Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 238: Ecstasy


The blood knife battle armor, finalized 124 years ago, is an entry-level crystal armor specially used by practitioners in the Qi refining period. +

However, with the passage of time, the surface of this sturdy crystal armor was also covered with a thick layer of rust, forming a rust shell.

At first glance, it appears to be covered in red moss.

It is difficult to remove all such thick rust shells in a very short period of time with general rust removal methods.

Li Yao's ten fingers were slightly bent, and they were gently placed on the chest armor of the blood knife battle armor.

Like a breeze blowing by, the ten fingers flicked lightly, as if they were playing a delicate guqin.

With the flick of his ten fingers, his expression also changed from solemn and solemn to intoxicated.

The subtle touch of the ten fingers fed back all the internal structure of the blood knife battle armor to his mind.

With the structure diagram and maintenance manual that I have studied carefully just now, everything is clear.

Immediately, the speed and strength of the ten-finger bouncing increased hundreds of times in an instant, from stroking the strings to slamming hard!

On the surface of the crystal armor, like thousands of jade beads falling down, there was a crisp sound of "crack, clap, clap".

The blood knife battle armor trembled violently.

Li Yao wrapped his whole body of psychic energy between his fingers, released powerful psychic lightning, and bombarded him indiscriminately.

The spiritual energy spread like ripples on the surface of the battle armor.

Something magical happened!

As the ten fingers poked wildly, the spiritual energy rippled, and wherever the ripples went, the thick and dense rust spots automatically peeled off, scattered, and shook away, flying up like a goddess scattering flowers!

In less than five minutes, the outermost rusty shell of the blood knife battle armor. It was completely crushed by Li Yao and disappeared!

Although the battle armor is still dull, there are still a lot of rust in the joints and crevices.

At least it can be disassembled for more detailed maintenance work.

Li Yao smiled slightly, his hands were moving like the wind, and he first dismantled the 107 parts of the head of the blood knife battle armor. Throw them all into a large bucket made of metal.

During the time when he was deep in thought, the staff of the training camp brought a lot of maintenance tools and materials, including many maintenance oils used in the modern cultivation world.

These maintenance oils are either extracted from monsters or artificially synthesized, each has its own magical effect, and can carry out all-round maintenance for different materials.

Li Yao didn't think it was enough, after carefully analyzing the characteristics of the maintenance oil. Using the ancient prescriptions recorded in "The Seven Methods of Zangfeng", he concocted dozens of secret oils exclusively for him.

He poured the seven secret oils into the large bucket according to the most precise ratio.

With a slight sway, the colorful colors blended together, turning into a dark golden liquid, exuding a strange milk-like fragrance.

Li Yao gently slid the dull components into the dark golden secret maintenance oil.

Then, he stretched out his hands.

Growl. Li Yao's hands vibrated at high speed!

Weird ripples suddenly appeared on the surface of the dark golden secret oil.

"Googling." Countless small bubbles popped out!

At the bottom of the invisible oil, an undercurrent moved, and a vortex was generated by the vibration of Li Yao's hands, constantly washing away the crystal armor components!

Li Yao seemed to be motionless, but he raised his psychic energy to the limit, covering his entire body. Every muscle, blood vessel, and nerve is providing energy for the crazy vibration of the hands.

It is also necessary to shake the brain from time to time to resist the invasion of disordered iron.

Within three minutes, his clothes were soaked with sweat and stuck to his body wetly. The trembling of every muscle is clearly outlined.

Five minutes later, Li Yao breathed a sigh of relief, fished out a component from the maintenance oil, and put it under the light to observe carefully.

After his two rust removal processes, the original rusty components look brand new, and the tiniest rust spots disappear without a trace, exuding a crystal clear light.

It seemed as if it had just come out of the refining furnace, with a trace of the freshest heat.

However, on the surface of the component, there is still a scratch thinner than a hair.

Probably in a certain battle, it was scratched by the minions of monsters, leaving traces.

Rust removed, sanded, oiled, sanded, oiled.

Many key components have to be reassembled after being repeatedly warmed by spiritual energy.

The extremely tedious and tedious process may be a headache for ordinary craftsmen.

But in Li Yao's eyes, it was the most exciting and interesting game.

He was meticulous, focused and had fun doing it.

These discarded crystal armors are all classic magic weapons from a hundred years ago, including six or seven categories of close combat, far combat, light, heavy, etc., a total of 21 different models.

In the past, Li Yao only saw brief introductions in crystal armor magazines, and rarely even saw structural diagrams.

This time, not only saw the structure diagram and maintenance manual, but also touched, disassembled, explored and assembled as desired.

For a magic weapon fanatic like him, it was like a mouse fell into a rice bowl.

Both Mao Feng and Mr. Xu regard the maintenance of scrapped crystal armor as a very difficult and painful torture.

Little did he know that in Li Yao's eyes, this was a great reward!

Although the key parts of these crystal armors, as well as the armor refined by Tiancaidibao, have been dismantled, only a frame remains.

But it was precisely in this way that Li Yao could fully appreciate the essential beauty of the crystal armor.

The frame structure is the foundation of a crystal armor.

If the frame is not set up properly, it's like a person's bones have grown crookedly. No matter how many treasures of heaven and earth are piled on it, it will not help.

The frames of these classic crystal armors are perfect.

In Li Yao's eyes, through the mottled rust stains, he could see thrilling and beautiful scenery.

Or dignified, or nimble, or swift, or mysterious, various frame styles made him feel unprecedentedly shocked, like drinking fine wine, it was wonderful.

If it is said that at the beginning, he was full of scheming thoughts, he still finished the work as soon as possible, and let out a bad breath in front of the chief instructor Mao Feng.

Then, when he finished the maintenance of the first blood knife battle armor, and let this crystal armor that had been decayed for decades exude a murderous aura again, and stood proudly in the darkness, he put these messy thoughts. Completely cast aside.

Who Mao Feng was, he had already forgotten.

It doesn't seem to matter where you are.

Every brain cell is occupied by the incomparably wonderful world of crystal armor. Li Yao only has crystal armor in his mind, crystal armor. Crystal armor!

He even hoped that time would pass a little slower, it would be best for him to stay in this treasure house for a few years, every second that his fingertips slid across the surface of the crystal armor was so rotten, he had to work hard enjoy.

Strange to say, the more he wanted to slow down the passage of time, the faster he maintained the crystal armor.

In the beginning, it took a full hour to completely disassemble a crystal suit.

Later, all crystal armor structure diagrams and maintenance manuals. They were completely chewed, absorbed, and mastered by him.

It only takes a few minutes to disassemble a piece of crystal armor into its inseparable parts, and it takes no effort at all.

And during the maintenance process day and night, Li Yao also learned a vast amount of knowledge.

Like a shriveled leech, attached to the blood vessels of the crystal armor world. Gobble it up and absorb it like crazy. In the end, it became shiny and round, and my belly was almost bursting from eating.

Initially, what he learned was the structure of the crystal armor frame and how the joints are connected.

Afterwards, he began to think about light and heavy, melee and far combat crystal armor. Differences in frame construction.

Next, he became interested in the armor-making styles of different armorers.

Even if they are all heavy melee crystal armors, they are made by different armorers, and their styles are quite different, in the same position. There are often diametrically opposite design ideas, but they can all be justified and produce magical effects.

Finally, he became interested in the fatal injury that caused the crystal armor to be scrapped.

Each type of crystal armor has its own weaknesses, and there is no perfect crystal armor.

On the battlefield, once a monster finds a weakness, it is easy to kill it with one blow.

Therefore, many crystal armors of the same model have fatal injuries in the same part.

Li Yao pushed his computing power to the limit, and through the nuances of each wound, he imagined what happened on the battlefield that year and whether he could make improvements. From the frame design, fatal injuries could be avoided, at least It is to cover up weaknesses and reduce damage.

These extremely challenging games occupied every second of his life, making him forget about the passage of time.

It wasn't until the maintenance of the last crystal armor was completed that he realized with some annoyance that it had only been four days, twenty-three hours, thirty-seven minutes, and fifty-five seconds!

In the analysis room, the chief instructor Mao Feng was full of anxiety, pacing back and forth, looking up at the Lingzi clock on the wall from time to time.

Every time he finds that more than ten seconds have passed, the brilliance on his face will become brighter.

"Old Xu, it seems that this kid has succeeded. In another 20 minutes, he will have stayed up for five days and five nights, which proves that he has the strength to accept your special training as a coordinator!"

Mao Feng said excitedly.

Although there is no Jingyan in the scrapped crystal armor warehouse, and the monitoring screen cannot be retrieved, since this kid didn't take the initiative to contact him, it proves that he must have gritted his teeth and persisted.

Even if it's rolling all over the floor and crying bitterly, it's still persevering!

Mr. Xu sat firmly on the Diaoyutai and said appreciatively:

"Mao Feng, it seems that you have indeed met a very special student this time, and it is not in vain that I spent the past few days devising a training plan for him, mobilizing the resources of the inner camp, and carefully reforming the A batch of training equipment has been purchased."

"Old Xu!"

Mao Feng was moved. He never thought that Mr. Xu, the most powerful trainer in the inner camp, would devote so much effort to a small student from the outer camp.

Old Xu smiled and said:

"You don't have to thank me. I have a bad habit just like you. When I see a good seed worth cultivating, I always want to do everything possible to carve him into the most perfect state. This can be regarded as our occupational disease. Hahahaha, the time is almost the same Alright, ten minutes left, get ready to go."


Mao Feng was full of energy, and was about to open the door, but the tiny crystal brain screamed on his wrist. When he raised his wrist, his expression changed instantly.

"No way!"

Mao Feng was so angry that his nose was crooked, "You have persisted for four days, twenty-three hours and fifty minutes, and there are only ten minutes left, but you are giving up?"

Reluctantly, he started the call. In the light curtain, Li Yao's face was as pale as a corpse, and his eyes were bloodshot, which made Mao Feng secretly surprised.

But Li Yao's next words made him even more stunned for a long time.

"Report to the instructor, I'm done."

Li Yao said with a lot of meaning.

"Completed? How many completed, twenty or thirty?"

Mao Feng asked subconsciously.

"Twenty units? Thirty units? Of course it's all of them. Didn't you ask me to contact you after I finished all the maintenance work for one hundred and forty-six crystal suits?"

Li Yao was very confused, his ruby-like eyes kept blinking.


Today is Lao Niu's birthday, and I will add another chapter later to make everyone happy.

Everyone also give more monthly tickets or something, so that Lao Niu can enjoy it too! (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!