Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 285: Fire!


Li Yao finally agreed to the plan of Demon Sword Peng Hai, and the two senior brothers each contributed part of the funds to form a new sect.

In this way, Li Yao and Peng Hai were tied to the same chariot.

The two have common interests and a closer relationship, which is beneficial to each other.

This sect is nominally headed by Demon Sword Peng Hai, and the daily operations are naturally handled by Shang Tianling.

In fact, there are not too many affairs to deal with, because this is an investment-oriented sect, and basically does not need too many disciples to invest in other sects to make profits.

At present, the most important investment object is the Shanhai School.

Li Yao invested most of the funds obtained from Qiulong City into this new sect and became the second largest shareholder.

In addition, he also left two sums of money, which were given to Grandpa Wang and Sun Biao, the enlightenment teacher.

As for the Miner's Children Middle School in Fuge City, he also donated part of the money and entrusted Shang Tianling to help him establish a fund to improve the quality of teaching and help students from poor families but talented in cultivation.

After dealing with trivial chores in one day, Li Yao rushed back to the Great Desolation War Academy at high speed.

In the next few days, Li Yao was very busy.

On the one hand, it is necessary to get familiar with the new experts and scholars of the Artifact Refining Department as soon as possible. Each of these senior masters has a unique personality and temper, and their artisan refining styles are also different.

Li Yao learned a lot while familiarizing himself with it.

His lightning-fast hand speed, his innate perception of magic weapons, and various whimsical modification ideas have also won unanimous praise from many experts.

On the other hand, through Yuan Manqiu, Li Yao also proposed a series of plans to the school to promote the monster detector.

Since the Great Wilderness War Institute has spent so much money on the Artifact Refining Department, of course they also hope that the Artifact Refining Department can make a difference.

As the first magical weapon with commercial value launched by the students of the refining department, the Monster Detector used school resources to give it some support, which was normal.

In this way, when Fei Lingzong pressed on from both the capital chain and the distributors, and gradually tightened the noose around the Shanhai School's neck, a larger-scale storm broke out. In the calm and calm, it is constantly brewing.

Three days later, the first bolt of lightning condensed in the storm finally fell.

"Student Li Yao. Hello, I am Gao Xueman, the reporter of the special issue of the Demon Hunter Association "Hunter". Thank you for taking the time to accept the interview!"

Looking at the short-haired woman in a neat hunting suit in front of him, Li Yao secretly clicked his tongue.

He had known that the demon sword Peng Hai and monk Tianling would do something.

But I didn't expect the energy of the two to be so great.

Demon hunter is a very special profession in the cultivation world, and is the most professional monster hunter.

They may not be the strongest. But with the richest hunting experience and wild survival skills, the efficiency of hunting monsters is much higher than that of ordinary practitioners.

For cultivators like Li Yao himself, Ding Lingdang, and Guan Xiong, hunting monsters is just a means of cultivation and accumulation of wealth.

But for a true demon hunter, hunting itself is the ultimate goal and the greatest enjoyment!

It is conceivable that the Demon Hunter Association is such a ferocious fighting group.

The special publication "Hunter" of the Demon Hunter Association is a very professional book. It is also a very influential publication in the field of comprehension. Every day, it will publish a lot of the latest information from the depths of the wilderness, as well as the combat experience of hunting monsters. Of course, the introduction of various magic weapons is also indispensable.

Many cultivators will read "Hunter" every issue to learn hunting experience and life-saving tricks.

The sales volume of "Hunter" is higher than that of the three magic weapon magazines, and it is also more authoritative in the eyes of many cultivators.

Most of the reviewers of the three magic weapon magazines are magic weapon experts.

But magic weapon experts may not be proficient in survival and fighting in the wild, and sometimes it is unavoidable that they are suspected of talking on paper.

Reporter and commentator for The Hunter. They are all well-known senior demon hunters in the comprehension world. Their evaluations of magic weapons are all based on actual combat, condensing countless blood and lessons.

If you can get the affirmation of "Hunter". Then reverse the negative impact caused by the three magic weapon magazines in one fell swoop!

"Student Li Yao, I heard that half a month ago, you wandered for ten days and ten nights in the depths of the Leiyin Mountains in the Dark Absolute Territory, and finally escaped unscathed. This has been confirmed by the Thunder training camp. , and it is said that your crystal armor was severely damaged very early on, and for ten days, you persisted with a sword."

Before Gao Xueman came to the interview, she also did enough homework, and said with a smile, "This matter is now spreading in the dark world, and many readers of our "Hunter" special issue are very curious. You are just a How did a cultivator in the Qi refining period persevere when he lost his crystal armor?"

Li Yao cleared his throat, took out a slightly damaged monster detector from his arms, and said:

"When I was in the depths of the Leiyin Mountains, encountered a thunderstorm and lost my way, even I was in despair. Fortunately, I had a magic weapon that I refined by myself. It can be said that as a practitioner in the Qi refining period , I was able to escape from the dark and impenetrable domain full of dangers and powerful monsters, all thanks to this magic weapon!"

Li Yao's words are half true and half false.

In the depths of the Leiyin Mountains, he devoured six drops of Lion Dragon's heart and blood, and under the strong pressure of the explosion of the Lion Dragon Demon Pill, he simulated the ultra-high pressure environment that the seniors of the Bailian Sect who created "Thousands of Hardening" faced. , so that "Thousands of Trials" made a breakthrough in one fell swoop.

Not only did his strength soar to the eleventh level of the Qi refining stage in an instant, but he also had a stronger physique than a body refiner of the same level!

Coupled with the powerful aura of the mutated lion and dragon against the scales, and the help of the Qiankun Ring, it was possible to roam the depths of the Leiyin Mountains for ten days and ten nights!

However, the monster detector also played an important role in this process.

Li Yao had known that a reporter would come to interview him, so he mentally typed the draft for several days, and intercepted a lot of exciting clips.

As a reporter for the special issue of "Hunter", Gao Xueman is of course an expert in survival and fighting in the wild. From time to time, she asked questions about the key points of Li Yao's speech.

What Li Yao said was the truth, he just concealed part of the content, so of course he wasn't afraid of her asking questions.

Anyway, I'll shape myself into a seven-level practitioner of Qi refining stage with good skills, and focus on the role of monster detection.

"So, this monster detector is really a magical weapon for survival in the wild?"

Gao Xueman also became interested. With rich practical experience, she is very keenly aware of the value of the monster detector.

"Miss Gao can try it for herself."

Li Yao was well prepared and brought Gao Xueman to the actual combat teaching area of the martial arts department.

The wild environment is completely imitated here, and hundreds of monsters are raised in captivity.

Gao Xueman put on the monster detector and tested it with great interest for more than half an hour. The effectiveness of this magic weapon far exceeded her imagination. After the test, she still felt unfinished.

Li Yao simply took out five monster detectors and presented them to the staff of the "Hunter" special issue.

Gao Xueman refused, and instead bought it for testing purposes.

Naturally, Li Yao couldn't ask for more.

Gao Xueman's work efficiency is quite high. On the second day after returning home, the "Hunter" special issue published a semi-documentary article titled "Ten Diaries of the Demon Mountain", which focused on Li Yao's strength at the seventh level during the Qi refining period, and The role of the monster detector.

At the end of this article, the evaluations of Gao Xueman and some staff members of the "Hunter" special issue are also attached.

Their conclusions are quite different from those of the three magic weapon magazines:

"As the first commercial magic weapon of a refiner, the monster detector still has a lot of roughness and needs to be improved, but its innovative single-lens mirror shape is indeed a major detection magic weapon. Breakthrough, its significance, has not yet been fully understood by the entire cultivation world."

"For a high-level cultivator with amazing computing power, the monster detector may not be of much importance."

"For a low-level cultivator who moves in groups, it seems unnecessary for everyone in the team to wear a monster detector."

"However, if due to an accident, a low-level cultivator wanders deep in the wilderness, then having a monster detector will undoubtedly greatly increase the probability of survival."

Although this article was placed on the second-line page of "Hunter", the high evaluation still attracted the attention of readers.

The depths of the wilderness are full of dangers and the situation is changing. Who can guarantee that there will be no accidents

Encountering powerful monsters, the team was dispersed, and wandered outside alone, waiting for rescue. This situation is not uncommon in hunting.

A magic weapon that can greatly increase the probability of survival, it is very convenient to wear, and if the price is not expensive, who would refuse it

Li Yao strikes while the iron is hot, and the cooperation with the Great Wilderness War Institute is fully rolled out.

The Great Wilderness War Institute has the greatest influence and needs the most monster detectors, and it is nothing more than the martial arts department.

Among the two student unions of the martial arts department, the Iron Fist Association, Ding Lingdang is the previous president and the current instructor. Needless to say, this relationship...

The Chaos Blade Hall is even easier to handle. Yaodao Peng Hai is the only hall master who led the Chaos Blade Hall to defeat the Iron Fist Association and reach the peak. He is still a legend of the Chaos Blade Hall.

With the support of the two of them, the school also gave the green light to the monster detector project. Coupled with Li Yao's crazy performance in the last semester, many students still have fresh memories of the credits he earned all the way. The red magic weapon is full of curiosity.

The first batch of 500 monster detectors were sold to the Great Desolation War Institute at a price that was 20% lower than the cost price.

It was converted into very cheap credits by the school, and was exchanged by the students within two days.

Regardless of the effect, just the five hundred students wearing light red monocles, walking around the campus indifferently, and their imposing manner is a unique landscape.

Not to mention, a few days later, when the students who had finished hunting in the wild returned to the campus, the hunting efficiency of most of them had improved a lot.

The Monster Beast Detector, inside the Great Desolate War Academy, caught fire all of a sudden! (.)