Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 30: You are crazy


"Sun, Mr. Sun, what are you doing?" Li Yao was in a hurry, trying to help Sun Biao up, but he didn't expect that the old man was bent over like cast iron, and he couldn't move.

Sun Biao bent over and said solemnly: "School is a place to discover and cultivate talents. Although your absolute combat power is not outstanding, you have a keen combat awareness and rich combat experience like a beast. You are a good seedling, but our school failed to excavate you from the ordinary class earlier, which caused you to waste your youth. This is the dereliction of duty of all our teaching staff. Therefore, I want to apologize to you on behalf of the school—I am really sorry That's it, classmate Li Yao."

Li Yao opened his mouth wide. He really didn't know what to say. An inexplicable emotion rose from the bottom of his heart.

"Is this the real 'teacher'?"

Li Yao had never met a teacher like Sun Biao, no wonder he was the one who could discover the "Demon Sword Peng Hai"!

"Then—" Sun Biao finally straightened up, with a cynical expression reappearing on his face, but fanatical flames spewed out from his eyes, "Boy, have you heard of the 'Federal Youth Extreme Challenge'?"

Li Yao's pupils shrank suddenly, and he nodded subconsciously, his heartbeat suddenly accelerated.

Of course he had. The Federal Youth Extreme Challenge is jointly organized by the Federal Army and the nine elite joint schools. It is a large-scale event dedicated to discovering talents in cultivation. It is divided into hundreds of competition areas and held simultaneously across the country about two months before the college entrance examination. The oldest youth training competition in the Federation.

According to legend, each competition area will be set up as an "isolated island" from which there is no way to escape, and the military will release countless ferocious monsters in it. The contestants must survive on the isolated island for five days unarmed. In addition to beasts, a series of very difficult tasks have to be completed, known as "100% simulation of actual combat", absolutely hell-level difficulty.

Contestants must push their bodies and wills to the limit in order to stand out from the crowd of talented youngsters.

Once they win, they may be spotted by the observers of the "Nine Elite Joint Schools", and they will make a decision on the spot, "specially recruited" to enter the Ninth University, and they don't even have to take the college entrance examination.

Even if you are not that outstanding, as long as you show your strengths in a certain aspect, you may get the discount of "reduction in admission" from the Ninth University. If you can reduce it by ten or twenty points, it will kill thousands of competitors in an instant!

Because of such benefits, all senior high school candidates flocked to the Extreme Challenge, sharpened their heads and wanted to participate, and Li Yao was no exception.

However, not just any cat or dog can participate in such an important competition.

Every year, the organizing committee of the competition will send out invitations to all the well-known high schools in the Federation, and send a varying number of "examination admission tickets" according to the strength of the high schools.

This year, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School got ten admission tickets!

The competition will be held in 40 days. The No. 0571 competition area to which Chixiao No. 2 Middle School belongs includes 3,000 elite students from Fuge City and 13 nearby cities.

A month later, Chixiao No. 2 Middle School will hold a large-scale competition, and all senior students are eligible to participate. The ownership of the ten admission tickets will be determined in the fairest way!

Seeing Li Yao's fascinated expression, Sun Biao said: "Boy, I know you got into some troubles in school, but the strong will not be punished! As long as you can win one in the school competition Examination admission ticket, to prove your own strength, He Lianlie can't do anything to you!"

Li Yao thought for a while and asked, "There are thousands of students in the third grade group, and there are only ten admission tickets. In other words, my ability must reach the top ten in the grade?"

Sun Biao shook his head: "There is a certain element of luck in the competition of the whole grade. According to the experience of previous years, if the strength reaches the top 20 in the grade, there is hope of grabbing the admission ticket."

Li Yao recalled that the top 20 in the grade seemed to be cultivation geniuses with a spiritual root development rate of 65%.

His spiritual root development rate was only 10%. Just now, facing Zhao Liang, who was the last in the key class, with a spiritual root development rate of 60%, he was not sure of victory and could only win by tricks.

The scene of him fighting with Zhao Liang will definitely spread throughout the campus immediately. Everyone is prepared and will not let him have another chance to succeed.

After just one month, will he be able to defeat a master whose spirit root development rate exceeds 65% in a frontal battle

The hesitation in his heart was completely written on his face. Sun Biao smiled lightly and said: "Boy, with your current strength, let alone the top 20 in the school, even the top 50 in the school may not be counted, but if you are here If you receive a month of special training, then it may not be possible!"

"What?" Li Yao's eyes sparkled, he jumped up excitedly, and said excitedly, "Teacher Sun, are you willing to teach me by hand?"

The other party is a super savage who has discovered the demon sword Peng Hai, and is willing to start special training for himself, tsk tsk tsk tsk, as long as he can cultivate to the strength of Peng Hai's little finger, it is enough for him to walk sideways in Chixiao No. 2 Middle School!

Sun Biao laughed, showing his big mouth missing his front teeth: "The old man has been bored in the warehouse for so many years, his bones are almost rusting, and he finally found an interesting 'toy'. Have fun! But don’t get too excited, the old man’s special training plan is not something that any cat or dog can bear, come on, boy, take a look at the old man’s hell-style intensive special training plan.”

Sun Biao shook his arm, and a light curtain shot out from the micro crystal brain, jumping out of dense training plans.

"On the first day, at four o'clock in the morning, warm up with a 20,000-meter variable-speed run."

"At a quarter past five, 500kg squats should be performed in groups of ten times, for a total of ten groups, to be completed within half an hour."

"Six o'clock, breakfast, and at the same time learning the military version of "Thirteen Possibilities of War Beasts"—this is for the special forces in the army to practice. It removes the fancy tricks and adds killer moves. The simplified version of life cultivation is completely different."

"Seven o'clock, with a load of 100 kilograms, and a leapfrog of 5,000 meters."

"Eight o'clock..."

"Nine o'clock in the evening, the first day of special training is complete!"

"The second day..."

Sun Biao grinned and said, "Well, if you can't stand it, you can say it now, don't be ashamed. Back then, there were countless cultivation geniuses who were trained into dead dogs by the old man's special training plan, and had to quit halfway. For decades, Only a handful of people made it through a month!"

Li Yao glanced at the ten lines, quickly read them, and said strangely: "It looks ordinary, nothing special, nothing special..."

In Nankey Yimeng, as a "low-level handyman of Bailianzong", he has endured a hundred times more painful and severe training. It was a real torture and devastation. Kneading again, and repeated hundreds of times, he was upgraded from "low-level handyman" to "iron handyman".

Sun Biao's seemingly crazy special training program is only at the level of high school students. In Li Yao's view, there is nothing too out of the ordinary.

"Student Li Yao, you are so arrogant!"

This hell-style special training plan has condensed Sun Biao's decades of painstaking efforts. I don't know how many cultivation geniuses showed horrified expressions in front of this plan, but now they are worthless by Li Yao, and look at him With a calm and composed expression, he really didn't take this plan seriously.

In Sun Biao's eyes, two unstoppable needle lights suddenly shot out, and his face was wrinkled and crowded together, his expression suddenly became extremely ferocious.