Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3290: Skinned Mouse15 Vulture


This winding line of Russian is like a poisonous bug, but Bai Xiaolu is deeply attracted by it. He can't help but touch the notebook lightly with his fingertips. When he touches the name "Yuri", his fingertips tingle. It was like being bitten by a bug.

He retracted his finger and saw that it was not an illusion. Two small black pinholes really appeared on his fingertips, and a drop of crystal blood oozed out.

Blood spilled onto the cover of the notebook, and soon soaked in, or rather—was sucked in by the word "Yuri".

The tip of Bai Xiaolu's heart trembled, and he shrank his neck and asked, "Yuri? Who is this?"

Maybe it was an illusion, when Bai Xiaolu said this name, he felt the muscles and nerves all over Jinya Boss's body suddenly contracted, and his breathing became rapid.

This tough guy made of cast iron didn't even grunt when White Fawn pulled the bullet out of his ribs with surgical forceps just now, but when he heard the name "Yuri", he uttered a crackling sound from the depths of his throat. The high-pitched sound reminded people of a chicken with its throat cut.

After a long time, the golden tooth boss said in a hoarse voice: "...he is not human."

Ten thousand question marks appeared in Bai Xiaolu's mind.

But Yuri's "Mind Notebook" has infinite magic power, tempting him to keep flipping through it.

The notes are full of handwritten fonts that meander like a reptile, and there are many exquisite and realistic brain anatomy diagrams attached, including a sketch of a human face being skinned alive, knowing it is fake, but it seems that a person's soul has been forcibly It was sealed on a two-dimensional plane, like howling towards the white deer.

Bai Xiaolu swallowed, feeling scared and curious at the same time.

"You don't need to worry about other content, focus on pages 22 to 26, which is about the chapter on 'Hypnotism'."

The golden tooth boss said firmly, "I'll give you ten minutes to memorize everything, and then return the notebook to me—if it takes longer, your 'companion' will become suspicious."

No need for Boss Jinya's instructions, Bai Xiaolu also remembered every word in his heart.

Although his character is weak, he may have been stimulated by his brother, but his memory is superb, literally "remembering".

But what these specific contents represent, and how to get started with spiritual cultivation method, he doesn't quite understand.

"Brother, is this 'Mind Notebook' real?"

Bai Xiaolu secretly asked, "Do you think it's useful?"

"It should be true, these things are very useful."

My brother pondered, "However, the cultivation methods proposed in this 'Mind Notebook' are too radical and dangerous. Many secret methods seem to be still in the experimental stage, and there is no guarantee of safety and stability at all—I guess, the boss of Jinya is so generous with the notes. Lending it to us means using us as 'experiments' to see our reaction after cultivation and learn from us."


The white deer was startled.

In this world, there really is no such thing as "minced meat that falls unintentionally".

"That's great. No matter what you want to get, you must pay a certain price. This is called a 'transaction'—at least, this price is something we can pay."

The elder brother said lightly, "If you want to survive, you have to gamble. We are betting, and the boss of Jinya is also betting. Everyone puts all the chips on the table to gamble. It is much better than intrigues and intrigues under the stage.

"Okay, return the notes to Boss Jinya, we have memorized all these page numbers!"

"Little devil, go and have a look at that sand buggy with a skull painted on the door, I just deliberately left that car undamaged, it should still be able to drive!

"Put all the food, guns and gasoline on the sand buggy, rest for ten minutes, and we are ready to go!

"Listen, from now on, the three of us will form a string and walk the tightrope over the gate of hell. I hope you all obey the command obediently. If anyone shouts and moves around and makes his own decisions, I will cut the tightrope as soon as possible. , kick you to hell, do you understand me!"

Half an hour later, the gold-toothed boss, who had just sutured the wound and added some food, regained his flaming vitality. He yelled loudly and drove the two "little ghosts" Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai, Clean up the battlefield, pack up your guns and vehicles, and get ready to go.


He personally checked the engine carefully, closed the hood heavily, spread a tattered, blood-stained map on the hood, and motioned for two "kids" to come over and take a look.

"We should be here now. In the northeast of the Blood Wasteland, we could only find oases and large-scale settlements by going all the way south, but now the 'Scorpion Gang' and the 'Vulture Gang' are all cruising around the south, searching for my Trace—As long as I get rid of me, the Citi Gang, which has been severely injured, will no longer be able to make a comeback, and the Scorpion Gang or the Vulture Gang will become the number one force in the Blood Wasteland, so they will definitely not give up!"

The golden tooth boss drew two big crosses on the south side of the map, looked at Bai Xiaolu again, but was in a daze, couldn't help frowning, and snapped his fingers heavily in front of Bai Xiaolu, "Are you listening, brat?"

Bai Xiaolu was listening.

Listening to the sound of the wind.

Just now, when the Golden Tooth Boss mentioned the word "Vulture" of the Vulture Gang, Bai Xiaolu fell into a state that he didn't quite understand, mysterious and mysterious, and in a trance.

He seemed to see black feathers burning and fluttering all over the sky.

He seemed to see a vulture soaring into the sky and devouring the whole world.

He heard a vague, meandering sound coming from the whistling wind, as if it came from a long, long time, far, far away.

"Watch out... vultures...

"Vultures...will stop you...will ruin everything...

"It doesn't matter... He's not complete... We still have a chance... Disturbance... Ripples... Reversal... Restart... Everything can be repeated... Everything can be restored... Everything can be changed... Yesterday... Can be reproduced..."

Bai Xiaolu shuddered deeply and woke up.

I saw the angry face of Boss Jinya, and the astonished expression of Wan Zanghai.

"Hey, brat."

The golden tooth boss narrowed his eyes, "Have you suffered from heat stroke, have you heard what I said?"

"Listen, I heard you say 'Scorpions' and 'Vultures'."

White Fawn bit his lip and said.

There was a ruthless look in his eyes.

He hates vultures.

Hate that ugly, vile, wretched, evil creature.

The appearance of vultures means death and destruction. Whenever someone dies in the village, or even just dies, the vultures on the wasteland seem to be able to receive a mysterious signal, and they surround the village in groups, waiting to enjoy the bloodshed No matter how hard you rush, you can't drive away the big meal.

These ghouls are not as majestic as the falcons, vigorous and upright. They never attack directly, but sneak in along all the cracks and flaws, and gnaw the corpses to the bones. It is really annoying. ,Hate!

"elder brother-"

Bai Xiaolu asked in his heart, "Did you hear the sound?"

The elder brother asked strangely, "What's the sound?"


The white deer murmured, "In the wind and sand, the sound of vultures flapping their wings."

"what are you talking about?"

The elder brother cared, "Little Lu, you won't really suffer from heat stroke, right? Where is the wind coming from?"

Bai Xiaolu was slightly taken aback, took a deep breath, and reluctantly said: "I'm probably too nervous, no, it's fine."

"Listen, let me say this one last time, the two brats remember clearly - the south is the pursuit of the 'Scorpion Gang' and the 'Vulture Gang', they will find here soon, especially the 'Vulture Gang' has a lot of The mutated falcon can detect us at an altitude of several hundred meters, and it is easy to spot us."

Gold Tooth Boss tapped the map hard, "We can't stay here, we have to go all the way north, in this direction!"


Before Bai Xiaolu could react, Wan Zanghai was dumbfounded, "This is not the route to the 'Alliance' defense zone."

"Who said we had to go to 'Alliance'?"

The eyes of the golden tooth boss are like a lion staring at its prey, "Where to go, how to go, I have the final say, clearly?"

Wan Zanghai opened his mouth, but did not speak after all, and said dejectedly, "It is clear."

"However, the north is no man's land."

Bai Xiaolu blurted out, and immediately realized that there was a flaw in this sentence, so he hurriedly added, "I heard from the teacher in the school that the northern part of the Blood Wasteland is a terrifying no-man's land. left many minefields and radiation belts, as well as fully automated attack robots - no one can cross the 'Northern No Man's Land'."

"That's right, there is no 'person'."

The golden tooth boss grinned, "Unfortunately, I'm not a human—I'm a demon."

They packed up and were about to get in the car.

The golden tooth boss first kicked Wan Zanghai into the carriage, then casually threw something into Bai Xiaolu's hand.

"This is?"

It's a cool little bottle with the "Concorde" logo printed on it, and a small spray nozzle on it.

"Spray a little in the nose, it can refresh your mind and prevent heatstroke."

The golden tooth boss said coldly, "Don't get heatstroke, don't get hurt, don't be my burden, or I'll kill you, understand?"


Bai Xiaolu held the cooling spray tightly in his palm, was stunned for a while, then laughed, and followed the wasteland overlord, "Thank you, boss."

The yellow sand is rolling, the wheels are spinning, and the sand buggy with skulls painted on it is carrying three people, ghosts and ghosts, speeding across the wasteland and no man's land.

In the beginning, it was the golden tooth boss who drove the car. He taught Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai how to drive. If the "Scorpion Gang" and "Vulture Gang" caught up, the golden tooth boss would definitely be responsible for the fire. The kid must learn to drive as soon as possible.

Fortunately, the two little ghosts are very smart, and there are no roads, buildings and traffic rules in the wasteland, so you can just step on the accelerator as you like. Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai learned quickly, and they drove in style within a day.


Gold Tooth boss finally relaxed, groping around on the off-road vehicle, and found something from under the seat, "Look what I found!"