Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3308: Part 2 Revenge


When Yuri Ax arrived at the airport, a supersonic airliner in silver color and full of futuristic design was ready.

Except for the roar of the passenger planes, the entire airport was silent, as if it was empty, but after careful observation, one could find countless guards hiding in the dark like ghosts.

All defenders were told that St. Petersburg had been attacked by a small band of rebels, and that the shameful coup would soon die down.

It doesn't matter if you don't tell them—the four mind control towers standing at the four corners of the airport are enough to turn everyone in the entire airport into Yuri's puppets.

"My mentor, the loving father of all mankind."

A young man with black hair and black eyes in a gray windbreaker greeted him, opened the door for Yuri X himself, and saluted him respectfully.

The young man has a handsome and innocent face, and the delicate jade-like skin is flooded with holy light at any time, so that everyone can't help but feel a sense of trust when they see him. Numerous small wrinkles were found near his eye sockets, showing that his age may be far beyond his appearance, and those deeply buried eyes also contain countless things far beyond "innocence".

Although countless people call Yuri Aix a "mentor", there are not many disciples who are truly recognized by Yuri. This young man is the youngest and the one who is most loved and trusted by Yuri.

His name is "Wan Zanghai".

On the surface, he is the leader of the "Earth Water Purification Group", the leader of the "Red Cross Charity General Alliance", a civil rights activist calling for a great reconciliation between the underground race and the radiation race, and a well-known entrepreneur and inventor. Philanthropist and political budding star.

Secretly, he is an extremely important person in the "Yuri Group", independent of the "Earth Reconstruction Committee", another tentacle of Yuri X, and Yuri's hole card!

The situation has deteriorated to this extent, and they can only rely on the last hole card to save their lives.

"The situation is out of control, someone betrayed us."

Yuri waved his hands to his lover, and said unceremoniously, "Let's go to the Arctic Ocean base first, and then find a way to find out the traitors and carry out the cruelest revenge—the 'Earth Council' cannot control the entire earth so quickly, We still have plenty of opportunities!"


Wan Zanghai helped Yuri board the plane, "The final victory must belong to us."

"It's just a pain for you. The glorious image you have spent twenty years building in front of the world will be destroyed in one day."

Yuri looked at his disciple, "Are you willing?"


Wan Zanghai laughed, none of the billions of wrinkles at the corners of his eyes trembled, "It is all thanks to my mentor that Canghai is today. For the ultimate...justice, I am willing to pay any price."

Yuri snorted coldly and walked to his room at the back of the cabin.

His supersonic stealth airliner, powered by doomsday technology, is more advanced and luxurious than Air Force One, the presidential car of Citigroup before World War III, with spacious bedrooms and conference rooms.

The Battle of St. Petersburg consumed too much of his energy. After all, he is an old man over a hundred years old. He cannot bear such overdraft and must take a good rest.

As the boarding passage and the plane slowly departed, Wan Zanghai issued an order to the crew and tower to take off immediately.

Until this moment, everything works fine.

However, just when Yuri put his hand on the bedroom door, his pupils suddenly shrank, and his footsteps also paused a little.


In an instant, two iron hands shrouded in electric arcs broke through the door and grabbed him. It was the Magnetic Explosion infantry!


Plastic bombs blasted several holes in the floor on both sides of him, and a team of elite SEALs jumped out!

Purple light flashed in Yuri's eyes, and a wave of purple flames swirled around his body instantly. The purple flame turned into a sharp blade and stabbed fiercely at the attacker's brain, instantly causing the eyeballs of all the attackers to burst, and the shattered brains flowed down the nostrils and ear canals Squirted out wildly.

However, a force of the same nature but stronger than him came from behind, but it knocked the hundred-year-old man to the ground at once.


Yuri turned around, astonishment and anger flashed across his face, and he let out a roar of a cornered beast, and the purple light in the depths of his eyes instantly became stronger.

However, he was no match for the indiscriminate bombardment of the young man's brainwaves, which were ten times stronger than his. The two sides were in a stalemate for only five seconds. He seemed to be fifty years older than a hundred years old, and his eyes and brain were almost dried out. , a mouthful of purple blood spewed out wildly, and collapsed to the ground.

Wan Zanghai still had an innocent and pure smile on his face, and walked towards his mentor step by step, without slowing down.

As he passed a seal's body, he paused, bent down and drew the seal's dagger.

The knife is sharp and engraved with the Navy SEAL quote: "An easy day is only yesterday!"

Wan Zanghai stuck out the tip of his tongue, licked the eight characters lightly, and then walked up to the mentor with the dagger in hand.

The eyes of the two faced each other, and they were still engaged in a spiritual contest. Hundreds of millions of purple lights intersected and collided between the eyes. In a short while, Yuri collapsed completely, with winding blood flowing from his mouth, nose, eyes and ears. It really groaned like a dying old man.

"So it's you, it's you!"

Yuri stared at Wan Zanghai with the most venomous eyes, and roared in the most incredible voice, "Why did you betray me, why, what benefits did the 'Earth Council' give you, and made you willing to destroy the entire 'Earth Reconstruction'?" Committee', to destroy the cause we have worked so hard to build!"

"Demeanor, dear mentor, pay attention to your demeanor, no matter what you say, you are a hero in your life, even if you are at the end of your life, there is no need to behave so unbearably."

Wan Zanghai's smile became stronger, he narrowed his eyes, and took a deep breath, as if he regarded Yuri's breath of extreme depression and fear as the best food, "All the intrigues and intrigues, Didn’t you teach me conspiracy and betrayal? Didn’t you say that for people like us, betrayal is like breathing, and it should become an instinct in order to survive in this ugly world? I practiced it today If your teachings really betrayed you, what's so strange about it?"

"Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Yuri was trembling, a bit resentful, "Betrayal also depends on profit and timing, now you don't have the slightest reason to betray me, it's worth betraying me!

"At this moment, the entire earth is united under the banner of the 'Earth Reconstruction Committee', shrouded in my infinite brilliance, you are my most beloved disciple, I can give you whatever you want, betray me, What good do you gain from joining such a low-level organization as the 'Earth Council'? Nothing!"

"that power."

Wan Zanghai said indifferently, "Where is the supreme authority?"

"Power? Supreme power? Haha, hahahaha!"

Yuri laughed wildly like a dying crow, "I thought you were a smart person, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid! Wan Zanghai, I always knew that you were ambitious and never wanted to be inferior to others, but I didn't expect you to be so stupid!" Impatient, I can't even wait for just a few decades!

"Yes, as long as I am here, you will never be able to grasp the supreme power of the 'Earth Reconstruction Committee', so what, I am already over one hundred and thirty years old, I cannot live forever, and now you are fledgling Feng, it's not a good opportunity to seize the highest power, you can wait, wait for ten or twenty years, at most thirty or forty years, I will hand over the whole business to you, even if I don't hand over, then you will choose to betray Not too late!

"Now, you want to use the method of betraying me to gain the trust of the 'Earth Council' and obtain the highest power? Haha, childish, too childish, even if you betray me, you still have the distinctive 'Yuri' on your body." Brand', you'll never make it to the top of the 'Earth Council' and climb to the top!"


Wan Zanghai's expression remained unchanged, "Dear mentor, please have a little confidence in your best disciple, as long as I think, nothing can stop me, those chickens and dogs of the 'Earth Council', it's no big deal what?"

"But it doesn't make sense at all!"

Yuri's eyeballs protruded and he gasped, "Even if you can get rid of the stains on your background and use the most difficult and tortuous way to climb to the peak of the 'Earth Council', it will take at least thirty or forty years or even longer. What is the difference between the route I originally chose for you and going up steadily in the 'Earth Reconstruction Committee'? The former is more dangerous, longer, and has more uncertainties, while the latter is almost certain. You are my best disciple, no one can take your place—the so-called power is not a reason for betrayal at all!"

"That's right, you saw it."

Wan Zanghai continued to smile, but deep flames surged in his eyes, "I didn't betray you for such a ridiculous reason as 'supreme power', but for another more ancient, strong and even eternal reason—revenge. "


Yuri was stunned for a long time, the meridians on his neck and temples stood out one by one, he could hardly believe his ears, "Compared to 'for power', this is more like a joke, what enmity do I have with you, it's worth it You destroy everything we have!

"It was me, it was my clone who found you in that hospital, and even helped you cover it up carefully and forge your legal identity, otherwise you, a deformed demon like you, wouldn't be able to get away with the 'alliance' at that time!

"It was I who taught you how to develop 'Heart Power' to become one of the top ten superpowers on the planet, and I also gave you a lot of financial and technical support to establish the world's largest water purification company!

"It was me who packaged you as a philanthropist, a civil rights fighter, and a 'saint' known all over the world!

"It's me, I cultivated you with my own hands, I gave you everything you have today bit by bit, and during the whole process, I rarely tortured you, and I rarely used you, which is completely different from other disciples and experimental subjects. !

"You are the most perfect work I have created, the most exquisite work of art, I am not willing to hurt you at all, even if there are some small injuries, it is for the cultivation of the 'power of heart', I have given you everything! If You betrayed me for a ridiculous reason like 'power', I can still understand, but 'revenge'? I don't understand! I don't even know what kind of enmity there is between you and me!"

"It's true that there is nothing between you and me, but—"

Wan Zanghai bit the seal's dagger in his mouth and snapped his fingers lightly.

In the bloody cabin, brisk country music suddenly sounded.

"In heavenly West Virginia

There's the Blue Ridge Mountains, the Shanandoa River

Where the creatures are far away, older than the trees

Younger than the mountains, growing like the breeze

Country road, take me home, where I belong..."

Yuri's eyes were blank, and he didn't understand Wan Zanghai's meaning.

"Remember 'Jack Barrett'?"

Wan Zanghai raised his dagger, stared at Yuri firmly, pointed the blade at the center of his instructor's forehead, "Former Navy SEAL, one of the first batch of experimental subjects of X Battalion."

There were a few turbid waves in Yuri's blank eyes, and he said with some uncertainty: "... Big Gold Tooth?"

"Yes, 'Gold Tooth Barrett'."

Wan Zanghai's face was calm, but his voice trembled, "I will avenge you for everything he suffered in 'X Camp'."

The dagger breathed purple flames, and the motto of the SEALs shone brightly.

"Etc., etc!"

Yuri was completely confused, "What does the big gold tooth have to do with you? By the way, you seem to have fled together in the wasteland for several days, and you stole my 'mind note' from him, so what? Are you willing to destroy everything and avenge him just for a few days of getting along with a notebook? That notebook is mine, and I am your mentor! What is the big golden tooth? Wan Zanghai, you Be sure to think clearly!"

"Sorry, mentor, I've already thought it through very clearly. Everything has a price. I can and am willing to pay the price of revenge."

In the brisk country music, the young man with black hair and black eyes showed boyish innocence on his face. He recalled many, many in an instant, and burst into tears, "One more thing, Teacher, you have been mispronouncing My name—I am not 'Wanzanghai'."


Of course Yuri knew that the young man in front of him was not the real Wan Zanghai, but he didn't understand why he brought it up at this time, and subconsciously said, "Who are you!"

"I am the son of 'Golden Tooth Barrett'."

The boy inserted the dagger deeply between Yuri Aix's eyebrows, and stuck it in his ear, saying clearly, "My name is Bai Xiaolu."

[End of the second episode of Revenge]