Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 223: The birth of the sun


The next morning, in the military cafeteria. ⊙

Thousands of candidates have breakfast here.

The students of Shenhai University occupied a corner, and the atmosphere was a bit weird.

"Do you know that Jiang Shaoyang didn't sleep all night, sitting on the roof the whole time!"

A student whispered.

"I saw it too, and in the middle of the night, he was still walking up and down the edge of the roof, at an extremely fast speed, like crazy!"

Another classmate took up the quarrel, shook his head immediately, and sighed, "Jiang Shaoyang was hit too hard. Under the eyes of everyone, he was defeated so completely. For him who has been a genius since he was a child, he is too arrogant. It is a great shame and humiliation for the people who are here, and I am afraid that they will never recover... "

Before the words were finished, many people felt that a scorching aura was gradually approaching, as if they were in a refining furnace with thousands of degrees, and they couldn't even breathe.

The first student turned his head and gasped suddenly.

The second student turned his head, his eyeballs were bigger than the egg in his hand.

The third student turned his head, his hands trembled, and the whole bowl of tofu fell between his legs. He didn't realize it at first, and then jumped up with a "ow" two seconds later.

This cry attracted everyone's attention.

When they saw who was coming, they were all dumbfounded and dumbstruck.

That was Jiang Shaoyang, a completely different Jiang Shaoyang.

A day ago, Jiang Shaoyang was like a star hanging high in the sky, so lonely, cold and arrogant, immersed in his own world, and ignored the people around him.

Looking at the eyes of the students is not contempt, but complete disregard!

But at this moment, he seemed to have broken the chain deep in his heart, blasting the restriction that sealed the soul, from the inside out. Every cell is releasing endless energy, turning him into a burning... the sun!

That's right, it is the sun, the sun that is wanton and wild, the sun that burns everything!

None of the classmates dared to stand within two meters of him.

Everyone had a feeling in their hearts, as long as they were within two meters of him. It will be swallowed by his light, not even scum is left.

Jiang Shaoyang's eyes swept across the faces of the students one by one.

No one dared to look at him, and everyone was terrified.

Because they found that Jiang Shaoyang's eyes were no longer indifferent, but fierce, hungry, full of violent murderous intent.

And the biggest change is without a doubt...

"Shaoyang, you actually shaved off all your hair?"

A classmate cried out.

Under the illumination of the light. Jiang Shaoyang's head was shiny, and his long black and shiny hair disappeared without a single hair left.

This fierce look is completely different from yesterday's fluttering long hair, it is completely reborn!

Jiang Shaoyang glanced at the classmate indifferently, forced him to take two steps back, and then walked slowly to the students who were talking about him at the beginning, and stretched out a finger. Shake gently:

"One thing, you are wrong."

"I don't wear the halo of genius."

"I'm a genius!"

"This is the most basic fact. It does not change because of the victory or defeat of a fight, just as dark clouds occasionally cover the sun, but the sun will always exist!"

"Only those fake geniuses, those ordinary people who wear the aura of genius, will be upset because of the failure of a contest."

"How can a true genius like me become depressed because of a fiasco? I will only become more and more courageous as I get frustrated, and become stronger as I fight."

"Because I am very sure that no matter how many times I fail before, in the end, I will definitely win!"

Everyone was shocked by his aura. There was a brief dead silence in the corner of the cafeteria. After a while, someone asked tremblingly:

"Shaoyang, are you really alright?"

"There is something, of course there is something."

Jiang Shaoyang grinned and said, "I broke through."


Everyone stood up.

"Failure is the mother of success. I have never understood the meaning of this sentence in the past, because I have never really failed since I was a child."

Jiang Shaoyang unhurriedly took out a handful of small steel balls from his trouser pocket, each with a diameter of no more than one millimeter, like holding a handful of rice grains.

"I didn't realize my fatal flaw until yesterday, when I suffered a crushing defeat and listened to Senior Brother Li Yao's speech."

Jiang Shaoyang flicked his fingers slightly, dozens of steel balls danced lightly between his fingers, and the speed became faster and faster, like dozens of silver streamers dancing lightly.

"In the past, although I set some goals for myself, these goals are too simple, too boring, too easy to succeed, and they are not worthy of my 100% strength."

"It's me who sealed my true strength!"

Dozens of silver streamers converged into a ball of silver-white light, and the trajectory of the movement could not be seen clearly at all, only a faint whistling sound could be heard, forming a small tornado in Jiang Shaoyang's palm.

"His hand speed is faster than yesterday!"

Everyone felt dizzy after only a few glances.

Even those with the strongest eyesight could not catch Jiang Shaoyang's movements.

"But now, I have found a new goal, which is worth burning every minute and every second of me, blasting out 100%, no, 1000% strength!"

"The moment I found this target, I felt an invisible chain burst all over my body. The energy originally hidden in the deepest part of my cells surged like a flood breaking a dam, making me break through instantly!"

"Senior brother Li Yao didn't lie to me, what he said is true!"

Jiang Shaoyang yelled violently, and the silver ball of light between his fingers suddenly split into dozens of streamers, which shot out to the surroundings at a speed as fast as lightning!

Many people were caught off guard and instinctively dodged backwards, thinking that the small steel ball would hit themselves.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Shaoyang's right hand disappeared in an instant, turning into a faint mist, completely covering dozens of small steel balls flying at high speed.

His hand seemed to be magnetic, and in an instant, dozens of streamers were all sucked into his hand.

Spreading out the palms, dozens of small steel balls twirled around, collided lightly, and made a "ding ding" sound.

"God-like hand speed!"

Everyone forgot to breathe. The same exclamation circled in my mind.

"Overnight, my maximum hand speed increased by 11.3%."

Jiang Shaoyang said calmly, put the small steel ball back into his trouser pocket, scanned the audience, quickly locked on the target, and walked to the other end of the cafeteria.

"Shaoyang. Where are you going?"

A classmate couldn't help asking.

Everyone was shocked and curious about Jiang Shaoyang's overnight change.

The corners of Jiang Shaoyang's mouth curled up, revealing his snow-white teeth, and he smiled, "I owe this breakthrough to Senior Brother Li Yao, of course I have to thank him, by the way..."

"Let senior brother Li Yao also taste the feeling of a crushing defeat!"

The last sentence ignited the passion deep in everyone's heart. Every candidate of Deep Sea University jumped up.

"The tenth star! It is worthy of being the tenth star! It has been completely reborn overnight, and its strength has increased crazily!"

"Jiang Shaoyang and Li Yao were originally equal in strength. Even if they suffered a disastrous defeat yesterday, it was probably due to Li Yao's tricks."

"Overnight, Jiang Shaoyang's hand speed increased by 11.3%. How could Li Yao be his opponent? He will definitely be crushed by Jiang Shaoyang!"

"Follow up and have a look!"

Jiang Shaoyang took one step at a time. Approaching Li Yao, a long line of people watching the show followed far behind.

The military canteen is huge. It can accommodate tens of thousands of people to eat at the same time. There are hundreds of meters between the two sides of the cafeteria. Li Yao happened to be sitting in the corner on the other side, concentrating on his meal and not paying attention to the commotion hundreds of meters away.

However, he happened to also think of Jiang Shaoyang.

"He's really an interesting guy. If we can compete with him often, we can really improve each other's cultivation greatly!"

While sipping soy milk, he recalled the thrilling contest between the two.

What impressed Li Yao the most was not the confrontation between the wolf king and the tarantula, but the contest between the two with toothpicks.

"My initial conclusion is still too conservative. This guy's limit hand speed may be more than 97% of mine. After a few days of training by him, he may surpass me!"

"Interesting, it's really interesting. Among my peers, it's my luck to find such an opponent. I must cultivate more crazily than him, and I must not be compared to him!"

"But I don't know, how fast is my current limit hand speed?"

"By the way, it's been a long time since I used 'that' method to test the limit hand speed. Although it has no practical value, at least..."

"Let me have a good time first!"

Under Jiang Shaoyang's stimulation, Li Yao's competitive heart was ready to move.

Taking a deep breath, a large block of mysterious and complicated structure diagrams, dazzling numbers and intricate algorithms popped out of Li Yao's mind.

It made him enter a super awake state within a second!

The activity of brain cells is 150%!

The activity of brain cells is 200%!

Brain cell activity is 220%!

To test hand speed, it is not just a few random swings of the hands like cramp, it can be counted. It requires the brain, eyes, arms, and palms to cooperate exquisitely and complete a series of movements accurately.

Entering the super-awake state, the activity of brain cells has been greatly increased, and the limit hand speed has naturally increased.

In actual operation, this extreme hand speed is of little significance.

Because after a few minutes of ultra-awake state, the brain needs to cool down for a long time to return to normal. It is impossible for Li Yao to spend several hours of cooling time in order to pursue a moment of super high hand speed.

It's just a fun game.

Li Yao controlled the activity of brain cells at 220%.

This is the limit of what he can do freely.

If you go higher, you won't be able to control it as you like.


Li Yao flicked his tail finger on the dining table, and a toothpick jumped out of the jar, twirling between his fingers.


Li Yao took out a napkin and tossed it casually. The napkin flew high, wobbly, flickering, and fell down.

At this time, Jiang Shaoyang happened to walk over, and his eyes fell on the napkin.

"What is he going to do?" Jiang Shaoyang was puzzled.

In Li Yao's eyes, a star that was more brilliant than the sun flashed away. When the paper towel fell to his side, he suddenly made a move, as if countless lightning bolts exploded between his fingers. , pierced hundreds of neatly arranged holes!


Jiang Shaoyang was completely dumbfounded.

"The hand speed of this monster has increased by at least 20% compared to yesterday!" (Please search Piaotian Literature, better and faster!