Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 237: Tibetan front seven methods


In the crystal armor tomb, in the faint light, only Li Yao was left alone, and there were 146 discarded crystal armors. |Among every two people who read romance, there is one who has registered for an account on Ke°Le°Xiao°Shuo°.

Li Yao felt that the whole world had become a solitary boat, drifting with the waves in the stormy waves of the sea of stars.

And he is just a small ant on a lonely boat, unable to resist the overturning of the world.

Standing up tremblingly, he spread his hands to the limit, trying to maintain his balance.

But in an instant, he realized that the whole world was tilted to the left, and people couldn't help but fell to the left, falling headlong into the wreckage of the crystal armor.

Like falling into quicksand, one hundred and forty-six crystal suits flew towards him, devouring him completely.

Li Yao couldn't help but let out a cry, and took a closer look, only to find that all the crystal armors were standing obediently.

It wasn't that people were flying towards him, but he was like a headless chicken, stumbling towards these crystal armors.

"The balance system of the brain is completely disturbed. I can't even stand upright. I feel sick when I sit up. How can I maintain the crystal armor?"

"No! Don't even think about completing the maintenance of so many crystal armors for a month. Even if you barely finish it, you won't have time to learn how to control the crystal armor. You will definitely be eliminated by others!"

"Maybe, this is the purpose of the chief instructor!"

"I won't let you get away with it, bastard!"

"First, stand up and hold on for three seconds!"

Li Yao clenched his teeth, strands of blue veins appeared on his pale face.

With a strange cry, he stood up, and within half a second, he fell to the ground again.

ten minutes later.

Li Yao tried seventy-nine times, none of which persisted for more than two seconds, his nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his body was bruised.

Standing up stubbornly for the eightieth time, he finally couldn't hold on anymore, and fell straight back, the back of his head just hitting the solid knee of a crystal suit.


A loud noise echoed endlessly in the small crystal armor tomb.

The back of my head is wet. Blood flowed out.

Li Yao's eyes widened in an instant, and there was a light of surprise in his eyes.

"what happened?"

"The moment your head hit the crystal armor, the dizziness seems to have eased?"

I took a closer look and decided that this was not an illusion. The dizziness really eased a lot, the balance returned to him, and he could finally sit up and take a little breath.

Not comfortable for a few seconds, though. The feeling of spinning around, like a monster from the abyss, biting him tightly and swallowing him into the belly of the darkness.

Li Yao lay down again, stared blankly at the ceiling, and began to think calmly.

After a while, he groped to find a crystal armor component scattered on the ground.

After weighing it, the weight is not light or heavy, just right.

Holding the crystal armor components in the palm of his hand, Li Yao hit his head hard.


It was as if a big bell was ringing fiercely deep in the brain. Li Yao bared his teeth in pain and narrowed his eyes.

However, as the severe pain struck, the dizziness dissipated, and he could sit up again, comfortably for a few seconds.

And in his eyes, there is even a smile of "trickster succeeds".

He understood what was going on.

Even if it is really a lonely boat in the stormy sea, experienced sailors can also walk on the ground on the violently bumpy deck.

Their secret is to predict the direction, strength, and magnitude at the moment the turbulence occurs.

Then apply a force in the opposite direction with the same strength and amplitude. Counteract the force of the turbulent waves.

When ordinary people are hit hard in the head, they will always feel violent concussion and dizziness, and will have "booming ears and staring eyes".

But Li Yao was already in a state of extreme dizziness.

A second wave of vertigo caused by an external shock. The first wave of dizziness produced by the Luanheng iron conflicted and canceled each other, resulting in a delicate balance.

This principle is like an experienced old sailor who uses his own turbulence to fight against the turbulence of the sea.

It's more like two fast shuttle cars. Even if the speed is increased to more than 800 kilometers per hour, the relationship between them is still relatively static.

"I see!"

"The random balance iron has completely interfered with my brain's balance system. It is impossible to suppress this interference!"

"However, I can introduce a new kind of disturbance that triggers a second wave of imbalance!"

"The two waves of interference are superimposed, and the two waves collide unbalanced. If the negative and the negative are positive, it is possible to return to a balanced state!"

After figuring out the principle, Li Yao immediately began to try.

He shook his head violently at an extremely fast speed.

Shaking the head too hard will cause dizziness, because the human brain is very soft, and it will generate inertia during high-speed movement and hit the skull hard.

It is equivalent to slamming on the brakes of a shuttle car. Although the car can stop, the passengers inside will rush forward involuntarily.


Li Yao finally couldn't bear it anymore and retched.

However, he didn't grasp the strength properly. Instead of canceling each other out, the two dizziness sensations superimposed together, detonating a dizziness bomb in his head, knocking him to the ground all at once.

There was no trace of frustration on his face, but excitement.

Because he confirmed his guess that the interference from the outside world can indeed affect the dizziness in the brain.

Since it can be increased, of course it can also be reduced.

"bring it on!"

"I found the secret!"

"Look who can—stop me!"

an hour later.

Li Yao had forty-seven wounds and two hundred and nine bruises on his body.

He finally grasped the frequency of vertigo, and also mastered the unique skill of shocking the brain.

Although it wasn't enough to completely liberate him from the vortex of dizziness, at least he could barely stand still, and he could grit his teeth and work.

"Balance training doesn't happen overnight. It's good to be able to recover to this level in more than an hour. In the days to come, let's improve slowly!"

"Now, start maintaining the crystal armor!"

Li Yao was gearing up, eager to try.

The repair and maintenance of magic weapons is his specialty!

However, after carefully inspecting one hundred and forty-six discarded crystal suits, he found that the situation was a bit tricky.

What Chief Instructor Mao Feng left him was a mess that couldn't be worse.

Crystal armor is the magic weapon among the magic weapons, and its precision is very high.

Although these discarded crystal armors are the key structures refined with heaven, material and earth treasures. Such as the ultra-high compression wafer reactor cauldron, etc., have all been dismantled, leaving only a bare frame.

Equivalent to a corpse, the most delicate muscles, blood vessels, neural networks, and internal organs have all been removed. Turn into a skeleton.

The complexity was beyond Li Yao's imagination.

This is not a big problem.

In the jade slips left by Mao Feng, there are all the structural diagrams and maintenance manuals.

It wasn't for Li Yao to repair or modify it, but for him to disassemble, maintain and assemble it in the same way.

It can be done if you spend some time researching.

The point is. These crystal armors have been scrapped for too long, and the various components are really corroded, like skeletons that have been rotting in the tomb for decades, decayed to the extreme.

He had to rely on his own strength to complete the maintenance of more than a hundred broken sets that hadn't been maintained for decades.

"These rags, where is the crystal armor? It's just a pile of tofu, worse than the garbage I found in the tomb of the magic weapon!"

"Change to an ordinary craftsman. There is really no way to use such scrap copper and rotten iron!"

"I can only fight!"

Li Yao gritted his teeth, and sat cross-legged surrounded by many discarded crystal armors.

His eyes were slightly closed, and his soul sank into the depths of his brain.

In the center of the Sea of Consciousness, Ou Yezi's tree of memory is radiant and resplendent.

40,000 years ago, the Hundred Refining Sect was the master of the Artifact Refining Sect. Of course, there are countless extraordinary skills in the repair and maintenance of magic weapons.

In Bailianzong, low-level disciples would act as handymen and assistants before they started to formally refine weapons. Undertake a lot of magic weapon maintenance work.

Even Ou Yezi spent several years doing the hard work of maintaining the magic weapon while forging iron.

In ancient times, there were not so many tools for magic weapon maintenance, and everything had to be carefully polished by hands.

In a large number of memory fragments. There are fragments of magic weapon maintenance, which have long been swallowed by Li Yao.

It's just that it hasn't been used in the past, and it hasn't been studied carefully.

At this moment, after looking at Ou Yezi's hundreds of magic weapon maintenance tasks in a fast-forward manner, he sank his consciousness into Ou Yezi's body again, and experienced the exquisiteness of ancient magic weapon maintenance with his own hands.

After pondering over and over again, Li Yaoruo realized something.

He chose another memory fragment, entered the first floor of the Tianlian Pagoda, found a secret book called "The Seven Techniques of Zangfeng", and studied it attentively.

"The Seven Ways of Zangfeng" is the introductory secret book of Bailianzong on the maintenance of magic weapons.

How to remove rust, how to apply oil, how to make the dark and unclear talisman shine again, the preparation of thousands of maintenance oils... everything is included.

Most of the secret methods have long since been lost after 40,000 years.

Li Yao used the method of spiritual transmission, like a giant whale sucking water, frantically devouring the precious secret methods of "Seven Techniques of Zangfeng".

Even so, it took a whole day and night in the Tianlian Pagoda to learn the vast sea of magic weapon maintenance information.

He once again chose the memory fragments of Ou Yezi's magic weapon for maintenance, and tried hundreds of times with the brand-new method he had just learned.

The miraculous secret method and unique skill are completely integrated into the soul.

When Li Yao returned contentedly, twenty-four hours had passed in reality.

But those rusty scrap copper and iron, in his eyes, have a different kind of brilliance.

On a level that ordinary people can't understand, he seems to hear these decayed steel warriors roaring earth-shattering!

"Even if you are dead, I will give you the dignity you deserve."

"You, as heroes, should be placed majestically in the war museum, so that everyone can know your great achievements."

"Instead of here, rotting silently!"

Inserting the jade slip into the crystal brain, while studying the maintenance manual, Li Yao moved his limbs.

The joints made a "crackling" sound, and the ten fingers seemed to have turned into ten hungry dragons, faintly blasting the sound of dragons.

After tidying up the maintenance tools, Li Yao walked up to the first scrapped crystal armor with a solemn expression. (.)xh118
