Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3294: Yesterday reproduced 19 Thank you


It was a stroke of luck to escape from an ambush by three terrifying robots.

But that doesn't mean they've escaped the mud of hell.

First, the off-road vehicle was completely scrapped and was blown to pieces; then a large amount of materials were also burned in the raging flames, including the most precious solid compressed drinking water.

For the next journey, they could only rely on a few supplies, guns and ammunition, and complete it on foot.

Worst of all, they saw hawks circling in the southern sky.

Three terrorist robots exploded one after another, and the smoke of gunpowder rose to hundreds of meters in the air, and they would definitely be discovered by falcons.

In other words, the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang have already locked their location, and it will be a matter of time before they are found.

Fortunately, Gold Tooth Boss found a dry river.

He knew the topography of this area well, and told the two little ghosts that this river was most likely a large river with pleasant scenery and excellent water quality. There were many winemaking workshops and large wineries scattered on both sides of the river.

Both workshops and wineries have wine cellars. According to local habits, most of the wine cellars are located underground. In order to maintain stable temperature and humidity, they have good sealing and constant temperature facilities, and even independent energy supply. Some large underground wine cellars The cellar can even accommodate the entry and exit of trucks to facilitate the transportation of raw materials and finished products.

Therefore, as long as they walk along the dry river and are lucky enough to find a well-preserved underground wine cellar, they have a chance to obtain sufficient supplies and even get a car.

There was no other way, and Bai Xiaolu and Wan Zanghai could only carry the parcels, silently praying for "there is no unparalleled road", and followed the golden tooth boss, walking deep and shallow.

It is undoubtedly a kind of torture for a traveler who has been sitting in a car for several days to go on foot.

What's more, they all had wounds on their bodies, and the wounds torn by the terrifying robots were still seeping with blood and body fluids, and every step they took brought a piercing pain.

Boss Jinya and Bai Xiaolu are both demons, accustomed to physical and psychological pain, Wan Zanghai, a pampered underground boy, didn't even say a word, which made Bai Xiaolu secretly admire.

Of course, he didn't forget his "identity", he intentionally let out an unbearable groan, and from time to time procrastinated, asking for help from Wan Zanghai, gradually distanced himself from Boss Jinya, and took the opportunity to activate his "power of heart" to ask Wan Zanghai for help. Wan Zanghai explores the extraction code of "advanced water purification technology".

After the fierce battle with the terrorist robot, Wan Zanghai and Bai Xiaolu seem to have a life-and-death friendship, and their relationship has become closer.

But life-threatening secrets are still not easily revealed.

However, apart from extracting the password, Wan Zanghai poured out everything like beans in a bamboo tube, allowing Bai Xiaolu to know the growth experience and personality traits of this underground boy like the palm of his hand.

After walking for half a day, they came to a heavily weathered stone forest. Their physical and mental strength finally reached their limits, so they stopped to rest for a while.

The golden tooth boss made a gesture to Bai Xiaolu in secret, and Bai Xiaolu obediently obeyed, and hypnotized Wan Zanghai to sleep—in fact, there was no need for hypnosis at all, Wan Zanghai was already on the verge of collapse, and he could fall asleep with just a breath.

Without Wan Zanghai's interference, Bai Xiaolu honestly reported the information obtained through hypnosis in the past few days to Boss Jinya.

Of course, it’s impossible to stop under your command, so we still have to hurry up and help Gold Tooth Boss, the "strongest combat force", to eliminate inflammation, change dressings and bandage wounds - facing the pursuit of the Scorpion Gang and the Vulture Gang at any time, Gold Tooth Boss is their only reliance.

It's terrible, the wound of the boss of Gold Tooth was only severely torn in the morning, and dozens of fragments were embedded in the explosion of the terrorist robot again, and most of the load was carried away. After walking so much, but now, the wound New granulation sprouts grow and become entangled with each other, hardly affecting the activity.

Is he still human

By the way, he wasn't human in the first place, just like Bai Xiaolu—both demons.

While listening to Bai Xiaolu's report quietly, the golden tooth boss coughed lightly, coughing up mouthfuls of dark black blood—this was probably the only thing that could prove that he was seriously injured.

After Bai Xiaolu said everything, he hesitated to speak.

"Is there anything else?"

The golden tooth boss keenly captured his hesitation and anxiety.

"that… "

Regardless of his brother's dissuasion, Bai Xiaolu bit his lips and said, "Wan Zanghai's guess is correct? You, you were really an elite soldier of Citi Country, and you still love your country and want to restore it glory?"

The boy pointed to the symbol on the chest of the wasteland overlord, the blood-stained flag.

The golden tooth boss was slightly taken aback, then grinned and said, "Is it important?"

"I, I don't know."

Bai Xiaolu lowered his head and looked at his toes, "'The Agreement' deceived you, causing both the 'Citigroup' and the 'Xinjinshan' to lose. You still want to send the 'advanced water purification technology' to the ' Agreement'? If we do it, will it cause the strength of the 'agreement' to skyrocket and completely defeat the 'alliance'?"

"what… "

Jinya Laodao, "I really didn't expect that you are so concerned about the safety of the 'Alliance'. Could it be that you are still an 'Alliance'?"

Bai Xiaolu was at a loss for words for a moment, so he could hear the sarcasm of the golden tooth boss.

He is not qualified to be an ally, he is not a human, he is a demon.

The two were silent for a long time, until Bai Xiaolu thought that the golden tooth boss would not answer his question directly, the wasteland overlord leaned on a stone pillar riddled with holes, stared blankly at the Citigroup on his chest and arms, faintly Said: "Yes, a long time ago, I once fought under this banner as an elite... SEAL.

"At that time, I believed in this flag, I believed in this country, I believed with all my heart that it was a 'land on a hill', a 'lighthouse and hope', and I also believed that that person could make it 'great again', hehe, I would Use your life to defend and believe in.

"But, you know, full-scale thermonuclear war broke out, and the war changed everything beyond recognition, including my face, my body, and my soul and beliefs. Its ugliest side includes both humanity and 'country'.

"Now you ask me if I still love that country that has disappeared? Hehe, what a good question, but unfortunately I don't know the answer, because I am not qualified to love this country, understand, in my 'homeland', forever Only 1% of people are qualified to love, and the remaining 99% are manipulated chess pieces, enslaved mules, fruits waiting to be harvested, and cannon fodder waiting to be consumed.

"Chess pieces are not qualified to love chess players, mules and horses are not qualified to love whips, fruits are not qualified to love sickles, and cannon fodder are not qualified to love the cannon that fires them. The country, the country, the country is a beast with insatiable desires. It does not need your love. , and don't care about your hatred, it just wants you to stand up obediently and wait for its order."

The golden tooth boss coughed, sneered, and spoke angrily, saying things that Bai Xiaolu couldn't understand.

"That… "

Bai Xiaolu pointed to the flower flag on the chest of Gold Tooth Boss, "Since you no longer love your...'Motherland', why do you still wear this flower flag and shout 'MAGA'?"

"Citigroup, hehe!"

The golden tooth boss smiled, and suddenly pulled hard, tore off the rag from his chest, threw it on the ground, and spat hard on it.

"I used to fight under this banner, for love and faith."

Gold tooth old road, "I still wear it now, shouting the slogan of 'MAGA', because it makes the people of the 'Entente' think that I am a hopeless idiot, a simple-minded red-neck with well-developed limbs, who can Treat me like a good dog, and even loosen the leash once in a while, that's all."


Bai Xiaolu had nothing to say.

"Hey, kid, I'll give you a few words of advice for free, so that you won't be tricked to death by others if you don't know what to do."

The golden tooth boss said lightly, "Whether you want to be someone's compatriot and fight for a certain banner or a certain force is your freedom, but often the person who calls you a compatriot is the one who stabs you in the back; The person who holds the banner is the person who is always ready to sell the banner; the person who tells you to sacrifice everything to love is the person who wants to use or even devour your sacrifice.

"Remember, the 'agreement' and 'alliance', the battle flag and glory, only belong to the 1% of human beings who are superior. It is a pity that you are a demon, or the most deformed one among the demons. You will never become 1% %, so, keep your identity in mind and try to live a few more days, understand?"


Bai Xiaolu actually didn't know.

In other words, he knew it very well, but he was absolutely unwilling to admit it.

"come on."

Seeing the boy's aggrieved and stubborn look, the golden tooth boss suddenly sighed, and beckoned, "Tell me what you have learned in the past few days, if there is anything you don't understand, I will explain it to you, and there are other skills , If you want to learn, I will teach you, and the tuition fee will be returned to me with interest when you have more use value."


Bai Xiaolu didn't expect Jinya Boss to be so polite to him.

It turned out that, not only being polite, the boss of Golden Tooth really gave everything he could.

In the next few hours, Boss Jinya explained the contents of Yuri's "Mind Notes" in great detail, not only about hypnosis, but also about various "heart power" application skills, not just about theory, but also Including Gold Teeth Boss' own experience in actual combat.

He even tried to teach Bai Xiaolu his famous stunt "Legion", at least let Bai Xiaolu appreciate the mystery of "Legion".

Bai Xiaolu didn't know why Boss Jinya did this, he didn't look like an aggressive wasteland overlord, nor did he look like a doomsday hero with ulterior motives, but more, more like... some kind of character that Bai Xiaolu had never seen in his life .

Looking at the slightly thin but serious face of Boss Jinya, Bai Xiaolu wanted to ask but dared not, so he could only widen his eyes, prick up his ears, and try his best to understand every word of "Mind Notes" and Boss Jinya's words deeply. deeply imprinted in my heart.

The golden tooth boss pointed out the white deer for four or five hours.

This somewhat unbelievable "teaching" did not come to an end until the mental strength of the two of them was somewhat unable to support.

"Hey, brat—"

When Bai Xiaolu was about to wake up Wan Zanghai, the golden tooth boss suddenly stopped him, paused, and said softly, "Daytime, thank you."


Bai Xiaolu was surprised again, waved his hand subconsciously, and stammered, "Well, there is no way, we must kill the horror robot, otherwise we will not survive."

"I know."

Gold Tooth Boss coughed and smiled ugly, "Thank you anyway."