Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3: Different dream


"Fuck, Li Yao, no wonder everyone calls you 'Shadowless Hand'. This 11-model Mustang GT you modified can reach 100 yards in three seconds. It's like a completely new car. I'm so happy Shoot!"


"1 minute and 59 seconds! 1 minute and 59 seconds! God, did I read it wrong? A new underground car god is born!"


"Promise me, don't go racing again, and be a car maintenance technician honestly. No one will look down on you. One day, we will have our own 4S shop!"


"Brother Yao, Brother Yao, I beg you, please help me, one last time, except you, who can run the entire Zhijiang Road in 1 minute and 59 seconds? You will die, you will die!"


"Doctor! Doctor! Help him! He's only 23 years old!"


Amidst piercing screams, Li Yao suddenly jumped up from the floor, dripping with cold sweat.

The morning light was shining outside the window, and the light curtain device was still playing classic old songs in "Yi Yi Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Ya Yai", the young man was sluggish like a puppet for half a minute, and then gradually broke free from the incomparably real nightmare.

This nightmare was his biggest secret, and even his father hadn't told it. Ever since he could remember, he would have the same strange dream every now and then, like a... lingering memory.

In the dream, although the same name is Li Yao, he has a completely different life. He works as a "car repair mechanic" in a very strange world, in a place called a "4S" shop.

And in the dark night, he is a very powerful car tuner and speed driver in the "underground racing circle" in that grotesque city. Records—until they soar to death!

Although it is a very painful thing to repeat death over and over again in the dream, Li Yao does not resent, on the contrary, he is a little thankful. If the dream hadn't given him another life experience, he would never have died in the tomb of the magic weapon that was in danger. live to this day.

It doesn't matter whether it's just a weird nightmare or a tangled memory from a previous life.

What happened yesterday is like dying yesterday; what is doing today is like being born today.

No matter who Li Yao was yesterday, today's Li Yao is an ordinary middle school student in Tianyuan Realm, Xingyao Federation, and Fuge City.

— A person who wants to become a master of refining equipment!

Taking a deep breath, he simply tidied up the room. After washing, it was just after six o'clock. Li Yao put his schoolbag on his back, carried the three-dimensional light curtain device, and strode out of the house.

Today is Monday, and there is a morning meeting in the morning, so I must arrive at school before 7:30.

Chaoyang New Village is 30 miles away from the No. 2 High School Affiliated to Chixiao School where he is studying. You can take the "Underground Crystal Rail Line 3" and transfer to "Line 7" to get there, but it will cost 8 yuan for the fare.

Reluctant to spend money, Li Yao threw off his long legs, picked up the "Spiritual Snake Body Technique" taught in school, and shot towards the main city.

At this time, it was the dawn when the sun was rising, the rays of light were overwhelming, and the spiritual power was gushing out.

Looking from a distance, Fuge City is like a giant beast waking up. The various sects and forces have released their restrictions, emitting colorful brilliance.

Many cultivators are suspended in mid-air, taking advantage of the time of day and night, swallowing the essence of the sun and the moon, surrounded by octagonal runes, and some of them are surrounded by cranes, fire crows, and shooting stars. .

Large airships are dragging their long tail flames, and slowly marching in the sky, the tail flames are intertwined in the blue sky and white clouds to form a huge spiritual net, and the small and exquisite private shuttle shuttles between the meshes Non-stop, issued a melodious whistling.

——This is the morning of Fugo City, a major training town in the Federation!

Li Yao shrugged and shrugged, like a fully charged spring, he could jump more than 20 meters with each step, and the speed was extremely fast, but his posture was very ugly, and some passers-by looked sideways, but he didn't care, and concentrated on his cultivation. In less than half an hour, he arrived near the school. His head was covered with white mist, and a layer of white sweat salt formed on his back.

He didn't go directly into the school gate, but in a flash, he rushed into a poor street next to the school.

In the depths of the alley hangs a rusty iron signboard with the words "Old Wang's second-hand store" written on it, and a line of densely packed small characters underneath: "Specializing in all kinds of second-hand magic weapons, and also engaged in magic weapon modification, intensive armor repair , power leveling of spirit beasts, maintenance of defensive circles, consecration of the mountain gate, etc..”

As if knowing that Li Yao would come, a small window opened, revealing a big, bald head, an old man with mischievous eyebrows.

"Ha, I lost more than 2,000 at cards last night, and I was worried that I couldn't explain to my wife when I went back, so the God of Wealth came to the door, little demon, what good things did you bring to your Grandpa Wang?" The old man had a sinister smile on his face.

"Come on, even if you lose all your pants, don't try to bargain from me!" Li Yao unceremoniously slapped off the paw stretched out by the old Wang's head, hesitated for a while, and took out the light curtain even though his heart ached. Yi handed it over.

Although he still wants to study the three-layer superimposed chip technology, real money is more important after all. Private high school is very expensive, and the panacea and auxiliary equipment that must be purchased in order to practice are even worse than killing people without blood.

No matter what the end of the year, rich and poor, it is the truth, and the road to a cultivator must be piled up with vain money.

"It really is a good thing!"

Old Wang obviously knew the goods, took a glance at the light curtain, and there was a glow of approval in his eyes. He didn't try it, and said directly: "One price, nine thousand and five!"

A warm current welled up in Li Yao's heart, this price was much higher than the market price of second-hand goods, and Old Wangtou let him take advantage again.

Although this old man doesn't look like a good person, he is the best person in Li Yao's memory besides his father, who treats him the best. Every time he makes a deal, he will always take advantage of him, and even give him some rewards every now and then. Fei's work.

Without the old Wangtou's help, Li Yao might not be able to maintain the high tuition fees of the private middle school after his father passed away.

"It doesn't take that much, just give it nine thousand, and give the remaining five hundred to Grandma Wang, and say that you won the card game—you're welcome, who told me to respect the old and love the young, I can't bear to see you kneeling and rubbing your old bones." Where's the clothes board? Let's go, we're catching up on the morning meeting, just pay the money to my account!" Li Yao waved his hand and jumped away.

Old Wang stopped him suddenly: "Wait, little monster."

Li Yao stopped, and deliberately said: "Wow, old man, don't you think five hundred is too little?"

"Bah, back then, the old man was a top-notch magic weapon modification master, with millions of dollars every minute, and he looked up to your little bits and pieces? The old man wanted to tell you that the college entrance examination will be in a hundred days, you boy, you have to be good!" Take the exam, try to get into a good university, don’t think that if you have the ability to repair hand treasures, you will know the heights of the world! The world is big, you will know when you are admitted to the university, in front of the real craftsman, your current skill, What a fart!" Old Wang blew his beard and stared.

Li Yao's heart felt warm again, and he waved his fist vigorously: "I will definitely be admitted to university, Grandpa Wang!"