Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 28: Be arrogant of course


Five minutes later, at the entrance of No. 9 gymnasium, the doctors in the school's infirmary were busy for a while.

Because Zhao Liang's legs were too seriously injured, he couldn't be carried to the infirmary for treatment, so he was treated directly on the spot.

For the Federation that has mastered advanced cultivation technology, comminuted fractures are not a big problem, and they can be cured in a few days, and at most the process will be a little bit... painful.

"Ahhh!" Zhao Liang's screams came from the gymnasium, making everyone's scalps tingle and their knees tingling.

On the other hand, Li Yao squatted on the flower bed outside the gymnasium with his buddy Meng Jiang. The two of them seemed to be surrounded by an invisible aura. The other ordinary class students hid far away and did not dare to approach them at all.

Meng Jiang's face was full of confusion, he hesitated to speak.

Li Yao glanced at his best friend: "If you want to know anything, just ask, if you don't ask, I will be taken away by the teacher!"

Meng Jiang let out a foul breath, and said with a wry smile, "My mind is in a mess, and I haven't reacted at all. When did you become so powerful, you little monster?"

Li Yao thought for a while and said, "I have been practicing a superior exercise. Before I practiced it, my strength was very weak, no different from ordinary people. But once I practiced it, I could soar into the sky, and my strength skyrocketed! Yesterday was the It was a critical moment, so I didn't come to school, now, I have already practiced it!"

"So powerful!" Meng Jiang's eyes lit up, but he didn't continue to ask.

According to the unwritten rules of the Federation, it is most taboo to ask the source of other people's martial arts and exercises. Even a powerful cultivator cannot press other people's secret law inheritance.

Otherwise, today a strong cultivator can casually ask the weak about the source of their martial arts, but tomorrow, wouldn't the federal army be able to send millions of soldiers to surround the hills of the cultivating sect and force the cultivating sect to hand over the extraordinary martial arts at the bottom of the box

Every world has the most basic rules to protect the weak from being bullied by the strong, at least in theory.

It is with these rules that society can be built, and the strong and the weak can unite!

The Star Federation relies on such rules to unite cultivators and ordinary people together to fight against monsters and demons. Without these rules, the Federation would have collapsed long ago, and cultivators and ordinary people were hostile to each other and became a mess , how is the opponent of monsters and demons

Therefore, Li Yao came up with this excuse to explain his sudden increase in strength, and he was not worried about being exposed, even if others knew he was lying, they would not expose it—in the cultivation world, no one has anything to hide secret

Meng Jiang nodded, accepting the fact that his best friend suddenly became stronger, and frowned again: "But, is it necessary for you to strike so fiercely? You have already knocked Zhao Liang down, and you want to smash his left knee again, isn't it too cruel?" You don't even know how terrifying you look when you lift the barbell, you look like a... bloodthirsty monster!"

"It is necessary." Li Yao explained, "You told me this morning that He Lianlie is very powerful in the school and has many followers. Since I offended him, his subordinates will definitely come to trouble me. Zhao Liang is just the first. indivual!"

After a pause, he continued, "Zhao Liang is the last one in the 'Crane Tail' in the key class. If you just knock him down, do you think others will be afraid? Wouldn't they come to trouble me one after another? I can't stand their wheel war! And now, this group of people saw Zhao Liang's knees and heard his screams. will back off."

Meng Jiang was stunned, he didn't expect so much, he simply felt that Li Yao's attack was too heavy.

Li Yao patted his best friend on the shoulder, and said seriously: "Xiao Jiang, you know my background. I grew up in a garbage dump since I was a child. In the world I grew up in, even for half a rotten banana, people would Fight to the death, once, I even saw two groups of people fighting for half a bag of cold meat buns, and finally two lives were lost—half a bag of buns, two lives! Believe me, growing up in such a world, I know how to deal with threats and trouble!"

"But, but—" Meng Jiang's mind was in a mess, as if he hadn't seen the other side of his buddy until today.

Perhaps, this is the most real side.

Li Yaoping said flatly: "The more than ten years of life experience in the garbage dump tells me that in the face of other people's threats, it is not impossible to be reasonable, nor is it impossible to compromise, but first of all, you must beat others until your parents don't know each other. , and then reason, and then compromise, otherwise, it is not reasoning, not compromise, but put yourself in the pot, let others steam or braise! Take today’s incident as an example, Zhao Liang asked me to kneel down Begging for mercy, but also breaking my ten bones, I don’t want to kneel down, and I don’t want to break ten bones, so what else can I do except fight him to the end?”

Meng Jiang stayed for a long time, and said: "I heard you say that you have a nickname in the garbage dump, called 'Vulture'. I still don't believe it. I think you are bragging. Now I believe it."

Li Yao smiled, and said: "Yes, at that time, I was ten times more vicious and a hundred times more crazy than I am now. There is no way, I was still a child at that time, and I couldn't even hold a knife steadily. How to grab food from adults? Later, I met my father, he taught me a lot of things, including how to follow the rules and integrate into normal society, so I became a little restrained. But my father is dead, and when encountering such a thing, I can only solve it according to the instinct of the 'vulture'!"

Meng Jiang sighed: "I understand, little demon, you have no choice, but other than me, others will definitely treat you as a villain, too arrogant."

"Arrogant? Of course you are arrogant!" Li Yao's nose twitched, and he said disapprovingly, "We garbage worms who live in the 'magic weapon tomb', if there is no day today, maybe we just dug up some value in this minute. The treasure of Liancheng will be bombarded by the spiritual energy explosion in the next minute, so that there is no scum left! Therefore, for us, once we have the strength, we must immediately be arrogant. If we can be arrogant for a second, we will never wait until the next Seconds, if you can be arrogant ten points, you will not only be arrogant nine points! If you have strength but are not arrogant, why are you playing low-key? Wouldn’t it be a pity if you die in a second? It’s like you won the five million lottery , but instead of spending time and money, went to the bank to deposit it, but was hit to death by a shuttle car as soon as he left the bank, it’s almost a ghost!"

Meng Jiang conceded defeat and said, "Okay, okay, you are chic and arrogant enough, but have you ever thought about what would you do if Helianlie used his family power to force you to drop out of school?"

"I don't stay here, I have my own place to stay. It's not just Chixiao No. 2 Middle School in the world. At worst, I'll change to another high school. Even if I don't go to high school, the Federation allows citizens to apply for universities in their private capacity. The procedures are just a little more troublesome! If He Lianlie really forces me to drop out of school, why not let him get what he wants? As the saying goes, the future will be long, and he and I still have a lot of beautiful youth!" Li Yao's eyes glowed fiercely. Flash, said nonchalantly.

While the two were talking, a short and thin figure walked towards them tremblingly.

"The teacher is here!" Meng Jiang whispered, dragged Li Yao to stand up, and jumped off the flower bed.

"Isn't this the old man in charge of the logistics warehouse at the school? What is he doing here?" Li Yao was taken aback.