Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 245: Cleave the wind and waves


"Boom! Boom!"

There is no cloud in the wilderness, but there is a faint thunder.

In the middle of the gray and white Gobi, a blood-red figure was burning, waving his saber continuously, rolling up layers of air waves, and blasting out bursts of thunder.

It was Li Yao who was practicing swordsmanship!

Three months of training in the Thunder training camp, the first month to learn basic movements and simple crystal armor control techniques.

In the second month, you must integrate your own moves and exercises into the crystal armor.

In the third month, under the leadership of the instructors, they will go to some of the most dangerous places in the depths of the wilderness, hunt monsters and beasts, discover natural resources and treasures, and constantly sharpen themselves in the bloody fights.

Li Yao was wearing a blood knife battle armor.

This kind of battle armor, which is older than the seven-step rock snake, is not liked by many people in the outer camp.

However, Li Yao loves its simple structure, firmness, reliability, endless modification possibilities, and it is convenient for him to display the power of the sword.

Chief Instructor Mao Feng also admired the Blood Knife Battle Armor very much. He had a lot of experience in controlling the Blood Knife Battle Armor, and he passed it on to Li Yao without reservation, so that he could fully appreciate the charm of this classic crystal armor.

The standard configuration of the Blood Knife Battle Armor is a 201-meter-long heavy-duty straight-blade war knife.

However, it was replaced by Li Yao with a 197-meter semi-curved machete, and with air guide slots on both sides, it could give full play to his advantage of swiftness and ghostly speed.


Li Yao stomped on the ground again, the spiritual energy from the soles of his feet blasted out, and the air wave bounced hundreds of small stones high and flew in all directions.


In an instant, the blood knife battle armor turned into dozens of crimson afterimages, and most of the small stones were shrouded in it.

Li Yao's saber movement could not be seen at all, only the sound of "chachachacha" could be heard, and the small stones broke into two halves one after another and fell to the ground.


The last few small stones couldn't withstand the bombardment of spiritual energy, and they exploded directly, turning into powder, flying one after another.

Li Yao put away the knife. Bloody light spewed out from the crystal eyes of the blood knife battle armor, scanned the surroundings, and let out a faint sigh.

"Three hundred and seventy-two small stones, but only three hundred and sixty-four were broken. Six were directly blasted, and two fell to the ground before they were attacked."

"My body and the crystal armor still can't cooperate 100%, and I don't have enough control over my strength. I can't reach the point where I can retract and release freely!"

"Three days, three full days at this step, is this my limit?"

Li Yao was a little annoyed.

Since entering the second stage, his progress has been getting slower and slower, and he no longer has the thrill of sprinting every second in the first stage, heartily upgrading.

In the past three days, it has stagnated even more. No matter how frantically he practiced, he has not improved at all.

Chief instructor Mao Feng told him that this is normal.

any practice. There are bottlenecks, there are limits.

It's like a teenager, in adolescence, no matter what he eats, he can grow taller; after entering adulthood, no matter how much he eats, it is difficult to grow another centimeter or two.

If a person is growing all the time and can improve every second, even if it is one in a billion, that would be terrible.

What Li Yao needs most now. It is to take a good rest for a day, slow down the speed and intensity of practice, and consolidate what you have learned in the previous period.

Li Yao didn't believe in this evil, so he only rested for a long time. Then he ran to the wilderness to practice his sword alone.

"When will I be able to unleash a sword move as powerful as Long Wenhui!"

Li Yao manipulated the blood knife battle armor, and took out a small stone with sharp edges from the storage pouch at his waist.

It was the piece that was given to him by Long Wenhui, the deputy leader of the Hundred Fighters Sword League, and Jindan powerhouse.

Every cut surface left Long Wenhui's powerful saber intent. Every kind of sword intent contains infinite mystery.

Li Yao pondered over and over again, but only initially realized part of the artistic conception of the three swords.

He is like a beginner who has just learned how to hold a pen, but he wants to copy a master's splashed ink landscape, and he has no way to start.

"Long Wenhui is a strong Golden Core, and his saber intent is not so easy to comprehend."

"But now that I'm wearing crystal armor, my combat power has increased by more than three times. It would be great if I could comprehend one more knife!"

"One knife, I only need one knife!"

Li Yao held his breath, and gently touched every cut surface of the pebble again.

Even though the fingers are covered by armor, the delicate touch is transmitted to the brain without any mistakes, but the mysterious and mysterious sword intent is hidden in the mist, like a dream, unfathomable.

Putting the pebbles in his bag, Li Yao started his boring training again.

Take out the knife, speed up, chop, and close the knife!

The monotonous movements were repeated again and again, Li Yao completely forgot about the passage of time, and immersed himself in the world of blood knives and stones.

With the blood knife battle armor as the center, tens of thousands of broken small stones are densely packed within a radius of one mile.

When he was finally exhausted, his eyes darkened, and he couldn't even stand still, he realized that it was dusk.

Suddenly, there was a panicked howl from behind.

Jingyan behind the blood knife armor recorded a jaw-dropping scene.

Countless beasts in the wilderness gathered into a tumbling tide, scrambling to be the first to rush towards him.

The ones in front are ordinary beasts.

In the back, there are monsters with strange shapes.

Li Yao even detected several powerful demon soldiers.

They didn't seem to be hunting, but they seemed to be fleeing!

boom! Boom! Boom boom boom!

On the horizon, there was a dull vibration.

It's like a steel army composed of giant spirits and gods, launching a desperate charge, thousands of troops, smashing through the world.

Soon, a group of huge yellow waves appeared on the horizon, covering the sky and the sun, rolling in.


Li Yao's face was pale.

Sandstorms are one of the most terrible natural disasters in the wilderness, when hundreds of thousands of hurricanes gather together, rolling up hundreds of millions of tons of gravel and stones, forming a torrent that destroys everything.

This kind of natural disaster is often caused by the disorder of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, without any warning in advance, and is divided into ten levels according to the different destructive power.

Even the slightest ten-level sandstorm can easily roll up people and animals.

And a seven-level sandstorm can overturn the crystal rail train.

As for the fifth level and above, it is a terrifying existence that even cultivators are unwilling to face directly!

This sandstorm can't be seen at a glance. The color is extremely dark, as dim as ink, and there are faint thunder and lightning hidden in it.

Definitely above level five!


In an instant, Li Yao went far away.

"Aww. Awwhhh!"

Behind him, a sandstorm swallowed everything.

There were constantly powerful monsters roaring heart-piercingly and struggling desperately, but they were still drawn into the sandstorm instead of being crushed by boulders. It was just thrown out of the sky by the hurricane.

Li Yao raised his speed to the limit, and countless red data in the light curtain jumped crazily, reminding him that every power rune array was in overload operation, and the reaction furnace in his lower abdomen was boiling hot, like holding a fireball .

"Run! Run!"

Li Yao didn't care about it, he gritted his back molars, and flew with extreme speed!

The power of nature is far beyond human imagination. After racing for tens of miles, he was still caught up by the sandstorm. Instantly involved in the vortex of destruction!

In the sandstorm, it seems to be another world. Due to the disordered spiritual energy, colorful hurricanes are formed, like giant beasts with life, making deafening roars, and thousands of snake-like lightnings entangled in it, gorgeous, Magnificent, majestic, and magnificent, far beyond Li Yao's imagination.

Numerous strange rocks, beasts, and monsters were caught by the violent hurricane, spinning at high speed in the wind and sand. They slammed into each other hard, their bodies were smashed to pieces, and they were annihilated invisibly.

Death is so close, like the gate of the Nine Netherworld. Open in all directions at the same time!

The blood knife battle armor is simply unable to resist the tearing of the hurricane.

Li Yao tried his best to run the power rune array, trying to get out of the sandstorm, but the two power rune arrays exploded on the spot.

And the solid crystal armor was pulled with a "click" sound by two pulling forces from different directions. Will tear anytime.

"Since you can't escape, then don't escape!"

Death was so close, Li Yao's heart was about to burst, his brain became extremely clear, every second passed so slowly, as if he could understand every detail of the sandstorm.

"Zhou Zhenghao is right, this world is also a big training camp! I will continue to temper myself, practice, and fight in this training camp!"

"Even if it is death, I will kill this sandstorm first!"

Li Yao's eyes were blood red, and he roared like a beast.

He no longer fled, but followed the direction of the hurricane, blasting the power rune array to the limit, and at the fastest speed, moving forward, moving forward, and constantly moving forward!

This is not going with the flow, but cutting through the wind and waves, all the way!


A huge boulder was rolled up by the storm and smashed hard towards Li Yao.

In an instant, the sword intent left on the small stone by Jindan strongman Long Wenhui exploded from the depths of Li Yao's brain, turning into streams of light, pouring into his limbs and bones.


In the storm of death, in the colorful vortex, Li Yao swung an unstoppable knife, smashing the boulder to pieces!


A flying monster was also involved in the vortex, struggling to maintain its balance, and rushed towards him in a hurry.

Li Yao let out a long roar, and the power rune array tilted slightly, deflecting the direction, mixed with the force of wind and thunder, and charged towards the flying monster.

The scimitar drew a nearly perfect arc, cutting this high-level demon soldier in two!

"Boom! Boom!"

A mass of purple hurricane, mixed with the force of destroying heaven and earth, surged towards Li Yao.

Li Yao roared again and again, his soul burning wildly, a layer of substantial red glow surrounded the blood knife battle armor, as if turning the crystal armor into a blood-colored giant seven or eight meters high, and the spiritual energy lingering on the scimitar, It also inspired a sharp edge that was more than ten meters long and crazily like a demon!


Deep in Li Yao's throat, a meaningless wild cry rolled out.

This is the battle cry hidden in the deepest part of the blood. When human ancestors have not yet learned to speak, they will naturally send out a battle cry when facing wind and thunder, volcanic eruptions, and fierce beasts.

Li Yao faced the hurricane, sprint, sprint, sprint!

The saber aroused a sharp edge that could tear the world apart, and slashed fiercely at the center of the hurricane!

The hurricane was actually torn open by his violent and incomparable spiritual power, allowing him to pass through the middle!

Immediately, this hurricane turned into countless small wind clusters, which were swallowed by other hurricanes and dissipated into nothing.

The hurricane was beheaded to death by Li Yao! (.)xh118
