Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3296: Reproduced 21 mines yesterday


The word "landmine" instantly froze the air in the billowing dust, and the temperature dropped by almost ten degrees.

Bai Xiaolu was so frightened that he didn't dare to move, Wan Zanghai even jumped up screaming, for fear that he would also step on a landmine, and after making sure that there was nothing under his feet, he took two steps back and yelled at Bai Xiaolu: "Why is this so?" careless!"


Bai Xiaolu couldn't speak, the upper and lower rows of teeth were fighting with the muscles and bones of his whole body.

"Don't move, don't panic, keep calm, let me see."

The red prosthetic eye of the golden tooth boss continued to expand and contract, and there was a "squeak" sound from the depths of his temple. He lay down at the feet of the white deer, slowly pulled out the dagger, and turned the dagger into a bunch of feathers with the most gentle technique. , Gently, gently scraped away the sand and dust under Bai Xiaolu's right foot.

An anti-infantry landmine the size of two or three palms, which looked like a flattened can, showed a ferocious corner.


Gold Tooth boss gave an ugly laugh, "We won the lottery. This is the K141 jumping anti-personnel mine from the 'Entente' side, nicknamed 'Tarantula'. Do you know what 'Tarantula' is? That's Papua A giant spider unique to New Guinea. Its hunting method is very strange. It does not spin silk and make webs, but lies in ambush in the dark. kill.

"The same is true for this 'tarantula mine'. It contains a bouncing warhead that can jump up to four or five meters high. The warhead is equipped with more than 500 diamond-shaped fragments. Once it explodes, it is enough to kill All enemy skirmishers within a radius of 100 meters have almost no blind spots in all directions, and even wearing third-level armor, the casualty rate is still above 85%—kid, you are very good at stepping on!"

"so smart!"

Bai Xiaolu was so frightened that he couldn't speak, Wan Zanghai screamed first, subconsciously ran two steps away from a hundred meters away, thought for a while, then turned back, and waved to Boss Jinya: "Uncle, it's too dangerous there, you Come here quickly!"

"Boss, I..."

Bai Xiaolu's mind went blank, and he wanted to ask the boss Jinya for help, but he didn't know what to say—everyone used to take advantage of each other, and he was unlucky, stepping on such a deadly weapon, how could he be buried with him!


The golden tooth boss glanced at Wan Zanghai in the distance, with a half-smile, "Are you going to abandon your 'classmate'?"

"This, of course not."

Wan Zanghai blushed, coughed dryly, rolled his eyes and said, "It's not easy for me and Xiaolu to walk here hand in hand. We have deep feelings for each other, but what can he do if he stepped on such a powerful landmine?" , we can't save him at all! How about this, let's go to the winery in front to find out if there is any tool that can dismantle the mines, if there is no tool, we, we will go to the place that uncle originally wanted to go - where you are going There must be many professionals and professional tools in this place, right? At that time, we will definitely come back to save Xiaolu! Xiaolu, don't worry, 'Never give up, don't give up' is my motto, you must hold on, grit your teeth, and wait for help. Really, within a day or two, three to five days, reinforcements will definitely come."

Bai Xiaolu was dumbfounded when he heard it, but after thinking about it carefully, he had nothing to say.

He tried his best to hold back his tears and trembling, trying to maintain his last dignity, and said in a trembling voice: "No, that's right, boss, you go, I'm here... It's okay, I can do it."


The golden tooth boss continued to bury his head under the feet of the white deer, and continued digging out the gravel around the mine, until most of the "tarantulas" were exposed, then he was relieved, wiped the sweat from his forehead, and slapped Wan Zanghai. Gesture, "What else is in our rucksack?"


Wan Zanghai was stunned, and stammered, "You, what do you want to do? Didn't you say that this kind of landmine has a large killing radius and power? You must not die in vain. The next journey depends on you. I can't do it alone!"

"I'll let you, bring the rucksack here."

Boss Jinya stared at Wan Zanghai, and said word by word, "Then go one hundred and ten meters away and dig two pits, two pits that are big enough to accommodate us, the depth is more than one meter, and it will be completed within two hours. —The soil in this area used to be very fertile, but now there is only a layer of floating sand on top, so it shouldn’t be difficult to dig, after you dig, hide yourself 150 meters away, don’t you know?”

Wan Zanghai opened his mouth wide, looked at the scarlet eyes of the golden tooth boss who was about to shoot out, and then at the golden python pistol that was about to move around his waist, he stopped talking, obediently threw his rucksack over, and dug a hole obediently went.

"At least our luck isn't too bad."

The golden tooth boss took out a few simple tools from his rucksack, "There is a screwdriver, a few razor blades, and a little bit of viscous gel to help the wound stop bleeding."


Bai Xiaolu felt pain in his calf and twitched, "Well, can this 'tarantula' landmine be dismantled?"

"Give it a try, luckily we still have sticky gel."

The golden tooth boss explained, "Listen, I need you to remain absolutely calm and composed, especially the force exerted by your right foot on the mine, and there must be no change in the slightest.

"Then, slowly, slowly, I would remove the shell of the mine and fill its sensing parts with some viscous gel.

"This mine is very sensitive, your force changes even the slightest, 'Boom'! Who wants to remove its sensing part, 'Boom'! Who wants to freeze its sensing part, 'Boom'! Who wants to use something else to replace your right foot, 'boom'! However, if you just slowly inject some sticky gel into the sensor part, it should delay its jump and detonation time, about... ten to fifteen seconds?"

"Ten, ten to fifteen seconds?"

Bai Xiaolu quickly calculated in his mind, "That is to say, we have to run a hundred meters in ten seconds and jump into that 'bullet-proof hole'? I can't do it!"

Before the nuclear war, the human's 100-meter limit speed just broke through ten seconds, but that was the result of repeated attempts by professional athletes to hit the impact under the most perfect conditions.

Although the radiation mutation has caused some demons to have extremely strong physiques, it does not mean that they can trample on the limit of human speed at will, not to mention that the white deer and the boss with golden teeth are covered in bruises, and after two days and nights of long journeys, they are on the verge of collapse. edge.

"If you can't do it, then go to hell."

The golden tooth boss raised his head and took a deep look at Bai Xiaolu, "There are many children like you who are useless and can't do anything in the bloody wasteland. They all died later, and no one cares about your life except yourself. ,nobody."

He didn't expect Bai Xiaolu's answer. He continued to bury his head and concentrate on dismantling the mine. He quickly removed the curved shell and gently removed it with his hands as precise as a scalpel, revealing the delicate internal structure like a clock.

"I, I can't hold on anymore."

Bai Xiaolu saw the overlapping and gleaming lethal fragments, imagined himself being torn apart by the fragments, turned into countless pieces of meat, and eaten by vultures, his heart, lower abdomen and calves twitched again Getting up, the voice became crying again, "I can't stand anymore, boss, you run, run a hundred meters away, or I will kill you."

"You'd better stand still, stand still, stand still."

The golden tooth boss didn't raise his head, "Otherwise I'll kill you."


Bai Xiaolu really didn't understand, "Why did you save me?"

"Stupid brat, please clarify one thing for me—no one wants to save you, I just want the extraction code of 'advanced water purification technology'!"

The golden tooth boss gritted his teeth and said, "If you are blown into a puddle of meat, who will help me hypnotize another kid and get the password?"

"This, this is not important at all!"

Bai Xiaolu couldn't help it, and said, "Wan Zanghai is smart, but he is only a teenager. I don't believe that you, who were once an elite Navy SEAL and have been the overlord of the wasteland for more than ten years, can't think The way to torture him—many modern punishments have completely broken through the limits of the human body, and any secret can be revealed by torture!"

"you… "

The golden tooth boss was stunned for a long time, spat lightly, and said, "Then, what about my investment in you? I still rely on you to revive the Citigroup, so I passed on Yuri's 'Spiritual Notes'." , before all the investment is recovered with the principal and interest, your life is mine!"


Bai Xiaolu yelled, "Brother said you're going to die, for a dying person, what's the point of reviving the Citi Gang?"

Gold tooth boss: "..."

elder brother:"… "

"Smelly brat, you really are, you will die if you don't speak!"

The golden tooth boss gritted his teeth and said, "Shut up, from this moment on, you shut up completely, otherwise, I will really leave you here to die!"

Bai Xiaolu shut up obediently.

However, it was strange to say that after talking with Boss Jinya, his heart, lower abdomen and calf unexpectedly calmed down, no pain or convulsions at all.

Watching the golden tooth boss risk his life to save himself, a cloud of colorful radiation rose up in the boy's heart, and he couldn't tell what it was like.

Although I know that "unintentionally dropped minced meat" does not exist, but... if it exists, even if it is only once, for only one second, then it would be great!

"All right."

The boss of Gold Tooth gently injected the remaining one-third of the viscous gel between the combat unit and the sensing part of the mine, stood up with difficulty, moved his stiff hands and feet, and the bones made a "click" sound, " Listen to me count to three and get ready to run."

"So fast?"

Bai Xiaolu was startled, his muscles twitched again.

In fact, it was not too fast. Two and a half hours had passed, and Wan Zanghai had dug the hole in the distance.

Bai Xiaolu was supposed to count seconds like years.

"I, I can't seem to move."

The boy said weakly.

"Look into my eyes, kid, I believe you, you did a good job just now, you really didn't move at all."

The golden tooth boss fixed Bai Xiaolu's face with his palm fan, and said firmly, "Next, I still believe in you, I believe that you can run 100 meters in fifteen seconds, and you also believe in me , believe my every word, do you believe me?"

The white deer nodded.

"Very well, you trust me, I trust you."

Gold tooth old road, "In this way, we can all survive."


Bai Xiaolu said with a mournful face, "A few days ago you told me that no one should be trusted, and those who shouted 'believe' were the ones who would stab me in the back."


The golden tooth boss took a deep breath, and gave Bai Xiaolu a hard tug, "Three! Run!"

The overlord of the wasteland pulled the boy and rushed out like an arrow from the string!