Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 248: perish together?


Li Yao was like a frightened rabbit, running wildly. While running, he released countless black shiny metal balls from the waist of the blood knife armor.

As soon as these metal balls hit the big tree, they exploded "bobo" immediately, turning into thick black mist, covering the sight of the two pursuers, and faintly disturbing their brains, producing a trace of "ghost beating". wall" feeling.

The two pursuers, both outstanding armor masters, naturally wouldn't take the smoke bomb engraved with the interference array in their eyes.

What's more, even if you don't use the crystal eye to scan, Li Yao's gleaming figure can be clearly seen on the map after collecting ten small light spots.

The two went up and down, broke through the smoke, and gradually chased to the depths of the jungle, where the towering trees were densest.

Suddenly, Long Qianyue seemed to have been severely whipped, stopped abruptly, crouched down deeply, and hid among the branches.

She smelled an extremely dangerous breath.

Yuan Yeshi didn't know it, and moved forward all the way, and soon found that Li Yao was trapped in a mass of scarlet thorns, chopping vigorously and struggling desperately.

The Chihuan thorn is also a terrifying demonic plant, thicker than a human thigh, usually hidden in the bushes, and has a certain mimicry camouflage. At first glance, it looks like a messy weed.

But once someone accidentally stepped on it, the imitation would be torn off immediately, revealing circles of bloody scarlet rings, thorns and jagged thorns entangled up, entangled the prey to death, and then slowly dissolved and devoured it.

Although Li Yao was wearing crystal armor, he was still delayed for a few seconds by being entangled in the red ring and thorns.

Yuan Yeshi sneered, brandishing a curved chainsaw sword that looked like a sickle, and launched a sprint.

All of a sudden, the top of the head rattles and whistles. A large group of red ring thorns fell.

Li Yao, who was still entangled by the red ring and thorns just now, was in a hurry, and broke free in an instant, and counterattacked.

"I knew it was a trap!"

Wilderness Stone had been prepared for a long time, his figure folded strangely, and narrowly dodged the red ring of thorns above his head. The speed increased instead of falling, and the two arc-shaped chainsaw swords cut to Li Yao's neck and lower abdomen respectively.

Li Yao didn't seem to have expected Yuan Yeshi to react so quickly, he was caught off guard for a moment, and his body twisted clumsily in mid-air.

Although he dodged the attack of the two chainsaw swords, his chest was severely trampled by the wilderness stone, and his whole body fell to the ground like a boulder falling off a cliff.

"You're done!"

Yuan Yeshi grinned grimly and crossed his arms. Thousands of sparks burst out from the chainsaw sword, and his feet stomped heavily on the tree trunk, trying to use his strength to dive.

Unexpectedly, the subtle touch from the feet is extremely empty, without any feeling of "down-to-earth".

And the towering tree he stepped on immediately leaned back.

Yuan Yeshi's mind turned, and he understood instantly.

This big tree was chopped off by Li Yaoqi's roots long ago. It's just that the speed of the knife is too fast, so the big tree can barely stand upright.

Now he stomped heavily on the tree trunk. The force blasted out by the crystal armor is more than a thousand catties.

Of course, this big tree was kicked down by him.

And he didn't borrow the power he expected, and his balance was broken as if he stepped on the ground with one foot. A sense of depression is born.

This is just the beginning.

The moment he stepped into the air, there was a series of deafening explosions under the surrounding dozens of towering trees, all of which collapsed towards the middle.

The roots of these big trees were all cut off by Li Yao. And the spar bomb was planted.

Yuanye Shi felt an ominous premonition in his heart.

This is the battlefield that Li Yao has preset for a long time.

It wasn't him and Long Qianyue who chased Li Yao here, but Li Yao deliberately led them here.

The red ring thorns are not a trap, but a disguise for a trap.

These towering trees that stand upright in front of them are Li Yao's trap.

Just then, he heard thunder.

All crystal eyes scanned a mass of sandstorm containing wind and thunder at the same time, sweeping from bottom to top.

Gale and Thunder Killing Knife!

For a moment, Ye Yeshi was like being naked on the wasteland, facing the surging sandstorm like a huge wave, he suddenly felt boundless fear.

In the battle of masters, the outcome is only a matter of thought.

Yuan Yeshi stepped into the air, lost his balance, and lost the opportunity.

Shocked by the collapsed towering tree, he stopped for half a second, trying to figure out how to avoid the impact of the tree.

Before he could figure it out, Li Yao's saber light had covered his head and brain.

The power and influence are far beyond his imagination!

After all, Yuan Yeshi is a student majoring in battle armor at Shenhai University, and when it comes to life and death, his mind is clear.

He knew that Li Yao's saber momentum had already been achieved, if he kept dodging, it would make Li Yao's momentum even stronger.

And above him, there are dozens of big trees blasting down, if you are not careful, you will hit the big trees, and you must allocate a part of the computing power to calculate how to move between the big trees.

As for Li Yao, of course he had already calculated the speed and direction of the falling tree, and he might have predicted his dodge route, just waiting for him to take the bait!

Blindly dodging will only completely fall into Li Yao's attacking rhythm.

Before the big tree falls to the ground, he will be beheaded!

A fierce light flashed in Yuan Yeshi's eyes, and his whole face became extremely fierce. He actually advanced instead of retreating, and even gave up his defense, posing as if he would die together.

"Li Yao!"

"Even if you succeed in your scheme and seize the opportunity, you can kill me!"

"But before I die, I can still seriously injure you!"

"Long Qianyue, the number one expert in the training camp, is waiting outside the trap, let us fight with the clam and snipe, and let her benefit from it!"

Yuan Yeshi spoke extremely fast, and he uttered a few words in an instant, stabbing towards Li Yao like a flying sword.

But in my heart I sneered endlessly.

Li Yao took great pains to set up such a trap, and he was about to succeed. It was obviously impossible to die with him, and he would definitely retreat!

As long as Li Yao retreated, he didn't even need to retreat, as long as he was broken by what he said, his mind was shaken, and he had the slightest thought of retreating, there would be a flaw in his indomitable momentum.

I have dozens of ways to counter-kill myself!


Li Yao turned a deaf ear. The speed soared to the limit!

Yuan Yeshi's sneer turned into despair in an instant, he was puzzled and furious at the same time, and he roared: "Then cheap Long Qianyue!"

The two crystal armors collided fiercely, and the spiritual energy shield burst into a dazzling brilliance. It shattered.

Two broken arc-shaped chainsaw swords flew high up the treetops.

Li Yao's scimitar also flew far away.

In half a second, Yuan Yeshi "died" and Li Yao was "seriously injured"!

Most of the power arrays of the two crystal suits exploded, losing their ability to fly, and fell powerlessly to the ground.

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Dozens of big trees finally fell down, covering them in all directions. A huge mausoleum was erected.


Until now, Yuan Yeshi still couldn't figure out how Li Yao was willing to die with him.

That's right, he was eliminated, but "before he died", Li Yao was also severely injured.

Now just come to any armor master, and you can take Li Yao's dog's life!

However, Li Yao didn't speak, and lay sprawled in the mud. Waiting quietly in the dark.

Looking at the fallen trees overhead, criss-crossing. Yuan Yeshi had a flash of inspiration and suddenly realized.


"Blowing up the big tree is not only to disturb my mind, but more importantly, to bury him so that this kid can delay time!"

Outside the trap, Long Qianyue stared in a daze at the dozens of big trees piled together in a mess.

He knew that Li Yao was hiding under these big trees. But how to go in and search is a big problem.

Each big tree weighs hundreds or thousands of tons.

It is not difficult to cut off, but it is not so convenient to remove one by one.

Long Qianyue pondered for a moment. A streamer of silver color waved out from the palm, heading straight for the tallest tree at the top.

With a "click", the big tree snapped.

But the two broken pieces were still covered after rolling a few times.

Long Qianyue frowned, feeling a deep sense of powerlessness.

It is impossible to chop all these big trees into pieces in a few minutes.

She simply gave up chopping and chopping, and wanted to go through the gap between the big trees and go deep into the bottom of the trees.


At this moment, there was a muffled sound under the big tree, but it was a spar bomb that exploded.

"He even planted spar bombs on the tree trunk?"

Long Qianyue's scalp was a little numb.

She didn't know how many spar bombs Li Yao had planted on the tree trunk. If it exploded the moment she passed through the gap and Li Yao was lying in ambush next to her, it would be terrible.

Long Qianyue didn't know how many injuries Li Yao had suffered, but only knew that Yuan Yeshi must have been killed by him.

In such a complex terrain, on the battlefield preset by the opponent, it is definitely not a wise thing to compete with such a terrifying enemy.


A moment later, Long Qianyue's eyes flashed coldly, and she rushed into the gap between the tree trunks without hesitation.

"Li Yao, if you think that I will be scared off by your old suspicions, then you are very wrong!"

"At the beginning, the time was so tight, you can lay such a complicated trap, it is already the limit, it is absolutely impossible to install more spar bombs on the tree trunk!"

"Otherwise, why would you detonate one bomb first to scare me? Wouldn't it be better to detonate dozens of bombs together after I got in?"

Long Qianyue calculated clearly, jumping incomparably nimbly in the gaps in the tree trunks.

Although Li Yao kept fleeing under the tree trunk, he deliberately led her to the area full of dead snake vines and red ring thorns.

After a few minutes, she still caught up with Li Yao.

Li Yao gave up resisting, leaned against a big tree, and fell to the ground.

Every talisman formation all over his body sprayed out colorful sparks of spiritual energy.

Without saying a word, Long Qianyue locked all the offensive magic weapons on the target instantly.

However, just as her thoughts flashed and she was about to attack fiercely, the target disappeared.

The friend-or-foe identification system automatically recognized Li Yao as an "unattackable target".

Li Yao persisted for a full ten minutes!

He became the first student to stand out from the knockout round! (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!