Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 225: the way of the future


Just as the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University was being thrown into a commotion by Jiang Shaoyang's crazy behavior, Li Yao, the culprit, didn't know anything about it. go. "

Originally, he could take another military transport ship at Juren Pass.

However, Li Yao firmly remembered Ding Yin's words. On the Great Wilderness, when he could ride the crystal rail train with ordinary people, he would make the same choice.

In case of a beast tide, it can be resisted for a while.

Unknowingly, Li Yao also began to demand himself by the standards of a cultivator.

There is still one day left before Raging Tao City, Li Yao didn't intend to waste it, he sat cross-legged on the bed, turned on the crystal brain, and inspired the divine thoughts of Tianyuan Cultivation Network.

The radiant half-step too illusory, instantly enveloped the small box.

The middle-aged beautiful woman transformed into the little assistant of cultivation, looked at him with a smile, and said crisply:

"Congratulations, Fellow Daoist Li Yao, you have successfully passed the Registered Artifact Refiner Examination, become a powerful Registered Artifact Refiner, and obtained a higher level of authority. The Artifact Refining section in Tianyuan Cultivation Network will be fully open to you! "

At this moment, Li Yao is not only a sixth-level cultivator in the Qi refining period, but also a registered weapon refiner. Many sections that were originally gray have become colorful, and the information flow that floods in like a tide has increased by dozens times.

Li Yao ignored this information and went directly to the refining section.

"Fellow Daoist Li Yao, this is the first time you have entered the refining section, let me introduce you."

The little assistant said, "This board is established by the Association of Registered Artifact Refiners. It is a professional platform for communication among artisans. There are many special areas here, and you can communicate with other artisans to discuss academic issues. You can also browse a large number of recruitment information, and you can freely receive tasks, earn rich rewards, and improve your level; of course, if you have any tasks, or want to recruit like-minded refiners. To complete complex projects, you can also use Publish here!"

Li Yao nodded, these are common sense, he quickly scanned them.


Behind the little assistant of comprehension, eight translucent structural diagrams appeared, representing the eight special areas.

The world of magic weapons is vast and boundless. In theory, everything is driven by spiritual energy. Non-living bodies that can emit supernatural powers are all magic weapons.

Such a vast world cannot be fully grasped by a craftsman in his entire life, and most craftsmen can only be proficient in one or several aspects of it.

In Star Federation, magic weapons are divided into eight levels according to their scale.

The first level, mustard level. It is also called nano-level, and it is taken from mustard seeds. The meaning of the entire universe can also be contained in a grain of rice.

A single nanoscale magic weapon is smaller than a cell, but once thousands of it is combined, it can display incredible supernatural powers.

The Federation of Stars has a powerful battle armor called "Nano Battle Suit", which is refined from nano-scale magic weapons. It is extremely light in weight and flows like a liquid, but it has the strongest protection. It can also cooperate with the crystal armor to form a double-layer combat system.

When a cultivator wears a nano combat suit inside. Covered in crystal armor, it is like gods blocking and killing gods, and Buddhas blocking and killing Buddhas, invincible and invincible!

The second level, ultra-small magic weapon.

Ultra-small magic weapon, the size of a fly or a mosquito, once gathered in groups, it is also a very terrifying killing weapon.

The third level, small magic weapon, is also called individual magic weapon.

This is the most widely used level. Flying swords, crystal armor, firearms, and puppet beasts are all small magic weapons.

There are the most refiners who study small magic weapons, and Li Yao is also good at this field.

The fourth level, medium-sized magic weapon.

Magical weapons of this level are between seven and eight meters to twenty or thirty meters long, and weigh dozens to hundreds of tons. The spar chariots commonly used in the army, and the shuttle cars that can carry dozens of people, They are all medium-sized magic weapons.

The fifth level, large magic weapon.

The military's transport ships, patrol boats, and destroyers are all large magic weapons. When they are fully fired, they can even unleash a destructive power comparable to that of a strong Golden Core.

The sixth level, super-large magic weapon.

The military's main warships, flagships, and air battleforts are all super-large magic weapons. What Li Yao saw in the Far East Sea, the eternal flagship of the Federal Army, the Liaoyuan, is the most representative super-large magic weapon.

The seventh level, giant magic weapon!

At this level, the magic weapon often becomes an intricate and comprehensive system, which can cover an entire town, such as the "anti-monster defense system".

The eighth level is also the technical power of Star Federation, the highest level that can be touched, planetary level!

A planetary-level magic weapon, supernatural powers can cover an entire continent, and the "ultra-high-speed crystal rail train system" that runs through the entire Xingyao Federation is an out-and-out planetary-level magic weapon!

Such a magic weapon cannot be refined overnight. Even the ultra-high-speed crystal rail train system is still expanding, spreading, building new lines, and connecting more towns. It may take hundreds of years to truly Finish.

On top of planetary-level magic weapons, it is said that in the era of the Star Sea Empire, practitioners could also refine "star-level magic weapons" that radiated the entire galaxy.

However, in "Doomsday Change", such supernatural powers are lost, which is really regrettable.

Li Yao sighed for a while, and entered the small magic weapon area.

The background of the special area is the structural diagram of tens of thousands of classic magic weapons, shining brightly in the dark night sky, like countless brilliant stars.

Rows of messages flooded Li Yao again, but this time the messages were much more targeted, all related to small magic weapons.

Most of the information is that a certain cultivator spent a lot of money to buy a small magic weapon.

There are also specific requirements attached, such as speed, weight, attributes, and so on.

Li Yao took a look, and the highest bidder among them was willing to spend billions to buy a small magic weapon.

Li Yao clicked his tongue, no wonder it was said that a craftsman is one of the most powerful professions in the cultivation world.

You only need to refine three or five such magic weapons every year, and you will have money, contacts, resources... everything!

However, cultivators who are willing to spend billions of dollars naturally have extremely high requirements for magic weapons. At least Li Yao has assessed the performance parameters they require, and he is far from being able to meet them. Can't even think of it!

In addition, it is the recruitment information of major sects, universities, and registered craftsmen firms.

Based on Li Yao's astonishing performance in the Registered Artifact Refiner Examination, he is now considered a well-known rookie in the circle, and it is still very easy to find a good job with a bright future.

But Li Yao has already contacted the teacher.

Yuan Manqiu was also very happy to learn that he had successfully become a registered craftsman. Even Principal Xiong Baili knew the good news and was very satisfied with his performance. He faintly expressed his hope that he would stay in school directly after graduation and enjoy the same treatment as Ding Lingdang.

Therefore, Li Yao's eyes did not stay on the recruitment information for too long, and directly jumped to the grade evaluation.

Registered refiners are divided into ten levels, from one star to nine star.

From one star to three stars, he is an "elite refiner".

Most of the registered craftsmen will stay at this level for the rest of their lives.

Four to six stars. He is an "expert-level craftsman".

At this level, it is an expert and authority in a certain field, and the words spoken have irrefutable weight.

Li Yao's mentor, Yuan Manqiu, and the supernova Jiang Sheng, are all expert craftsmen.

This is also the limit of a general refiner.

Seven stars to nine stars are "grandmaster level craftsmen", not only the authority in a certain field. What's more, it is necessary to create a new field and genre, and refine a super magic weapon that can be called a country's most important weapon. to receive such an honor.

Even in the entire Xingyao Federation, there are only a handful of master-level craftsmen, and each of them is a prominent figure who is famous all over the world!

"I don't know when and what month I will be able to become a 'Grandmaster of Artifact Refining'!"

Li Yao was dreaming, his thoughts were flying.

He is neither elite now. It's not an expert, let alone a guru, but a blank board, "no star rating", the lowest grade.

"I want to upgrade my level as soon as possible. At least get an elite Dangdang first, with a blank slate, it's too embarrassing to say it!"

Only by upgrading your level can you participate in higher-level refining projects, buy more heavenly materials and earthly treasures in the Craftsman Association, and be able to talk and compete with higher-level powerhouses, and have the ability to compete with Deep Sea University. qualifications.

The way to increase the level is also very simple.

Various colleges, sects, casual cultivators, and the military have registered a large number of tasks in the Artisan Association.

The association has evaluated different levels according to the difficulty of the task.

As long as you complete a "one-star refining task", you can automatically upgrade to a one-star refining master.

"Summer vacation is coming soon."

Li Yao pondered, "I want to take advantage of the summer vacation to complete some more tasks. On the one hand, I will improve my level, earn some money by the way, and buy myself some natural treasures and refining tools; on the other hand, I will also sharpen myself Skill."

"After all, the teacher will restart the Mysterious Bone Project starting next semester, and I will also participate in it and contribute my strength."

"Crystal armor is a magic weapon among magic weapons. It is extremely difficult to refine. With my current strength, I am afraid it is not enough to play a key role."

"Practice, practice crazily, I must leave the title of 'Demon Star' on the mysterious bone battle armor!"

It was already late at night when the crystal rail train slid into Raging City station.

Li Yao didn't go back to the Artifact Refining Department, but came to the teaching and staff quarters full of excitement.

He came to Ding Lingdang and told her the great news.

For some reason, when he found out that he had become a registered craftsman, the first person who popped up in Li Yao's mind and wanted to share the good news was not his mentor Yuan Manqiu, but Ding Lingdang.

But he resisted the urge.

Such good news is meaningless to pass on through Linghe's letter. Of course, it has to be said in person. By the way, look at Ding Lingdang's astonished expression, and then listen to her praise herself!

Thinking of Ding Lingdang, the corners of Li Yao's mouth twitched, and without even knowing it, a thief's brilliance appeared in his eyes.

He knew that Ding Lingdang must not have slept.

This cultivator madman won't sleep until two or three o'clock in the middle of the night.

At the foot of the hill, in the sea of bamboo, Li Yao knew the way and said hello to the parrot and the little snake.

Immediately, his eyebrows were erected, and his smile was completely frozen.

His nostrils fluttered, he smelled a faint intoxicating breath, and his pupils shrank suddenly.

"It's the taste of Drunken Immortal Vine!" (Please search for Piaotian Literature, better update faster!