Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 249: Territory of darkness


Three days later, in the northern part of the wilderness, thousands of miles away from the nearest human town, the front line of the federal army. ±

In a heavily guarded military base with crystal cannons intertwined like canine teeth, twenty-five armorers are preparing for departure.

It was the 20 students who won the second round of elimination in the Thunder training camp, as well as the five most elite instructors.

They are going to the depths of the wilderness for a month of actual combat training.

"This northern line of defense consisting of thousands of military bases is the front line of the Xingyao Federation. Beyond this line of defense, it is still the territory of the Federation in name, but the environment is extremely harsh, and there are various unexpected dangers and powerful forces. Monsters, no humans can survive at all, and ordinary troops can't be stationed, so we can only rely on us practitioners to clean them regularly!"

Mao Feng paced back and forth, staring at his eyes, and roared, "Everyone, check the crystal armor one last time. In the depths of the wilderness, there is no supply or support. If there is something wrong with the crystal armor, it will be a big trouble!"

Li Yao adjusted carefully in the crystal armor, using his spiritual thoughts to stimulate each talisman array, his eyes danced with the change of each number.

This was the first time he left the northern defense line of the Federation and went to practice in the depths of the deserted wilderness.

Feeling a little nervous, but also a little excited.

He still chose the blood knife battle armor.

After a month of repeated repairs and refits, the performance parameters of this blood knife armor completely conform to his physical characteristics and combat style.

And in order to cope with actual combat, a lot of offensive magic weapons were added, armed to the teeth, completely different from the competition.

Just the "Broken Star" heavy-duty crystal cannon dedicated to the crystal armor behind it exudes a faint bloody aura, which makes people shudder, and can even kill high-level demon soldiers with one shot.

"The detection is complete!"

"The detection is complete!"

"The detection is complete!"

Twenty-five sets of crystal suits exuded dazzling brilliance. Zhuo stands in the center of the military base.

Five hundred soldiers stationed in the military base stood in two rows around them.



Five hundred soldiers stood at attention one by one, and saluted the twenty-five cultivators with a very standard military salute.

The national flag of the Star Federation, the Nine Stars Rising Dragon Battle Flag, fluttered on the flagpole tens of meters high behind them. Fly high.

Federal soldiers, mostly ordinary people, can only be stationed in military bases and rely on fortifications for defense.

As for the offense, it will be left to the practitioners.

Therefore, these ordinary soldiers express the most sincere respect to the cultivators with military salutes.

Under their scorching eyes, twenty-five cultivators rode four heavy-duty spar chariots specially used to carry crystal armor, plus four baggage carts. Drive out of the barracks, and drive to the depths of the wilderness.

In addition to twenty-five fully armed crystal armors, they also carried more than fifty puppet war beasts to form a powerful attack team.

The spar and supplies in the baggage car are enough for them to use for more than half a month.

One of the supply vehicles can also be converted into a field maintenance vehicle for simple crystal armor repair and maintenance.

Driving north for more than half an hour. A crystal clear tower appeared in front of him.

This was the only man-made building they saw in more than half an hour.

Under the command of Mao Feng. Everyone jumped off the spar chariot, walked to the tower, and formed a circle.

This tall tower was carved out of crystal-clear spar, engraved with thousands of talisman formations, and surrounded by eight small round towers. Echoing the tower, it is full of mysterious taste.

Close your eyes and observe through the spiritual root, you can see that there are countless spiritual threads wrapped around this tower. Colorful, trembling, spread out in all directions, extending to the end of the horizon.

It is like a large net woven with rainbows, with the tower as the center, spreading to the whole world.

This is the Spirit Torch Tower, which is used to emit divine thoughts and form a spiritual net.

Only within the coverage area of the Spirit Torch Tower and with a signal, can the spirit net be used normally, receive and send divine thoughts.

"This is the last Spirit Torch Tower, which means that the tentacles of human civilization have come to an end."

"Further north, you will enter a dark world without internet!"

"I'll give you five minutes. If you have anything to say, send it while the internet is still available!"

Mao Feng's words caused a commotion.

The Torch Tower is the greatest magic weapon in human history, bar none.

Officially relying on countless torch towers, a vast sea-like spiritual energy network has been built, enabling people from all over the world to communicate instantly, and modern cultivation civilization can be so prosperous.

Even if these students fought in the wilderness before, they were all within the coverage of the spiritual net.

Even if the signal is intermittent, it can barely communicate with the outside world.

If you are in danger, you can ask the surrounding practitioners and the military for help.

Here, it is the last torch tower of human civilization, and there is no network any further, even if it is in danger, there is no way to ask for help from the outside world.

A subtle sense of loneliness swallowed them all at once.

"The Internet is going to be disconnected!"

"The Internet will be cut off soon, for a whole month, it's really scary!"

Taking advantage of the internet, everyone hurriedly sent Linghe letters to communicate with relatives and friends far away.

Li Yao thought about it, took a selfie with the vast and magnificent scenery in the depths of the wilderness as the background, and sent it to Ding Lingdang.

The following message is:

Before stepping into the dark and absolute realm.

Gloomy Absolute Territory is the collective name of human beings for large dangerous areas outside the northern defense line, which are not illuminated by the light of human civilization, and are not covered by spiritual nets.

This is the end of the world, the closest place between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, a chaotic place with extremely violent psychic energy, a lair where countless powerful monsters lie dormant, and there are also endless treasures of heaven and earth and crystal veins.

"Boom! Crack!"

In the dark and absolute realm, psionic energy surged like a stormy sea, without any pattern at all.

A moment ago, the sky was clear, and in an instant, it was covered with dark clouds, lightning and thunder.

Countless lightning bolts that were as thick as dragons rolled in the clouds, and from time to time they grabbed the minions down to the ground.

Under the ravages of nature, the power of a practitioner. have become so small.

"Scatter! Everyone, scatter! Inspire the spiritual shield to the limit!"

Mao Feng's expression changed and he yelled loudly.

Several experienced instructors immediately dragged the students away for hundreds of meters.

The moment they scattered in all directions, there was a "crash", and a bolt of lightning swooped down from the clouds like a golden dragon hanging upside down. Go straight to the Spirit Torch Tower.

The eight small round towers around the Spirit Torch Tower immediately activated the defensive magic circle, forming a light golden translucent shield above the Spirit Torch Tower.

However, he couldn't resist the power of heaven and earth. After a moment of stalemate, the eight small round towers shattered, the defensive magic circle disappeared, and lightning drove straight in, smashing the Spirit Torch Tower to pieces!

Under the stimulation of lightning, the shattered chips are like bullets. It screamed and shot electric shots in all directions.

Fortunately, everyone activated their defensive shields, and there was a series of "****" sounds, the chip was shattered, and everyone was unscathed, except for a small surprise.

"The spiritual energy fluctuations emitted by the Spirit Torch Tower are too strong. Once the spiritual energy of the world goes berserk, the Spirit Torch Tower will be the first to be destroyed! This makes sense. It's like the lightning that will hit the lightning rod first in a thunderstorm. .”

Mao Feng said. "Building a Spirit Torch Tower requires a lot of manpower and material resources, and consumes a lot of precious crystals, but it is easy to destroy it. Let alone lightning that can smash the Spirit Torch Tower in one fell swoop, even if it is a powerful monster. You will be attracted by the spiritual energy fluctuations emanating from the Spirit Torch Tower, and you will want to destroy it no matter what!"

"So, although the Spirit Torch Tower is the core of the spiritual network and is very important to us humans, it is impossible to build it without limit. It is already the limit to be able to expand here."

"In front of you is the Darkness Absolute Territory, a world without internet, an extremely terrifying world, a world where only the brave can gallop!"

"Cultivators, go forward!"

Against the thunder and lightning, the attacking team dashed forward.

The climate in the Dark Absolute Territory was extremely violent, and the lightning and thunder lasted for a whole night before gradually subsiding.

And the world after subsidence is completely different from the outside world.

The sky was as red as blood, and the clouds were distorted into huge colorful whirlpools, and holes were exposed in many places, and the stars could be seen clearly.

It seems that night and day have lost their boundaries.

The surrounding world is no longer desolate. The rolling hills are covered with demonic plants that no one has ever seen before. Under the nourishment of abundant spiritual energy, they all grow extremely huge. Even a small weed is bigger than everyone. Even taller, with frightening sawtooths growing on the edges, emitting a strange light under the purple sun.

In the dense forest, there were bursts of roars from monsters, like spar bombs, exploding around the chariot, making everyone's scalps numb.

"The Absolute Darkness is the closest place between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm. There is a strong gravitational force between the two great worlds, and they will collide with each other!"

During the break, all the students sat in a circle and listened to Mao Feng explain the rules in the Absolute Darkness.

Mao Feng held two huge monster eggs in his hands, lifted them up separately, and said, "This egg represents the Tianyuan world, and the other represents the blood demon world."

He slowly approached the two eggs and knocked them lightly.

The eggshell is very thick, although there are countless cracks, but it is not broken, and it is barely stuck together.

"The Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm are like two eggs colliding together. The Absolute Darkness is their collision point, and the cracks next to it represent the sky of the whole Great Desolation."

"Why do wormholes often appear in the Great Wilderness? That's because the collision of the two worlds has already created cracks."

"As for the inland territory of the Federation outside the Great Wilderness, the sky is like an extremely smooth eggshell. There is not a single crack on it. Naturally, there will be no wormholes. As the saying goes, flies don't bite seamless eggs!"

"Look, isn't the point where the two eggs collide with the most dense cracks, and it will shatter with a slight movement?"

"This also means that the Absolute Darkness is the most vulnerable and dangerous place in the entire Tianyuan Realm!" (Please search for Piaotian Literature, better updates and faster!