Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3306: 31 Future was reappeared yesterday (the fourth update, one of the extra episodes is over!)


The boy walks in the sea of corpses and blood.

Conspiracy has eroded his innocence, lies have worn away his childishness, betrayal has put on a solid armor for him, and remorse and desire have turned into his sharpest weapons.

He trampled on numerous corpses and grew up. First, he became a young man, and then transformed into a young man in the bloody storms and dangers. When the young man looked up, he saw a throne of bones standing on top of the endless pile of corpses. All skeletons are black.

He smiled, and brought up the long sword of lies, conspiracy, hatred and anger, and walked unhurriedly to the throne of bones that was destined to belong to him.

But at this time, the pool of blood next to him was rippling, and a head emerged from the ripples.


"you again."

He frowned, displeased.

Immediately, he was slightly taken aback—he obviously didn't remember such a vulture, why did he say "again"

Such a distinctive vulture, which makes people itch at the first sight, will never be forgotten even if it is frustrating. If you have seen it, you must remember it, right

"Finally connected again!"

Vulture breathed a sigh of relief, but was still very nervous, "Listen, White Deer, the interference is too strong, the 'future you' will soon destroy the connection, we only have three to five minutes at most, we must have a good chat!"

He didn't understand what Vulture was talking about, and subconsciously said, "I'm not White Fawn, I'm Wan Zanghai."

"No, this is what we want to talk about. You are Bai Xiaolu, you are not Wanzanghai, and you are not Chaotai and Hong Chao!"

The vulture said anxiously, "Well, the inertia of 'Shichao' is too strong, I can't change the past, every contact we have will be obliterated, and you will eventually become Wanzanghai step by step, super body and Hong Chao.

"But, I beg you, no matter how much time has passed, no matter how many things you have experienced, and how many things you have lost, never forget your true self, the innocent, kind, trusting white deer who believes in hope and others! "

The corners of his eyes twitched, as if the weakness in the deepest part of his heart had been pierced, and the scales, spikes and armor all stood up: "Who are you, and why have you sneaked into my dream over and over again?"

"With your current wisdom, it is difficult for me to explain my identity and how I connected with you. In short... I am a future person hundreds of millions of years from now, and I am a superhero in a future world. , Mysterious and mysterious, the vast and endless starry sky battlefield, and the "future you" are inseparable, but in fact, this "future you" may not really be the future you, let's call it that!"

The vulture said like a cannonball, "Description in a way you can understand, this 'future you' is really powerful. After hundreds of millions of years of development, it has developed into a universe-level boss who is the only one in the sky and the earth. Pili's ultimate knife slashed at him, but he dodged it easily, and returned me a black tiger's heart attack. Then I took advantage of the situation and came to a monkey to steal the peach, but he didn't steal the peach, but was killed by him The scissors legs locked my throat, and then I was beaten head-to-head, until I almost collapsed."


It was difficult for him to understand the vulture's words. Will future people speak like this after hundreds of millions of years

"But actually, uh, if you don't believe me, I actually deliberately made the 'future you' piss, hahahaha, all of this is in my plan!"

The vulture laughed dryly, "I pretended to be weak and full of feces and urine, and finally managed to deceive the 'future you', invade its ultimate core, and even entangled with it sneakily, spanning hundreds of millions of years together barriers, and the 'first you' hit the line!

"Time is limited, so to make a long story short, Bai Xiaolu, I need your help, human civilization needs your help, and the entire universe needs your help!"

"need me?"

He rolled his eyes and laughed, "Okay, you help me, I'll help you, since you said you are a person from the future who has mastered the mysteries of time, then help me turn back time, stop wars, and change everything! If you can do it, I can help you in any way you want.”

"That's the point."

The vulture said, "I can't help you—if I change everything for you, then all history will change for hundreds of millions of years, and I will not be born at all. Since I was not born at all, how can I change everything for you? This is A paradox, a time paradox that no one can get around, I can't get around it, and you can't get around it either."


His eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth were pulled down.

"I know what you're thinking, but that's impossible."

Vulture said, "If you go back in time, stop the war, and even bring back those you love so much, then your fate will be completely different, maybe you will live happily together, you will never be able to With such a terrifying ability, you can't touch the mystery of time, and you can't go back to the past to change everything—look, we're back to the time paradox again, right

"If one day you really change everything and go back to a 'new timeline that seems to be peaceful and nothing wrong happened', it's not really going back to the past, it's just that you created a new timeline with your supernatural powers. Parallel universe, everything in this parallel universe is created by you to deceive yourself, in the 'old parallel universe', nothing can be changed, but because you consume too much energy, it will become more and more pain and darkness.

"See what I mean, it's like if you accidentally break a beautiful vase, you can go to the market and buy a look-alike one and come back to replace it, but the old one just breaks and the new vase can never be The old vase, no matter how much you fool yourself, it's impossible!"

"asshole… "

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists. Dangerous emotions condensed in the depths of his black eyes, like billions of lightning bolts.

"There are worse ones."

But the vulture was not afraid of his anger, and continued to chatter, "There is an old saying that a man will die twice, the first time when his body perishes, and the second time when he is forgotten by everyone - this saying is on Earth. The era should have existed, right? It means that a person not only lives in a three-dimensional space, but also lives in other people's thoughts, memories and all feelings about him. Even if his body dies, his "information" is still alive.

"If you really choose to 'go back to the past', you actually bypass the time paradox and jump to another parallel universe. I doubt that you will completely forget those people you really love, and you will forget that they have done everything for you. The sacrifices you have made, your nostalgia for them, and the good days you have spent between you, in other words, you will personally and completely wipe them out, and no one will remember who they are anymore!

"Even if there are still those people in the new parallel universe, they are not the real ones. They are just puppets, clones, and inflatable people who are very similar to them. They are fake, fake!"

"shut up!"

He finally couldn't help it and roared, "I don't understand what you're talking about, shut up and get out of my dream!"

"You are very smart, you can understand it, even if you don't understand it now, it will take hundreds of millions of years for you to slowly understand this truth."

The vulture said, "In terms of real age, you are more than enough to be my ancestor of eighteen generations, but in terms of life experience, the current me is a little richer than the original you. I am a father and an elder brother. Let me tell you , when I, as a father or elder brother, make some kind of sacrifice for my children and juniors, I really, really don't want to see them torture themselves with boundless hatred and remorse, trapped in a thorny obsession Unable to break free in the maze for hundreds of millions of years, he finally turned himself into a beast, a monster, a demon, to go his own way, destroy himself and others, and destroy the future of himself and others!

"Really, I don't want them to become like this. All my efforts and sacrifices have only one purpose, which is to hope that they can live a good life, live a happy life, and have a brighter and brighter future than mine. Enough is enough, really enough!

"Your father and elder brother, those who have given you happiness and joy, must be the same. I hope you can always be like that moment, happy and happy, instead of becoming a monster wrapped in hatred and resentment. Ten thousand years to punish yourself?"

"shut up!"

He held his head in his hands, excruciatingly painful, "Shut up, shut up, shut up!"

"Enough is enough. Hundreds of millions of years of suffering, wandering and colliding in the labyrinth of regret, is enough. It's time to wake up, White Deer!"

The vulture spread its wings towards him, "I can't change the past, but you can change the future! My chance of defeating Hong Chao is only one in a billion, but your chance of defeating Hong Chao is 100%! Because you are Hong Chao's Starting point, you are Hong Chao's regret that can never be repaired, you are Hong Chao's 'heart demon'!

"Wake up, wake up from the regrets of billions of years, wake up from the pain that can never be shaken off, listen to the true voices of those who sacrificed for you, store the past properly, and stride forward to a future with infinite possibilities!

"We need you, human civilization needs you, and the future needs you. Only you can completely transform the flood and bring human civilization hundreds of millions of years later to a whole new level. Only you can lead us to defeat the 'Great Purge Agreement' and defeat' Taezi Collapse', defeated the 'Lord of the Singularity' and the 'Eternal Swallowing Beast', with the sacrifices, hopes and ardent expectations of countless people for hundreds of millions of years, to create the best tomorrow! This is the only way to sacrifice for you Only the people who live here can find true rest!"

"I… "

He hesitated for the first time, and he couldn't see clearly what he looked like in a pool of blood, "The future me is so powerful—what about you?"


The vulture said, "As long as you can wake up, I will immediately recognize you as a boss, and I will be satisfied if I can be your leg pendant."

"The leg pendant?"

He wondered, "What is that?"

"It's leg hair."

The vulture said, "You are truly a peerless master who has mastered the multiverse, and you are a well-deserved powerhouse for hundreds of millions of years of human civilization. I can be a hair on your leg and go with you to the multiverse and high-dimensional space to help you wave the flag. I am satisfied to see you sweeping through billions of universes—now you should know how sharp and important you really are, and why you should wake up, right?"

"Unexpectedly, it turned out to be like this..."

He was puzzled, always feeling weird.

"Of course that's the case. Don't doubt it. Maybe you don't know me, but in the future hundreds of millions of years later, I will be famous in the stars for being honest, honest and reliable."

The vulture said, "No, the 'future you' found me, and it entangled me again. I have to withdraw. Don't forget the password!"


He froze, "What code?"

"That's the one, 'It's everyone's responsibility to care for vultures'!"

The vulture shouted, "The inertia of the 'Time Tide' is extremely powerful, it will wipe out all traces of me left over billions of years ago, and not a single ripple will remain, so you will soon forget this dream and my existence.

"But I still hope that no matter what, you will not forget that you are a white deer, a righteous and kind white deer who is full of hope and believes in tomorrow, and put your "believe" and the words "everyone is responsible for caring for vultures" Bound together tightly, branded to the deepest part of your soul.

"In this way, when the battle between me and the 'future you' reaches the most intense stage in the starry sky battlefield hundreds of millions of years later, and I yell out 'Love vultures, everyone is responsible', you may wake up and think of the past. Everything, to reproduce the true self, the original white deer!

"Remember, you must think about it, give yourself a chance, give the future human civilization a chance, give 'hope', 'tomorrow' and 'belief' a chance, this is the only possibility for us to overcome the flood , I believe in you, Bai Xiaolu, Bai Xiaolu, Bai Xiao—"

The vulture seemed to be choked by someone and dragged back hundreds of millions of years.

Soon, he forgot the existence of the vulture, the conversation just now, and the extremely shameful "sign".

However, the Throne of Skeletons on the mountain of corpses and sea of blood has become a bit dazzling, faintly showing signs of collapse.

And when he lowered his head, the originally clear face in the pool of blood began to blur again, and he couldn't tell whether it was "Wan Zanghai" or "White Deer".

Brother, we succeeded, I didn't die, and I successfully entered the underground city of the "Alliance", they didn't doubt me, they really regarded me as the "Wanzanghai"!

Brother, I was sent to a hospital. The medical conditions here are very good, and the wound will heal quickly. They didn’t find any traces of you. Haha, your plan is really amazing. Now I am an "underground race" "Yes!

Brother, the director of this hospital is also called "Yuri". Of course it's not the terrible Yuri Ax. He is a really good man, an angel without wings, who took special care of me and helped me solve the problem. A lot of unnecessary troubles, and said that I have a rare talent in psychology and brain surgery, and that they want to accept me as a student! Hehe, it seems that our fortunes are really changing. The days to come will definitely get better day by day, right

Brother, I seem to remember that when the golden tooth boss died, and when you... died, you all said a word to me, what do you want me to do? Damn it, I forgot.

Please, tell me again in my dream, the underground city is very prosperous, but my heart is a little confused, I don't know how to go in the future.

But it doesn't matter, there are still a long time, there is still a lot of time, I will remember it eventually, right

[One of the extra episodes reappeared yesterday ended]