Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 246: The second battle, start!


Just like that, Li Yao was like a madman, constantly slashing and slashing in the sandstorm. ¤

Boulders, monsters, no matter what is in front of him, he will be beheaded without hesitation.

Time seemed to freeze at this moment, leaving only the scarlet light of the knife constantly flashing.

After an unknown period of time, the sandstorm gradually weakened.

In the hurricane emitting seven-colored mysterious light, the thunder and lightning as thick as a dragon gradually withered into the size of a python, and from a python to an earthworm, from an earthworm to nothingness.

The hurricane dissipated, and hundreds of millions of tons of gravel were scattered, like a giant beast rapidly rotting and annihilating.

Li Yao regained control of his body, and the blood knife battle armor blasted out bursts of air, tearing a hole in the sand and rushing out!


The moment he rushed out of the sand and dust, Li Yao finally couldn't hold on anymore. He flew at a low altitude, and then ran staggeringly. He knelt on his knees while running, and fell forward with his whole body, plowing a deep ravine.

At the end of the ravine, he turned over with difficulty, lying on the ground with his arms crossed, showing a "big" character.

It was late at night.

The sandstorm shattered all the clouds.

The starry sky at night is extraordinarily brilliant.

Scanning through the crystal eyes, each star emits a different halo, like countless fireflies, singing and dancing.

Li Yao laughed out loud.

Only by experiencing the horror of death can we fully enjoy the beauty of life.


Li Yao waved his hand casually, and spiritual energy gushed out from his palm naturally, condensing into a sharp edge more than ten feet long, mixed with the faint sound of wind and thunder, and gradually dissipated after flying more than ten meters away.

Knife Qi!

This is the sword energy that can really hurt people from a distance!

"I was in the sandstorm, slashing the hurricane, splitting the lightning, and combined the "Kidsan Sword Technique" with the sword intent of Jindan strongman Long Wenhui. I barely found a trace of the artistic conception of the sword."

"This is just the beginning. There is still a long way to go if we really want to apply sword energy to actual combat."

"However, after all, this is my first ray of saber energy. It is different from "Kuangsha Saber Technique" and Long Wenhui's saber intent. It also has a taste of hurricanes and lightning in a sandstorm. How about calling it "Glae Wind Thunder Killing Knife"!"

"In the next 20 days, my task is to completely integrate "Glee Wind and Thunder Killing Knife" into the crystal armor, and create a unique crystal armor combat method that is exclusive to me!"

With a thought in Li Yao's mind, he called up a map of thousands of miles around Thunder Training Camp from Jingnao.

On the great wilderness, there are murderous intentions at every step, and there are restricted areas everywhere due to the disorder of the spiritual energy of the world.

in. There are many places where sandstorms are particularly prone to occur because of the special topography and the surge of spiritual energy in the world, so they are called "sandstorm areas".

On the map, these restricted areas are specially marked out, and a skull pattern is pasted on them.

Li Yao found one of the sandstorm areas, which was called "Luanfeng Gorge".

This place is not far from Thunder training camp. Because of the sandstorms that occur all year round, most of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has been vented. Therefore, the intensity of sandstorms is not high, usually only ten to nine, it is a very stable sandstorm area.

"Luanfeng Gorge is my private training room!"

Li Yao made up his mind.

From this day on, after completing the designated training, Li Yao will be alone. Go to Luanfeng Gorge, fly and practice swords in the tenth level sandstorm.

Although Chief Instructor Mao Feng was horrified by his madness, in the training camp, students were not forbidden to cultivate in the way that suits them best, and since they escaped from the sandstorm. Li Yao seemed to have broken the bottleneck, broke through the limit, and began to sprint towards a higher peak.

After discussing with Mr. Xu for a while, Mao Feng did not stop him from practicing.

Instead, a modified shuttle was sent to take him outside Luanfeng Gorge every day.

This shuttle car is equipped with a deep sleep compartment, and Li Yao can rest in the deep sleep compartment during the journey.

In this way, twenty-four hours a day, except for the time between the Leiting training camp and Luanfeng Gorge, he can devote himself to cultivation at other times.

The only problem is that under such a high-intensity practice, the blood knife battle armor is a bit overwhelming.

Every time the crazy practice is over, the blood knife battle armor is full of scars, and it is inevitable to explode several rune arrays and distort several components.

Fortunately, Li Yao was a craftsman himself. He respectfully asked the other two craftsmen for advice, and learned a lot of basic crystal armor maintenance techniques.

The blood knife battle armor is a crystal armor with simple structure and strong modification.

Combining his past modification experience and Hurricane Zhong's grasp of the performance of the Blood Knife Battle Armor, Li Yao made minor changes while repairing it, making the Blood Knife Battle Armor more in line with his own style.

It stands to reason that the blood knife battle armor is the property of Thunder Training Camp, and Li Yao has no authority to modify it.

However, this blood knife battle armor is an old antique in itself, and few students have ever used it. It was originally left in the corner to eat ashes.

In addition, Li Yao was under the banner of maintenance, and the performance parameters after the repair were all above the standard line.

After consulting the opinions of the two craftsmen, Chief Instructor Mao Feng didn't ask too much.

He was also very curious, wanting to know how far Li Yao could go.

His position is also closely related to the strength of the students.

If a strong student can be cultivated, his position will of course be more stable.

Time passed day by day.

Every day, from dawn to dusk, Li Yao would undergo the most severe training in the training camp.

And at 3:30 in the afternoon, he took the shuttle car and went to Luanfeng Gorge in a state of deep sleep to practice swords in the sandstorm.

Until 9:30 in the evening, after returning to the Thunder training camp, they plunged into the crystal armor warehouse again. After maintaining and repairing the crystal armor of all the students, they started to deal with the blood knife armor, learned to repair, and modified it.

Every second was packed to the brim, and even writing to Ding Lingdang was compressed into a few words.

Twenty days passed in a flash.

In Luanfeng Gorge, the night sky is like washing, and the stars are shining brightly.

The night after the sandstorm was extraordinarily peaceful.

Li Yao freed himself from the blood knife battle armor, and sat cross-legged beside the crystal armor, throwing it in his hands. Playing with the small stone that Long Wenhui gave him.

Suddenly, with a sound of "Bo", Li Yao crushed the pebble into pieces.

All the sword intentions were engraved in his heart, and he closed his eyes, as if he could see every detail of Long Wenhui's sword.

Although not fully comprehended. But he no longer needs the assistance of Xiaoshi, every knife is in his brain, and he can figure out and study it anytime and anywhere.

Li Yao patted the stone powder off his palm, and took out the second item Long Wenhui gave him from his bosom.

That mysterious card.

As the psychic power gradually became stronger, Li Yao was able to "summon" the starry sky in the card at will.

In the card is a starry sky.

Above the head, there is another starry sky.

The two starry skies complement each other, equally magnificent, vast and silent.

Li Yao couldn't help holding his breath. Quietly appreciate the beauty of the universe.

A moment later, hundreds of spiritual threads gushed out from his spiritual roots, rushing towards the mysterious card.

Circles of ripples appeared on the surface of the card, sucking all the spirit threads into it.

Li Yao discovered long ago that this card looks like a thin piece of paper, a two-dimensional plane.

But there is a great universe inside, unfathomable. It is a huge and incomparably three-dimensional structure, and it is an intricate three-dimensional maze.

Hundreds of his spiritual threads disappeared into the card. It's like going through the hundreds of entrances of the maze and entering the depths of the maze.

No matter how he explored and stretched the Lingsi to the limit, he could not find the end of the maze.

Not even two spirit threads have ever touched each other.

The labyrinth world contained in the little card is so vast and infinite. This is an extremely brilliant supernatural power of space folding, which is also the legendary "Hiding Sumeru in Mustard Seeds", "In a small gravel, there are three thousand worlds", far beyond the limit of Tianyuan Realm's supernatural power. It also exceeded Li Yao's imagination.

"The world is really big!"

"Beyond the Tianyuan world, there are countless mysterious worlds waiting for me to explore; there are also countless powerful magic weapons waiting for me to study!"

Li Yao's full attention was sunk into the card maze.

Today compared to yesterday, I explored a new part of the maze.

Satisfied, he put the card in his arms.

He believes that as long as he perseveres and fully explores the maze, he will be able to reveal the secret behind the card.

And what we have to deal with right now is tomorrow, the knockout round of 50 to 20.

As long as you pass the knockout round, you will be able to enter the third stage of cultivation. Under the leadership of the instructor, twenty students will enter the depths of the wilderness, the real battlefield!

There, there are powerful monsters waiting for them to be slaughtered!

There are also priceless treasures of heaven and earth, a small bunch of flowers may be worth hundreds of millions!

If you are lucky enough to discover a new vein, you will reach the sky in one step, and you will instantly become a dazzling upstart in the cultivation world!

Li Yao got up, put on the blood knife battle armor, and strode out of Luanfeng Gorge.

"Swoosh! Pop!"

In the sky, a five-color cloud of smoke exploded.

The second knockout round of the Thunder training camp will start in five minutes.

The fifty-to-twenty knockout match takes place in a special fragmented world.

This fragmented world with a radius of a hundred miles is covered with towering trees hundreds of meters high. Even if you enter it wearing a crystal armor, you can feel the cold wind that freezes to the marrow.

Therefore, this fragmented world is called "Yinmu Realm"!

In the depths of the ghostly forest, where the wind is blowing and the ghosts are dense, there are randomly scattered two hundred small light spots, all of which are miniature puppet beasts that emit special spiritual energy fluctuations.

These small light spots like fireflies are the targets of the students.

Every student must collect ten small light spots and keep them for ten minutes to be considered a winner.

The more small light spots there are, the stronger the fluctuations will be.

Others can detect the student's position very clearly, and then attack him, snatching his small light spot.

Two hundred small light spots are only enough for 20 students to win. The more you go to the back, the less the small light spots are, the more cruel the competition will be. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!