clear spar exploding, the decisive battle between the wolf spider and the wolf king officially began! ()r0
