Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 281: Xiaolong No


This battleship, like a dragon with all its scales erected, is menacing and murderous.

Although it was only the size of a little finger, it gave Li Yao a majestic and unstoppable feeling.

It seems that with this battleship, a planet can be suppressed.

Although it is a model, every detail is clearly visible, and many parts are too delicate to be seen with the naked eye.

Li Yao used his spirit threads to explore one by one, and only then did he outline the overall picture of the battleship.

Those erected "scales" are all densely packed turrets.

The style of these turrets is completely different from the spar warships in Tianyuan Realm.

Relying on the intuition of a craftsman, Li Yao felt that the design and power of these turrets were superior to those of the spar warships in Tianyuan Realm.

And in front of the battleship, the cylindrical device like an angry dragon raising its head should be the main gun of the battleship.

Li Yao studied for a long time, but he didn't even figure out what kind of weapon it was.

"This battleship model should be the product of a certain Yuanshi sect in the era of the Star Sea Empire!"

The age of the Star Sea Empire was the peak of human cultivation technology. Under the leadership of the Emperor, twenty Yuanshi sects, each with power across the galaxy, also developed magic weapons and cultivation systems with different styles.

After the doomsday changes, most of these magic weapons and cultivation systems were lost.

This battleship model should be the work of that era.

But is it really just a model

Li Yao blinked, holding the battleship model in his palm, his mind turned.

If it's just a handicraft, there's no need to store it so properly, it will be placed in the Qiankun Ring and locked with a ban, right

There must be something weird!

He pondered for a moment. Li Yao bit his fingertips, squeezed out a drop of blood, and dripped it on the battleship model.

He wants to use the method of blood sacrifice of Bailianzong. Uncover the secrets of the battleship model.


The battleship model is like a living thing, pouring a round drop of blood. Sucking it in, it emitted a faint red light and trembled slightly.

"There is a door!"

Li Yao was overjoyed.

Blood sacrifice is not as simple as sprinkling a drop of blood and making the treasure automatically recognize its owner. There are a series of long and complicated secret methods

At least, this battleship model does not reject his blood, which means that it is most likely the product of a cultivator.

If it is a magic weapon refined by Yaozu, demon cultivators, or other alien races in the starry sky. I'm afraid it won't be so easy to accept the blood of a cultivator.

Facing the magic weapon of the Star Sea Empire era, Li Yao didn't dare to be careless. He rubbed his fingers together and squeezed out ten drops of blood from his fingertips. He bit the tip of his tongue and spewed out three drops of blood from the tip of his tongue.

The blood from the fingertips and the tip of the tongue mixed together and turned into a cloud of blood mist.

Under Li Yao's manipulative control, the blood mist seems to have life, intertwined into a red net. It enveloped the battleship model, and was sucked up completely.

In an instant, Li Yao felt it. A very weak spiritual connection has been established between himself and the battleship model.

This feeling is somewhat similar to when he put on the crystal armor for the first time.

Li Yao's heart beat like a drum, dozens of strands of spiritual threads gushed out from his spiritual roots, and gently pierced into the battleship model

The spirit thread drove straight in, and the battleship model didn't resist at all, but instead produced a strong suction force, as if it wanted to suck all of Li Yao's soul into it.

When Li Yao found out that something was wrong. It was too late.

In the battleship model, there seems to be a terrifying vortex. A part of his spirit was sucked in abruptly!


It's like opening a half-step too illusory realm. It seemed that the soul was split into two halves, and two worlds appeared before Li Yao's eyes.

In the first world, he was still in the suite, holding the battleship model in his hand.

In the second world, he came to a small space that was shrouded in gray fog and could not leave.

In front of him is a 360-degree surrounding light curtain, and countless mysterious and complicated control interfaces flash out from time to time, which are a hundred times more complicated than the control systems of refining furnaces or crystal armors!

What stunned Li Yao was that a "tall and majestic" giant appeared in the surrounding light curtain, looking stupid.

Taking a closer look, it turned out to be me!

Such weird proportions and perspectives made Li Yao think of a possibility.

"Could it be that part of my soul is in the cockpit of the battleship model?"

"What is presented in front of my eyes is the control system of the battleship model?"

"This battleship model, can it really fly?"

As soon as this idea emerged, the control interface immediately lit up, and countless intricate information streams appeared.

There are still many differences between the runes of the Star Sea Empire era and the runes of the Tianyuan Realm.

Li Yao couldn't even understand most of the instructions, let alone how to control the battleship model!


In a hurry, the battleship model flew up wobbly, radiant, runes flashing, and even a miniature spiritual shield emerged!

At the same time, Li Yao felt as if he had been hit hard by a hammer.

With the firmness of his spirit, he is still somewhat powerless to control this model battleship.

Not to mention, this battleship model is continuously absorbing spiritual energy from him in a way that he cannot understand, serving as the energy for flight.




The battleship model was like a headless chicken, sprinting from left to right in the suite, ramming everywhere, and almost missed Li Yao directly several times.

"Xiao Hei, stop it!"

Li Yao broke into a cold sweat from fright, and tried his best to pull his soul out.

Fortunately, the battleship model also seemed to realize that he was a novice. After hovering for half a day, the speed slowed down and stopped automatically.

Li Yao's spirit was finally pulled out, the light on the battleship model dissipated, and turned into an inconspicuous silver gray again.

Li Yao's face was ashen, panting.

After all, he was a little too rash.

If this battleship model was malicious, or if its previous owner had set some kind of sinister secret method in it, maybe Li Yao's psychic energy would be sucked dry by it.

After pondering for a long time, Li Yao speculated that this battleship model is likely to be from the Star Sea Empire era. A training weapon used to train spar warship pilots.

Its control system should be exactly the same as that of a real spar warship.

As long as you can skillfully manipulate this battleship model. You can become a qualified pilot, and the manipulation can span the stars. The imperial starship that destroyed the planet!

This conclusion made Li Yao quite entangled.

A magic weapon for training, to him, it's a bit tasteless.

Even if he learned how to control the spar warships of the Star Sea Empire era, so what

In the vicissitudes of life, thousands of years have passed, where can I find an imperial starship for him to control

But on second thought. Not necessarily.

"The control mode of this battleship model is so complicated, it is very good for training my mental power, and it can also improve my skills in manipulating the crystal armor and super shuttle."

"On the other hand, this battleship model has such weird materials, extraordinary strength, and can be manipulated with a ray of divine sense. It is an excellent magic weapon for reconnaissance."

"Once accelerated to the limit, it can even be used as a bullet!"

"A bullet that is completely under my control will be of great help in battle!"

I thought of several wonderful uses of the battleship model in a row. Li Yao felt refreshed again, and decided to find a secluded and open place after returning to the Great Desolation War Academy. Practice the art of warship control well.

In the battle, this battleship model is his secret weapon!

"That's right, that's right. I got so many crystal essences from the Qiankun Ring, which caused Xiao Hei's mutation, and I also got the model of this imperial starship."

"This trip to the Dark Absolute Territory really made a lot of money!"

"Although it is a model of a battleship, you might as well give you a name. You look so fierce. Like a dragon, I will call you... Xiaolong!"

The meeting place of Li Yao and Peng Hai. It was still Peng Hai's private practice room.

More than a year ago, Li Yao had received a month of special training here, and then he was able to win the title of No. 1 student in the college entrance examination in Fuge City in one fell swoop!

He misses this place so much!

"Brother Peng!"

After not seeing him for more than a year, Peng Hai, the demon sword, has a more introverted demeanor. At first glance, he looks like a business elite, and it is impossible to tell that he is a powerful cultivator who has been fighting in the depths of the wilderness all year round.

Peng Hai was Li Yao's idol in high school, and he helped him without hesitation when he was in the most difficult time.

The enlightenment teacher of the two on the road of comprehension is also Sun Biao.

This is the closest brother-in-law relationship.

"Good boy, you have been a big hit in the past year or so. Even the credit record I have kept for so long in the Great Desolate War Academy has been broken by you!"

Peng Hai, the demon sword, was also very happy.

He is a person who wants to start a sect, and having a powerful junior is also of great benefit to him in forming his own power in the future.

"Do you know that the name 'Vulture Li Yao' is also well-known in the cultivation world. When I was fighting in the depths of the wilderness, many practitioners asked me about you. The pressure is not small!"

Peng Hai said with a smile.

"I was able to get 40,000 points. There was a lot of luck. First, I encountered a large-scale beast swarm that broke out in the urban area. Then, in the Thunder Cup, I made the Iron Fist Club and the Chaos Blade Hall fight each other. I got the Ten thousand points are crucial!"

Li Yao was a little embarrassed.

"These are trivial things, whether it is 40,000 points or the Thunder Cup, they are just games on the university campus. Senior experts in the cultivation world don't care about these things."

Peng Hai shook his head and said, "I'm afraid you don't know yet, what really made you famous is that you walked out of the Leiyin Mountains unscathed after more than ten days of wandering!"

"Where is the Leiyin Mountain Range, everyone in the cultivation world knows it. Many foundation-building masters walked in, but they all ended up with no bones left. You have spent more than a dozen days and nights in the Leiyin Mountain Range during your Qi refining period." , It is definitely a miracle to get out of the body in the end!"

"Because of this incident, the name Vulture Li Yao was spread in the wilderness!"

Li Yao's heart moved, he took out a brand new monster detector from his backpack, and said:

"Senior Brother Peng, I've been able to roam the Leiyin Mountains for so long. On the one hand, of course it's good luck, but on the other hand, it's also because of this magic weapon I refined!" ()