Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 294: We fight together!


After a pause, Yuan Manqiu said thoughtfully:

"It's no wonder that we didn't even find a ghost during the big bang. It stands to reason that many of the teachers and students at that time were high-level masters in the Qi refining period and foundation building period. A ghost or two."

"According to my speculation, the explosion was too strong. After hundreds of teachers and students fell instantly, most of the souls disappeared. Only a small number of souls were so persistent that they turned into ethereal bodies."

"At this time, all the spiritual energy in the reactor cauldron has leaked out, and the center of the explosion has become the spar warehouse next to it."

"The reaction furnace itself is refined for the purpose of storing psionic energy. It is extremely strong and is the best shelter."

"These ethereal bodies hid in there until they were discovered by you."

Li Yao said happily:

"Teacher, are you saying that there are still many brothers and teachers who exist in another form of life? Even including Professor Mo Xuan?"

Yuan Manqiu smiled bitterly, and said lightly:

"Li Yao, ethereal bodies and ghosts are different."

"Although the ghost has lost its physical body, it still retains clear self-awareness and memory. It knows where it came from and where it is going. It can also be observed and perceived by us in various ways, and it can interact with us."

"Once the ghost enters the metal puppet, it's like a person who uses spiritual prosthetics all over his body. How is it different from ordinary disabled people?"

"Therefore, in the entire modern cultivation world, the basic rights of ghosts are recognized, and they are regarded as another form of human beings, a special kind of 'disabled'."

"But the ethereal body is different."

"The imaginary body lost its memory, withered its consciousness, and couldn't think. It was just a fragment of the soul, or even a reflection of the soul."

"To put it bluntly, the ethereal body is a kind of spirit!"

"If ghosts are regarded as a bonfire lit in the dark night, then the ethereal body is at best a spark that bursts out of the bonfire."

"Most ethereal bodies exist for a short time. No matter how strong the attachment is, it will be exhausted within a few months without the blessing of the soul."

"These ethereal bodies have been hidden in the reaction furnace for more than a year, and you can still perceive them. It is already a miracle."

"But you also said that they are becoming more and more dim, and they will disappear completely in a short time!"

"So, don't think of ethereal bodies as another form of life. They're just a ray of light emanating from life."

"It's like the relationship between you and your photo. No matter how similar a 3D photo is to you, it's not you after all!"

Li Yao was silent.

Suddenly, I understood why the teacher was so lonely.

He thought he found Professor Mo Xuan's soul, but in fact he just found a "photo of the soul".

The teacher is naturally melancholy when he sees things and thinks about others.

"More importantly, the imaginary body is not something that everyone can perceive!"

Yuan Manqiu took a deep breath, her voice trembling, "The imaginary body is a special existence created by strong attachment, and it is a kind of pure spirit. 9999% of people cannot perceive their existence."

"Even if they have the same persistence and spirit as them, they still need to stay next to the ethereal body for a very long time before they can slowly adapt to the spiritual energy fluctuations of the ethereal body and perceive their existence!"

Li Yao's heart moved, as if he had realized something.

His fingers gently slid across the icy shell of the reactor cauldron.

There seemed to be a piercing pain coming from the fingertips, as if the reaction furnace was burned hot by an indelible spirit!

"Is this why you are stubbornly staying in this world?"

"You are not willing to let the mysterious bone battle armor sink. You want to see the day when it shines all over the world!"

"Even if there is no physical body, even if even the soul is annihilated, your spirit is still burning, shining, waiting, desperately trying to communicate with me, and pass on your hard work and experience. Help The mysterious bone battle armor is reborn from the ashes!"

Li Yao completely understood.

The ethereal body is the crystallization of human spirit and will, and it is an obsession that even death can't erase!

And the persistence of the teachers and students of the refining department is the mysterious bone battle armor!

I like to meditate under the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor, and most of my thoughts are about the refining system and the mysterious bone battle armor.

Everyone is "like-minded", and after a long period of time, I slowly perceive the fluctuations of the ethereal body.

This may have something to do with the fact that his brain has been seized twice.

His brain is the most unique existence in the entire Tianyuan world!

Today, however, he was shocked by the strength of the Tiger King's battle armor, and a strong sense of competitiveness surged deep in his heart. His persistence and hope for the mysterious bone battle armor soared to the extreme, and on a whim, he dismantled the mysterious bone battle armor and studied the reactor. Ding structure.

This series of chances and coincidences allowed him to observe so many ethereal bodies clearly!

Even with Yuan Manqiu who has the same obsession with the mysterious bone battle armor, although her cultivation base is deeper than Li Yao's, she doesn't have the habit of thinking under the statue of the mysterious bone battle armor every day, and her brain is not like Li Yao's. After seizing the house twice, it got a weird development, so it couldn't perceive the existence of the ethereal body.

Seeing his suddenly enlightened expression, Yuan Manqiu said:

"Now you understand, in the world of comprehension, people who can see the ethereal body are called observers."

"You are the observer of these more than a hundred ethereal bodies."

"And according to your description, you can see their shapes, hear their sighs, even perceive their refining images, and get their experience inheritance."

"Then your observation is very deep, and you can be regarded as a strong observer."

"Such strong observers are rare. I am afraid no one will be able to observe them except you."

Li Yao finally understood the whole reason why Yuan Manqiu was so lonely.

Even if it's just the spirit and will, if you can feel it, it might be a kind of comfort.

But the teacher couldn't even perceive the last trace of Professor Mo Xuan's spirit and will, knowing that it was there, but he had to convey it through himself.

This kind of taste is really uncomfortable.

Li Yao's fists were slowly clenched, and in the silent park, the bones made a clear explosion sound, as if two spar bombs were held in the palm of his hand, and they were crushed and exploded by him!

"Teacher, you said that the ethereal body is a ghost in a low-dimensional form that confuses itself and loses its memory. Is there a way—"

Li Yao paused every word, and said seriously, "How about making them return to a high-dimensional form, regain their memory, and restore themselves?"

Yuan Manqiu was stunned for a moment, as if being stabbed by the invisible flames ejected from Li Yao's body, he couldn't open his eyes. After a long time, he said:

"It's hard."

"Whether it is the history of the Star Federation or the ancient books of the Star Sea Empire that we have, there are thousands of examples of ethereal bodies observed, but most of the ethereal bodies are annihilated within a year after being observed. "

"With less than a one-thousandth chance, the imaginary body will regain its memory and self-awareness, and turn back into a ghost."

"According to the inference of experts who study the ethereal body, this is not only related to the ethereal body itself, but also related to the observer of the ethereal body."

"If a ghost wanders in the wild for too long, is disturbed by electromagnetic storms and cosmic radiation, and slowly loses consciousness and memory, there is no way to recover it, because those memories and consciousness are completely annihilated."

Li Yao couldn't help but interjected:

"Teacher, these ethereal bodies in our refining system should be different. They were transformed into ethereal bodies by a strong psionic energy tide at the moment of the big bang, and they have been hiding in the reaction furnace ever since. Block most electromagnetic interference and cosmic radiation."

"It is very likely that their consciousness and memory have not peeled off, and still exist in a special form!"

Yuan Manqiu hesitated for a moment, nodded and said:

"It's possible that after the big bang, all the high-level cultivators in our school immediately searched, but they didn't even find a trace of ghosts. This shows that they were transformed into ghosts in an instant."

"However, even if their consciousness and memory are still there, it is very difficult to get them back completely, or in other words, there is no definite method at all!"

"From past examples, we only know two things."

"First, the communication between the observer and the ethereal body can slow down the annihilation speed of the ethereal body as much as possible."

"Secondly, inherit the will of the ethereal body, fight under the light of their spirit, accomplish what they strongly desire to do, and resonate with the ethereal body, which can greatly enhance the power of the ethereal body."

"Even, let them regain their memory and consciousness, and restore them to a high-dimensional form!"

In the darkness, Li Yao's eyes were shining brightly.

He hugged the reaction furnace cauldron tightly in his arms, feeling a raging flame ignited between his chest and abdomen, rushing up to the top of his head along his throat, breaking through the sky spirit cover, and rushing to the sky!

"That is to say, as long as the mysterious bone battle armor is successfully refined and becomes the strongest mass-produced crystal armor in the Star Federation, it is possible for teachers and senior brothers to find themselves?"

Li Yao murmured, "Very good!"

"When I first arrived at the Artifact Refining Department, it was still in ruins. I dug out many jade slips from my teacher and senior brothers in the ruins, and learned a lot from them."

"I have always been full of respect for all the teachers and brothers, and I am very sorry that I cannot listen to the teacher's teachings with all the brothers."

"Now, we finally have the opportunity to fight side by side, let the mysterious bone battle armor dominate the world, and knock down all the tiger king battle armor!"

"One day, you will wake up from the abyss of chaos and see with your own eyes the glory and pride of your own creation!"


Li Yao narrowed his eyes, pulled out a blank light curtain from the micro-chip, activated the divine sense of surveying and mapping, and quickly drew design drawings one by one, "I was communicating with all the brothers and teachers just now, and suddenly I have obtained a new kind of inspiration, which may be able to solve the problem of the reactor!" (.)
