Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 239: King of Crystal Armor


Half an hour later, Mao Feng and Mr. Xu rushed to the abandoned crystal armor warehouse. ←

Before opening the door, the two looked at each other and saw the surprise in each other's eyes.

Although Mao Feng usually behaved irritable and irritable, blowing his beard and staring at every turn, but this was just an illusion he deliberately created in order to scare the students.

After ten years as the chief instructor of Thunder Training Camp, Mao Feng has seen many geniuses and monsters, and he is not a person who is easily excited and shocked.

This time, he was really scared.

And he could see that even Xu Lao, the dignified number one trainer in the inner camp, felt a strong shock!

Behind the two, there were two refiners from the outside battalion. They were a little confused and didn't understand why the chief instructor and Mr. Xu called them to the abandoned crystal armor warehouse.

Hasn't this warehouse been abandoned for many years

The moment the warehouse door opened, what came to us was no longer the lifeless smell of rust, but a faint aroma of milk, which was refreshing.

The scene in front of the four of them made their eyes freeze in an instant.

Under the faint light, one hundred and forty sets of crystal suits stood silently around the warehouse like one hundred and forty warrior statues cast in steel, exuding a cold murderous aura.

All the rusty armor became as bright as a mirror.

The setting sun slanted, and the light refracted, exuding colorful brilliance, making the four of them feel like they were in a palace full of crystals, which was as beautiful as a dream.

Guarded by many crystal armors, Li Yaozhuo stood in the center of the warehouse, welcoming them.

That calm expression and confident eyes seemed to be the master of the one hundred and forty crystal suits, the king of crystal suits!

Mao Feng and Mr. Xu took a deep breath at the same time. Go into the warehouse.

The two refiners were not as calm as they were, and they yelled:

"These crystal armors, which have been abandoned for decades, have been maintained to such an extent?"

"Too, it's too exaggerated!"

Li Yao was in a daze.

He once imagined that when Mao Feng came. How he would sneer back, how he would slap his face severely, and let out a good breath of anger.

But now, the chief instructor really came in front of him, showing an expression of disbelief, and hearing the praise from others, he suddenly felt...

All of this is not important.

Whether it was Mao Feng's astonishment, or the amazement and praise of others. It's not important, and it's not what he's after.

The crystal armor itself is something worth burning his soul to the limit, pursuing, fighting, and intoxicated; from the world of crystal armor, he can get all the fun!

What else is there to care about what others think and evaluate him

Criticism is fine too. praise worth mentioning.

It doesn't matter if you treat him as a rookie or as a freak.

He didn't want to waste even a second on these little things. I just want to end it quickly, enter the next link, go deeper into the world of crystal armor, and fully appreciate the endless mysteries!

Mao Feng's expression was very strange.

He was a little absent-minded, and walked straight to the blood knife battle armor in a daze. The stubby fingers gently caressed the slightly rough surface, revealing an expression that could not be described in words.

Decades ago, Mao Feng was also a student in the Thunder training camp.

This blood knife battle armor is his comrade and partner who has been with him in the training camp.

Until the last training, they went to the depths of the wilderness for actual combat. Encountered a large wave of beasts, they fought for a whole day and night.

Although he escaped by chance, the blood knife battle armor was completely scrapped and sent to the tomb of the crystal armor.

Mao Feng remembered very clearly that the blood knife battle armor was corroded by the body fluids of seven or eight kinds of monsters, and it had long been rusted to a bad shape.

Unexpectedly, now, it has vaguely restored the style of the past!

Except for some wounds that have been completely corroded into holes, most of the places are lingering with a faint blood light, and every talisman array engraved on the surface of the crystal armor is so clear, even the most subtle brushstrokes are exquisite. Now, it will definitely allow the flow of spiritual energy very smoothly!

"I didn't expect that you would see the light again one day!"

Mao Feng muttered to himself, with mixed emotions.

The relationship between an armor master and a crystal armor is between a comrade in arms and a pet.

Although this blood knife battle armor didn't accompany him for a long time, it saved his life, which has a very special meaning to him.

While Mao Feng was silently sighing, the two refiners were in the corner, appreciating the six pieces of crystal armor placed on the ground with admiring eyes.

These six crystal armors are the most corroded ones, and the parts are only held together by the rust shell.

As soon as Li Yao shattered the rust shell, the six crystal armors completely collapsed.

Lost a large number of key components, there is no way to piece together the scattered parts.

Li Yao could only place the scattered components on the ground according to the approximate positions, and put them together into six human figures.

The problem is that he put together too precisely!

No matter the distance and angle between the two components, they are exactly the same as the structural diagram, just like laying out a whole three-dimensional structural diagram, measuring it with a ruler, and placing it carefully.

This level, in the eyes of the two refiners, is definitely extremely professional!

Half an hour later, the four people with extremely complicated moods came to a conclusion.

"The one hundred and forty-six discarded crystal armors have indeed completed a very wonderful maintenance, not even the tiniest crack was spared."

"And this was done while he was wearing a random balance iron!"

"This kid is an out-and-out freak!"

Mao Feng twitched his beard and looked at Li Yao.

But he found that he didn't know when he was lying on his back in the middle of the warehouse and fell asleep, and he even made a soft snoring sound.

He didn't close his eyes for five consecutive days and nights, his mind was highly concentrated, and his soul was overdrawn to the limit. This was almost the most violent "burning" since Li Yao became a cultivator!

He couldn't bear it any longer, and fell into the sweetest dreamland.

In the dream, a new world composed of tens of thousands of crystal armors slowly bloomed to him like a budding flower bud.

"Old Xu..."

The chief instructor and trainer went to a corner and started talking in a low voice. "The potential of this freak is enough to get the training plan you personally drafted, right?"

"Do not!"

Mr. Xu shook his head and said with a wry smile, "I found that the cultivation plan drawn up a few days ago seemed too conservative, and it can be a little more crazy!"

When Li Yao woke up from a sound sleep. The first thing I saw was Chief Instructor Mao Feng's big face full of malice.

"Now, can I receive normal training with other students?"

Li Yao asked anxiously.

"In theory, yes!"

Mao Feng grinned, "However, all the instructors have already started the special training for five days, and the other students have completed the basic training and started to sprint to higher-level training! A rookie like you, why don't you join in now? Dragging people back?"

"So. You are lucky, this instructor decided to train you personally!"

"Of course, if you think this is just an excuse, but in fact, this instructor wants to take this opportunity to torture you, ravage you, abuse you, and find an opportunity to eliminate you..."

"Congratulations, you got it!"

"Don't stare at me like that, I haven't finished yet. Aren't you good at maintaining crystal armor? Then from today, you have to spend an extra five hours every night to maintain crystal armor!"

"This time, what you need to maintain is not the broken crystal armor that has been scrapped for decades, but the crystal armor used by all the students in the outer camp, whether it is crystal brain, reactor cauldron or offensive magic weapon. Everything is available!"

"The maintenance difficulty is more than ten times higher than that of scrapped crystal armor!"

"I arranged for two refiners to supervise you, and I specially told them that no matter what dirty work it is, I will leave it to you to do it all!"

"If you can't finish it. Continue to work during the day, and you don't need to learn any crystal armor tactics. Do you understand!"

Facing the chief instructor's roar, Li Yao nodded without even trembling his eyelashes, and said seriously:

"Understood, let's start!"

On the contrary, Mao Feng was a little dazed, frowned and said:

"Have you nothing to say?"

Li Yao thought for a while:



"Can you change the five hours of extra maintenance every night to six hours, and give me more related work? I can get another hour of sleep, no problem!"


In this way, the crazy practice began!

During the day, Li Yao was severely tortured by Mao Feng.

In the evening, he will also carefully maintain the crystal armor used by all the students.

Even in his sleep, he was dancing, studying the structure diagram and maintenance manual of the crystal armor!

The Thunder training camp implements a fully enclosed training mode. The students cannot directly communicate with the outside world, and all information must be transferred through the training camp.

Every three nights, Li Yao would set aside five minutes for himself to write a little about his training and share it with his friends in the Great Wilderness War Academy.

This is his only relaxation.

And "a friend of the Great Desolation War Academy" refers to a single person.

Ding bell.

"Sister Xiaoling, today is the eighth day I have entered the camp, and it is also the third day I officially started practicing."

"The training camp specially modified a training crystal armor for me. It has a power rune array that is more than five times that of ordinary crystal armor. It spreads all over the body."

"What's terrible is that I don't have the authority to control these power talisman arrays. Instead, they are remotely controlled by a crystal computer, which will randomly eject strong airflows."

"It's like there are countless transparent ropes, which will pull me hard at any time and tear me to the ground."

"And I have to maintain balance under the impact of these random air currents, and complete dozens of extremely difficult exercises."

"For example, the first item requires me to catch a hundred fly-sized miniature puppets flying around in one minute."

"I have been busy for a long time, and my best result is to catch nine in one minute."

"My performance shocked the chief instructor, Mao Feng. He was stunned for a long time before he said that he had never seen such a stupid student like me. Once others got started, he could catch twenty or thirty of them casually."

"It doesn't matter, I just ignore his words."

"No matter what, I won't give up!" (Please search Piaotian Literature, better and faster!