Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 287: Monster Detector, Youth Pioneer Edition


In the corners of well-known websites, on the outer walls of high-rise buildings in major cities and towns in the Federation, before the broadcast of many popular entertainment works, this advertisement called "Ten Days in the Demon Cave" was played repeatedly.

At the beginning, everyone just regarded it as an ordinary video advertisement.

But soon, the excellent production, the thrilling content, plus the fighting scenes from the perspective of the monster detector, full of courageous main perspective... All these distinguish "Ten Days in the Demon Cave" from ordinary advertisements.

Even if many people have seen it, they can't bear to close it, but appreciate it again with relish.

The fragments intercepted by Yaoku ten days are very ingenious. From the beginning to the end, the main character’s face never appears, and all kinds of fighting scenes are kept to a relatively low level. , highlighting the role of the monster detector everywhere.

The feeling for ordinary viewers is that if I have a monster detector, maybe I can do the same thing.

And when the audience knew that this advertisement was actually adapted from a real person, they were even more surprised and curious, and involuntarily turned on the microchip, scanned the talisman, and entered a brand new web page.

On this webpage, viewers can see a brief introduction to Li Yao, as well as interviews with Li Yao and several instructors in the Thunder training camp in the "Hunter" special issue, which proves that it is true.

In addition, Li Yao provided a series of sketches of the monster detector. Shang Tianling also invited many artists to draw out very distinctive concept drawings. They are all handsome men and women wearing monster detectors. Weapons, and the scene of a bloody fight with monsters.

The website also set up an interactive mini-game, as long as the audience uploads their own profile pictures, it can automatically generate a picture of the audience wearing a monster detector and hunting monsters in the depths of the Leiyin Mountains.

every time you enter the site. The monsters hunted are all different.

Many viewers involuntarily refreshed the webpage more than a dozen times just to collect handsome photos of themselves wearing monster detectors.

Through such indiscriminate bombing, the monster detectors gradually became popular among ordinary people. With a little fame, the advertising slogan "monster detector. life guarantee" has become familiar.


For the young suzerain "Shark" Qiu Guanyu of the Flying Spirit Sect, the past month has obviously not been very easy.

In order to suppress the Monster Beast Detector, the Flying Spirit Sect has invested a lot of resources.

Once it fails, the loss of these resources is still a trivial matter, the same kind of magic weapon refined by the Flying Spirit Sect. The serious threat to market share is the key to death.

Qiu Guanyu couldn't figure out for ten thousand times, where did the Shanhai faction get the funds, and why did they spend the money in such a weird way

Advertising campaigns cost money.

Qiu Guanyu watched the advertisement "Ten Days in the Demon's Cave" over and over a dozen times, never letting go of every detail.

He was sure that this advertisement was definitely created by the most professional literary and artistic cultivators, and the production cost alone would cost hundreds of millions.

Not to mention, all major media outlets spread across the federation.

The advertising fee that Shanhai Pai spent within a month. Absolutely astronomical

Even Qiu Guanyu was deeply shocked by the speed and courage of burning money, but he was also full of puzzles.

"Looking at the entire Federation. Several large-scale, high-quality crystal eye suppliers are all under my monitoring. There is no plan to cooperate with Shanhai School on a large scale recently."

"As for the treasure dealers, there is no news of Shanhaipai's large-scale distribution."

"That is to say, it is impossible for the Shanhai School to refine enough monster detectors, let alone push these magic weapons to the end market."

"Then the question is, Shanhai Pai spends so much money on advertising, just to promote a magic weapon that they can't refine and customers can't buy. What's the purpose?"

"With this kind of advertising efforts, it will take less than ten days and a half a month. I don't need to do anything. The advertising fee alone will overwhelm the Shanhai faction!"

According to Qiu Guanyu's idea. Even if the Shanhai faction really finds a new investor and gets a lot of money, it should first find a few high-quality crystal eye suppliers to solve the most critical crystal eye problem on the monster detector, and then win over Influential large dealers re-establish their own distribution network.

Qiu Guanyu has already deployed heavy troops in these two areas to ensure that the Shanhai School will not be able to find a high-quality crystal eye supplier in the short term, nor can it find a large magic weapon store that will sell monster detectors.

Unexpectedly, the Shanhai faction directly bypassed his impregnable line of defense.

Immediately, Qiu Guanyu felt uneasy and uneasy.

The signs of uneasiness soon became reality.

"Shanhai faction found Yudinglou, Frost and Cold Valley and Fengwuhui to provide Jingyan?"

"What the hell is this!"

Looking at the latest investigation report that emerged in Jing's mind, Qiu Guanyu was stunned.

The three suppliers that the Shanhai School sought were all small and medium-sized sects that were not well-known outside the top 500 federations, and they were not even professional refining sects.

The crystal eyes they refined had very low resolution and poor quality, so they couldn't be used on the table at all.

The use of such low-quality crystal eyes for the core components will definitely reduce the accuracy of the monster detector greatly. Which practitioner will buy it

Is the Shanhai faction seeking their own death

Qiu Guanyu was puzzled.

The following investigation report surprised him:


"Shanhai faction will launch a low-end version of the monster detector, specifically for ordinary people?"

In Qiu Guanyu's heart, a stern flash of lightning flashed in an instant.

All along, he has been caught in a misunderstanding, thinking that the Shanhai School will definitely compete with Fei Lingzong in the high-end market for cultivators.

Unexpectedly, he didn't intend to tangle with him in this market at all, and with a feint, he quietly touched the low-end market for ordinary people!

Countless ordinary people live in the monster wasteland.

There are not only miners working in major mining groups, but also residents in major towns, as well as a large number of garrisons and their families.

The number of ordinary people is hundreds of times that of cultivators.

Today, when monsters are becoming more and more rampant, they also have the need to identify monsters.

The low-end version of the monster detector is equipped with a crystal eye with low resolution. Of course, it cannot meet the needs of practitioners.

But for ordinary people, they can recognize some basic types of monsters, and know whether monsters are poisonous or not. The attack method can even distinguish the difference between monster beasts and ordinary beasts. Will suffice.

The price of the monster detector was originally not expensive.

In this way, the cost is even lower.

After all, the most valuable part of a Monster Beast Detector is the crystal eye. If the resolution is half the difference, the price may drop by three-quarters.

In the low-end market, the Flying Spirit Sect, which has always regarded itself as an expert in precision magic weapons, does not have such a powerful force that can call the wind and rain.

Only then did Qiu Guanyu know why the Shanhai faction spent so much money on advertising within a month.

Just to be among ordinary people. Be impressed with the Wicked Beast Detector!

"What is the stock price of Shanhai Pai now?"

Qiu Guanyu's nose broke out in cold sweat, took a deep breath, and asked his subordinates as calmly as possible.

"Shanhai Pai's trading has been suspended, and a press conference will be held soon. There is a new shareholder who will become a shareholder of Shanhai Pai!"

His personal assistant said very nervously.

"Okay, I finally know who is behind the Shanhai faction!"

Qiu Guanyu gritted his teeth. The news did not exceed his expectations.

If not to find a strong support. Shanhai faction's capital chain has been broken long ago, so how can there be so much money for advertising campaign

The press conference broadcast live on Lingwang will start soon.

"The new sect 'Shuangjiaohui', headed by Peng Hai, the youngest foundation-building master of the federation, has become the third largest shareholder of the Shanhai faction!"

"Yaodao Peng Hai also gladly accepted the invitation of Shangguan Jia, the head of the Shanhai School, to be the guest elder of the Shanhai School!"

"The Monster Beast Detector that Shanhai School is currently promoting vigorously, its inventor, Li Yao, is the younger brother of Monster Sword Peng Hai, and also one of the shareholders of the Shuangjiao Club!"

"Through this shareholding, the cooperation between the two parties is bound to be closer, and it can also be seen that each other is full of strong confidence in the monster detector project!"

Qiu Guanyu's face was livid, looking at the center of the light curtain. The head of the Shanhai School, Shangguan Jia, elder Jiang Wenbo, Guan Xiong, Yaodao Peng Hai and others, were surrounded by many reporters. He walked up to the front desk with a happy face.

Yaodao Peng Hai took the amplifier crystal stick and said with a smile:

"My friends in the press and financial circles. Today's press conference actually has three purposes."

"The first, of course, is to make the cooperative relationship between me and the Shanhai faction public."

"Second, I would also like to take this opportunity to present to you the latest magic weapon refined by our Shanhai School, the 'Monster Detector Youth Pioneer Edition', which is specially designed for people who work, live, and explore in the wilderness. Popular magic weapon, while retaining most of the magical powers, the price is further reduced, and the speed and method of displaying information have been specially optimized for ordinary people."

"I believe that many people have seen the advertisement of "Ten Days in the Demon Cave". The protagonist in it, my junior brother Li Yao, relied on this magic weapon to escape!"

"But before I introduce it in detail, please allow me to invite another distinguished guest for everyone, please."


The veil that had been hiding behind everyone was slowly lifted, revealing the full name of the press conference:

"Shanhai faction and Zhanyue Jianzong joint new product launch conference!"

Demon Sword Peng Hai dragged out his tone, and said slowly:

"Zhanyue Sword Sect, Bu Changfeng Deputy Sect Master!"

As a short, fat man with a red face slowly walked up to the front desk, the sound of "buzzing" became louder and louder.

The news that Yaodao Peng Hai took a stake in the Shanhai faction, everyone had heard some rumors in advance.

But how did the Shanhai faction and Zhanyue Jianzong get involved again

Besides, isn't the Monster Beast Detector a magical weapon exclusively refined by the Shanhai School? What does this joint release mean


Shark Qiu Guanyu's expression changed, and he couldn't help standing up.

Zhanyue Sword Sect is one of the five hundred strongest in the Federation, and its strength should not be underestimated.

However, Zhanyue Sword Sect has always been a very pure sword cultivator sect, good at refining and using flying swords, and it is incompatible with Feiling Sect and Shanhai Sect.

I have never heard that Zhanyue Sword Sect intends to enter the precision magic weapon refining industry!

In Qiu Guanyu's heart, the shadow of uneasiness rapidly expanded.

"Flying swords and monster detectors are completely irrelevant magic weapons. The deputy lord of the Zhanyue Sword Sect appears at this moment. What is he doing?" ()