Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 292: key issues


"The meaning of what I said is that I hope that you will not be disturbed by external factors. The superficial data of the Tiger King armor is indeed very gorgeous, but our mysterious bone armor also has its own advantages."

"First, the overall frame technology of the Mysterious Bone Battle Armor comes from the fragments of jade slips from the Star Sea Empire era. This frame structure was refined on the battlefield, and even surpassed the level of the Tianyuan Realm. This is why we spent so much money on it. Time has not thoroughly understood it, which is the biggest reason for slowing down the progress."

"Secondly, all of you here are experts from the Grassroots School and have extensive experience in refining mass-produced magic weapons. Perhaps the magic weapons we have refined are not as exquisite and gorgeous as those from the Elite School. Scary, but in terms of stability and failure rate, we are definitely the first in the Federation!"

"Third, although price is not the only decisive factor, a price that is more than half cheaper than the other is still very attractive when the performance of the two parties is almost the same."

"In the past month, everyone must have heard some rumors that the tides of psionic energy in the Dark Absolute Territory are becoming more frequent and more intense!"

"Tides are the periodic activities of seawater under the action of the gravitational force of celestial bodies."

"And the more intense the psionic tidal activity, it means that we are getting stronger and stronger under the gravitational pull of another great world."

"This shows that the distance between the blood demon world and us is getting closer."

"Perhaps within a few years, there will be a semi-permanent wormhole between the Tianyuan Realm and the Blood Demon Realm that can allow thousands of troops to pass through."

"This is the key reason why the military is eager to equip standard crystal armor."

"With the same war budget, if you purchase all the Tiger King battle armor, you can form five crystal armor masters; but if you purchase the mysterious bone battle armor, you can form ten or fifteen crystal armor masters! This is our advantage!"

"So, let's work together!"

"Didn't we expect that the Deep Sea University and the Golden Armor Sect would come up with an extremely powerful crystal armor? Seeing it today, it's nothing more than that! My confidence is stronger, and the Xuanbone Battle Armor will definitely defeat the tiger. Wang Zhankai!"

Yuan Manqiu said something. It made everyone feel hot.

These grassroots refiners have been suffocating for decades under the comprehensive suppression of the elite faction.

Even if it is just to let out a sigh of relief, to prove that the path he is walking is correct, he must refine the mysterious bone battle armor!

"Sister Yuan is right. The biggest feature of the Mysterious Bone Battle Armor is that its frame adopts the technology of the Star Sea Empire era, far surpassing the level of the Tian Yuan Realm, and its ability to survive on the battlefield is extremely strong!"

"In terms of power system, great progress has also been made recently..."

"The basic layout of the detection magic weapon. It has also been completed..."

Many experts and scholars discussed in full swing.

Only a few material science experts and reaction furnace experts huddled in the corner silently, and when everyone had finished speaking, they said in embarrassment:

"There are still some problems in the refining of the ultra-high compression crystal element reactor. We tried to use hundreds of common materials to refine the reactor, but the strength is still not enough. Although it will not be like last time, in the laboratory It just explodes. But on a dangerous battlefield, if it is corroded and hit hard, it may be damaged, leak or even explode."

These words suppressed the flame that had just ignited in everyone's hearts.

However, these experts and scholars are also well aware that the reactor cauldron is originally the most difficult component of crystal armor to refine.

The Star Federation has never appeared before, and it does not use the reaction furnace of Tiancaidibao at all.

Even in Tiger King's battle armor, 90% of the natural treasures can be artificially synthesized, but the real natural treasures are still used in the reactor cauldron.

It is because of the hardness and strength requirements of the reaction furnace. It's too high.

Can the Great Desolate War Institute do things that even the Deep Sea University has not been able to do

"This is not a problem!"

Yuan Manqiu knocked on the table and said firmly, "We still have half a year to go. There must be a solution, let's go here first today!"

The sun sets and night falls.

Li Yao sat under the statue of the black bone battle armor, looking at the stars lit up one by one, his mind turned.

With the rebuilding of the refining system, most of the ruins have been cleared away and around the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor. A dozen big trees were also transplanted from other places, and a small park was built.

When the evening wind blows, it is cool.

Li Yao likes to sit and think under the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor.

Every time he comes here, he feels that his mind is very clear, his thinking is very quick, and all kinds of wonderful ideas come to his mind continuously.

He felt that there was a very special connection between himself and the mysterious bone battle armor.

It seems that it is destined to be born in my own hands, to gallop the universe with me, and shine on the galaxy!

"Tiger King's battle armor is really powerful!"

Li Yao repeatedly played the press conference of Shenhai University through the micro-chip, especially the test screen of the Tiger King armor.

The more I look at it, the more intense the fire in my heart burns.

It is not easy to defeat such an enemy. Although the teacher said that there are many hidden dangers in the King Tiger's armor, there are still half a year left, and Shen Hai University must go all out to tackle key problems and solve problems one by one.

On the side of the Great Desolation War Academy, the most critical issue of the reaction furnace was like a mountain, lying in front of everyone, blocking all hope.

Li Yao leaned on the remains of the mysterious bone battle armor, closed his eyes, and fell into meditation.

"There are two most critical performance indicators for the reactor cauldron. One is the strength of the material, which must be able to withstand high pressure and heavy impact from both inside and outside for a long time."

"The second is the sealing of the spiritual energy. It is absolutely impossible to allow the spiritual energy to penetrate through the tiny gaps in the material."

"The second point is easy to solve. The airtightness of ordinary materials is not good, but in Bailianzong, there are several special paints and talisman arrays, which can firmly lock the spiritual energy."

"But to increase the strength of ordinary materials..."

The Bailianzong 40,000 years ago had some secret methods, which could increase the strength of ordinary materials through repeated tempering and tempering, even to the extent that they could be compared to heavenly materials and earthly treasures.

But all of these secret methods are forged by hand, and it takes a very long time, and the success rate is very low.

With Li Yao's current strength, it would probably take several months to manually forge such a precise magic weapon component as the reaction furnace, and the final product still has various flaws.

Such efficiency is far from meeting the needs of mass production.

Therefore, Li Yao just extracted part of the talismans and tempering methods used to strengthen the materials, and planned to communicate with several experts and professors in a few days.

As for purely handcrafted, it can only be used on its own special crystal armor, and mass-produced crystal armor cannot be applied.

After pondering for a long time, but still unable to figure out why, Li Yao was a little restless.

Looking back inadvertently, my heart suddenly moved.

The remains of the Xuanbone battle armor have been standing here for more than a year. During the period, it was exposed to wind, rain, sun and rain. Although the whole body is made of alloy materials, it looks a bit bleak after all.

"Anyway, I can't think of it for a while. Why don't you help this wreck do some maintenance, and study its internal structure by the way."

The wreckage of the mysterious bone battle armor has been shattered by the psionic tidal explosion, the skeleton is distorted, and many components have turned into a puddle of mud and melted together.

Looking at the entire Xingyao Federation, there are not many refiners who can maintain such a pair of crystal armor.

However, this is not a problem for Li Yao. In the scrapped crystal armor warehouse in Thunder Training Camp, he has maintained even worse crystal armor than this.

As soon as he said it, Li Yao had a thought, and extracted seven or eight kinds of fine maintenance tools from the Qiankun Ring, which were running like flying between his fingers, shining brightly.

After returning to the Great Desolate War Academy, the first thing he did was to use the materials obtained in the Absolute Darkness to create a complete set of more than 325 maintenance tools.

For the tweezers alone, twelve were built in one go according to different uses.

These tools are all based on his father's teaching, plus the experience and lessons in Ou Yezi's memory fragments, after repeated pondering.

In the entire Tianyuan world, this family is the only one, there is no other semicolon.

If a worker wants to do a good job, he must first sharpen his tools. With this set of maintenance tools, Li Yao is even more powerful.

He climbed onto the base, held the shoulder guard of the mysterious bone battle armor with his left hand, and quickly removed the crystal armor components one by one with his right hand running like the wind.

Gradually, the reactor cauldron behind the mysterious bone battle armor was revealed.

Li Yao pondered for a while, and simply took down the reactor cauldron first, holding it in his arms as if holding a small watermelon, sitting cross-legged, and observing carefully under the bright moonlight.

The material used to refine the reaction furnace is the strongest among all materials. Therefore, in the psionic tidal explosion, the reaction furnace was not damaged, but slightly deformed.

On the top of the reaction furnace cauldron, thousands of runes are densely engraved, connected in series before and after, forming a rune array covering the entire surface.

On one side of the reactor cauldron, a long and narrow opening was torn open, and the black hole looked like an eye.

Li Yao knew that this was the main culprit of Psionic Plagiarism Big Bang.

The super-compressed spiritual energy was so violent that it tore the shell of the reactor cauldron and spewed out from the opening, piercing through several walls in a row, rushing to the spar warehouse, triggering a chain reaction, which led to the tragedy happened.

Looking at it, Li Yao suddenly felt a faint cold wind blowing from the bottom of his heart, and he felt a numbness all over his body, as if something was looking at him through the void.

Li Yao blinked his eyes. For some reason, he intuitively felt that this "thing" was not malicious, but instead had a very friendly, "like-minded" flavor.

After searching for a long time, Li Yao's gaze stayed on the gap in the reaction furnace.

A strange light flashed through the gaps like black eyes. (.)
