Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 31: I am not salted fish!


Li Yao screamed "Oops" in his heart, thinking how could he take the cruel trial of the ancient Xiu sect 40,000 years ago as a standard

You know, in Nankey Yimeng, hundreds of servants of Bailianzong die every year because they can't bear the torture.

In this way, Bailianzong was already regarded as a relatively generous and benevolent sect among the famous decent sects. If it was changed to a stricter sect, it would not be a problem at all if thousands of sects died every year.

As for the Demon Sect, let alone the birth of every strong person is accompanied by the sacrifice of tens of thousands of weak people.

In the ancient repair era, it was so cruel.

"Uh, Teacher Sun, I took a closer look. Your special hell-style death training is indeed very hellish, very deadly, and very terrifying. I'm so afraid that I won't be able to complete it!" Li Yaoyan said insincerely.

Sun Biao was an old man, so he couldn't see that Li Yao was trying to put himself off, he was furious in his heart, and said with a sneer, "Good boy, don't rush to talk big, put on your exercise clothes, and try doing ten sets of squats first? "

Sun Biao stood up, took out a set of very old training clothes from the dusty corner of the practice field, and threw it towards Li Yao.

"Squat? I like it!" Li Yao moved his body, took off his school uniform, and changed into an old training uniform full of dust. His eyes lit up and he said with a smile.

He has amazing strength now, and what he is most afraid of is strength training such as squats and bench presses. If he goes all out later, the old man's eyes will definitely pop out! .

Walking to the rusty squat rack, after thinking for a while, he pulled out two more pieces from the nearly rusted barbell plates and smashed them into the bar.

Squat weight - 300 kg!

"Two hundred kilograms is too little, it can't be used for exercise at all. I'm used to using three hundred kilograms to warm up first. Is it okay, Mr. Sun?" Li Yao smiled at the old man, showing his white teeth.

"Of course, but I'm afraid you will regret it later." Sun Biao also smiled, showing his yellow-brown teeth.

"It's only 300 kilograms, and 20 sets can be done in one go. What is there to regret?" Li Yao spat in his palms, rubbing them together until they became hot. He tightly held the lever and carried it on a solid On the back muscles, the feet suddenly exert force, lift up, and then—

He felt his whole body tighten up, the original loose practice clothes seemed to have life, but suddenly shrunk, turning into a layer of tough cowhide, completely enveloping him!

At the same time, an extremely powerful strange force suddenly blasted down, like a mountain smashed down, knocking him down all at once!

"I forgot to tell you, little guy, this training suit is a magic weapon I specially refined more than ten years ago. It is called 'giving up'. It has many supernatural powers. The first is that it can generate a gravity field. You wear this suit The clothes are like wearing an armor weighing several hundred kilograms, let me see, the weight on your body now is two hundred kilograms!" Sun Biao said with a grin.

The weight of two hundred kilograms, plus the three hundred kilograms of the barbell itself, is a full half a ton. Li Yao was caught off guard, and of course he was crushed to death.

"It's despicable, but five or five hundred kilograms is nothing special!"

Li Yao was so crushed that his eyes were staring at him. He clenched his teeth tightly, braced his hands hard, exposed the veins on his arms as thick as snakes, and his bones all over his body creaked. The legs were separated, the waist and hips sank, and then stood up firmly.

A standard squat action, done!

The total load is 500 kilograms!

"In Nanke Yimeng, I was raped by the 'Giant Spirit God' for decades, and his methods are a hundred times more ruthless than you, a dead old man. It's just a dream to try to stump me like this!" Li Yao roared in his heart, Squat deeply again, ready for the second squat.

Suddenly, it was like a bolt of lightning piercing directly into the soul. Li Yao felt a powerful electric current pouring into the 720 acupuncture points all over his body at the same time. The electricity made his hair explode, his eyes turned white, and he let out a scream, and lay down on the ground again. , The barbell hit the squat machine heavily, making a "bang", rust exploded, and dust flew up.

"The second magical power of this 'give up' is to release a powerful electric current, once every three to five seconds, once every two minutes, to bombard the acupuncture points all over your body, stimulate your cells to strengthen, and help you cleanse your body. Cutting tendons, reborn, tsk tsk tsk, this is the treasure of cultivation that most people dream of, but there will be a little 'little pain', can you bear it?" Sun Biao continued to ask with a smile.

"Fuck, you're just kidding. Of course I can endure it!" Li Yao bit his lips so badly that he lay on the ground panting for a long time before getting up with difficulty. His right hand was trembling and he groped towards the barbell with great difficulty.

Before the fingertips touched the barbell, the excruciating pain struck again. This time it was not an electric shock, but extreme heat!

It was as if the whole person was thrown into the crater, struggling in the extremely hot magma, the skin was burned, and the boiling molten iron was flowing in the blood vessels!

And in the next second, the burning sensation suddenly disappeared, replaced by a bone-piercing chill, as if even the brain was frozen into a lump of ice, completely unable to breathe and think!

The feeling of extreme heat and extreme cold alternated three times before it gradually disappeared. Before Li Yao screamed out, the electric current blasted into the acupuncture point again, tearing his body, making him twitch uncontrollably!

"The last magical power of this 'abandonment' is that every minute, it will produce an extremely hot and cold phantom attack. Don't worry, this is a spiritual magic that targets the deepest part of the brain. It is all illusory and will not cause harm to the body. A little bit of damage can instead sharpen the spiritual power, expand the depth of the brain, and one day become a cultivator, and can absorb more spiritual energy, and the speed of cultivation is much faster than others."

Seeing Li Yao rolling all over the floor in pain, a trace of disappointment flashed across the old man's face, then he smiled self-deprecatingly, yawned, and lazily said: "Okay, enough fun, take it off, this dress It is not prepared for you, as long as you say the three words 'I give up', it will automatically leave the body and will not torture you anymore."

"give up?"

Li Yao lay on the ground for a long time, panting like a whale stranded on the shore.

Finally, like a rusty metal puppet, he stood up inch by inch, carried the barbell onto his shoulders with great difficulty, and forcibly carried the 200 kg load, electric shock and extremely cold mental attack, boom Out of the second squat!

"Two!" Li Yao howled like a beast deep in his throat.

That was the battle cry that often echoed in the depths of the magic weapon's tomb.

Sun Biao let out a "huh", a look of astonishment flashed in his eyes, and then he sneered: "It's only two, but there are ten squats in one set!"

"Three... three!" Li Yao gritted his teeth, the empty training room was filled with the sound of steel rubbing and rusting!

four! five! six! seven! eight! nine! Ten!

After squatting for a full ten times, Li Yao wore this weird "give up", exhausted his last bit of strength, and blasted out a full ten squats with standard postures and meticulous squats!

"I, I succeeded!" Li Yao was dizzy, his ears were ringing, the blood in his body rushed to his brain again and again, his heart was beating extremely violently, as if it was about to tear his chest and jump out.

Ignoring the recovery movements, he lay sprawled under the squat rack, staring blankly at the dazzling crystalline lights on the ceiling, feeling that he couldn't even control his little finger.

Sun Biao's figure appeared in his field of vision, with an unconcealable surprise on his face, and the old man's voice trembled: "Boy, are you alright?"

"I, I'm fine, take a little rest, there's still... nine groups to come!" The corners of Li Yao's mouth curled up, his smile was uglier than crying.

Sun Biao was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Boy, give up. As I said just now, this dress is not for ordinary people. You can't wear it and complete ten sets of squats—there are still ninety times after that." Come on, say 'I give up' and take your clothes off."

Li Yao's gaze passed Sun Biao, and once again focused on the dazzling lights on the ceiling.

Under the refraction of tears and sweat, the light became extremely bright.

He suddenly realized why the name of this magic weapon was "Given Up".

Because, its greatest supernatural power is neither the gravitational field of hundreds of kilograms, nor the strong electric current attack, nor the mental phantom of extreme heat or cold.

Instead, simple, common, and easy—the three words "I give up".

As long as you touch your upper and lower lips, and say the three words "I, give up, give up" in the lightest voice, you can take off this training suit, escape the inhuman torture of weight, electric current and spiritual illusion, and —

Lost forever, the courage to wear this dress again.

Him, do you want to give up

The first set of squats had already exhausted all his strength. Every muscle, every blood vessel, and every cell was squeezed dry. He felt that he didn't even have the strength to pee.

There are still nine sets, a total of ninety squats. He has to carry a 300-kilogram barbell, squat, stand up, and Straighten your back.

Ninety times.

Can't do it at all? Even if you grit your teeth, exert all your strength, and desperately complete two sets, three sets, you will completely collapse in the fourth set, fifth set, sixth set, seventh set, and eighth set, saying "I Give up" three words

That being the case, why not give up now

It's very simple, as long as the upper and lower lips touch, the vocal cords tremble slightly, the mouth opens slightly, I, give up, give up, and after half a second, I feel relaxed and relieved.

"I... put..." Looking at the bright light on the ceiling, Li Yao whispered word by word.

But in that bright light, a series of dazzling memories suddenly emerged.

"This dress is not for ordinary people." Sun Biao said so.

"But am I an ordinary person?"

"Ordinary people, I'm afraid they won't be born with the memories of their previous lives. Do they still remember the messy things on 'Earth'?"

"It's impossible for ordinary people to survive the attack of Ou Yezi, a powerhouse in the cultivation world 40,000 years ago, and to devour Ou Yezi's memory, right?"

"No matter which of these two things happened to one person, this guy is no longer an 'ordinary person', but to me, it happened twice in a row!"

"And then, I'm going to be here, in front of this exercise suit that's not for 'ordinary people'—give up?"

Li Yao's gaze suddenly withdrew from the light, shrank to the deepest part of his pupils, and turned into a starburst the size of a pinprick.

"Teacher Sun—can I listen to music?" He suddenly said softly.

"Listen to the song?" Sun Biao didn't expect Li Yao to ask such a question suddenly, so he was stunned for a long time before he said, "Whatever."

"Okay, give me another half a minute."

Li Yao smiled slightly, closed his eyes, and stuffed the miniature magic weapon "Sound Bell" refined by Miaoyinzong into his ear holes.

Lu Yinxi's pitch was extremely high, as if the iron voice that could run through the entire Milky Way immediately vibrated in the depths of his soul:

"Follow the turbulent waves and stumble forward!"

"Thunderbolt, I am not afraid of lightning, it will light up the way ahead!"

"I'm different from you!"

Li Yao suddenly opened his eyes.

The pinpoint-sized stars in his eyes had disappeared, or rather—his eyes were full of stars!

Then, he said something that puzzled Sun Biao: "I am not a salted fish..."

"What did you say?" Sun Biao thought he heard it wrong, what salted fish

Under the bombardment of violent music, Li Yao didn't hear the old man's question. He was completely immersed in his own world, and whispered: "Perhaps Xianyu once had a dream, but gave up for various reasons. , dried up, withered, and gradually turned into salted fish and 'ordinary people'."

"But I am not a salted fish, I—never give up!"

Li Yao stood up, with a weight of 300 kilograms on his shoulders, electric currents all over his body, and the howling cold wind and raging magma deep in his brain.

But he still grabbed the barbell with great strength, and even the strongest steel "squeaked" in his palm.

"Second set of squats, start!"

In the practice field that had been dusty for many years, once again there was a roar like a stormy sea, and a passionate heat wave rolled over!