Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 222: different paths


Li Yao spread his hands and said:

"Of course it is impossible for me to set up hundreds of sets of tactics. I will only set one set from beginning to end. It is assumed that the enemy will scruple the powerful firepower of the tarantula, give up the plan to shoot at each other, and choose melee combat. ≥"

"In melee combat, the enemy will also choose the rear and the top as the main attack points, so I preset two traps here, and set them up. When the enemy attacks from above, they will get rid of the abdomen in time and use the phantom to attack. The tail forged from the wolf's spine delivers the killing blow, that's all."

Jiang Shaoyang's pupils shrank suddenly, and the paper cup was slightly twisted in his hand, he gritted his teeth and said:

"That is to say, from the beginning to the end, I was led by the nose by you, and I fell into your trap without knowing it?"

Li Yao sighed and said:

"The tarantula is a freak that has been remodeled in a hurry. It must have fatal flaws. Anyone with a little vision can see that it is top-heavy, slow in speed, and very clumsy when turning around on the spot."

"No matter how I hide it, I can't hide it."

"Since this is the case, simply do the opposite and turn the flaw into a trap. This is not deliberately targeting the wolf king, but for a while, I can only come up with the most effective tactic."

"However, this tactic is only suitable for a sneak attack. It is possible to succeed the first time. The next time the enemy is prepared, this tactic will not work."

Jiang Shaoyang pondered for a moment, nodded and said:

"That's right. It's not that I can't afford to lose. Let's discuss the facts. If I refine a new wolf king, input today's battle example into the crystal brain, and set up new tactics, the outcome will definitely be different!"

"I believe."

Li Yao grinned, and pulled out dozens of structural diagrams from the crystal brain, "However, my tarantula is also a semi-finished product. If I refine another one in ten days and a half months, it will not be what it is now. Come on. , please taste it!"

The profession of craftsman is mostly a bit boring.

Usually, the refiners hide in laboratories and workshops, immersing themselves in the world of magic weapons, with their minds full of formulas, algorithms and data. They looked a little indifferent, even when others talked to them, their responses were slow, and they seemed to be indifferent.

However, once they refine a brand new magic weapon, they can't help but want to show it off, just like children who have assembled a new toy.

Li Yao is also such a guy, coquettish and arrogant.

But in the Great Wilderness War Academy, the only people he can show off to are senior craftsmen like Yuan Manqiu and Jiang Wenbo.

We are not of the same generation. There is a deep generation gap, even if he praises him a few times, he always feels a little alienated.

Among the people of the same age, Ding Lingdang, Zhao Tianchong, and Lu Tieshan are better at playing. No sense of accomplishment.

It was rare to meet Jiang Shaoyang, a top player among his peers today. Li Yao was a little excited to meet his opponent.

He believed that Jiang Shaoyang would be able to see the subtleties of these structural diagrams.

really. Jiang Shaoyang only glanced twice before he was deeply attracted and exclaimed repeatedly:

"This is the ultimate form of the tarantula? It's really amazing!"

"You use thunderstone and jade gold to create a composite material with a porous structure, and refine it into a circular arc-shaped carapace. On the premise of maintaining strength and corrosion resistance, the weight can be reduced by at least 25%. And the medium-sized battle The speed and agility of the power array used by the beast have been greatly improved!"

"The acid chamber in the abdomen is also divided into four vesicles by you, which can store four different liquids, acid, venom, and incendiary. And this super mucus extracted from the dart frog? That’s right, once this mucus is sprayed on the enemy, it’s like being entangled in a spider’s web, and its actions will be greatly affected, so you can only let it be slaughtered by you!”

"A tarantula that spins a web, scary, really scary!"

"However, is your tarantula's ammunition compartment designed too big? This size is enough to carry four base crystals, even if you use a triple-mounted heavy-duty crystal cannon, it is more than enough!"

"Although the continuous combat capability has been improved, the speed has been affected. The gain outweighs the loss, right?"

Li Yao smiled slightly, and pointed to the four talisman arrays next to the ammunition warehouse, and dozens of components connected to them.

Jiang Shaoyang looked at it carefully, and the paper cup was instantly squeezed into a ball, and he blurted out:

"Self-explosion system!"

"You deliberately enlarged the ammunition compartment, and installed so many crystals, it was actually used to launch a suicide attack!"

Jiang Shaoyang closed his eyes, and dozens of structural diagrams instantly merged into one in his mind, turning into a majestic tarantula, placed in a scorching battlefield.

If the design in the structure diagram can be fully realized, especially with so many crystals, once an explosion occurs among the monsters...

He shivered violently.

"Senior Brother Li, you should join Deep Sea University!"

Jiang Shaoyang excitedly said, "Although I heard that there is a little misunderstanding between you and some teachers of Shenhai University, but I can see that you are the most fanatical craftsman just like me!"

"People like us, in order to pursue the strongest way of refining, we can give up everything!"

"What's the point of a little misunderstanding? Only by joining the Deep Sea University can you give full play to your talents!"

"Now that you are a registered craftsman, there are many ways to join Deep Sea University, not necessarily as a student."

"You can directly join the laboratory of the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University as an assistant researcher, and study and research at the same time."

"We have a total of 27 main laboratories, and we are launching hundreds of projects at the same time. If it is you, any one is eligible to join!"

"Come on, the students from Shenhai University are like chickens and dogs in my eyes, and they really don't have the slightest fighting spirit. If you come over, we can exchange ideas and compete with each other at any time, and each other's cultivation can improve by leaps and bounds! "

Jiang Shaoyang looked at Li Yao expectantly.

Li Yao was silent for a long time, finally shook his head and said:

"You are wrong. Although it was a bit of a mistake to reject the Deep Sea University at the beginning, the reason why I persisted in the Great Wilderness War Institute to this day and still have the original intention is not because of a little misunderstanding."

"The following. If someone else asked, I would definitely not say it, but since it is you, you should be able to understand what I mean."

"That's right. From a material point of view, Deep Sea University is of course the best choice for a craftsman. Floating Mountains, laboratories, faculty, academic atmosphere, long heritage... these are unmatched by other schools."

"But compared with material things, I pay more attention to spirituality, or in your words-fighting spirit!"

"Only by contending with a behemoth like Shenhai University can my fighting spirit be raised to the peak. Every minute, every second, when I think of my arrogant declaration, every cell in my body seems to be burning, releasing all the light Here, I dare not slack off in the slightest. It makes me break through the limit again and again!"

"You must have been in this state before. You should know how refreshing and wonderful it is to enter this state of fighting spirit!"

"Joining Deep Sea University and standing on the shoulders of this giant, you can see farther, but sometimes you will slack off. Because you can't find a target, you can make your fighting spirit. Every point, every point Seconds are burning like mad!"

Jiang Shaoyang couldn't help but said, "Why is there no target?"

"My goal is to become the number one person in Deep Sea University!"

"I want to destroy the Nine Stars Chain first, and then I will defeat uncle Jiang Sheng, Professor Xie Tingxian, Professor Zhu Yueqin, and even Dean Chu Xiuhong, I will surpass her!"

"One day, I will become the dean of the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University!"

"I have no interest in the position of dean. I just want to prove that I am the strongest in Deep Sea University!"

"This is my path, this is my goal!"

"How about it? Are you interested in taking this road together? Let's fight for decades to see who can be the dean of the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University?"

"Not interested in."

Li Yao shook his head, with stinging stars blooming in the depths of his eyes, "Deep Sea University has been established for hundreds of years, and the Artifact Refining Department has had dozens of deans. In the future, it will continue to exist for thousands of years, and there will be hundreds of deans. a dean."

"There were ancients before, and there were newcomers later. Even if we persevere to the end, we are just repeating a path that others have traveled, and have achieved what hundreds of people can do."

"What's the point of that?"

"The path I've taken is different."

"Challenging the strongest king with the worst refining system in the Federation, even if it is not the one who will never come after, at least in the first five hundred years, no one has ever done it!"

"This kind of path is worthy of my persistence to the end; this kind of career is worthy of my lifelong struggle; this kind of goal can make my fighting spirit soar to the limit, and I will give 1000% effort and completely burn myself!"

Jiang Shaoyang stood up suddenly, and the stool flipped backwards, making a loud noise.

"Have you ever thought about how small the probability of success is!"

His face contorted, almost screaming.

"The smaller the probability, the more interesting it is."

Li Yaodao, "Life is a battle. Of course, it is fun to choose the strongest enemy. Fighting against a three-year-old child has a 100% chance of winning. But is this kind of battle what you want?"

These words were like the last straw, completely crushing Jiang Shaoyang's spirit.

His face was pale, and he sat back down, but he didn't notice that the stool had been overturned, and he fell to the ground with his feet in the air.

"Are you OK?"

Li Yao was astonished, and looked over the table, only to see Jiang Shaoyang lavishly, with his face up to the sky, not intending to get up, every muscle on his face was twitching, his eyes rolled quickly, and he muttered something, like crying or laughing:

"I understand, this is the secret of your strength!"

"Spirit, fighting spirit, fighting spirit!"

"I grew up in the faculty and staff community of Shenhai University. The magic weapon components are my toys, and the maintenance workshop is my paradise. What I hear next to my ears every day are the most advanced algorithms and theories!"

"Materially, I am a hundred times stronger than you, but you beat me to a crushing defeat!"

"What I lack is the will to fight. It is the will to burn to the limit every minute and every second. You are right, you are so right!"

"Target, damn target!"

"Compared with you, the goals I set for myself in life are too small. Yes, yes. The Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University has already had 22 deans and 135 deputy deans. , even if you become one of them, what a big deal it is!"

"No wonder, I feel more and more boring, more and more boring, it turns out that the enemy of life I chose is too weak, too weak!"

Jiang Shaoyang babbled for a long time, his dead gray skin turned into an excited light red, hot and burning.

He stood up straight like a zombie, took a deep look at Li Yao, turned around suddenly, shook his wild long hair, and ran out.

It wasn't until the end of the corridor that there was a frantic scream:

"I realized it, I finally realized it!"

"Thank you, Brother Li!"

"Tomorrow, tomorrow morning, I will fight with you again!"

Li Yao shivered deeply.

God knows what this guy has realized! (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!