Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3298: Camp 23 X was reproduced yesterday


They cleaned up their wounds, found lots of wine and cans, played the most amazing music, and had a little party in the living room.

Maybe it’s to celebrate the white deer’s narrow escape; maybe it’s the end of this journey through the wilderness, and it’s time to take a break and get some energy; or maybe it’s for nothing, just to enjoy a moment of joy before being overtaken by the god of death. happy.

After so many days of trekking and standing side by side, the boundaries between each other have long been blurred. It doesn’t matter whether they are enemies or friends, demons or subterraneans, masters and slaves or wild beasts who are vigilant to each other. At this moment, they are just three A person who wants to live and is still alive.

Needless to say, boys and teenagers, even the boss with golden teeth went to the other corner of the wine cellar, and after a while of being mysterious, there was a real smile on his face, and every pore was stretched.

He quietly told Bai Xiaolu that he didn't have to worry about chasing soldiers anymore, he had found something better than a car, a radio station!

He has already sent a message to the trustworthy people, and reinforcements will come to rescue them soon. The reinforcements have brand-new doomsday technology and are very fast, completely ignoring the harsh terrain and various traps in the wasteland, so they just need to be comfortable Just hide here.

In this way, Boss Jinya drank a lot of good wine and sang a lot of bad songs, and once again forced the two little ghosts to sing and drink with him, which was a bit of a free spirit.

Bai Xiaolu even suspected that if he drank it again, the wine would spurt out from all the wounds on his body like in the cartoon, like a large fountain.

The golden tooth boss finally collapsed on the sofa, waved his hand, and signaled Bai Xiaolu to get Wan Zanghai out.

Wan Zanghai was also drunk, giggling all the time, embracing Bai Xiaolu's shoulder affectionately like an octopus, blushing and saying that Bai Xiaolu is his best brother, and when he becomes famous one day, he will definitely not Forget about Bai Xiaolu, brother's business is his own business, brother's life is his life, brother's help will definitely help, going up the mountain of swords and going down into the sea of fire, it's just a matter of leisure.

Bai Xiaolu did not forget his mission, and it seemed that this was his last chance to use hypnotism to ask for the password again.

Wan Zanghai, however, was like a greased spinning top, slippery without holding back his hands. Even though he was deeply hypnotized, he still subconsciously avoided all issues related to extracting the password.

Bai Xiaolu tried again and again, but Wan Zanghai was also drunk, and soon fell into a deep sleep. Bai Xiaolu had no choice but to stuff him into an empty wine barrel, and went back to report to the boss of Jinya .

When he returned to the living room, Boss Jinya was a little sober from his wine.

The ground is full of empty cans and wine bottles, and the room is filled with ancient and warm music. The laughter and laughter of a moment ago have disappeared, and it becomes more deserted and lonely. The overlord of the wasteland leans on the sofa, holding a Smoke, the smoke blurred his facial features, his prosthetic eyes were dim, coughing lightly, while staring blankly at a photo.

It was a picture of Old John's family.

Bai Xiaolu hesitated for a moment, walked to the diagonal line of Jinya's boss, sat down cross-legged, and said softly: "I'm sorry, he still didn't say anything."

"It's okay, forget it."

The gold-toothed boss didn't raise his head, and said casually, continuing to look at his photos, as if he could see many, many things from Old John's family.

"Well, it's about the day, thank you."

Bai Xiaolu thought for a while, and thanked him earnestly, "You are the first person in my life who treats me sincerely, and you are also the first person who I can trust completely—except for my brother."

"Don't say such nasty things, you smart brat, you think you can move me with such sweet words, do you really believe your 'believe'?"

The golden tooth boss spit out thick bloody phlegm, "Shut up, don't hinder my enjoyment of music and wine."

Bai Xiaolu was making fun of himself, he could only rub his nose, and looked at Boss Jinya without saying a word.

Between the two of them, the awkward silence gradually expanded, and perhaps there were other inexplicable things mixed in the silence.

Perhaps it was because of the repeated impact of alcohol on the brain cells, Gold Tooth boss's dark and rough face turned red within five minutes, he put down the photo, glared at Bai Xiaolu, and said in a low voice, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Bai Xiaolu laughed, shrugged his shoulders, and asked the overlord of the wasteland with some embarrassment: "Boss, what kind of chess is this?"

He pointed to the toy chess set that Old John and his son hadn't finished playing.

"That's "Strong Hand Chess", also known as "Monopoly."

The golden tooth boss glanced at it, and said in a calm voice.

"Is it fun?"

Bai Xiaolu had nothing to say.

"Who knows, what exactly do you want to ask?"

Gold tooth boss frowned.

"Me, I don't know either."

Bai Xiaolu curled up even smaller, and he was a little drunk, "I didn't want to ask anything, I just wanted to talk to you."


The golden tooth boss stared at Bai Xiaolu.

"I have no idea."

Bai Xiaolu shook his head again, "I don't know" again.

"Stupid brat."

The golden tooth boss curled his lips, and spat out another mouthful of bloody saliva. This time, the blood and spittle were both black.

"I'm probably going to die. If the reinforcements arrive in time, maybe I can live a few more days, who knows."

The golden tooth boss looked at the black blood spit out by himself, and said slowly, "It's not important, what's important is that now is your best chance to escape, you have a 30% chance to kill me and take away all the things here Supplies - There's a car in the back underground garage, enough fuel and other supplies, you can already drive, right? Maybe you have a chance to get away, maybe.

"If you don't kill me now, your fate will be judged by the reinforcements. Stupid brat, if I were you, I would definitely do it. I would never hand over my fate to others."


Bai Xiaolu bit his lip and shook his head, "But, I'm not you, what you can do, I can't do, you are the overlord of the wasteland, Boss Gold Tooth, I'm just, just Bai Xiaolu."

Gold Tooth boss laughed loudly, coughing and laughing, laughing and vomiting blood, vomiting blood and coughing.

"Little ghost, open another bottle of wine for me."

The golden tooth boss rested his head on the armrest of the sofa, lying comfortably, half-closed his eyes, and murmured, "If you want to know anything else, just ask!"

Bai Xiaolu opened another bottle of wine.

The familiar melody, "Yesterday Reappears" sounded in the room.

Bai Xiaolu also poured himself a full glass of wine, took a big gulp, and then mustered up the courage to ask: "Boss, I really want to know... who is this 'Yuri X'? He is an ally. Human, how did his 'mind note' fall into your hands?"

The boss of Gold Tooth shook his hands, but he still gulped down the wine, and said in a mechanical voice: "Yuri Aix, of course he was not an ally or even a Russian at the beginning. A lot of information said that he From Romania, there are rumors that he is the secret successor of the Transylvania family. He is an out-and-out devil, an out-and-out genius, and one of the top ability users at that time. The well-deserved king of the field of 'heart power'.

"It's a pity that even my motherland didn't have a thorough research on superpowers at that time. I thought that ordinary weapons could deal with this demon. After a long period of intelligence collection and careful planning, a team of well-armed and well-trained elites The Navy SEALs sneaked into a place in Eastern Europe secretly, preparing to capture Yuri X, and I am their deputy captain."

Bai Xiaolu let out an "ah".

Seeing that the Golden Tooth Boss is now transformed into a human and a ghost, he faintly feels that the result of this arrest operation must not be good.

"Of course the arrest failed."

Sure enough, the golden tooth boss paused for a moment, pain and indifference flashed across his face, and said, "That was not an arrest, but a game, Yuri's game, or Yuri's attack on him." The 'Heart Power', the first experiment conducted.

"Most of the seals were dead, and my three brothers and I stayed behind so that the seriously injured captain could escape. In the end, my three brothers and I became Yuri's captives instead.

"Yuri took us to a place called 'Camp X'. We were not his first batch of experimental subjects, but the strongest and most tortured batch of experimental subjects. He performed various experiments on us. The exploration of superpowers also brainwashed us with the "power of the heart", turning us into minions and killing machines that obeyed his orders, and helped him do a lot of shady things.

"Three brothers died in experiments and killings one after another. Only I was the most adaptable to superpowers. I gritted my teeth and persisted, awakened my will, and was also developed the wonderful ability of the 'Legion'.

"Later... you know, the thermonuclear war broke out, Yuri's X camp was completely destroyed in the carpet bombing, I escaped by chance, and stole his most important notes, wandering all the way, struggling to survive , until the end of the war, I come back here, set up the Citi gang, and that's it.

"However, until now, I still don't know whether I escaped by myself, or Yuri deliberately let me out to conduct a new experiment on a larger scale and for a longer period of time, this bastard!"

Bai Xiaolu listened intently, looked at the layer upon layer of wounds on Boss Jinya's body, and felt that his body was also in pain. He continued to ask: "Then, is Yuri X still alive now?"


The golden tooth boss snorted coldly, "He is now a senior advisor of the 'Alliance' and has a lot of power. This is why I absolutely don't want to go to the 'Alliance'."

"I see."

Bai Xiaolu let out a long sigh of relief. The question that had troubled him for many days finally had an answer. He should feel refreshed, but for some reason, he was still a little bit stuck in his heart.

Seeing the golden tooth boss pinching the photo of Old John's family so tightly that his fingers turned white, Bai Xiaolu suddenly asked, "Boss, can I ask a personal question, this is your hometown? Are you here?" Have a family, a wife and children?"