Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3291: Skinned mice 16 yesterday


It was a portable speaker that used dry batteries.

Music is one of the few entertainments for the demons on the bloody wasteland.

Especially those demons who have taken stimulant drugs like to play crazy rock music to cheer up when they are fighting, gambling or venting their primitive animal desires.

The boss of Jinya pressed the play button, and there was a metallic sound of crying and howling from the speaker.

Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai both had headaches.

The golden tooth boss pouted, pulled out the player plugged into the speaker, crushed it, threw it out the window, and was caught in the wind and sand.

He carefully took out his own player from his heart, plugged it in, and the melodious old songs immediately reverberated in the stuffy car, bringing some coolness.

"In heavenly West Virginia

There's the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shanandoa River

Where the creatures are far away, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, growing like the breeze

Country road, take me home, that's where I belong

West Virginia, Big Mountain Mama

Country road, take me home! "

Of course it's this song, the favorite of Boss Jinya, the battle song of the Citi Gang.

The golden tooth boss squinted his eyes and smiled, shook his head, and sang along.

To be honest, on the bloody battlefield, in the vast area where the wind and sand are whistling, his rough voice is not too unpleasant, and he can sing this country music with another taste.

But in the small and stuffy carriage, when the nerves of the boys and teenagers were highly tense, his singing voice was not much different from the heavy metal ghost cries and howls just now.

"Country Road—"

The boss with golden teeth roared, his fat butt crushed the seat until it creaked, and from time to time he slapped Bai Xiaolu or Wan Zanghai on the shoulder—depending on who was driving, "Take me home !"

The boy and the teenager looked at each other, and they could see the taste of "daring to be angry but not to speak" in each other's eyebrows.

No, I didn't even dare to be angry with "angry", so I could only shrink my neck, accompany the smiling face, and even sang with the boss of Jinya.

"Sing, why don't you sing along, it's the best music in the world!"

The golden tooth boss happily scratched the itch of the wound, "West Virginia, Mother Dashan, Country Road, take me home!"

"West Virginia...Mountain Mother...Country Road...Take Me Home..."

The boys and teenagers reluctantly agreed.

They listened to it over and over again, and were forced to sing along with the "pretentious power" of the boss of Gold Tooth. When their ears were bleeding, and their throats were about to bleed, the boss of Gold Tooth finally let them go and changed the song. .

The melody of this song is more melodious and soft, and the slightly hoarse female voice is like the lingering sunshine at dusk. It is completely different from the country song just now, and it immediately attracted Bai Xiaolu.

The boy fidgeted and wanted to ask Gold Tooth the name of the song.

But he realized that the preservation of pre-war culture in the underground city must be better than that on the ground. As an "underground tribe", he should probably know such a moving melody. There is no need to ask, and it will be a flaw.

The boss of Jinya seemed to see through his thoughts, and took the initiative to say: "This song is called "Yesterday Once More"—"Yesterday Reappears". It is also very good. Have you heard it in the underground city?"

"I've heard it."

Sure enough, Kaido Wanzang said, "These classic English songs are taught even in our 'Alliance' school, but they are all old songs from decades ago, and there are few people now..."

He stopped talking just in time.

Bai Xiaolu didn't know what to say, just curled up among the guns and ammunition in the back seat, quietly feeling the ancient and warm music from decades ago, flowing slowly.

"When I was young I liked to listen to the radio

waiting for my favorite song

I feel so happy while listening to and singing

happy old days

The moment is gone, I don't know where I'm lost

Now they're back again

My beloved old song, like a lost friend reunited

Every melody and every note, still shining

Every charming syllable, resounding again

How wonderful it feels, singing about the past

He crushed her heart, and tears welled up in her eyes

Just like before, yesterday happened again..."

Bai Xiaolu sang in a low voice, stuttering at first, and could only hum along, but when she sang "Yesterday Once More", she was able to keep up with the rhythm, feeling the warmth, regret and hope contained in the song.

"Before the nuclear war, it was a plantation with the best vineyards and fruit orchards of all kinds, and a large tract of dozens of wineries, producing the best wine on this continent, no, on this planet. "

The golden tooth boss put his arms on the car window, put his feet up comfortably, squinted his red prosthetic eyes, looked at the wind and sand, the Gobi desert and the wreckage of the battlefield outside the window, and said to the two little ghosts like a ghost, "At that time, every day When the fruit is ripe, this place will become a colorful land like an oil painting, exuding all kinds of charming fragrances. When foreigners come here, they will get drunk without drinking.

"Apples, pears, sugar cane, corn, tomatoes, potatoes—everything you can think of and everything you can't think of can be used to make wine. Of course, the best thing is wine. Do you know how wine was made back then?"

The overlord of the wasteland turned Dou Da's head and looked at Bai Xiaolu.

Bai Xiaolu shook his head, honestly said: "I don't know."

Grapes haven’t grown on the wasteland for a long time. In other words, the white deer has never seen real grapes when he came to this world. Occasionally, he found a few wild ones next to the seabuckthorn bushes, all of which were bitter and astringent, like each The small thorn ball cannot enter the mouth.

"We...people harvest the red, purple, fragrant and sweet grapes hanging in large quantities, and pour them into a large grape pool. Then, the most beautiful local girls will take off their shoes and socks, jump in, and use them trample the grapes into juice, and this is the best grape juice."

The golden tooth boss said cheerfully, "Believe me, the wine brewed in that way is the most delicious thing in the world, and those girls also have the most beautiful feet in the world. They are the most beautiful things you can find in this world." Good girl, it's worth risking it all, really, risking it all... to get her, to protect her.

"Look, there is the relic of the most famous winery at that time. Have you seen that big wooden barrel?"

Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai looked out the window together.

All I saw was red sand, melted tanks, distorted infantry fighting vehicles, fragmented power armor, and piles of struggling bones.

However, under the reflection of the bloody setting sun, there seemed to be a blurred outline in the depths of the wind and sand, and there was a large wooden barrel seven or eight meters high—of course it couldn't really be a "wooden barrel", it was probably a barn or something Things, packaged in the form of wooden barrels, become the signboard of the winery.

"At that time, the girls were standing in front of the winery, stepping on the original grape juice arm in arm, laughing while stepping on it, and sometimes sang. I remember a girl who sang many, many songs, including old songs that were outdated at that time. , the songs that our generation's parents would sing, such as "Take Me Home, Country Road", or "Yesterday Once More", she can and likes to sing all of them, and all the boys are crazy about her."

The golden tooth boss sighed softly, sank his head deeply into the head pillow, and murmured, "It's all over, those good old days are gone, those wines, music and girls."

The red light in the prosthetic eye kept expanding and shrinking, making it flickering, and there was a slight "squeak" sound from the depths of the golden tooth boss's skull, like an ancient tape, constantly reversing.

Bai Xiaolu stared obsessively at the dust in the sky outside the car window, and the dilapidated winery and the big wooden barrel full of holes in the dust.

He has never seen the grapes and other fruits that Gold Tooth Boss mentioned, nor have he seen those good girls with white teeth, golden hair, and honey-like skin.

But he can imagine.

He thought of his sister.

It would be nice if there was no war.

If there is no war, no radiation, no acid rain, the invasion of mutated beasts and bandits, if this is still a vast and fertile farm, maybe my sister will become the most beautiful girl in the world, bouncing around on the pile of sweet grapes, She laughed and sang freely—how she loved to sing, like a lark in a fairy tale.

Instead of having a fever twice in three days, when I was weak, I couldn't even walk, and my singing turned into a suppressed moan.

"If yesterday can be repeated—"

Bai Xiaolu closed his eyes, a beautiful vision appeared on his swollen eyelids, the boy suppressed his tears and murmured, "That would be great."

"What did you say?"

Gold tooth old road, "Little ghost, what did you say 'how good'?"

"I said, if time can be turned back and yesterday can be reproduced, that would be great."

For some reason, an unstoppable feeling rose in Bai Xiaolu's heart. Regardless of whether his identity would be exposed, he gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, maybe we can prevent the outbreak of thermonuclear war and make the world a better place!"

As soon as this remark came out, the golden tooth boss laughed first.

"Naive kid, do you think 'nuclear weapons' made the world like this, as long as you go back to the past and prevent a full-scale thermonuclear war, everything will be fine?"

Bai Xiaolu was slightly taken aback.

"Is not it?"


Boss Jinya said lightly, "Nuclear weapons are ultimately manufactured by humans and controlled by humans, so it is not nuclear weapons that really destroy everything, but humans themselves. Humans have ten thousand ways to destroy themselves. Even if you can go back to the past and correct them One mistake, how to correct the other nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine?"


Bai Xiaolu had nothing to say, but the impulse in his heart became more and more intense, and he said stubbornly, "Since we can go back to the past and correct a mistake, we can naturally repeat it ten thousand times, correct all ten thousand mistakes, and turn this wasteland back to the past. Originally rich and colorful farm!"


The golden tooth boss smiled and stopped talking.


Wan Zanghai also laughed, shrunk his head, and concentrated on driving.

Bai Xiaolu was bored, and also felt that he was exaggerating, so he was embarrassed to talk, so he curled up his thin body again and concentrated on listening to the song.

No one spoke in the car for a while.

Only the pale golden classic melody keeps echoing:

"Looking back at the scene of the year, the past

Good times don't come back, why don't people feel sad

It's all gone, I'd sing it to them

Every love song, I want to remember every line

Those familiar melodies still touch my heart

The barrier of time disappears without a trace, every melody and every note is still shining

Every charming syllable, how wonderful it feels to hear it again

All the most beautiful memories, clearly reappear in front of you

Some even brought me to tears, as before, yesterday... and again..."