Forty Millenniums of Cultivation

Chapter 3310: Among the three younger sisters outside the episode


Although Tie Xiong had many rebellious thoughts about Wan Zanghai in his heart, this emaciated old man was after all the leader of human civilization for hundreds of years, and the "god" that countless people believed in, cursed and had to believe in. Tie Xiong made up his mind , or honestly reported to the old man the riots that had occurred in the fleet in recent days.

It has now been ascertained that this riot was completely premeditated by the returnists.

With the destruction of the earth, the United Fleet of the New Earth is getting farther and farther away from home, especially after repeated slaughters and cleansing, the old order has long since disappeared.

The tens of millions of people who survived by luck and the dark and cold universe are only separated by a cold iron wall. In such a claustrophobic, high-pressure and desperate environment, it only takes a second for human beings to become beasts and beasts to demons.

During the hundreds of years of fleeing, all kinds of voices against Wan Zanghai have never subsided, and small-scale riots and strikes have occurred from time to time, but these are scabies, which will not have much impact on the mission of the United Fleet—because All the voices of opposition can't solve a problem, "If you don't obey Wanzanghai's order and continue to move forward, to the source of the meteorite, to the other side of the universe, where should you go?"

If this problem is not resolved, riots will always be just riots, and they are just complaints venting dissatisfaction under exhaustion and pain.

However, "regressionists" are different.

The returnist faction is an extremely dangerous trend of thought that has only emerged in the United Fleet in recent years. It has shown strong demagogy and destructive power just after its birth.

Just like the name of this faction, the Regressionists claim that after hundreds of years of self-purification and repair, the earth has broken free from the devastating solar storm and has recovered a certain degree of vitality. At least, compared with repairing the earth, The hope of finding a new home at the end of the universe is even slimmer, so the United Fleet should not continue to move towards the unknown darkness, but should turn around and return to the earth.

"The difficulty of sailing in the Star Sea is far beyond our estimation. It will take us at least tens of thousands of years to reach our destination. Neither the food circulation system nor the hibernation system can support such a long journey. We are destined to fall into the sand halfway. Annihilated in the ultimate darkness!"

"Turn back, the sea of suffering is boundless, turn back and be right!"

"It's still too late to change the course. The way home has been explored clearly by us. We won't encounter any difficulties and obstacles. We will definitely be able to go back."

"Born on Earth, Die on Earth!"

"Go back to the earth and rebuild the most beautiful homeland, the vast stars, the endless universe, only the earth is our only paradise!"

The returnists spread such remarks secretly, eroding the body of the United Earth Fleet like venom, and slowly eroding the last trace of people's trust in Wanzanghai.

Different from grumbling, complaining, and pointless venting in the past, the concept of the regressive school is not only attractive, but also highly operable, especially after experiencing several major setbacks in a row and the fleet suffered heavy losses. The azure planet has once again become a paradise that countless people have dreamed of. The power of the returnists is getting stronger day by day. Until now, they have been able to connect dozens of starships in series and launched a large-scale protest for ten and a half months. The confidant of the United Fleet.

"My Commander!"

Although Wan Zanghai is not the nominal supreme commander of the United Fleet of the New Earth, all his confidants call him this way, and Tetsuo is no exception. The burning is getting hotter and hotter, it's time... to make a decisive decision!

"The road ahead is long, and this march of misery may continue for many years. A loose immigrant fleet is doomed to fail to reach its destination. Only a strong army of iron and blood that is as strong as steel and prohibited by orders will be able to!"

Tie Xiong's heart was beating like a drum, and he revealed the whole set of strategies that he had pondered in his heart for a long time.

No matter how the old man on the other side reacted, it was within his expectation.

Unexpectedly, after the old man heard this, he was as unresponsive as a rotten tree, noncommittal.

Tie Xiong boldly approached, only to hear Wan Zanghai say in a very soft voice: "I see, let's go down."

Tie Xiong was slightly taken aback, rolled his eyes, and was not about to ask the end, he saluted his "commander" deeply, and left the room.

The light in the room dimmed suddenly, and in the dim and delicate atmosphere, it took a long time for the old man's weak breathing to be heard.

Contrary to what Tiexiong thought, Wan Zanghai's noncommittal was not about manipulation, but that he really no longer cared about anything that happened to the exile fleet.

As his brain gradually dried up, his vitality was lost bit by bit, especially after experiencing the destruction of the earth and the massacre in the outer solar system, Wan Zanghai's external world gradually collapsed, and like all old people, he became more and more addicted to pain Memories of the past, regrets of the past, and those people and things in youth, teenagers and even childhood.

He gradually developed visual hallucinations and auditory hallucinations, and often regarded the starship he was on as the rusty internal organs of a giant steel beast. suffer the most painful torture.

It was also very difficult for him to enter the hibernation state again. Even the most powerful hibernation potion could not prevent balls of flames, pools of blood, and ghosts from appearing in his dreams.

Those wronged souls include the rich and powerful who died tragically at his hands in the massacre in the outer solar system, as well as so many ordinary people who were abandoned by him when they left the earth. No matter the rich and powerful, or ordinary people, they all look the same when turned into wronged souls— His face was distorted and pale, and he stared straight at him, with indescribable surprise, sadness and despair in his eyes.

They didn't need to shout or reach out, just looked at him with such desperate eyes, looked at him, kept looking at him, he couldn't bear it, and was on the verge of collapse.

"Ah, retribution, retribution, this is our retribution!"

Sometimes, the old man would wake up from the nightmare, waving his skinny arms, struggling like a drowning person, trying to break free from the ubiquitous fear and despair.

"We can't escape, we can't escape, hehehehe, no one can escape the earth, no one!"

Sometimes, he would spend half a day staring at the stern of the ship, as if his eyes could penetrate walls, cabins and corridors, penetrate dark stars, travel back to the earth, and see the tragic state of the earth after the catastrophe.

Protests, riots, returnists, do they matter? It doesn't matter at all, even if there is no regressionist faction, there will be this faction and that faction, and there will be all kinds of strange talks, exposing the ugliest side of human nature and killing the hope of survival.

Even if they can live on forever and reach their destination through all kinds of difficulties and dangers, are they still them at that time, or are they still human beings

He doesn't know, he really doesn't know.

In his youth and youth, he once set up a lofty ambition to go to the end of the universe to find hope.

But at the end of his dying life, he finally understood what human will is in front of the vastness of the Xinghai, and what a terrible price he has to pay to fight against the Xinghai and "go against the sky".

He failed after all.

Finally came to the end of life.

After all, there is no hope of finding a way to reverse time—even if he is dehumanized, pays all costs, and turns himself into an unrecognizable demon!

Those who are joyful and sad, righteous and evil, trust and betrayal, sinking and rising, human and animal, angels and demons—all are jokes, dusty jokes, viewed from the scale of the universe.

This is the end, right

Wan Zanghai asked himself.

Then, he heard that faint sobbing, the pain of the rest of his life mixed with the joy of reunion after a long absence, the clear and sweet voice of a lark called: "Brother

Wan Zanghai's eyes widened all of a sudden, the bulging veins and black age spots subsided a lot in an instant, and he seemed to have regained his exuberant vitality. He couldn't believe his ears until the voice appeared again: "Brother, I finally found you!"

It was my sister's voice.

Wan Zanghai was in a trance for a while, as if he saw a group of crystal clear lights curled up in the corner of the wall, faintly condensing into a human shape, like a ghost in the legend, turning into a ragged little girl, white and tender, very tender. He's cute, but it's a pity that his legs are so skinny and deformed that he can't support the weight of his body at all, so he can only curl up there all day long, blinking his big watery eyes, looking at him pitifully.

Wan Zanghai is like falling into a nightmare, unable to control himself.

Cloudy tears poured out of his eyes, almost blinding his eyes, making him unable to see everything around him, except for his sister who had been separated for hundreds of years.

"Bai Linger, is that you, Bai Linger?"

Panting heavily, Wan Zanghai rolled out of the bed, crawled towards the ghost in the corner with hands and feet, and stretched out his hand tremblingly, "Where have you been? I have been looking for you for more than a hundred years, and I can't find you. I have always been looking for you." I can't find you, Bai Ling'er!"

"I couldn't find you either, brother. At first I couldn't find you, but later I didn't dare to look for you, for fear that it would destroy you."

It looks like a little girl's ghost, with two winding crystals hanging down its face, "At that time, everyone and I stayed in the village obediently, waiting for you and your eldest brother to come back with food and medicine, and waiting for you to come back , ventured out and took a look, Tombstone Town was destroyed, and all the nearby towns were destroyed, and later, the Citi Gang, the Vulture Gang, and the Scorpion Gang, these big gangs on the Bloody Wasteland, were all destroyed. The bloody wasteland has lost order, many bad people are running around, our village is also destroyed, most of the people are dead, because of my 'ability', I was sold as a commodity, ten or twenty years , I don’t even know what I am and where I am.

"Later, my 'ability' became stronger and stronger. Many people gathered around me and called me 'Goddess'. I also gradually found out the whereabouts of my brother—but at this time, you are already Wan Zanghai. You are a big shot with a bright future and a shining star of tomorrow. I can't bother you and let those bad guys discover your true identity. I know you must have suffered a lot to get to where you are today. I can't ruin you.

"Later, the meteorite hit, the solar storm, and the whole earth was on fire, but the immigrant starship flew away ahead of time, and flew away—what happened, brother, didn't everyone agree Can we all go together, why didn't you bring us?"