Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3275: Everything is for the best


As usual, let's say a few words.

When I finished writing the last word of the main story last night, I was really exhausted and dizzy, as if my body had been hollowed out, like a dull sage.

I told everyone to go to bed early, but I couldn't fall asleep in bed. I don't know if it was excitement, joy, or some kind of faint loss.

Looking at the group and the book review area, friends are communicating enthusiastically. Many people expressed their dismay for "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation", and some people think that the end is too fast and too abrupt. There are at least three to five hundred chapters, and many people say that "Xiu Si" accompanied them for a very important period of time, either from middle school to university, or from university to society, or from single to family, From someone's child to someone's parents, in more than three years, those people in "Xiu Si" have become relatives, whether they are moved, or sad, or surprised, or passionate. It seems like it happened to me or in a dream.

That's right, everyone's feelings are also Lao Niu's feelings. Even, please believe that Lao Niu is more reluctant than each of you to finish "Cultivation Four", and can't wait to write for another three to five years, ten or eight years, and a lifetime.

As I said in an earlier testimonial, thirty-four or five years old may be the best golden age for an online writer-everything is mature, the body is not too bad, the mental and physical strength can barely keep up, and you can persevere Living in high-intensity updates and staying up late at every turn, time is gone forever, and the next three years will be as hard as it is now, Lao Niu really doesn't know!

So, how can it not be lost? From March 2015 to July 2018, for three years and four months, 1215 days, 10.23 million characters, an average of 8419 characters per day, it took seven or eight hours or even ten hours to even ponder over code words No matter whether the child is hospitalized or I am hospitalized, there is never a single day of interruption. The world of "Forty Thousand Years of Comprehension" has really merged into my blood and bones, god and soul, and has become a part of my life. I have to forcibly dig out this part , throw it away, and continue to stride forward, what a pain and cruelty it is.

Of course, I’m not complaining about suffering or tiredness here. Although looking back, I can’t say that I’m not tired at all, but at that time, I was immersed in the “Xiu Four Universe” with so many friends, going out together, taking risks, stirring up blood and swaying Zhan Yan, what a joyful thing this is, how can I care about suffering and tiredness

For Lao Niu, code words have become a natural instinct like breathing and heartbeat. It is impossible to say "how hardworking I kept my heartbeat during the hospitalization", "how hard the child kept breathing during the hospitalization", it is too absurd already, right

In short, what I mean is that when you have devoted the best three years of your life and written tens of millions of words, it is really difficult to organize a thousand or two thousand words to describe how you feel at this moment. Perhaps, bringing everyone's feelings together is what Lao Niu is thinking at the moment

Otherwise, let's talk about the ending first.

The ending is a big problem.

There are tens of millions of words, thousands of clues, countless characters, and countless pits. I am afraid that no matter how it ends, some people will be dissatisfied.

Indeed, some friends said that whether this ending is a bit hasty, there are still many stories to tell, including the battle against the flood, which can also be described positively. At least thirty or fifty chapters are not a problem.

Yes, Lao Niu said, everyone’s opinions are very correct, if we really want to write, there are still many things that can be spread out to write, at least we can write that Li Yao got the help of some kind of higher-level power, comprehended the mysterious and mysterious and even more mysterious The ultimate principle of the universe, blowing up the flood tide with one punch, and then taking the wife and children to hide in the mountains and forests, boating on the lake, and being carefree—it’s no problem to write this way, right

But I still feel that if you really write it like this, you will lose the flavor of "Xiu Si".

In the battle between humans and Hong Chao, is it really important to win or lose

From the very beginning, from the moment when the seven cultivators stepped forward to save the masses, and from the moment when Guan Xiong, the cultivator of the Shanhai School, rode thousands of miles to resist the tide of beasts, everyone should understand that in the "four universes of cultivation" Here, winning or losing is never important.

The important thing is whether you are happy, whether you are loyal, whether you are happy, whether you are irritated, whether your thoughts are clear, and whether you have carried out your beliefs to the end.

The immortal tortoise is only a tortoise after all. In the face of floods or higher-level forces, human beings who dare to bravely wield their swords will always be proud, glorious, and capitalized human beings!

No matter what level of powerful enemy we face, we who dare to go forward bravely and wield our swords will always win half and half, die or live, lose or win, collapse or explode, 50% vs 50%, after all, we are living in After the "victory of mankind, the collapse of the flood, and the big bang in the parallel universe", people still live on the original earth where "human beings failed temporarily, and time went back billions of years ago" - this is up to you, all of you The "observer" decides.

In any case, you decide your own future, and thousands of you—we, control the future of the earth and even the entire universe that we can observe. I firmly believe this, so let the story of Li Yao the vulture, Let's end at the brightest moment, and the following stories will be written by those who come after them.

Anyway, "The True Story of Xiusi" has finally come to an end, and Lao Niu can also breathe a long sigh of relief and wipe the cold sweat off his forehead. Thinking back to when I first started writing three and a half years ago, I really just wanted to write a brief essay. Simple and easy upgrade of the monster-fighting ancient weapon mech. You said that I am a finance and accounting liberal arts student with no foundation in science. How can I write to the back? out? I really don't know anything about these things. I feel very guilty when I look up the dictionary and make up nonsense!

Including what everyone said, how do you feel that the first few OSS are more attractive, and the latter OSS are stronger if they are stronger? I don't know how to describe it. If we give them the wisdom, strategy, forbearance and perseverance like the early OSS, will Li Yao and his group of friends still survive

This is also one of the reasons why we wave our sleeves and break it when we break it. After all, Lao Niu is famous for his concise and concise words, and he cherishes ink like gold. Don’t write, and the photo will really ferment.

Finally, you should thank those who should be thanked.

At the end of "Xiu Si", the concept of "turning back time" is mentioned. Lao Niu believes that everyone has had the dream of "turning back time and being reborn with memories". Regret and unwillingness, including Lao Niu himself.

I still remember that in 2005, Lao Niu was working in a real estate company when he just graduated. Woolen cloth? It's a pity that I made it myself, had a passion for creation, and resolutely quit my job to create full-time. As a result, I was so bruised and swollen that I basically became a "white-collar worker" after paying the utility bills!

If Lao Niu got a chance to "go back to the past" at that time, would he really be moved, at least to go back and warn his past self-don't quit your job, writing full-time web articles is a dead end? Must!

But, then again, life is a vortex of countless possibilities colliding with each other to get the most wonderful results. If you are not full-time, you will not meet my wife, your wife Niu by chance, Of course, there will be no cute "Niu Bao". Speaking of Madam, hey, let's call her Wife. It's really good. At that time, the social Internet exposure rate was not very high. I don’t even see a future for my little writer, but she doesn’t care about it and encourages me often. She even persuades me when I ask whether I should give up writing and go out to find a job in this profession. She says she doesn’t know if I can Become a good writer, but know that I am a very bad accountant, China is so big, there is no shortage of bad accountants, so let's stick to the promising job of coding, hahahaha, including later to increase The exposure rate of my works, I also tried every means to show my face, and even played some very bad roles according to the script. The taste in it is not for outsiders, but it is enough to move me for a lifetime.

As for my son, "Niu Bao", not to mention, half of "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" was written for him. My idea is very simple. After puberty, you can show it to him generously, at least 51% of the characters in the book are worth learning from, that's all!

If time can be turned back, everything can be the same, the regrets of the past will be erased, but those happy and beautiful things will completely change their taste, even with Xiangche Meijin, "Niu Sao" and "Niu Bao" "What will it all look like, will it even exist? All of this is really unimaginable.

So, why not

Everything is the best arrangement and I have got the best results.

By the way, there is also very important, if time really goes back and Lao Niu reaches the pinnacle of life, then there will be no "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation", and there will be no Lao Niu who will be moved and excited with everyone, Roaring together and laughing together for more than a thousand days and nights, there will not be so many friends gathered together, and everyone will jointly create an infinitely wonderful, gorgeous, super thrilling and exciting "Xiu Si Universe"!

What kind of success, how much wealth in the worldly sense, is it worth Lao Niu to use "Forty Thousand Years of Cultivation" to exchange with so many good friends and good readers

How to say, 30% off, 80% off, the cheapest, and it costs five million... US dollars

Now, everyone should know how important you are in Lao Niu's heart, right

In short, I would like to thank the family members who have been silently supporting Lao Niu, and also thank every reader, friends, brothers and sisters who have always supported Lao Niu in various ways (of course, real money is best) for dreams and glory And fighting comrades, although old-fashioned, they are telling the truth. It is your support that created the "Xiu Four Universe", and this universe has not yet been annihilated. As long as you continue to support, this universe will become wider and wider. The more exciting, there are countless stories, legends, dreams and hopes that will be staged here!

Finally, let's talk about the follow-up arrangements.

I'm really tired today, let Lao Niu take a good rest, it's the first rest in three years.

Starting tomorrow, some extra articles will be updated.

I believe everyone must be looking forward to it very much. In fact, Lao Niu himself is also looking forward to it. Really, after all, our article is different from other articles. In the main story, there is always a guy who can't die anyway. It's really annoying, I really don't want to write about him, and it's not suitable, and finally I've reached the extra episode, I can get rid of this guy and do a big job!

There are long and short episodes. The long ten or twenty chapters and the short one or two chapters will be written along the timeline, that is, first write the story of the origin of the earth hundreds of millions of years ago, and then write about the war between super-body civilization and Yuanshi civilization. Then write about the birth of the Pioneer Civilization and Pangu Civilization, and finally return to the Star Federation, or even the parallel universe hundreds of millions of years later. If there is no accident, it should be like this.

In terms of update frequency, try to keep it updated every day. It’s not that Lao Niu is lazy. After all, you still have to conceive a new book. It may take two or three months to think about the new book.

In short, life is endless and creation is endless. As long as everyone loves to watch, Lao Niu will continue to work hard, for sure.

thank you all.

I love you!