Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 251: Crazy absorption


A student raised his hand and asked:

"What is the infiltration team formed by the silver-blooded demon clan doing in the Tianyuan world?"

Mao Feng glanced at him and introduced him briefly. ∈♀

The social structure of the Yaozu is completely different from that of human beings. There is no warmth at all. They only believe in the eight words "the strong eat the weak, and the fittest survive". They are extremely harsh to themselves and others.

The competition among the silver-blooded demon clan is also very fierce. If a young demon clan wants to occupy a certain position in the demon kingdom, he must not only go through bloody experience and possess tyrannical power, but also recruit subordinates to form his own power.

For the Yaozu, the fastest way to increase their strength is to sneak into the Tianyuan Realm and fight humans.

On the other hand, most of the more powerful copper-blooded demon clan and black-blooded demon clan in the blood demon world have their own masters, and they will not easily change their families.

But in the dark and absolute domain, there are a large number of wild monsters and beasts.

These monsters have not been baptized by civilization. Although they have brain cells that are not inferior to humans and the silver-blooded monsters, they live a muddle-headed life.

Under the nourishment of violent spiritual energy, these wild monsters often mutate, and their strength is stronger than ordinary monsters, and they can easily reach the level of high-level monster generals and even monster kings.

This kind of monster with "well-developed limbs and a simple mind" is obviously the best subordinate of the fledgling young silver-blooded monster clan.

Therefore, many silver-blooded demon clans will take the risk to come to Tianyuan Realm.

On the one hand, it is experience.

On the other hand, I also want to subdue some powerful monsters, put them into a ban, become loyal minions, and help them occupy a place in the blood demon world.

The Dark Absolute Territory is a common practice field and arena for both humans and monster races.

Although neither side could teleport thousands of troops, a small teleportation array was established here. It is barely possible to transport ten or twenty people at a time.

Not only the silver-blooded demon clan in the blood demon world will form an infiltration team to sneak into the dark and desperate domain.

The strong human beings of Star Federation will occasionally form infiltration teams to sneak into the blood demon world opposite the dark and absolute realm.

Infiltration and reverse osmosis, assassination, ambushes, guerrilla warfare. It is the main theme of this cruel battlefield.

"But don't worry, everyone, we are only cultivating on the outskirts of the Dark Absolute Territory. Generally speaking, there will be no silver-blooded monsters here."

Mao Feng smiled, with a tinge of ferocity in his smile, "What's more, we have a total of twenty-five people, and twenty of them, after wearing crystal armor, have surpassed the peak of the Qi refining stage. The strength of the 'quasi-foundation stage', And our five instructors are wearing the latest model of crystal armor, and they possess the strength of 'Quasi-Gold Core'."

"With this kind of combat power, even if you encounter an ordinary silver-blooded monster infiltration team, you don't have to be afraid of them at all. When you meet in a narrow road, the brave wins, and you just have to fight to the end!"

"Next, let's start practicing!"

After checking the crystal armor again. All the students carried enough crystals, flying swords and ammunition, and an instructor led the four students. Form a five-person team and practice in a dispersed manner.

In the Dark Absolute Territory, although there is no spiritual network, as long as the distance is not too far and the weather is relatively calm, they can still communicate with each other.

The four students were within the communication range of the instructor. If there is a situation, call for help immediately, and the instructor will rush to rescue in time.

Li Yao, Long Qianyue and other four students who performed particularly well, under the leadership of the chief instructor Mao Feng, came to an unnamed lake as light blue as the sea.

Around the seemingly peaceful lake, there are many bones. Abnormally ferocious.

Water is the source of life, no matter how powerful monsters are, they must drink water. Around this lake, there are countless monsters lurking, and it is a slaughterhouse with hidden murderous intentions.


Sensing the arrival of the five people, a piece of driftwood-like object suddenly appeared in the lake. After floating quietly for a while, it dived back into the water again, and bubbles of "gurgling" appeared.

The lakeside is more than two meters high, and among the reed-like monster plants, there is the sound of "Xixisuosuo".

A large number of demonized reeds fell down.

After a while, the sound of "wheezing, wheezing" came from everyone's ears.

And in the sky, there is also a large group of gray strange birds hovering maliciously.

These strange birds are like a mixture of eagles and bats, with their wings stretched out, more than ten meters in length, with sharp edges like blades, emitting a chilling light.

With their strength, they dare not participate in the hunt. They only hope that the powerful hunters hiding around the lake will leave them some leftovers after killing all the humans in the tin cans.

Soon, on the left side of the crowd, three giant monster beasts "Blood Hammer Rhinoceros" that looked like rhinos but had extraordinarily thick tails and huge bone hammers emerged from the demonized reeds.

And on the right side, two giant crocodiles, more than ten meters long, covered with bronze bone armor, also opened their big mouths with intertwined teeth, exhaling a suffocating stench.


The strange bird in the sky uttered a strange cry like a child's laughter, which made people's scalp tingle and chills.

"Li Yao, Long Qianyue, the strength of the five monsters here is between the high-level monster soldiers and the low-level monster generals. It's just for you to practice. Who will go first?"

Li Yao and Long Qianyue looked at each other, and they rushed out almost simultaneously.

Crazy killing, start!

As time passed day by day, as the nameless lake gradually changed from light blue to deep red, more and more monster bones were piled up beside the lake, and Li Yao's strength improved by leaps and bounds!

The third day of actual combat training.


Li Yao was lying on the ground like a sinister poisonous snake, with hands and feet together, relying solely on the twisting of his body and the subtle manipulation of the power talisman, he narrowly passed under a blood hammer rhinoceros, and flashed into its body in an instant. Behind him, without even looking, the rear-sighted crystal eyes on the back of the crystal armor's head locked on the target directly, and with a flick of his hand back, the curved scimitar pierced deeply into the blood hammer rhino's lower abdomen.

The Bloodmaul Rhinoceros weighed 20 to 30 tons, and was covered with solid armor. It ran wildly like a spar chariot, with only a small soft spot on its lower abdomen, which was its only weakness.

Li Yao pulled hard, and the sharp edge formed by the condensed spiritual energy was more than ten feet long, completely cutting open the internal organs of the blood hammer rhinoceros.

Then squat deeply. Dodging the critical blow of the huge bone hammer on the tail of the blood mallet rhinoceros, he leaped forward and swept tens of meters away.

The whole movement was like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it took no more than two seconds before and after.

Bloodmaul Rhino roared and turned around with difficulty. After rushing two steps towards Li Yao, he finally couldn't hold on and fell to the ground.

Immediately, there were many scavenger-eating monsters "Laughing Baby Birds" hovering in the sky, swooping down, trying to snatch the delicious prey.


The "Broken Star" crystal cannon on the back of the blood knife battle armor suddenly turned over to the left shoulder, and fired instantly, four red lights gushed out, impartial. Just hit the four laughing baby birds in the head.

These four streaks of red light are like four balls of magma, once they touch it, they can't be shaken off.

Soon, with piercing screams, the four laughing baby birds were burned to the bone, fell to the ground with a "slap", and were wiped out in ashes.

The rest of the Laughing Babies scattered, and only after a long time did they gather again, screaming strangely like children laughing. It also turned into a thin cursing sound.

They had no choice but to hover hundreds of meters above Li Yao's head. How could it be possible to hit Li Yao even though he was pulling bird shit down to vent his anger

The seventh day of actual combat training.

Li Yao stood quietly, his saber hid deep behind his waist like a poisonous snake dormant in a cave, confronting a blood hammer rhinoceros head-on.


Bloodmaul Rhino lowered its head and sprinted at full speed.

Incomparably sharp collision angle. The moment his chest was about to be pierced, Li Yaocai steered the Blood Saber Armor and dodged aside dangerously.

At the same time, the sword strikes with lightning, mixed with the might of storm and thunder. Severely slashed on the blood mallet rhino's neck.

The blood mallet rhino's neck was covered with a solid armor.

A mere slash, even if it is concentrated with spiritual energy, it is impossible to cut it open.

However, this was not Li Yao's first strike.

He was already at the same position just now, and he chopped a full eight times, leaving a very clear white mark on the armor of the blood hammer rhinoceros.

The ninth knife finally exceeded the defense limit of the armor. The bone armor burst and the saber sank deeply, and the spiritual energy gushed out wildly, cutting off all blood vessels and meridians.


When the saber was drawn out, a cloud of blood spurted out.

The blood hammer rhinoceros couldn't even scream, and fell to the ground slumped.

And in the sky, no laughing baby bird dared to swoop down and snatch food from this terrifying human mouth.

The twentieth day of actual combat training.

Li Yao was alone, sitting cross-legged beside the nameless lake.

Under the buttocks lay a strange snake more than 30 meters long, dark golden in color, with two small horns growing on its head.

The seven inches of the strange snake was almost completely cut open, leaving only a layer of snake skin still attached, and the snake blood flowed out, emitting a strange fragrance.

Li Yao put the gigantic snake gallbladder on a banana leaf, and took out a boxy magic weapon "Lihuo Xuanbo Box", aiming at the snake gallbladder.


From the Lihuo Xuanbo box, a light green light shot out, covering the gallbladder of the snake, and there were small numbers dancing on it, showing a one-minute countdown.

After a minute, the green light automatically dissipated.

And this snake gallbladder was also cooked, and it was fragrant and appetizing.

Li Yao's index finger moved wildly, he picked up the snake gall, swept away the wind, and ate up everything in two or three bites.

Still not satisfied, he cut off a large piece of snake meat and cooked it together with the snake heart in the Lihuo Xuanbo box.

The mutated monsters in the Dark Absolute Territory are nourished by the psionic energy of the two worlds all the year round. The psionic energy they contain is not only a hundred times more abundant than the monsters outside, it is the best food.

However, ordinary cultivators have limited appetites. Even a foundation-building master like Chief Instructor Mao Feng cannot eat a mountain of meat in one meal.

The trucks they brought had to be loaded with treasures of heaven and earth and precious monster materials, so it was impossible to carry a large amount of animal meat back.

Except for a small part to be eaten, it can only be exposed to the wild, which is cheap for scavengers such as Laughing Baby Bird.

Li Yao was different.

The most important skill he cultivated in the Bailianzong 40,000 years ago was the "whale swallowing meat" for eating.

When he was still an ordinary person, he was able to swallow dozens of cans of starry space giant beast meat in one go.

Now that he is on the seventh floor of the Qi refining stage, his appetite naturally increases, like a bottomless pit.

Countless priceless monster meat was devoured by him and absorbed frantically.

For more than half a month, he ate good food that ordinary cultivators may not have been able to eat for several years. (Please search Piaotian Literature, better update faster!