Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 233: Excessive force


The unexpectedly high score immediately detonated the audience.

All eyes turned to a corner of the test field, a crescent white crystal armor standing quietly.

This crystal armor named "Moon Fox" is famous for its super agility and extreme speed. Just now it staged a gorgeous battle dance. Although the test has ended, there are still afterimages in everyone's minds, like A cool moonlight.

Soon, information about the driver of the Moon Fox Armor spread.

"Long Qianyue, twenty-five years old, on the twelfth floor of the Qi refining stage, is the second daughter of City Lord Yanyue!"

"Although Yanyue City is not a rich and powerful family, it is an out-and-out martial arts sect. From top to bottom, everyone is a fighting madman!"

"This Long Qianyue is no exception. In the Battle of Iron Eagle Mountain last month, she killed three demon generals by herself and became famous in one battle!"

"I didn't expect her to be so talented in controlling the crystal armor. Now, Yanyue City is about to rise!"

"Among our students in the same period, there are not only combat armor students like Yuan Yeshi, but also super-talented monsters like Long Qianyue. They have reserved two of the final ten spots. The competition must be fierce!"

Many students gritted their teeth 4∫, with strong unwillingness and jealousy in their voices.

Ninety-nine students and more than a dozen instructors fell into commotion, only Li Yao kept his ears to the outside world and immersed himself in his own world wholeheartedly.

He was like a rusty machine, turning his joints and moving his feet extremely slowly.


"Finally learned to walk!"

Even though his whole body was in pain as if he had been severely whipped by thorns, Li Yao's face was still full of contented joy.

It wasn't easy, after falling down seventeen times, he finally mastered the delicate balance, and was able to simply control the spray direction of the twenty-eight power rune arrays. Take the first step steadily!

"Relax, the key is to relax, don't compete with the crystal armor, treat the power rune array as your new organ, calm down, and come naturally. One step, two steps, three steps..."

Although he was still a little staggering, and occasionally his arms fluttered like an old hen, but this time, he didn't fall again, and walked a dozen steps smoothly.

Li Yao grinned and smiled.

Several students next to him looked at him with very contemptuous eyes.

Isn't it the easiest way to walk? It took me so long to learn, how can I still smile

It's just shameless!

Li Yaocai doesn't care what others think of him, he is like a brat who got a new toy, he can't wait to develop a new way to play, he is completely immersed in the world of crystal armor, eager to break through one difficulty after another, to open a new world. Another new door!

"Next, learn to jump!"

than walking. The difficulty of jumping must be increased by ten times, and almost hundreds of rune arrays are used. In order to complete the simplest small jump.

After dozens of failures, Li Yao never tires of it, let alone the eyes of others.

Every time he fails, he can gain a new insight.

Every second, he is more proficient than the last second.

This feeling of rushing all the way to success is really wonderful.


After throwing himself in the mud for the thirty-second time. He jumped a full five meters with great precision.

One millimeter is not much, one millimeter is not much, and it is impartial, just stepping on the landing point set by the crystal brain.

"Learn another skill!"

"Next, it's time to learn to run. Or jump continuously?"

Li Yao was in high spirits and became addicted to playing.

At this moment, the chief instructor Mao Feng's brutal roar rang in his ears:

"The last group of students, prepare for the test!"

"Sha Yangwen, Test Road No. 1!"

"Zhou Qun, Test Road No. 2!"

"Li Yao, number three is testing the way!"


Li Yao was dumbfounded for a moment, and then he noticed that he was enjoying himself so much that he forgot the passage of time. When he was learning to walk and jump, a full hour had passed.

The first few groups of students have completed the test, and even the preliminary analysis results have come out.

"too fast?"

"This crystal armor is really fun. It's been an hour since I played it. It seems like half a minute has passed. I haven't enjoyed it yet!"

"This group of guys, why are they all playing so smoothly? Everyone is a beginner, and the gap is too big. No wonder Chief Instructor Mao Feng said that I am the weakest of them all. He is not lying. "

"These competitors are all geniuses, monsters, and monsters!"

"But it doesn't matter, after three months, I will definitely be more genius, more monster, and more evildoer than you!"

Li Yao thought about it, and walked cautiously towards No. 3 test road.

He was just learning to walk, and his hips were twisting and turning, and his posture was very ugly, as if he had an egg between his legs.

The trembling appearance made everyone laugh.

Everyone had seen too many geniuses just now, and their nerves were tense to the extreme. Many people were sighing, and suddenly they saw a guy who was far inferior to themselves, and they were all happy.

"Who is this, with 30% difficulty, who can even walk like this?"

"Let me look at the list of students, ha, isn't it the Li Yao that the chief instructor introduced just now?"

"Tsk tsk tsk tsk, I just heard from the chief instructor that he is a vulture, a ruthless man, and a famous figure on the university campus. I thought he was so powerful, isn't that too bad?"

Yuan Yeshi was even more stunned, stunned for a long time, and muttered to himself:

"No way?"

"With such qualifications, you dare to come to the Thunder training camp?"

"I really shouldn't have gone up to fight with him just now. It's too shameful to treat this kind of guy as a target!"

Ranked first among all the students, Long Qianyue, who was standing quietly in the corner, also glanced casually.

From the depths of the moon-white crystal armor, came a faint laughter.

Amidst the doubts and ridicules of the crowd, Li Yao moved step by step to the No. 3 test track with difficulty.

The rest of the students had already taken their positions, looking at him with the eyes of a three-year-old child.

Chief Instructor Mao Feng said loudly:

"The test begins!"

The other nineteen students rushed out like arrows flying off the string!

Li Yao took a sudden step. A strong airflow blasted from behind, causing him to stagger, and he hurriedly opened his arms to maintain his balance.

The clumsy look aroused another burst of cheerful laughter.

The clumsy performance made Chief Instructor Mao Feng's two eyebrows almost close together, scanning the dozen or so instructors under him. Said, "Who is interested in this guy and is willing to take him?"

The instructors looked at each other, took a step back in unison, and looked up to admire the dust flying in the sky.

Inside the crystal armor, Li Yao couldn't help shouting in his heart:

"You can refueling!"

"Mysterious Bone Battle Armor is waiting for you in the not-too-distant future!"

"Cross this hurdle. You must pass this hurdle. You must not let the prototype of the Xuanbone Battle Armor fall into the hands of others!"

"It's destined to be yours!"

Taking a deep breath, Li Yao raised his head, the arrogant flames in his eyes seemed to be able to burn through even crystal armor.

He strode out.

Although the posture is still extremely ugly, it seems that there is an invisible silk thread tied around the waist, swaying here and there. Stumbling, just not falling. The speed is getting faster and faster, from the initial short steps to a trot all the way.

"Swish Swish Swish Swish!"

Twenty silver balls of light rushed toward us.

The five major links of the crystal armor test, dodge, attack, maneuver, sprint, and crit, each of which is worth 20 points.

In the dodge link. One point will be deducted for every hit by the silver ball of light.

Li Yao gritted his big teeth, and twisted every muscle in his body three times. Finally, he avoided four balls of light, but was hit hard by sixteen balls of light.

this link. He only got four points.

The worst one among the other students also flashed eleven or twelve balls of light.

The second link, attack.

Students must hit twenty light balls that are constantly wandering within five seconds.

Hit one and get one point.

After five seconds, all light spheres will disappear.


Li Yao looked like a drowning man, standing on tiptoe, waving his hands frantically, hitting the ball of light with all his might.

In this link, he scored six points, which was less than half of others.

The third link, mobility.

In front of the students, there are twenty transparent red lines that criss-cross.

Students must drive the crystal armor and pass through the gap between the red lines within ten seconds.

Touch a red line and deduct one point.

In this session, Li Yao scored seven points.

In the first three links, his performance was unbearable.

Many people even lost interest in laughing at him, and turned their attention to competitors with more research value.

But no one cared, Li Yao's score improved slightly in every link.

Even though it was only one point or two points, it meant that he was growing rapidly in just a few tens of seconds.

Li Yao felt that he vaguely grasped something.

The wild horse under his crotch was still bumping desperately and jumping wildly, but he gradually felt its temper, and also felt the boiling fighting spirit and shining pride in its manic movements.

The last two links.

Sprint, crit!

The trainees have to use the shortest time to cross a distance of 500 meters, and then use the greatest force to slam the target wrapped in gel.

"bring it on… "

In Li Yao's mind, hundreds of wild bees dancing wildly merged into one in an instant, turning into a dazzling starburst, which exploded violently!

"It's now!"

Squat, jump, accelerate, sprint!

Behind the crystal armor, like a volcanic eruption, hundreds of brilliant brilliance were ejected!

In the blink of an eye, Li Yao covered hundreds of meters, surpassing many students who were running ahead of him!

"So fast!"

The contempt of many people instantly turned into cold sweat.

Li Yao hadn't learned how to punch yet, so his shoulders sank, and with his strong inertia, he slammed into the target fiercely!

"Explode me!"

With a roar, he accelerated again, and an umbrella-shaped white mist burst out in front of him, but it broke through the speed of sound in an instant!


The expected rapid impact did not happen.

After all, Li Yao's control over the direction was not subtle enough, it was just a hair's breadth away, he just missed the target, and continued to rush forward!

Two hundred meters ahead, at the end of the test track, Chief Instructor Mao Feng was concentrating on studying the test data of the previous batches of students.

The last group of students had the lowest level of cultivation and the least experience in driving crystal armor, and they didn't perform too well in the few test sessions just now, and they were lackluster.

Mao Feng took a glance, and didn't bother wasting time, he was concentrating on thinking about how to train those geniuses.

At this moment, there was a piercing explosion sound in his ear, which made him froze for a moment.

"Sonic boom?"

"Among this group of rookies, someone actually exploded the supersonic speed?"

Mao Feng raised his head, his pupils contracted suddenly, and looked at Li Yao who was rushing towards him viciously, his ugly face was twisted to the extreme, and he roared in his heart:

"What the hell!" (Please search Piaotian Literature, better and faster!
