Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 261: Bidding for the main battle armor


In the past ten years, there have been more and more wormholes between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm, and the scale has also become larger and larger. Even in many places where the sky is very stable, there have been no wormholes in the past hundreds of years, and the space has been blocked. It was torn apart, and a terrifying beast tide appeared.

As for the area of the Absolute Darkness, according to unanimous calculations by research practitioners from several universities, it has expanded by two-thirds in just ten years, and there is still a trend of continuous expansion.

All signs indicate that the Tianyuan world and the blood demon world are merging at a level beyond three dimensions.

Perhaps one day in the future, parts of the two great worlds will completely overlap.

The natural moat that separated the two civilizations in the past will become a smooth road for the two civilizations!

The demon civilization of the blood demon world may have realized this a long time ago. During the outbreak of the beast tide in the past ten years, a large number of demon kings and generals were sent to carry out suicidal attack missions.

The monster civilization is carrying out "fire reconnaissance" on the Tianyuan world at all costs.

`No`wrong```` Sacrifice some demon generals and demon kings in exchange for a large amount of information on human civilization.

Once the monster civilization collects enough information, and the two great worlds really merge, a decisive battle of unprecedented scale will break out.

That will be the most intense collision between the two civilizations in five hundred years!

"Tianyuan Realm is entering a state of war, and the military's view on the mode of warfare has also gradually changed. From the original 'Battleship faction' gaining the upper hand, it gradually transitioned to the 'Crystal Armor faction' coming from behind. This is our opportunity."

Li Yao nodded.

In the military, and even in the realm of comprehension, there has always been controversy over whether warships or crystal suits should dominate in battle.

The advantages of spar warships are obvious, with long combat radius and fierce firepower. The defense is also extremely strong. In the open plains, facing a large number of low-level monsters, it is simply a one-sided massacre.

The defect is also very obvious, the volume is too large, and it is easily affected by the environment. They can neither act in areas with violent psychic energy like the Absolute Darkness, nor can they pass through small and medium-sized wormholes and teleportation arrays, nor can they drill into the ground and fight monsters in the depths of resource-rich mine veins.

In the face of a powerful high-level monster clan, once the enemy gets inside, the defense of the spar warship will drop to the bottom and become a flying iron coffin.

Therefore, many soldiers and practitioners believed that they wanted to conquer the blood demon world. It still depends on the cultivators wearing crystal armor and fighting in blood!

If the crystal armor faction has the upper hand, then the federal government's large war budget in the future will be tilted in the direction of crystal armor refining.

Sure enough, Yuan Manqiu said:

"The military has officially sent invitations to the Nine National Congresses and the top 500 federation sects. The military will equip a large number of mass-produced crystal armors in the next three to five years. The development and refining of this crystal armor will In the form of bidding. Hand it over to the Nine Great Cultivation Sects, and compete freely!"

"We have a year to prepare."

"One year later. Whoever can refine the mass-produced crystal armor can stand out and defeat the competition will become the main battle armor of the federal army!"

Li Yao's heart was beating wildly, this news was really shocking.

The Star Federation has been established for 500 years, because it has been implementing a local defense strategy in the Tianyuan world. Using crystal warships is enough to deal with the beast tide, and there is no large-scale deployment of crystal armor.

Although there are some elite troops, all of them are equipped with crystal armor, but the standards are different and varied. There is no uniform format.

But now, the military needs a mass-produced crystal armor as a standard crystal armor!

The value contained in this is self-evident.

Whoever can win this project will be the well-deserved King of Crystal Armor!

"The military actually decides the main battle armor in the form of bidding instead of refining it by itself?"

Li Yao murmured.

"Of course, the military and the cultivating sects are the two wings of the federation. The war is imminent, and it is even more necessary to work together and fly with both wings to bring out the full power of the Xingyao Federation!"

Yuan Manqiu said.

Li Yao nodded thoughtfully.

In the history of Star Federation, the relationship between the military and cultivating sects is quite delicate.

Before the establishment of the federation, it was the era of sects. Without the government, there would naturally be no military.

All human beings are attached to sects, and under the leadership of cultivators, they contend against monsters.

There are many sects, disputes continue, and even kill each other.

And many cultivators pretend to be the saviors of the world, they are extravagant, and they oppress ordinary people, which also makes ordinary people complain, and they seem to be at odds with the cultivators.

After the Star Federation was established, there was a special period of overcorrection due to the shortcomings of the sect system, known in history as the "Red Dragon Army Era".

During the thirty years of the Red Dragon Army era, the old sect system was smashed to pieces, and the power of the federal government was highly concentrated to the limit. All cultivators joined the Red Dragon Army to practice and fight as iron-blooded soldiers.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Red Dragon Army, it did display a strong combat effectiveness and made great contributions to expelling the monster race.

But as time goes by, its rigid and inflexible disadvantages are also fully exposed.

Cultivation focuses on the unrestrained creativity, the tacit understanding, and the mysterious and mysterious realm.

Cultivators, because of their great strength, are born to hate restraint and advocate freedom. When they move their minds, their souls travel to the stars and seas, doing whatever they want, and lawlessness.

Soldiers take obedience as their bounden duty, and don't need to think too much, just be a screw in the war machine.

After being completely organized in the form of an army, the entire cultivation world suddenly lost its vitality.

There are fewer and fewer cultivators who are willing to develop new exercises and new magic weapons.

Many cultivators have become dumb gooses who only know how to obey orders, and spend all day pondering over the rigid practice exercises.

After being distorted by the strict military regulations, more cultivators have turned into outright killing machines. Military discipline has been corrupted to the bottom, and even transformed into terrifying demon cultivators.

In this way, after the establishment of the Red Dragon Army 30 years ago, the combat effectiveness has not increased but decreased, various military disturbances have continued, and there are cases where the practitioners of the entire battle group have been transformed into demon practitioners.

And the cultivators who still miss the sect era are also secretly making moves, threatening to tear the Xingyao Federation apart.

Fortunately, this period of unbearable years has finally passed without any danger.

After learning the experience and lessons of the sect era and the Red Dragon Army era, today's Xingyao Federation implements a mixed system with Tianyuan characteristics.

The military and sects exist at the same time, the military remains stable, the sect is responsible for innovation, the military takes a large and comprehensive approach, and wins with numbers and scale, and the sect takes a small and refined approach, known for its various high-tech supernatural powers and magic weapons , the two sides cooperate seamlessly, and check and balance each other, ensuring the harmonious development of the cultivation world and the prosperity and stability of the Star Federation.

At this time, the military threw out such a tempting big cake as the "bidding for the main battle armor", which was obviously showing its attitude to the various sects.

Even if a big war really breaks out, it will never return to the era of the Red Dragon Army where the military controls everything. Please rest assured that all sects will join forces to fight against the enemy.

Li Yao finally understood why there were several times more refiners than expected, joining the Xuangu Project.

Yuan Manqiu said:

"Our Artifact Refining Department of the Great Wilderness War Academy started the research and development of mass-produced crystal armor more than ten years ago. Although the technology is not strong enough, it is better than rich experience and accumulated enough data and materials, so it has attracted Many masters have joined, and the entire grassroots faction has almost poured out."

"However, our competitors are also unprecedentedly strong!"

"After hearing the news of the military's public bidding, the universities and cultivation sects with a little bit of strength all heard the news and launched their own mass-production crystal armor refining projects."

"Although their experience is lacking, they have profound knowledge and great powers after all!"

"Many sects have even simplified the existing crystal armor to create a low-profile version. In this way, the speed of research and development will naturally be greatly accelerated."

"Even the Artifact Refining Department of Shenhai University is working with Jinjiazong to develop a mass-produced crystal armor!"

"The Golden Armor Sect ranks among the top 20 in the Federation in terms of comprehensive strength. It is the leading armor refining sect. It also has experience in refining crystal armor in the past. The crystal armor refined by the Golden Armor Sect is famous for its high defense."

"The two kings have joined forces and almost swallowed this sky-high order. It is really difficult for us to snatch food from the tiger's mouth."

"However, if you want to snatch the title of 'Holy Land of Artifact Refiners', you must win!"

Li Yao's fists were clenched all of a sudden, his voice trembling with excitement:

"Teacher, do you really believe that we can defeat the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University and snatch the title of 'Holy Land of Artifact Masters'?".

Yuan Manqiu smiled faintly and said softly:

"Let me tell you a secret, Li Yao."

"Since the day my mentor Chu Xiuhong and I parted ways and stepped out of the gate of Deep Sea University."

"In the past few decades, every minute and every second, I have been longing, very strongly, to overthrow the Artifact Refining Department of Deep Sea University and snatch the title of 'Holy Land of Artifact Refiners'!"

Li Yao gasped.

Yuan Manqiu laughed, patted his disciple on the shoulder vigorously, and said:

"Okay, you just came back from the Dark Absolute Territory, you must be exhausted physically and mentally, go back and have a good rest before it's too late to start working."

"By the way, my girlfriend has to take good care of her. When she heard that you were missing in the Leiyin Mountains, she jumped up and down in a hurry. A few days ago, she said she was going to save you in the Dark and Absolute Territory, but was stopped by Principal Xiong abruptly. What an idiot!" Silly girl."

"I see."

Li Yao was preoccupied with the military's bidding plan, and answered absently. Then he widened his eyes and said in astonishment, "Who? Who is my girlfriend?"

Yuan Manqiu gave him a strange look:

"Mr. Xiao Ding, who just stayed in school, isn't your girlfriend? You often come and go to her house in the middle of the night. Everyone in the staff community knows it, even I have seen it several times. Is there any problem?". (… )

Chapter 260 Main Battle Armor Bidding:
