Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 293: Void body


The green light, like a ray of flame that is about to be extinguished in the cold wind, flashed across Li Yao's retina, and then disappeared without a trace.

Li Yao held his breath, stretched out a spiritual thread, and penetrated into the reaction furnace.

But when passing through the gap, he encountered a strange existence like a thin film.


It was as if a soap bubble had been punctured by him, and a faint sigh came from the gap, followed by a series of small green light spots, like shining dandelion seeds, gushing out, dancing with the wind under the night sky.

Li Yao was dumbfounded, he had never seen such a weird thing before.

It looks like transparent fireflies, bunches of weak flowers, and more like a living flame demon spirit.

They danced lightly around Li Yao, their trajectories carried some unpredictable rules, as if sending out a mysterious message.

Li Yao protruded more spiritual threads from the spiritual root, and stabbed lightly at the bunches of green fire respectively.


In an instant, hundreds of fires of information exploded in his mind, causing him to "see" and "hear" countless things.

He seemed to be surrounded by tens of thousands of pictures at the same time.

Most of them are mysterious and complicated experiments and refining process, and a small part is the scene of some people cheering and crying with joy.

"The Mysterious Bone Project, ∞↓ is finally about to succeed!"

These words echoed repeatedly in Li Yao's mind.

Followed by bursts of heroic laughter.

He could even feel a very strong sense of pride, pride, excitement and relief.

"This is-"

When Li Yao stood there blankly and spent an entire hour digesting all the information flow, he suddenly found that in the depths of his memory, there were countless experimental data and refining methods related to the Mysterious Bone Project.

The originally vague concepts and conjectures became extremely clear, and every detail of the Xuangu plan was connected together. Like a shining crystal mansion, it stands in his mind.

This feeling, like the inspiration of hundreds of people, exploded in his mind alone, creating brilliant fireworks!

Look at the sky again. The fireflies disappeared at some point.

Li Yao rubbed his cheeks hard to make sure that all this is definitely not an illusion.

He probed the spirit silk into the reaction furnace cauldron again.

Hundreds of transparent fireflies became extremely weak and fell into a long dead silence. Li Yao could even clearly feel that the spiritual energy was passing away from them.

Maybe it won't be long before these transparent fireflies will be fragmented and gone with the wind.

Li Yao's heart was beating like a drum, and he vaguely felt that he had discovered a great secret, so he hurried through the micro crystal brain. Contacted the instructor.

Ten minutes later, Yuan Manqiu arrived at the scene.

She took the reactor cauldron, closed her eyes, and sank into it, while listening to Li Yao's narration of what happened.

"Since more than half a year ago, I like to sit under the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor and meditate, because here, my mind is very active. My thinking is very clear, and I will pop up one thought after another that even frightens me. Then It feels like there are countless master craftsmen who are discussing and communicating with me!"

"As time went by, this feeling became more and more intense. I even had an illusion that the mysterious bone battle armor was not a statue. It was not a wreck, but one, no, dozens of them. Hundreds of real people!"

"Until today. I heard that when the instructors were exchanging progress, they found that everyone was stuck in the refining of the reactor cauldron."

"So I sat here again, thinking about this problem, and thought that I might as well dismantle the old reactor cauldron and try to figure out its structure carefully, maybe I can make some discoveries, and the result—"

Li Yao told the wonderful phenomenon he observed.

To his surprise, Yuan Manqiu's expression was neither surprise, nor joy, nor doubt, but a touch of sadness.

It was as if a wound that had already scabbed was torn open again, and painful memories that had been buried for a long time surfaced again.

Li Yao rarely saw such an expression on the teacher's face.

Yuan Manqiu always gave him the impression that he was in a hurry, but once he encountered a major event, he seemed calm and composed, with an extremely firm heart.

Therefore, although she is not the highest among the grassroots refiners, so many grassroots refiners are still willing to advance the Xuangu project under her leadership.

Li Yao had only seen this expression on her face once.

It was the time when Professor Mo Xuan died when the Fukong Mountain of the Artifact Refining Department exploded.

"Teacher, did you perceive it?"

Li Yao was a little nervous.


Yuan Manqiu shook his head lightly, and said with a bit of bitterness.

"how come?"

Li Yao was stunned for a moment, took over the reaction furnace, and re-perceived it.

Although it was very faint, the hundreds of transparent fireflies were indeed there, emitting an extremely dim light.

I am only in the Qi refining period, and I can feel it.

The teacher is in the foundation building period, there is no reason why he can't perceive it!

"I believe in your perception, it is definitely not an illusion, I think, it should be the ethereal body."

Yuan Manqiu's voice was a little lonely.

"Ethereal body?"

Li Yao blinked his eyes.

He had heard of the term Void Spirit Body, but he didn't understand it in detail, and he had never encountered it on the road of cultivation in the past.

Yuan Manqiu seemed to have exhausted all his strength, supported the base of the mysterious bone battle armor, sat down slowly, and said lightly:

"Have you ever seen a ghost?"

Li Yao nodded:

"Of course I've seen ghosts. I'm still good friends with many ghosts. Besides, in our school, aren't there some teachers who are ghost cultivators?"

The good friends he mentioned were Ding Yin and Wei Qingqing.

A year and a half ago, on the way to the Great Desolation War Academy, the crystal rail train encountered an outbreak of beasts. Seven cultivators sacrificed to protect the entire train of ordinary people. In the end, only two souls of the cultivators survived and were transformed into After Ghost Xiu, it was Ding Yin and Wei Qingqing.

After Li Yao went to the Great Desolation War Academy, the two of them also went to the Federation's Academy of Ghosts for ghost cultivators to learn how to be ghosts.

Afterwards, the two sides often corresponded, Li Yao and Ding Yin exchanged ideas on how to refine weapons, and occasionally read Wei Qingqing's latest pure literature masterpiece, and their friendship continued to deepen.

A year later, Ding Yin and Wei Qingqing finished their studies at the Underworld Academy and went their separate ways.

Ding Yin joined the "ghost brigade" specially set up for ghost cultivators in the federal army, and became an army weapon refiner, who specialized in helping the ghost cultivators in the ghost brigade maintain their health.

Wei Qingqing also realized her dream, entered a primary school and became a primary school teacher.

It's just that this elementary school is a bit special, all the students are children who died young.

Death is like a lamp going out, not everyone has the opportunity to become a ghost.

A cultivator with a strong soul has a higher chance of becoming a ghost, but for ordinary people, the chance of becoming a ghost is very small.

Among ordinary people, there are several types of people who have a higher probability of becoming ghosts than ordinary people.

For example, people who were born or died at a certain time and place; people who died wearing red clothes; people with great resentment and attachment.

Another one is the child who died prematurely.

Because the fire of life of a child has just been ignited, and the soul has not been over-consumed, it is more pure than that of an adult, so the probability of it remaining intact after death is higher.

In the ancient world of comprehension, the souls of children who died prematurely were the best material for cultivation.

Many frenzied cultivators even intentionally use cruel means to kill children to obtain ghosts to refine insidious magic weapons.

In modern times, the situation is of course different.

The Star Federation's protection of ghost rights has almost been raised to the same level as human rights.

In particular, the youth ghosts who died before the age of eighteen even introduced the "Xingyao Federation Minor Ghost Protection Law", which stipulates that minor ghosts have the same rights and obligations to receive education as minors.

Wei Qingqing went to such a school specially for little ghosts.

She also sent a photo to Li Yao, which was a group photo of her and the students in the class.

Of course it is not in the form of a puppet, but in a dark room, activated the revealing talisman, and photographed it with special crystal eyes.

In the photo, Wei Qingqing and the children are like moving crystal statues, crystal clear and lifelike, smiling indescribably happily.

Li Yao was also sincerely happy for her.

With such two friends, Li Yao is no stranger to ghosts, nor does he resist them.

But the transparent fireflies inside the reaction furnace don't look like ghosts in any way!

"Ethereal bodies are not ghosts in the usual sense, or you can understand them as ghosts of a lower dimension, ghosts in a two-dimensional state."

Yuan Manqiu said.

"A two-dimensional ghost?"

Li Yao really couldn't understand.

Yuan Manqiu nodded:

"That's right, even though things like ghosts have escaped the shackles of the human body, they still retain self-awareness, know who they are, and remember most of the things that happened in the past."

"But this situation cannot last for too long."

"If you can't find your physical body, and you can't hide in a metal puppet through digital methods, and you don't know the secret method of ghost cultivation, then soon, ghosts will decompose, melt, and collapse like ice and snow under the sun. .”

"In this process, the first thing you lose is your sense of self, you forget who you are."

"The second loss is memory, unable to remember past events."

"The last thing they lost was the attachment, the thing that they have always been worried about and never forget."

"Once the attachment is gone, once it is over, the ghost will completely disappear."

"However, if they are affected by external forces during this process, or if their persistence is too strong, it is also possible to temporarily retain it in a special way, minimize the speed of dissipation, and become a lower one. The ghost of the dimension, that is the 'Ethereal Body'!"

"You can think of the ethereal body as having lost self-awareness and memory, and only retains a trace of strong attachment, 'unfortunate death'!" (Please search for Piaotian Literature, better update faster!
