Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 29: The man who forged the demon sword


The old man who walked over had gray and thinning hair, gray eyes, and seemed to have cataracts.

Li Yao remembered that when school started, he went to the warehouse with his classmates to collect school uniforms, and had seen this old man surnamed Sun.

"He is not an ordinary warehouse manager. I heard that this old man 'Sun Biao' was already the school's martial arts teacher more than 70 years ago. He is a very powerful master, and his vision is very poisonous. Cultivating a genius, he was the one who saw the extraordinaryness of "Demon Sword Peng Hai" in the slums, and recruited Peng Haite into the school! However, he is already over 150 years old, and he did not teach students ten years ago. He is considered semi-retired He just came to the school where he had worked all his life as a warehouse keeper to pass the time. Although he is thin and unremarkable, he has a high prestige in the school. Even the principal Zhao The bald man will sell him some face!" Meng Jiang is the gossip king in the school, and he introduced it endlessly.

"The person who discovered the 'Demon Sword Peng Hai'!" Li Yao was in awe.

"I didn't expect Elder Sun to show up. It seems that things are turning around. Remember, be smart in front of his old man. Maybe it's a blessing or a curse. Go!" Meng Jiang pushed Li Yao hard, and suddenly said ,"and many more!"

"Huh?" Li Yao stopped.

"Xiao Yao, you just said that in the face of the threat of the enemy, you must fight to the end first, and then reason or compromise. It sounds very imposing—but what if you can't fight?" Thinking about Li Yao's words, the more he thought about it, the more he felt cool, dazzling and domineering, but he faintly felt that something was wrong, and only now did he realize it.

"Run if you can't fight, suffer if you can't escape, and die if you can't!" Li Yao rolled his eyes at his best friend and walked towards the warehouse manager Sun Biao.

He was a full head taller than Sun Biao. Standing in front of him, he could only see a thin-haired head covered with age spots, which seemed ordinary.

Li Yao was extremely nervous, his heart was beating wildly - the other party was the one who discovered the "Demon Sword Peng Hai"!

Sun Biao tilted his neck to the side, as if his cervical spine was not very good, he turned his head with some difficulty, and looked carefully for a long time.

His gaze was like that of a fanatical gourmet staring at a piece of tender and juicy veal. It wasn't until Li Yao's scalp felt numb and his back felt cold that the old man said slowly, "The magnesium powder is well sprinkled!"

Li Yao was taken aback for a moment, but couldn't help smiling. He also felt that he had sprinkled a good hand of chalk powder, and that he would seize the opportunity with one move and secure the victory.

Otherwise, with Zhao Liang's 60% spiritual root development speed, it's not certain who will beat the other into a pig's head if they fight honestly!

"However—" Sun Biao changed the subject, and stretched out two fingers like dead branches, "If it were me, what I sprinkled would not be magnesium powder, but iron sand in sandbags. Pierce the opponent's retina, causing the opponent to completely lose their eyesight! Then sprinkle iron nails on the ground, the opponent can't see, step on it, the sole of the foot will definitely be pierced! Although it is not fatal, but this kind of good baby who grew up in the greenhouse is most afraid of It hurts, he must have lost his mobility! His eyesight and mobility have been lost, and he can be killed in just two seconds!"

Li Yao was stunned when he heard it, and it took him a long time to react. He couldn't help arguing: "The situation was so urgent at that time, it would be great if I could sneak a handful of magnesium powder, how could I have time to cut open the sandbag to get the iron sand inside? Iron nails are even more important. Exaggeration, how can there be a lot of iron nails in the gymnasium for me?"

Sun Biao "hehe" smirked twice: "As a fighter, of course, you have to be ready to fight every second of the 24 hours a day. Little bits and pieces like iron sand and nails are basically You should carry it with you, even when you take a shower, you have to put a nail in your asshole! You don’t even have the most basic preparations for this, how dare you come out and learn how to fight like others?”

Li Yao was at a loss for words for a while, and suddenly felt that this old man was a hundred times more despicable and shameless than himself.

Sun Biao snorted coldly and continued: "But these days, there are fewer and fewer young people who can really fight. I think you have some potential. Go, go to my place, and chat with the old man!"

With that said, he turned around and walked towards the warehouse with his hands behind his back.

Li Yao hesitated for a moment, and followed the old man obediently.

Then he discovered a strange thing—Sun Biao seemed to be trembling, moving in small steps, and could be blown down with a single sneeze, but the speed was not slow at all, and it seemed that there were eyes on the back of his head, following Li Yao's The speed changes, always keeping five meters in front of him.

Li Yao was a little unbelieving, so he gritted his teeth and simply used "Spiritual Snake Footwork" to trot all the way.

Sun Biao still staggered with his hands behind his back.

But no matter how Li Yao speeded up, or even sweated profusely from running, he couldn't shorten the distance by even a single strand of hair!

"Is it an extremely brilliant martial art footwork, or an immortal cultivation method like shrinking the ground to an inch?" Li Yao was extremely surprised.

It wasn't until a few classmates walked by slowly that he suddenly realized that it wasn't that Sun Biao was walking too fast, but that he was too slow!

He obviously used the "Spiritual Snake Footwork" to run extremely fast, but after running for a long time, he still couldn't run the distance of ten meters. He didn't realize that something was wrong until his classmates passed by!

"Could it be a mental illusion attack?" Li Yao's scalp was numb, and he finally realized that Sun Biao was unfathomable. He didn't dare to do anything else, stopped his steps, and followed Sun Biao obediently with his tail between his legs.

Strange to say, he stopped his pace, and the speed of the two of them increased inconceivably. The No. 9 gymnasium was about a thousand meters away from the logistics warehouse, but they saw the warehouse gate after only a minute of walking.

The logistics warehouse is a small gray building, the outer skin of many places has peeled off, exposing the yellow-brown bricks and stones, which looks a bit ugly.

It doesn't look big, but there is a world inside. After going through a lot of logistics supplies, Li Yao appeared in front of him, which was a training field the size of a standard psionic field.

Dumbbells, barbells, butterfly machines, squat machines, strength testing machines, crystal jelly clay doll boxing targets... all kinds of training equipment are available.

However, most of them are models from decades ago. They are big, thick, black, rusty, and faintly reveal a rough and sturdy atmosphere.

All the training equipment is covered with dust, it seems that it has not been used for a long time.

Walking to the center of the practice field, Sun Biao turned around and suddenly did something that Li Yao couldn't even guess.

This 150-something-year-old retired old teacher who had discovered the "Demon Sword Peng Hai" and was highly respected, even bowed deeply to Li Yao, and his voice suddenly became extremely serious: "First of all, Li Yao, please accept my apology."